The Life of John Marshall Volume II Part 70

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_See also_ Wood, John. History of Administration of John Adams.

ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY. Writings. Edited by Worthington Chauncey Ford. 5 vols. New York. 1913. (_Writings, J. Q. A._: Ford.)

ALLEN, GARDNER WELD. Our Naval War with France. Boston. 1909. (Allen: _Our Naval War With France_.)

---- Our Navy and the Barbary Corsairs. Boston. 1905. (Allen: _Our Navy and the Barbary Corsairs_.)

AMBLER, CHARLES HENRY. Sectionalism in Virginia, from 1776 to 1861.

Chicago. 1910. (Ambler.)

_American Historical and Literary Curiosities._ _See_ Smith, John Jay, and Watson, John Fanning, _joint editors_.

_American Historical Review._ Managing editor, J. Franklin Jameson.

Vols. 1-21. New York. 1896-1916. (_Amer. Hist. Rev._)

_American Remembrancer, The_; or An Impartial Collection of Essays, Resolves, Speeches, &c., Relative, or Having Affinity to, the Treaty with Great Britain. 3 vols. Philadelphia. 1795. (_American Remembrancer._)

_American State Papers._ Doc.u.ments, Legislative and Executive, of Congress of the United States. Selected and Edited under the Authority of Congress. 38 vols. Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C. 1832-61. [All citations in this work are from Foreign Relations, Cla.s.s I, unless otherwise stated in the notes.] (_Am. St. Prs._)

AMES, FISHER. Works, from his Speeches and Correspondence. Edited by his son, Seth Ames. 2 vols. Boston. 1854. (_Works_: Ames.)

ANDERSON, DICE ROBINS. William Branch Giles: A Study in the Politics of Virginia and the Nation from 1790 to 1830. Menasha, Wisconsin. 1914.


AUSTIN, JAMES T. The Life of Elbridge Gerry, with Contemporary Letters.

2 vols. Boston. 1828-29. (Austin: _Gerry_.)

AVERY, ELROY MCKENDREE. A History of the United States and its people. 7 vols. Cleveland. 1904-10. (Avery.)

Ba.s.sETT, JOHN SPENCER. The Federalist System, 1789-1801. [Volume 2 of The American Nation.] New York. 1906. (Ba.s.sett.)

BAYARD, JAMES A. Papers, from 1796 to 1815. Edited by Elizabeth Donnan.

Was.h.i.+ngton. 1915. [Volume 2 of _Annual Report of the American Historical a.s.sociation_ for 1913.] (_Bayard Papers_: Donnan.)

BEARD, CHARLES A. An Economic Interpretation of the Const.i.tution of the United States. New York. 1913. (Beard: _Econ. I. C._)

---- Economic Origins of Jeffersonian Democracy. New York. 1915. (Beard: _Econ. O. J. D._)

BEAUMARCHAIS, PIERRE AUGUSTIN CARON DE. Beaumarchais et son temps. _See_ Lomenie, Louis de.

BEE, THOMAS. Reports of Cases Decided in the District Court of South Carolina and Cases Determined in Other Districts of the United States.

Philadelphia. 1810. (Bee's _Reports_.)

BENTON, THOMAS HART. _See_ United States. Congress. Abridgment of the Debates.

BINNEY, HORACE. Eulogy on John Marshall, reprinted. _See_ Dillon, John F.

BLENNERHa.s.sETT, CHARLOTTE JULIA [VON LEYDEN], _Lady_. Talleyrand. By Lady Blennerha.s.sett (Grafin Leyden). Translated from the German by Frederick Clarke. 2 vols. London. 1894. (Blennerha.s.sett: _Talleyrand_.)

BONAPARTE, NAPOLEON. Life. _See_ Sloane, William Milligan.

_Also see_ Lanfrey, Pierre. History of Napoleon First.

BRACKENRIDGE, HENRY M. History of the Western Insurrection in Pennsylvania, commonly called the Whiskey Insurrection, 1794.

Pittsburgh. 1859. (Brackenridge: _History of the Western Insurrection_.)

BRANCH, JOHN P. Historical Papers, issued by the Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, Virginia. Richmond. 1901. (_Branch Historical Papers._)

BRISSOT DE WARVILLE, JEAN PIERRE. New Travels in the United States of America, performed in 1788. Dublin. 1792. (De Warville.)

BROGLIE, _Duc_ DE, _editor_. _See_ Talleyrand, Prince de. Memoirs.

BROWN, WILLIAM GARROTT. The Life of Oliver Ellsworth. New York. 1905.

(Brown: _Ellsworth_.)

BURK, JOHN DALY. The History of Virginia, from its First Settlement to the Present Day. Continued by Skelton Jones and Louis Hue Girardin. 4 vols. Richmond. 1804-16. (Burk.)

BURKE, EDMUND. Works, with a Memoir. 3 vols. New York. 1849. (_Works_: Burke.)

BURR, AARON. Memoirs. _See_ Davis, Matthew L.

_Also see_ Parton, James. Life and Times of Aaron Burr.

CABOT, GEORGE. _See_ Lodge, Henry Cabot. Life and Letters of George Cabot.

_Calendar of Virginia State Papers and Other Ma.n.u.scripts._ Preserved in the Capitol at Richmond. Vols. 1-11. Richmond. 1875-93. (_Cal. Va. St.


CALLENDER, JOHN THOMAS. The Prospect Before Us. Richmond. 1800.

(Callender: _The Prospect Before Us_.)

CHANNING, EDWARD. A History of the United States. [Vols. 1-3.] New York.

1912-16. (Channing.)

CHASTELLUX, _Marquis_ F. J. DE. Travels in North America in the years 1780-81-82. New York. 1828. (Chastellux.)

CHRISTIAN, WILLIAM ASBURY. Richmond, Her Past and Present. Richmond.

1912. (Christian.)

COBBETT, WILLIAM. Porcupine's Works, 1783 to 1801. 12 vols. London.

1801. (Cobbett.)

CONWAY, MONCURE DANIEL. Omitted Chapters of History, disclosed in the Life and Papers of Edmund Randolph. New York. 1888. (Conway.)

_Also see_ Paine, Thomas. Writings.

c.o.xE, TENCH. An Examination of the Conduct of Great Britain Respecting Neutrals. Philadelphia. 1807. (c.o.xe: _An Examination of the Conduct of Great Britain Respecting Neutrals_.)

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