The Memoirs of Charles-Lewis, Baron de Pollnitz Volume IV Part 13

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When I afterwards came to consider the Establishment and Ordination of their Ministers, I could not look upon them as such, being persuaded, as St. _Paul_ says, That Bishops are of divine Inst.i.tution; and that they alone have the Power of ordaining Priests.

Tradition, which is rejected by the Protestants in all Points where it makes against them, but espous'd by them when it seems in their Favour, was an Article which I thought requir'd my utmost Regard. For really when the Protestants say, they don't believe Tradition, methinks they are inconsistent with themselves in receiving the Holy Scripture, and taking it for the Word of G.o.d, because this is a Truth, which they cannot know but by Tradition: And if they allow of Tradition with regard to the Scripture, Why don't they admit of it when religious Tenets are the Points in Question? How can they know, unless it be by Tradition, that the Books of the _Maccabees_, _Esther_, _Esdras_ and _Ecclesiasticus_ are Apocryphal, and not Canonical? Who told them, that the rest of the Bible was dictated by the Holy Spirit? In short, Who gave them Authority to reject those other Books? What Motive could have induc'd them to it, unless it was, that those very Books prove Things to them, which they are not willing to believe? In short, I look'd into _Calvinism_ for some Marks of the true Church, but could find none; because the true Church must be one, and united to Jesus Christ in the same manner as the Body is to the Head; and because 'tis Jesus Christ who founded the Church, who own'd it for his Spouse, for the Daughter of G.o.d the Father, and at the same time to be the only infallible Church.

Having discovered none of these Marks in the Protestant Religion, and finding them, on the other hand, in the Catholic Religion, I could not help thinking the latter to be the only one in which I might hope for my Salvation: This was what determin'd me to study the Doctrines of it, and these that follow are what I have conceiv'd in my Mind, and what I firmly believe in.

I. I receive the Holy Scriptures intire without the least Diminution, and believe them to be of Divine Inspiration. I believe, that _Moses_ and the Prophets, the Evangelists and the Apostles wrote them by the same Inspiration. I give the same Explanation to the Holy Scriptures as the Catholic Church does, which alone has the Right of interpreting them. I believe also, that those same Scriptures are the Basis and Foundation of Religion, and that none but those who can explain them as the Church does, ought to read them.

II. Upon the Evidence of the Holy Scriptures, I believe in one G.o.d alone, the most perfect of all Beings; a Spirit pure, free, disengag'd from all Matter; which knows all Things, is infinitely wise, omnipotent, unspeakably gracious and merciful, just and holy; who suffereth not Sin to go unpunish'd, and who cannot change; who is of infinite Glory and Majesty; who is the eternal and inexhaustible Source of Goodness and Charity, and from whom proceedeth every thing that is good and perfect; who diffuseth himself in all his Creatures; who is the Father of all Things, and who of his infinite Mercy vouchsafed to give us his only Son for our Salvation.

III. I believe in the most Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, who, tho' Three distinct Persons, are nevertheless but One G.o.d: These three Persons are eternal, and equal in Majesty and Glory.

IV. I call the _Father_, G.o.d the Father, because the same Scripture gives him that t.i.tle, _Deut._ x.x.xii. Ver. 6. _Is not He thy Father that hath bought thee? Hath he not made thee, and established thee?_ And in another Pa.s.sage, _Mal._ ii. Ver. 10. _Have we not all one Father? Hath not one G.o.d created us?_ The New Testament also gives him the same Appellation: In the Epistle to the _Romans_, Chap. viii. Ver. 15. St. _Paul_ says, _For ye have not received the Spirit of Bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of Adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. Behold,_ (says St. _John_, I _Ep._ Chap. iii. Ver. 1.) _what manner of Love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the Sons of G.o.d: Therefore the World knoweth us not, because it knew him not._

V. I believe in _Jesus Christ_, the only Son of G.o.d, and G.o.d himself; by whom all Things were made, who has created Heaven and Earth, whom the Angels adore and glorify; who knows the Hearts of Men; whose Power is everlasting, and who vouchsafed to come into the World to be our Saviour and our Redeemer.

VI. I believe in _Jesus_ the Son of G.o.d, because the Belief of this Truth is the Basis of our Salvation, and of our Redemption. Besides, we are a.s.sur'd of this by the Holy Scriptures. St. _John_ says in his first Epistle, Chap. iv. Ver. 15. _Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of G.o.d_, G.o.d _dwelleth in Him, and He in G.o.d._ Jesus Christ, speaking of himself, says in St. _Matthew_, Chap. xvi. Ver. 17. _Blessed art thou Simon Barjona, for Flesh and Blood hath not revealed it unto Thee, but my Father which is in Heaven._

VII. I believe, that the _Holy Ghost_ is G.o.d as well as the Father, and as the Son; that he is like them from all Eternity; that he is equal with them; that he is infinitely perfect; that he is the Sovereign Good, the Sovereign Wisdom: that he has the same Essence, the same Nature with the Father and the Son, from whom he proceedeth from all Eternity.

VIII. I believe likewise in the Holy Ghost, upon the Evidence of the sacred Scriptures, which give him this Name upon several Occasions, but more particularly in the New Testament than in the Old. In the New Testament we are commanded to be baptized _In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost_, Matt. Chap, xxviii. Ver. 19. St.

_Peter_ said to _Ananias_ and _Saphira_, Acts Chap. v. Ver. 3. _Ananias, Why hath Satan filled thine Heart to lie to the Holy Ghost?_ And a little after he said, _Thou hast not lied unto Men, but unto G.o.d_: He here gives the Appellation of _G.o.d_, to him whom he had call'd but just before the _Holy Ghost_. St. _Paul_, in his first Epistle to the _Corinthians_, Chap.

xii. Ver. 6. after having spoke of G.o.d, says, that 'tis of the Holy Spirit that he had been speaking. _And there are Diversities of Operations, but it is the same G.o.d which worketh all in all._ And then he adds in the Eleventh Verse, _But all these worketh that one and the self-same Spirit, dividing to every Man severally as he will._ Finally, the Scripture commonly joins the Person of the Holy Ghost with the Father and the Son, as I have already said, speaking of Baptism. And in Ordination it makes Use of the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: It ascribes to him, whatever we think agreeable to G.o.d alone: It gives him, for Instance, Temples; _Know ye not_, (says St. _Paul_, 1 _Cor._ Chap. vi.

Ver. 19.) _that your Body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you?_ The same Scripture also ascribes to it the Power of sanctifying and quickening our Souls, of penetrating into what is the most secret in the G.o.dhead, of speaking by the Oracles of the Prophets; and finally, of being omnipresent: Those are the Attributes of G.o.d alone, and such as are only suitable to him. I therefore make no Scruple to believe, that the Holy Ghost is truly G.o.d, as well as the Father and the Son; that he is the Third Person of the most Holy Trinity; and that, as such, I ought to wors.h.i.+p, pray to him, and praise him.

IX. I firmly and religiously believe, that G.o.d is the Creator of all Things visible and invisible; that his Power is infinite, and that nothing induc'd him to create the World, but his mere Goodness, which he was indeed pleas'd to communicate to the Things that he created: He form'd the Body of Man from the Clay of the Earth, and dispos'd it in such a manner, that it was capable of being immortal and impa.s.sible, not by its own Nature, but thro' special Grace. As to our Soul, he made it after his own Image and Likeness, he gave it Free Will, and so temper'd its Inclinations and Desires, that it was intirely subject to Reason; and besides all these Advantages, he also gave it original Righteousness: But _Adam_, the common Father of all Men, for not observing the Injunction that G.o.d had laid upon him not to eat of the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, forfeited, as to himself and his Descendants too, that Righteousness in which he had been created: By Consequence all the Human Race was depriv'd of that Dignity and Excellency in which he was created; and since this Fall it was not possible for Mankind to be restor'd to its primitive State by any Power whatsoever, not even by the Angels themselves; so that, for the Remedy of our Misfortunes, there was an absolute Necessity that the Son of G.o.d by his Almighty Efficacy should come and unite himself to our frail Nature, to destroy the infinite Malignity of Sin, and to reconcile G.o.d to us by shedding his Blood, as he has done for us; for which may he be for ever glorify'd.

X. I constantly and firmly believe, that G.o.d discover'd himself to _Moses_, that he reveal'd to him every thing that is contain'd in the Book of _Genesis_, and that he gave him the Table of the Ten Commandments: I believe with St. _Augustin_, that the Decalogue is the Summary of all Laws: I believe also, as Jesus Christ himself teaches in St. _Matthew_, Chap. xxii. Ver. 40. That _on these Two Commandments_, the Love of G.o.d, and the Love of one's Neighbour, _hang all the Law and the Prophets_.

XI. I believe, that 'tis an indispensable Duty to obey the Law of G.o.d; because G.o.d himself is the Author of it, and because Jesus Christ has confirm'd and declar'd the same by his own Mouth. I believe also, that whosoever would be sav'd, must obey his Commandments: To think otherwise would be Impiety.

XII. Besides the Commandments of G.o.d, I believe 'tis absolutely necessary to believe in the Creed, as it was receiv'd by the Fathers of the Council of _Trent_. I acknowledge that Council to be c.u.menical: I receive all the Decisions of it without Exception; and I deem them all to be orthodox, and to be sure Rules for conducting me to my Salvation.

XIII. _I believe in G.o.d, the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth; and in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin_ Mary, _suffered under_ Pontius Pilate, _was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into h.e.l.l; the Third Day he rose again from the Dead, he ascended into Heaven, and sitteth at the Right Hand of G.o.d, the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the Quick and the Dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints, the Forgiveness of Sins, the Resurrection of the Body, and the Life everlasting._

Having already mention'd the Reasons why I believe in G.o.d the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, I will say no more upon this Head, and proceed to other Articles of the Creed.

XIV. In the Creed our Saviour is call'd _Lord_; for since G.o.d the Son is everlasting, as well as G.o.d the Father, so he is Lord of all Things, as is G.o.d the Father. Jesus Christ, as Man, is also for several Reasons call'd Lord: First of all, because he is our Redeemer, and has deliver'd us from our Sins; which made St. _Paul_ say in his Epistle to the _Philippians_, Chap. ii. Ver. 8, 9, 10, 11. _And being found in Fas.h.i.+on as a Man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto Death, even the Death of the Cross: Wherefore G.o.d also hath highly exalted him, and given him a Name which is above every Name; that at the Name of Jesus every Knee should bow, of things in Heaven, and Things in Earth, and Things under the Earth: And that every Tongue should confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the Glory of G.o.d the Father._ Jesus Christ says also, speaking of himself, in St. _Matthew_, Chap. xxviii. Ver. 18. _All Power is given unto me in Heaven and in Earth._ In short, considering the Favours we have receiv'd from Jesus Christ, Are we not his true Slaves? Is it not He who has redeemed us? Is it not He that is our Lord? Ought we not to be for ever at the Service of our Redeemer?

XV. I believe, _that he was conceiv'd of the Holy Ghost, and born of the Virgin_ Mary.

By these Words I confess, that when Jesus Christ, the Son of G.o.d, our only Lord, did for our Sakes take the human Nature upon him in the Womb of the Virgin _Mary_, he was not conceiv'd after the common manner of other Men, but in a supernatural way; that is to say, by the Operation of the Holy Ghost; so that the same Person being still G.o.d, as he had been from all Eternity, became Man, tho' he was not so before. St. _John_ says upon this Head, Chap. i. Ver. 1. _In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with G.o.d, and the Word was G.o.d._ And he adds afterwards, Ver. 14. _And the Word was made Flesh, and dwelt among us._

XVI. I believe, _that he was conceiv'd by the Operation of the Holy Ghost_. By these Words I don't understand, that the said Person alone wrought the Mystery of the Incarnation. 'Tis true, that the Son alone a.s.sum'd the human Nature; but then 'tis as true, that the Three Persons of the most Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, equally contributed to this Mystery: Every Thing which G.o.d does, is the common Action of the Three Persons; they have all an equal Share in it, and the one never acts without the other. The only thing which is not common to them is, the Manner in which one Person proceeds from the other; the Son alone is ingender'd of the Father, and the Holy Ghost proceedeth both from the Father and the Son. Finally, I believe, that this Conception is miraculous, and I humbly adore the Mystery of it, without presuming to penetrate into it, the very Attempt of which would put me in Danger of being cast away.

XVII. I believe, _that he was born of the Virgin_ Mary.

These Words teach me, that Jesus Christ was born as a Man is, and that I am oblig'd to honour the Virgin _Mary_ as the Mother of G.o.d, which I do accordingly with the profoundest Respect, and with an intire Confidence, because the Protection of the Holy Virgin is the best Protection that I can chuse, next to Jesus Christ.

XVIII. I believe, _that suffer'd under_ Pontius Pilate, _that he was crucified, that he died, and that he was buried_.

The Belief of this Article is of absolute Necessity; and a Person can never think of it too much, because 'tis as the Basis which supports the Catholic Faith and Religion; and really when this Article is established, all the rest is prov'd easily. For this Reason I firmly believe, that Jesus Christ was put upon the Cross for our Salvation: I believe also, that in the inferior Part of the Soul he felt all the Torments which he was made to suffer, because he was truly Man: I believe also that he suffer'd great Pains of the Mind; such Pains as forc'd him to utter these Words in _Matt._ Chap. xxvi. Ver. 38. _My Soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto Death._ As to the Death of Jesus Christ, I believe, that he actually dy'd upon the Cross; because all the Evangelists say, he there yielded up the Ghost: Tho' I am persuaded that his Soul was separated from his Body, I believe also, that the Deity was still united to his Body in the Sepulchre, and to his Soul in h.e.l.l. Jesus Christ died, to the end that, as the Apostle says to the _Hebrews_, Chap. ii. Ver. 14, 15. _He might destroy him that had the Power of Death, that is the Devil, and deliver them, who, through Fear of Death, were all their Life-time subject to Bondage._ But the Death of Jesus Christ was voluntary; he went himself to meet Death, and he himself determin'd the Place and Time of his Death, as is plainly prov'd by the Words of the Prophet _Isaiah_, _And the Lord said the same Thing unto himself before he suffered_. He was offer'd up, because he desir'd it, and our Lord says himself, speaking of his Pa.s.sion, in St. _John_, Chap. x. Ver. 17, 18. _I lay down my Life that I might take it again: No Man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have Power to lay it down, and I have Power to take it again._

XIX. When I say, that _Jesus Christ was buried_; I believe not only that his Body was buried, but also that G.o.d himself was laid in the Sepulchre.

For since the Deity never abandon'd the Body of our Saviour, which was laid in the Sepulchre, we are under a Necessity of owning, that G.o.d was buried.

XX. I believe, that _Jesus Christ descended into h.e.l.l_.

Hereby I understand, that when our Lord dy'd, his Soul descended into h.e.l.l, and stay'd there as long as his Body remain'd in the Sepulchre.

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