Outside In Part 38

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"Yes. If you push on the sheep, it will send out a distress signal."

"I hope I won't have to use it."

"I'm sure Jacy will make certain that Emek and you are properly guarded, but, knowing you and considering you'll have to work with Captain James, I won't be surprised if you get into trouble."

"Jacy? Me and Emek? What are you talking about?"

"Sorry, I can't divulge election results until hour twenty-five." He smirked.


I considered. "Was I voted Admiral or Vice Admiral?"

"Does it matter?"

The Vice Admiral's position had a little less stress, but otherwisea "No."

"Good, because right now you should concentrate on fulfilling your promise to your mate."

I added the new pendant to my other one. "Are we official now?"

Riley put Zippy and Sheepy on the floor then pushed me back onto the bed as he lay beside me. "Yes. It's official. And since I'm one of the good guys, I can have whatever I desire."

"And what do you desire?"

"To have my way with you."

And he did. Except I think I had my way with him. Either way we were together and that was all that mattered.


I CAN HARDLY BELIEVE THIS IS BOOK NUMBER EIGHT. When I wrote my acknowledgments for my first book, Poison Study, I included every single person who helped me just in case that book might be my last. But due to a combination of a great editor, an excellent agent, loyal readers, my Book Commandos and the continuing support of my family, I'm on number eight.

Eight books that continue to appeal to my readers because of the efforts of Mary-Theresa Hussey, Elizabeth Mazer, Bob Mecoy, Kim J. Howe and the amazingly brilliant support staff at Harlequin. Eight books with gorgeous covers thanks to the incredible talent of the art department's artists, photographers and designers.

Eight books that are recognized by the public due to the hard work of the marketing and publicity departments.

Eight books my loyal Book Commandos continue to recommend to everyone they know and to strangers searching for a good book.

Eight books that would not have been written without the love, support and patience of my husband, Rodney, and my children, Luke and Jenna.

Thank you all!

ISBN: 978-1-4268-8777-2.


Also by New York Times bestselling author Maria V. Snyder.

from Harlequin Teen.

Inside series.




Study series.




Gla.s.s series STORM GLa.s.s.

SEA GLa.s.s.

SPY GLa.s.s.

Outside In Part 38

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