Memoir and Diary of John Yeardley, Minister of the Gospel Part 37
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The political horizon soon became clearer, and they resumed their journey on the 2nd of the Eighth Month. They again pa.s.sed through Belgium, stopping at several places, and distributing a large number of religious tracts.
On reaching Elberfeld they were received in a very cordial manner by R.
Hockelmann, and they held a satisfactory meeting in that city with a company of serious persons, originally Roman Catholics, who had at first followed Ronge, but afterwards separated from him. John Yeardley says of them:
They are rejected by the Lutheran and Reformed Churches. They have adopted the name of German Catholics to attract the Romanists to them. There is real life of religion with some of them; perhaps with still a little obscurity on some important points of doctrine. Light does not always s.h.i.+ne clearly all at once; nor is it always obeyed, so as to be received in its fulness.
Still more interesting was a meeting they had at Muhlheim on the Ruhr, where, it will be remembered, they found an open door for their ministry on their first continental journey. We give the narrative in John Yeardley's words:--
8 _mo_. 17.--On our arrival at Muhlheim we received a visit from the three pastors resident here and in the neighborhood, along with Pastor Bochart, from Schaffhausen, whom we had known some years before. One of them, Schultz, immediately asked me if we were not the parties who had held a meeting in a school-room in this place twenty-four years ago. We entered very fully into the awakening that had taken place in this neighborhood. The spiritual seed of Tersteegen has never died out; and they told us of a person, Muhlenbeck, in Sarn, who represents those who are acquainted with the interior life. The youngest minister said directly, I will fetch him. In an hour's time he came again, accompanied by a middle-aged man, much like a good old Friend. He recollected us again, and spoke of our meeting. When we went to see him the next day in the village, he took us to the house in which he had lived in 1825, and placing me in the centre of the room said, There stood thou twenty-four years ago, and preached the gospel in this room; there sat thy dear wife and her friend, with the young man who interpreted for her.
They soon set about making a meeting for us, which is to be held this evening in a large room in the house of one of the brethren. O, my Saviour, strengthen us for this evening's work, and forsake us not in the time of need!
18_th_.--The meeting last evening was got well over. There were two rooms filled with men and a few women; their minds seemed sweetly centred on the Source of good. A precious silence prevailed, and I was enabled to address them in German from Acts xi. 23:--"When Barnabas was come to Antioch and had seen the grace of G.o.d, he was glad and exhorted them all that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord." The nature of silent wors.h.i.+p was also dwelt upon, and freedom from sin, through repentance and faith in Christ. My M.Y. spoke a few words in German, and I supplicated in the same language. Many hearts are prepared to receive the doctrine of the influence and guidance of the Holy Spirit: it seemed like marrow to their bones.
After the meeting some came to our inn, and remained till 10 o'clock. They seemed as if they could not part from us. We spoke of our ministry, missionary journeys, baptism and the Supper, in which we seemed to be one in sentiment and heart. Our short tarriance here has excited curiosity to know who and what we are, and a great desire for books; and a liberal supply has been furnished them. Those tracts on our religious principles are just the food many are prepared to receive.
In coming this morning from Muhlheim to Elberfeld, my heart was tendered under a sense of the Lord's mercies. I feel poor and unworthy, but it is impressed on my heart from day to day that my little remaining strength and my few uncertain remaining days must be devoted to my Great Master's cause. I am thankful that we have not through discouragement been deterred from entering on this part of our religious service; for, after all we have pa.s.sed through on the occasion, I do believe the present time is seasonable.--
(_Diary and Letter_)
Before leaving the neighborhood, they had a second meeting at Elberfeld, the holding of which was endangered by the animosity which prevailed between the different religious parties. After the place and hour were advertized, it appeared the room would be required for a missionary meeting. The president of the missionary society was so unfriendly to those who a.s.sociated with John and Martha Yeardley, that he not only refused to let them have the room, but refused also to let notice be given at his meeting of the alteration in time and place which it was needful to make in theirs. They therefore hastily arranged their meeting for another day, and the alteration was announced in the daily newspaper. The disappointment proved, in the end, to be a subject for thankfulness on their parts; for just before the hour of a.s.sembly of the missionary society, an alarming fire broke out, and threw the whole town into commotion; and the missionary meeting was obliged to disperse as soon as the opening hymn had been sung.
The Friends' meeting, which took place two days afterwards, was held in quiet. John Yeardley preached on a subject which seems to have engaged his mind ever since he had entered the place,--viz., the Fall of Man. While in Elberfeld he printed a tract on this subject; and in a conversation which he and Martha Yeardley had with a doctor from Charleroi, the doctor told them it was the very thing which was wanted, being exactly adapted to the condition of the numerous sceptics in that part, of whom he had once been one.
Their sojourn at Bonn, where they arrived on the 31st of the Eighth Month, was exceedingly cordial to their religious feelings. The persons with whom they were the most intimately united were two ladies, Alexandrine Mackeldey and the Countess Stynum; the latter of whom had come to know the way of salvation during a visit to England. J.Y. describes the opening for service which they found in this city, in a letter to Josiah Forster:--
This morning, the 1st of the Ninth Month, we received an early visit from a pious young woman, _interior_. On her entering the room we felt the Spirit of Jesus was near. As soon as we discovered the piety of her mind, and her sweet and open disposition, I said to her: Now, tell us who there are in this place who are really spiritually-minded persons. She said, I will; and instantly took the pen, and put down about six or seven names, among which was the name of the Countess Stynum. This lady, said she, I am sure, will be rejoiced to see you; she is too weakly to leave her house, but I am going to her and will tell her you are here.
Our kind helper soon returned with the expression of a warm desire from the Countess that we would remain tomorrow and hold a meeting in her saloon in the evening, and invite any of our acquaintance, and she would give notice to her own friends. There was so evidently a pointing of the Great Master's finger in this matter, that we were at once constrained to accept the invitation.
9 _mo_. 3.--A little before six o'clock last evening the Countess sent for us to take coffee with her, to have an hour of our company before the meeting. She gave us a hearty reception, and in such Christian simplicity, that we soon felt at perfect ease in her company. She has a well-informed and enlightened mind and a strong understanding, and lives, believe, in the fear of the Lord. She asked many questions about the religious sects in England, as to the state of real piety, their forms, baptism, &c. Then she came to our own Society. I was in poor plight for answering questions; however, I explained the spiritual view we took of those subjects, and asked permission to send her books, in the reception of which she seemed to promise herself much gratification.
Her commodious and elegant saloon was conveniently seated and pretty well filled. Our manner of wors.h.i.+p was quite new to every one present. We first explained it privately to the countess, who immediately comprehended our view; there was no wish at all shown to sing or read; a precious solemnity prevailed, and I was enabled to speak, in German, first on the nature of our silent wors.h.i.+p, then on what [else] rested on my mind. The young woman above-mentioned, A. Mackeldey, interpreted for my dear M.Y., who, I thought, had the best service; and she did it so well and so seriously that the right unction seemed to be preserved, and prevailed over us; and after a supplication in German we parted under a very precious solemnity.
A.M. said afterwards that she had been instructed by what she had heard, and was prepared to appreciate the value of silence. She observed, I think it a marked favor of Providence that you should have come at the present perplexing time, to comfort and confirm the faith of some in this place, and of me in particular.
Speaking of those with whom they had intercourse in this city, John Yeardley says:--
9 _mo_. 2.--Should it be the will of our Heavenly Father, I hope we may be permitted to see those precious souls again, and water the seed the Great Husbandman has deposited in their hearts. I consider such little companies, or individuals, as a little leaven working silently in a corrupt ma.s.s.
I never remember, he writes the next day, to have had more satisfaction in distributing Friends' books, or having intercourse with pious persons, than thus far on the present journey. The thinking part of the people, under the tossing of the present moment, are really thirsting for food more spiritual than they have hitherto received.
At Neuwied they were informed that the _Inspirirten_ whom they saw there twenty-four years before, had, with the exception of a few families, emigrated to America, and that those whom they visited at Berlenburg had done the same.
From Neuwied they went to Kreuznach. This was a place to which they had no thought of going when they left England; indeed, John Yeardley, though pa.s.sing near it on former journeys, was not aware of its existence. But when they were at Elberfeld, a swarthy youth from Cape Town, an inmate of the Mission-house at Barmen, mentioned to them that four of his fellow-countrymen had been for a time at Kreuznach. On hearing this place named, it occurred to J.Y. that it would be well for them to take it in their way. They had good reason to believe, before they left the place, that it was the Lord who had directed their steps thither, and that he had prepared the hearts of some who dwelt there to receive them. John Yeardley thus relates what occurred:--
9 _mo_. 6.--On our sending to a tailor named Ott, he could not come to us by reason of bodily infirmity; but on paying him a visit I found him a meek and spiritual man. He undertook to speak with some others of the same way of thinking, to meet us in our hotel at 7 o'clock. On making it known he found more were desirous of coming than he had expected; a number of young people asked permission to be present, so that our commodious saloon was pretty well filled. We read the fourth chapter of John, and then I addressed the company with great freedom; my M.Y. also spoke in German, and was well understood. Friend Ott said, "You may travel about, and think your journeyings and labors will do but little good, but they will be blest far beyond what you may expect. What you have said this evening has gone to my heart. If we had only some one to whom we could look in holding meetings, we should grow." He was reminded of Him, the Head of his church, to whom we must all look. Of this he was fully aware, but said, as they were mostly of the lower cla.s.s, they had no room, and the pastors did not encourage such meetings.
7_th_.--This morning our new-made friend accompanied us to three of the villages, to visit several of his friends. We were pleased with the simplicity and real Christian feeling with which, they received us. We arranged for a meeting in one of these places for First-day afternoon, and one with our Kreuznach friends in the evening. My poor soul can only say, Lord, help![10]
8_th_.--Called again on J.A. Ott, and found him looking very serious.
He told me he had read farther in the books we left with him, and the more he saw, the more conviction was brought into his mind that what they unfolded was the truth; and that he believed it his duty thoroughly to weigh the matter, and then speak with a few of those who united with him, to see whether they could unite in holding a meeting after our manner, but that it was a serious matter, and they required time to mature it. We were quite of his mind in this respect; at the same time I believe if they had strength to meet together it would be advantageous.
10_th_.--Yesterday we met the little company in Horweiler, a room well filled with souls thirsting, I believe, for spiritual food. "All thy children shall be taught of the Lord," was much dwelt upon by me. My dear M.Y. was wonderfully helped in German. It was a precious season; the presence of the Lord was near, uniting our hearts in him.
At 7 o'clock we had the meeting in our room. It was not so lively as the one in the country; but we can thankfully acknowledge the Great Master was near to help in the needful time. It was a day of great exercise of body and mind. Our friend Ott accompanied us throughout the day's labor, and I felt the help of his spirit.
There are several villages around Kreuznach (some of which we have visited), where dwell a good many spiritually-minded people, who meet together for improvement. We have just received a sweet visit from Adam Tiegel of Schwabenheim, who is come to have a little talk with us. He seems to be the first who was awakened in 1805, and was made the means of awakening others, who now hold meetings in an old monastery.[11]
Pa.s.sing on to Mannheim, they saw the effects of the revolution in Baden; the fine stone bridge over the Rhine had been blown up, and not yet replaced. The handful of pious persons with whom they had met in 1848 had been preserved in the midst of the danger; and their meetings had been maintained and were increased in numbers. One of these, a widow, told them that, during the bombardment of the city, a cannon-ball had entered her house, and had pa.s.sed by her bedside when her children were in the room, and also that a sh.e.l.l had burst before her door; but on neither occasion were any of the family hurt.[12]
At Stuttgardt they received the affecting intelligence of the decease of Elizabeth Dudley, who died of cholera on the 6th of the Ninth Month. The removal of this, one of her earliest and dearest friends, was a severe stroke to Martha Yeardley, and sensibly affected her bodily health. In a letter to her sisters, of the 14th of the Ninth Month, she thus gives vent to her feelings:--
It would not be possible to set forth in words what we have felt from the affecting intelligence contained in dear R.'s letter. What shall we do but seek ability at the Divine footstool to bow in humble resignation to this afflictive dispensation? I have had for some time a strong impression that something of this kind awaited us in our immediate circle; and it was with a trembling hand that I opened the letters. The tie which bound me to her, and which is now perhaps for a very short time broken, as far as relates to earthly things, was sealed upon my heart by a communion of more than forty-eight years, and includes all the various changes of an eventful life, during which my best feelings were ever cherished and encouraged, both by example and precept, and by the tenderest affection. But I must not dwell upon this subject, lest I become unfitted for the duties which our present engagement daily calls for.
To these afflictive tidings was added some discouragement in respect to their proposed journey to Russia. The little hope that John Yeardley still entertained of being allowed to cross the Russian frontier was extinguished by the information he received at Stuttgardt. A large number of the German emigrants who settled in the South Russian colonies were from the neighborhood of this city, and John Yeardley inquired of some of their ministers, who had served in the colonies, how far the country was likely to be accessible to a foreigner going thither to preach the gospel.
The information he received was unfavorable, and his endeavors to obtain in this city the signature of the Russian amba.s.sador to his were fruitless.
They had, however, something to console them under these trials.
In all our former travels in Germany, says J.Y., we never experienced such an open door and spirit of inquiry among the people as in the present journey. It is said that there is scarcely a village in all Wurtemberg where meetings for wors.h.i.+p are not held in private houses. The late revolutionists declare vengeance against these people, the pietists, as they call them, and that if the war breaks out again, they are to be the first to be cut off. But the present king gives them their liberty and his protection, and has openly said the pietists have saved his country.--(_Letter of 9 mo_. 15.)
Before they left Stuttgardt they were refreshed by a social evening's recreation, one of those occasions of the familiar intercourse of friends.h.i.+p, under the canopy of divine love, in which John Yeardley especially delighted.
17_th_.--Our two young friends, Reuchlin, came to conduct us to their garden among the vine-hills in the environs of the town. We there met their precious mother, and were joined by a good many _interior_ ones, who had been invited to meet us. We had a precious little meeting in the arbor, after which we gave them some account of the religious movement in Belgium, &c., which pleased them much. We afterwards partook of fruit, biscuits, and wine. I shall reckon this garden visit among the happy moments of my life, because the presence of the Most High was with us.
On the 18th they went to Kornthal to visit the interesting society in that place. Hoffmann's widow, who seems to have returned from Basle after the death of her husband, was there, but so aged and infirm as to be confined to the house. The inmates of the establishment were therefore convened in some apartments adjoining her chamber, so that she could partake in the spiritual repast. Their kind friend Reuchlin had prepared the way for them; and when the a.s.sembly took their seats, a solemn silence ensued.
John Yeardley and "Brother" Kolne addressed the meeting, and the former supplicated at the conclusion. On their way back to Stuttgardt, Madame Reuchlin interrogated them on the doctrine of election, and was rejoiced to hear from them their full belief in the universality of the grace of G.o.d; and as they communicated to one another their convictions respecting this great truth, their spirits were knit together in the love of the gospel.
From another pious person in this city, John Yeardley received a word of timely encouragement. He was anxious about their going into Bohemia, not having, as he thought, a sufficiently clear guidance to determine his course.
9 _mo_. 19.--A very acceptable visit from a worthy brother, Weiz. He introduced himself and commenced speaking on the guidance and consolations of the Holy Spirit, and spoke of his own experience as though he had known the thoughts of my heart. I have, said he, sometimes earnestly prayed to the Lord for direction what way to take, and have received no intimation; all has been dark within; I knew not whether to go right or left, and I have been compelled to go forward. I have then said, Lord, thou knowest my heart, be pleased to prosper my way; I leave the consequence to thee.
Memoir and Diary of John Yeardley, Minister of the Gospel Part 37
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