Philaster Part 26

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Il. 31 and 32. A has marginal stage-direction] they come downe to the King.

l. 33. A _omits_ this stage-direction. l. 37. A] Apothecaries.

p. 102, l. 2. A] all sinne and h.e.l.l. l. 5. A _omits_] and. l. 7. A] reball rymes. l. 9. B, C and D] ye. l. 13. A--G] those G.o.ds. l. 15. A] that shall make. l. 17. A] Upon wals. A] or any thing. l. 19. A] her fayre leaps And out-lying, and will discover all, and will dishonour her. l. 22.

A omits} and. l.31. A] sinke alone. l.32. A] in print. ll. 33 and 34. A]

they're. l. 37. A _omits_] nay.

p. 103, l. 1. A gives this speech to 'Leon', i.e., Dion. l. 3. A] quarters.

ll. 5 and 6. A] Do so, and i'le forget your----. l. 6. A] and the Guard.

B--H _omit_] and. l. 7. A _omits_] Why. A and B] fit for Hercules. l. 8. A]

worthy. C] woman. A] aside. l. 10. A--H] has. l. 11. A--H] uttered.

B and C] metled. l. 12. A] will not cure him. l. 13. A, B and C]

infections. l. 14. A] chast, brave. l. 16. A] leave yee. l. 18. A] Exit three Gentlemen. l. 20. A] Enter three Gentlemen. B--H _omit_] and.

1.21. A] And doubtlesse. l.25. A] for all us. A _omits_] should. l.33.

strange thing.

p. 104, l. 3. A _omits_ this line. l. 5. A omits] bent. l. 6. A _omits_]

that's. l. 8. A] draweth. l. 10. A] and we can now comfort. l. 11.

A omits] it. l. 12. A gives this speech to Cleremont. l. 13. A gives this speech to 'Leon', i.e., Dion. l. 15. A] on his beleefe. l. 17. A] Lords to his owne good. l. 19. A _omits_] nay. l. 23. A gives this speech to Cleremont.

ll. 27 and 28. A] frame on men disgrace for vertue. l. 30. A _omits_] good. l.33-A] dull. l.35-A _omits_] or. A] knowes. B] knowne.

l. 38. A] deserved more.

p. 105, l. 2. A and B] to thankes. l. 3. A] sufficient. l. 5. A _omits_]

Sir. l.6. A _omits_] will not. l.8. A] long have. l. 11. A gives this speech to 'Tra.', i.e., Thrasiline. l. 14. B by mistake gives this speech to Di. l. 16. A] He offers to draw his sword, and is held. l. 18. A] then to rob. l. 22. A] faithfull to increase. l. 24. A] cut out falsehood where it growes. l. 25. A] that man. l. 32. A] injuries. l. 38. A] your pardon. l. 39. A] makes.

p. 106, l. 1. A] backs. l. 5. A] tis then truth that women all are false.

B and C] Tis then truth that woman-kind is false. D] thee truth. D--G]

woman-kind. l. 6. A] tis. l. 9. A, B and C] by heaven. ll. 10 and 11.

A _omits_] for love of truth speak; Is't possible? l. 10. B and C] for G.o.d's love speake. l. 12. A _omits_ this line. l.13. A gives this line to 'Tra.', i.e., Thrasiline. l. 14. A gives this speech to Cleremont. l. 20. A] a little milder. l. 22. A] desires. l. 23. A] and know the sinne she acts.

B and C] know. l. 26. A gives this speech to Cleremont. l. 30. A]

women. l. 34. A and B] mine eyes. l. 35. A] daggers in thy breast.

B] tane. l. 36. A] stuacke dumb. C] did. l. 37. A] this fault might.

Il. 38 and 39. In A the speakers are transposed.

p. 107, l. 1. A omits] several. l. 2. A] and spreads them selfe. l. 3.

A] Meetes not a fayre on. What, etc. l. 4. A] thorow. l. 5. A gives this speech to 'Tra.', i.e., Thrasiline. l.6. A--D] fall. A, B and C]

distracted. l. 10. A] do't. l. 12. A] lodgings. A _omits_] forth. ll. 14 and 15. A] Omnes. All the G.o.ds direct you the readiest way. B, C and D] Di.

All the G.o.ds direct you The readiest way. A _adds_] Exit three Gent. ll.

16--18. A _omits_ these lines. l. 18. B--H _omit_] and. l. 19. A] aske um where he tooke her. l. 22. A] would but flame. l. 24. A] the deede. A]

it is. l. 30. A] take them. l. 33. F] spring. l. 36. A prints after the words 'miserable man'] Enter boy. l. 39. A] not blush.

p. 108, l. 4. In A throughout the scene Bellario is indicated by 'Boy.'

l. 6. A adds stage-direction] He gives him a letter. l. 10. A _omits_] my.

1. 12. A] But far unfit for me that doe attend. l. 13. A] my boy. l. 15.

A] with this paper. l. 16. A] twines of Adamant. l. 19. A] How dos.

l. 20. A _omits_ this line. l. 26. A] meet. l. 28. A] Why, tis. l. 31. A]

with al her maiden store. l. 33. A] service. l. 34. A] rewarded. l. 36.

A] speakes. l. 38. A] not well. B--G] not ill.

p. l09, l. 1. A] fall out from your tongue, so unevenly. l. 2. A]

quicknesse. l. 12. A, B and C] Never my Lord, by heaven. l. 13. A, B and C] That's strange, I know, etc. l. 16. A] I bid her do 't. l. 18.

A] delight. l. 19. A] as to her Lord. l. 21. A] paradise. B] parrallesse.

C and D] parallesse. l. 25. A] Yes, now I see why my discurled thoughts.

1. 27. A] augeries. l. 29. A] where you tend. l. 31. A] n.o.ble friend.

1. 35. A] with sparrowes eyes. l. 39. A] and of goates. l. 40. A] that weighed from.

p. 110, l. 2. A] come. l. 4. A] main deceit. l. 8. A--H] As I do now thy face. l. 14. A] wrack it. l. 17. A] hate me. l. 19. A _omits_} Greater. A] to me. l. 21. Folio] dist. l. 22. A] upon me. A _adds_ stage-direction] He drawes his sword. l. 23. A, B and C] By heaven I never did. l. 27. A--G] kiss those limbs. l. 29. A--D] Fear'st. l. 32.

A] could be. l. 34. A _omits_] but. B] doest. l. 39. A] giving ore againe, That must be lost.

p. 111 l. i. A, B and C] those. l. 2. A] and then thou wilt. l. 7.

B by mistake _omits_] _Phi_. l. 12. B--E] doest. B] utterst. H] uttrest.

1. 13. Folio _misprints_] known. l. 17. A] Thy honest lookes. l. 18. B]

doest. l. 19. A] thy blood. l. 23. A] tenderest. l. 27. A] honord frame. l. 28. A] haplesse. l.31. A] sorrowes. l. 33. Folio has full-stop at end of line. l. 34. A _omits_] Exit Bel. l. 36. A] what ere. A, B and C] deservest. F] deserv'd. l. 37. A and B] bathe. A--G] this body.

1. 38. A] mad'st no medicine to.

p. 112, l. 1. A] Enter Princesse. l. 2. For 'Are.' A prints throughout scene] Prin. A _omits_] again. l. 4. A] slept, make talke. l. 5. A]

remember. 1. 6. A] was last spoken, And how spoke when I sight song. l. 9. A] What, in your. B--E and G] What, at your. F] What of your. l. 17. A] ugly Sir. l. 28. A and B] Put him away I say. l. 32. A _omits_] Sir. 1. 33. A] a command. l. 35. A] that shame to you, ye are one. l. 36. A _omits_] unto. l. 37. A] by the G.o.ds.

p. 113, l. i. B] I have. A _omits_] my Lord. l. 7. A] maid. l. 8. A, B and C] honour faire. l. 10. A] truth. l. 14. A] Oh how they mind to.

1. 15. A] foule sicke. A] stricke the mountaines. l. 16. A] be sleeping.

1. 25. E--H _misprint_] He right. A--G] honour. l. 35. A] Oh my misfortune. B, a s.p.a.ce being left between the 'i' and the 'f'] My mi fortune. C] Oh my my fortune. l. 36. F] Let me go.

p. 114, l. 1. H] your letters. l. 2. A] make. l. 3. A] Who shall now sing. l. 5. A] and make them warme. l. 7. A, B and C] eye-lids.

l. 8. A] Make me. D, E, G and H] Philast. l. 12. A] get you. l. 14.

Folio _misprints_] Bell. l. 16. A] All service in servants. l. 17. A] and all desires to doe well, for thy sake. l. 21. A] unto. l. 29. A by mistake _omits_] Phi. A] O ye G.o.ds, ye G.o.ds. l. 30. A] a wealthy patience. l. 31.

A] above the shocke. l. 32. A] mischiefe. l. 33. Folio _misprints_] live.

1. 34. A] as deepe as. l. 36. A] And flowing it by. l. 38. A] heare.

1. 39. A _omits_] must.

p. 115, l. 8. A] poyson. l. 10. A] and there dig. A] beasts and birds.

1. 11. A] women are. A _omits_} and help to save them from you. l. 16. A _omits_] so. A] men. l. 17. A] reade. l. 21. A] frost. l. 28. A] you G.o.ds. F _omits_] ye. l. 30. A _omits_} as pure Crystal. C] a pure Christall. 1. 32. A] shall women turne their eies. l. 33. A after 'constancy'] Enter boy. l. 34. A] And vile. B] And guiltily. l. 35. A]

spokst. H] speak'st. 1. 37. A] And to betray innocence. l. 38. A] Maist.

p. 116, l. 3. A] undertooke. l. 5. A] Lest we should. l. 7. A]

angry with me. l. 11. A] has. B--H] hath. l. 17. A] some greater fault. l. 18. A] suffering. l. 21. A] Exit Boy. l. 22. A] thou hast.

1. 23. A] But if I had another time to lose. l. 25. A] Might take. l. 30.

A _omits_] a Lady. l. 35. A] Exit Princesse.

p. 117, ll. 2 and 3. A] Enter the King, Pharamont, Princesse, Megra, Gallatea, Leon, Cle., Tra. and two Wood-men. l. 7. A] you are. l. 8.

A] l. 9. A, B and C] here's none. A] dares. l. 12. A] lake.

1. 17. A] pernitious. A _omits_'] loose. l. 18. A, B and C] pursue. A] any Lady. l. 22. A--H] obeyed. l. 23. A and B] furder. l. 24. A gives this speech to 'Leon', i.e., Dion, and the following speech to 'Tra.' l. 31. A--G] yon Lady. l. 32. A and B] neighbours. l. 33. A] can you see. 1. 34. A gives this speech to Cleremont, B and C to 'Tra.' A, B and C] Faith no great. l. 37. A gives this speech to 'Tra.', and the following speech to 'Leon', i.e., Dion. l. 38. A] regient. A] d.a.m.n'd.

p. 118, l. 1. A] the flesh and the world. l. 3. A] done against. l. 4.

A] dares. l. 8. A _omits_] her. l. 9. A--D] health. l. 10. A] except.

l. 11. A and B] large summe. 11. 14 and 15. A] Exit King and Lords, Manet Wood-men. l. 16. A] the Deere below. l. 23. A] strange. l. 28.

A] docets. B, C and D] Dowcets. A] his steward. A--E _omit_] had. l. 30.

A] he and old Sir Tristram. A] ye. l. 31. A] a Stagge. l. 37. A, B and C] by the G.o.ds. A _omits_'] she's. A] a fault or no.

p. 119 l.2. A--G] haunches. l.5. B--G] have been. l. 8. A] harke else. A _omits_] Exeunt. l. 9. A] Enter Philaster solus. l. 10. A] the woods. l. 11. A] acrons. B--H] akrons. l. 13. A] of cruell love.

ll. 17 and 18. A] chaste as the rocke whereon she dwelt. l. 20. A] borne out her. l. 22. A] Enter Boy. l. 24. A--H _omit_] man. l. 25. A] I see. 11. 27 and 28. A] that brake. I-33-A] fortunes. l. 38. A _omits_ this and the five succeeding lines.

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