Military Instructors Manual Part 2

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TAKE DISTANCE, MARCH.--1-2-3-4 front rank, 1-2-3-4 rear rank, 4-pace intervals. Guide in each four is right.

a.s.sEMBLE, MARCH.--No. 1, Front rank stands fast.

STACK ARMS.--Piece of even number front rank: b.u.t.t between his feet, barrel to front. Even number rear rank piece to file leader.

TAKE ARMS.--Loose pieces are returned by even numbers front rank. If No. 2 of rear rank is absent, No. 1 rear rank takes his place in making or breaking stacks and resumes his post. Pieces are never stacked with bayonet fixed.

OBLIQUE, MARCH.--Taught from Right half face. Half faced to front after obliquing, Forward, March. If at half step or mark time while obliquing, Oblique, March.

IN PLACE, HALT.--All halt and stand fast without changing position of pieces.

RESUME MARCH.--Only given after In place, Halt.

RIGHT TURN.--Turn on moving pivot is used by subdivisions of a column in executing change of direction.

Each rank successively and on same ground executes movement. All except pivot man execute two right obliques. No marking time. Arriving on new line, all take the half step, glance toward marching flank and take full step without command as last man arrives on the line.

RIGHT HALF TURN.--Executed in similar manner.

SQUADS RIGHT.--Turn on fixed pivot is used in all formations from line into column and the reverse. No half step. Right flank man faces to right in marching and marks time. Rest of front rank oblique once to new position. Step off on 5th step.

SQUAD RIGHT ABOUT.--Front rank twice executes squads right.

In rear rank, No. 3 with No. 4 abreast of him on his left and followed in column by the second and first moves straight forward until on prolongation of new line he is to occupy; faces to right in marching and proceeds to place. Then all face to the right in marching, mark time and glance toward marching flank. As last man arrives on new line all step off without command on 9th step.

Deploying as skirmishers and following the corporal are covered under Company Extended Order.

School of the Company.

The company is the basic fighting and administrative unit, and must be easily handled and capable of promptly carrying out the will of its commander.

Team work among the squads, so that the company can be easily managed as a whole, is the purpose of company drill.

Close order drill is for discipline.

Numerical designations of squads or platoons do not change.

Center squad is middle or right middle squad of the company.

8 (6-11) men = 1 squad.

7 (2-7) squads = 1 platoon.

4 platoons = 1 company (250 men, 6 officers).

4 (2-6) companies = 1 battalion (1,026 officers and men).

3 battalions = 1 regiment (3,755, including medical detachment).

2 regiments = 1 brigade (8,210 officers and men).

2 brigades = 1 division (27,152 officers and men).

First Sergeant when not commanding a platoon is opposite the 3rd file from outer flank of first platoon, in line of file closers.

FALL IN.--First Sergeant 6 paces front of center, facing company.

Right guide takes post at such point that the center will be 6 paces from and opposite the First Sergeant.

Squad leaders salute and report all present; or Private(s) ---- absent. First Sergeant does not return salute of squad leaders.

Captain takes post 12 paces in front of center of company in time to receive report of First Sergeant, "Sir, all present or accounted for,"

or names of unauthorized absentees. E.G. A man in hospital might be reported absent by squad leader if he did not know where he was, but First Sergeant would know, and would not report him absent.

Captain returns salute of First Sergeant who then takes his post _without command_.


_Leading Platoon, C.O._

On Right into Line ... Right Turn.

Column Right ... Right Turn.

Right Front into Line ... Continue. (Caution) If halted, Forward.

_Rear Platoon, C.O._

On Right into Line ... Continue. (caution) If halted, Forward.

Column Right ... Continue. (caution) If halted, Forward.

Right Front into Line ... Right Oblique


It is well to have a solution on hand.

(1) The company is in line reversed,--16th squad where 1st squad should be. Bring the company into proper line, 1-2-3-4; 5-6-7-8; 9-10-11-12; 13-14-15-16.

(2) You are platoon leader. Your platoon is drilling separately and you get a.s.sembled in company line.

16-15-14-13; 12-11-10-9; 4-3-2-1; 5-6-7-8.

What commands do you give to get the platoon into line properly arranged?

(3) You are in charge of the company and find yourself marching into the company street in reverse order. What commands do you give to correct this?

(4) You are marching your company to the rear along a road through a narrow cut. Suddenly around a bend comes an ambulance. To let it pa.s.s, you must immediately reduce your marching front. What is the quickest method? (This can be used also in arranging the advance party of the outguard.)

(5) You are marching your company in company front, and wish to march in column of platoons. What do you command?


Military Instructors Manual Part 2

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