Military Instructors Manual Part 63

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Copies to: C.O., 265th Infantry.

C.O., Companies A, B, C and D.

C.O., M.G. Company.

C.O., Headquarters Company.


HDQTRS. 1ST BATT., 265TH INFTY., PLATTSBURG BCKS., N.Y., _Oct. 17, 1917._


1. DISPOSITIONS: a. The a.s.signment of companies to sectors is as announced in Field Orders No. 1, these headquarters.

b. Company commanders are charged with the details of occupation of the trenches and the proper disposition of the "specialists" (bombers, grenadiers, auto-riflemen, etc.), directing particular attention to the active and pa.s.sive areas of their sectors.

2. FIELDS OF FIRE: Company commanders must arrange for and obtain the best fields of fire in their own sectors, and provide for protection of visible areas in adjoining sectors by lateral fire.

3. IMPROVEMENTS OR CHANGES IN TRENCHES: Company commanders before making any changes or improvements in trenches will render to battalion headquarters brief recommendations of changes desired. These recommendations will be submitted at 11.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m., after which hours the battalion commander will inspect and if deemed necessary will be ordered.

4. ORGANIZATION FOR WATCHING AND OBSERVATION: a. Each company commander will organize a system for watching the enemy by day and will establish look-out posts for this purpose; this system will be augmented at night by patrols if necessary.

b. The watching of the enemy must be continuous and long occupation of the sector will not warrant any laxity.

5. ORGANIZATION FOR SUPPLY: a. Company commanders will make the necessary details for obtaining supplies; these details to be in charge of Mess or Supply Sergeants and will not exceed three squads for each lettered company.

b. _Food_: Machine guns details and members of the Medical Corps a.s.signed to each sector are attached to the lettered companies for rations.

c. Cooked food will be at the _Food Station_ at 6.00 a.m., 11.50 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. daily, and will be distributed at that point.

d. Company commanders will detail the Mess Sergeant, with an appropriate detail (about 2 squads) to proceed to _Food Station_, which is located at the wire entanglement on the _west_ side of the _Target Range_ about 400 yards _north of Brigade Headquarters_.

e. The details mentioned above will proceed via trenches, leaving same at junction of _Tipperary_ trench and _Rams Horn_ boyau in the following order: Co. D: Detail will clear junction _Rams Horn_ boyau and _Tipperary_ trench at 5.40 a.m., 11.10 a.m. and 4.40 p.m.

Co. A: Detail will clear junction _Tremont_ trench, and _Rams Horn_ boyau at 5.30 a.m., 11.00 a.m. and 4.30 p.m., proceeding via _Rams Horn_ boyau.

Co. B: Detail will clear junction _Tremont_ trench, and _Poire_ boyau at 5.35 a.m., 11.05 a.m. and 4.55 p.m., proceeding via _Poire_ boyau and _Tipperary_ trench.

Co. C: Detail will clear junction _Tremont_ trench and _Slum_ boyau at 5.40 a.m., 11.10 a.m. and 4.40 p.m., proceeding via _Slum_ boyau and _Tipperary_ trench.

f. These details will return to their respective sectors via the indicated routes, moving in reverse order at five-minute intervals, and company commanders will make necessary arrangements for distribution of food within their respective sectors.

g. Company commanders will cause the necessary police after each meal to insure sanitary condition of trenches.

h. Food containers will be held in company until the next meal hour when they will be returned to the _Food Station_.

i. _Water_: Water wagon will be at the _Food Station_ from 10.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. daily.

j. Containers for water will be furnished by Regimental Supply Officer at the _Food Station_.

k. All men will carry full canteens of water when entering the trenches.

l. Company commanders will detail the Mess Sergeant, with an appropriate detail (about 2 squads), to proceed to the _Food Station_ to procure water in containers; these details will proceed via the routes indicated in paragraph 5, section "e": Co. D, 2.00 p.m.; Co. A, 2.05 p.m.; Co. B, 2.10 p.m.; Co. C, 2.15 p.m.

m. These details will return to their respective sectors in reverse order at five-minute intervals.

n. _Miscellaneous_: Details for obtaining tools, ammunition, trench supplies, etc., will be arranged for as required.

o. Requisitions for miscellaneous supplies required will be submitted by company commanders to the Regimental Supply Officer not later than 3.00 p.m., October 17, 1917.

6. ORGANIZATION FOR LIAISON: a. The Signal Officer will establish necessary telephonic communications.

b. Each organization will detail one runner to report to the battalion commander at regimental headquarters at 8.00 a.m.

c. Four runners will be detailed for duty with each company headquarters and one runner will be detailed for duty with each platoon headquarters. These runners should be lightly equipped and wear a distinctive mark.

d. At least two men per section must be able to act as guides to all company headquarters of the battalion.

e. Verbal messages will not be sent by runners; all messages must be written.

f. Company commanders, or their representatives, will report daily at battalion headquarters at 5.00 p.m.

g. There must be accurate communication between platoons in company, and companies in battalion, in order to insure co-ordinated action.

7. DEFENSE: a. Immediately after the occupation of the trenches, company commanders will make a careful estimate of all tactical situations presented in their sectors and will plan for a stubborn defense. Care must be exercised in providing for defense in depth and lateral defense. The front line trenches of each sector will be held until actually entered by the enemy, and no sector will be abandoned until the occupants are actually forced out.

b. The main line of resistance will be the support trenches (_Tremont_) and special attention must be given to the preparation for defense. If the front line trenches of any sector be captured by the enemy there will be no withdrawal from any other sector of the front line trenches for the purpose of establis.h.i.+ng a continuous line in the support trench.

c. The company commander of the reserve will organize parties for counterattacks and these parties will be held in readiness at convenient points to insure prompt movement to the front.

d. Continuous occupation of the trenches without fire action must not cause a feeling of security and result in being surprised by the enemy.

8. STAND TO: "Stand to" will take place at 5.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m., daily. At this formation every available man will be present. Rifles, ammunition, equipment, clothing, etc., will be inspected. Rapid loading will be practiced. The firing position of every man will be tested to see whether he can hit the bottom edge of our wire. Gas helmets and respirators will be inspected if worn. After "stand to" in the morning and before "stand to" in the evening rifles will be thoroughly cleaned and oiled.

9. TRENCH ORDERS: a. Current "Trench Standing Orders" recently published from Brigade Headquarters are in force.

b. During the occupation of the trenches it will be a.s.sumed that, the trenches are under the observation and fire of the enemy and all movement in the trenches will be conducted accordingly. All movements of troops, either individuals or groups, will be via the trenches at all times.

c. No one will be allowed to go overland between trenches or to enter the trenches by the flank. All persons will enter the trenches from the reserve trenches and no visitors will be allowed in the trenches except on issued from the Regimental Headquarters.

d. Commanding officers, Companies A and B, are responsible for the posting of the necessary sentinels along the flanks of the position (during the day), with instructions covering the provisions contained in paragraph 9, sections "b" and "c."

10. REPORTS: a. Company commanders will submit by 1.00 p.m., October 18, 1917, a report showing the dispositions and plan of defense of their respective sectors.

b. Frequent reports of information obtained and any change of conditions at the front will be made to battalion headquarters when necessary.

BOSCHEN, _Captain, 56th Infantry._ _Commanding._

Copies to: C.O. 265th Infty.

C.O. Cos, A, B, C and D.

C.O. M.G. Co.

C.O., Hdq. Co.


Company Organization (in Detail):

Company Headquarters:

1 Captain, commanding company, 1 First Lieutenant (senior), second in command, 1 First Sergeant, armed with pistol, 1 Mess Sergeant, armed with rifle, 1 Supply Sergeant, armed with rifle, 1 Corporal, company clerk, armed with rifle, 4 Mechanics, armed with rifle, 5 Wagoners (from Supply Company), 4 Cooks, armed with rifle, 2 Buglers, armed with pistol, 4 Privates, first cla.s.s, company agent and signalmen.

_Equipment_: 15 rifles, 5 pistols, 8 automatic rifles (for replacement), 40 trench knives (to be distributed as needed), 2 bicycles. Following from Supply Company: 1 rolling kitchen, 4-mule; 1 combat wagon, 4-mule; 1 ration and baggage wagon, 4-mule; 1 ration cart, 2-mule; 1 water cart, 2-mule; 16 mules, draft.

_4 Platoons, each organized as follows_ (numbered 1 to 4 in company):


1 First Lieutenant; 1st and 4th Platoons commanded by First Lieutenants; 2nd and 3rd Platoons commanded by Second Lieutenants, armed with pistol.

1 Sergeant, a.s.sistant to platoon commander, armed with pistol and rifle.

_Equipment_: 1 rifle, 2 pistols.

1st SECTION: Bombers and rifle grenadiers:

1 Sergeant, armed with pistol and rifle,

3 Corporals, armed with pistol and rifle, 1 trained as rifle grenadier; remainder trained as bombers,

6 Privates, first cla.s.s, 2 armed with pistol and rifle, and remainder with rifle only; 1 trained as rifle grenadier, and remainder as bombers.

Military Instructors Manual Part 63

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