Military Instructors Manual Part 11

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Commands a Platoon, Never a Guide.



1. Guides must be resourceful, have good health, vigorous physique, keen eyesight, presence of mind and courage, with good judgment, military training and experience. They must be able to read maps, make sketches and send clear and concise messages.

2. EQUIPMENT.--Guides are equipped with whistle, watch, compa.s.s, message book, knife, pencil, wire cutters, map, pace scale and if possible.

3. As instructors they go where needed.

4. As file closers they insure steadiness and promptness in the ranks.

5. In column of subdivisions the guide of the leading subdivision is charged with the step and direction.

CLOSE ORDER.--The guides of the right and left, or leading and rear, platoons, are the right and left, or leading and rear guides respectively of the company when it is in line or in column of squads.

Other guides are in the line of file closers.

In platoon movements the post of the platoon guide is at the head of the platoon, if the platoon is in column, and on the guiding flank if in line. When a platoon has two guides their original a.s.signment to flanks of the platoon does not change.

The guides of a column of squads place themselves on the flank opposite the file closers. To change the guides and file closers to the other flank, the Captain commands: 1. _File closers on left (right) flank;_ 2. March. The file closers dart through the column; the captain and guides change.

In column of squads, each rank preserves the alignment toward the side of the guide.

Men in the line of file closers do not execute the loadings or firings.

Guides and enlisted men in the line of file closers execute the manual of arms during the drill unless specially excused, when they remain at the order. During ceremonies they execute all movements.

IN TAKING INTERVALS AND DISTANCES.--Unless otherwise directed, the right and left guides, at the first command, place themselves in the line of file closers, and with them take a distance of 4 paces from the rear rank. In taking intervals, at the command "March", the file closers face to the flank and each steps off with the file nearest him. In _a.s.sembling_ the guides and file closers resume their places in line.

To FORM THE COMPANY.--At the sounding of the a.s.sembly the first sergeant takes position 6 paces in front of where the center of the company is to be, faces it, draws saber, and commands "Fall in".

The right guide of the company places himself, facing to the front, where the right of the company is to rest, and at such point that the center of the company will be 6 paces from and opposite the first sergeant; the squads form in their proper places on the left of the right guide, superintended by the other sergeants, who then take their posts.

For the instruction of platoon leaders and guides, the company, when small, may be formed in single rank. In this formation close order movements only are executed. The single rank executes all movements as explained for the front rank of the company.

ALIGNMENTS.--The alignments are executed as prescribed in the School of the Squad, the guide being established instead of the flank file.

The rear-rank man of the flank file keeps his head and eyes to the front and covers his file leader.

At each alignment the Captain places himself in prolongation of the line, 2 paces from and facing the flank toward which the dress is made, verifies the alignment and commands: "Front".

Platoon leaders take a like position when required to verify the alignments.

In "Company right" the right guide steps back on the command "March", aligning the first two men next to him as he does so, to establish the correct line.

In "Platoon right" the Captain announces the guide and the guides cover promptly.

In "Right turn" the right guide is the pivot of the front rank.

In "Column right" the right flank man of the leading squad is the pivot, _not the guide_.

In "Right by squads" the right guide (when he has posted himself in front of the right squad) takes four short steps and then resumes the full step. The right squad conforms.

"Squads right about." If the company or platoons are in column of squads, file closers turn about toward the column and take posts. If in line, each darts through the nearest interval between squads. The right and left guides place themselves in the new front rank. File closers on facing about, maintain their relative positions.

When the company executes "About face", guides place themselves in the new front rank.

In "Right front into line, double time" halting and aligning commands are omitted. Guide is toward side of the first unit.

In "Take interval" or "Take distance" guides drop back at the first command.

In "Squads right" or "Platoons, column right" interior guides of platoons cross the company. A good rule for beginners is always to cross over (except in "column right").

Guide of a company in line is right (unless otherwise announced).

Guide of a platoon in line is right.

Guide of a battalion in line is center.

Guide of a line of subdivisions is center.

Guide of a deployed line is center.

Guide of a squad is toward the side of the guide of the company.

Guide of successive formations into line is toward the point of rest.

File closers remain on the same side of the company except when in so doing they would be left in front of the company.

If the battalion is in line, the guide away from the point of rest (in each company) comes to the "Right shoulder arms" at the command to dress.

At the command "Eyes right", guides who are charged with the direction do not execute "Eyes right", but simply salute.

At "Retreat" guides unarmed stand at "Attention". Only officers salute.

In "Stack arms" the right guide should align the stacks.

In squads (acting alone) the corporal is the guide; number 2 of the front rank, if the corporal is not in line.

The guides of rear units are charged with the step, trace and distance.

EXERCISE FOR GUIDES.--Lay out a course of arbitrary distance; 200 yards will answer the purpose. Instruct the guides to march the course as they would if they were guiding a company, but being sure to count their steps (a pebble transferred to the left hand at 100 steps is often found useful).

RESULT.--The number of steps will range from 205 to 225. After getting the number of steps taken by each man, show them that they should have taken 240 steps and that each man took too long a step. Have them march back guiding on two points in line as before, cautioning them to cut down the length of the step to 30 inches from the start, and not to wait until they get half way down the course and find that they have less than 120 steps.

RESULT.--All of the men, even after the caution, will have taken too long a step.

Instructor times the guides both ways, and calls attention to the fact that in ALL cases the cadence was under 120 steps per minute.

Military Instructors Manual Part 11

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Military Instructors Manual Part 11 summary

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