John Woolman's Journal Part 17
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Here we see that Man's Happiness stands not in great Possessions, but in a Heart devoted to follow Christ, in that Use of Things, where Customs contrary to universal Love have no Power over us.
In this State our Hearts are prepared to trust in G.o.d, and our Desires for our Children and Posterity are, that they, with the rest of Mankind, in Ages to come, may be of that Number, of whom he hath said, _I will be a Father to them, and they shall be my Sons and Daughters_, 2 Cor. vi.
When Wages in a fruitful Land bear so small a Proportion to the Necessaries of Life, that poor honest People who have Families cannot by a moderate Industry attain to a comfortable Living, and give their Children sufficient Learning, but must either labour to a degree of Oppression, or else omit that which appears to be a Duty.
While this is the Case with the Poor, there is an Inclination in the Minds of most People, to prepare at least so much Treasure for their Children, that they with Care and moderate Industry may live free from these Hards.h.i.+ps which the Poor pa.s.s through.
Now this Subject requireth our serious Consideration: To labour that our Children may be put in a Way to live comfortably, appears in itself to be a Duty, so long as these our Labours are consistent with universal Righteousness; but if in striving to shun Poverty, we do not walk in that State where _Christ is our Life_, then we wander; _He that hath the Son, hath Life_, 1 John v. 12. _This Life is the Light of Men_, 1 John 1. 4. If we walk not in this Light, we walk in Darkness, and _he that walketh in Darkness, knoweth not whither he goeth_, John xii. 35.
To keep to right Means in labouring to attain a right End is necessary: If in striving to shun Poverty, we strive only in that State where Christ is the Light of our Life, our Labours will stand in the true Harmony of Society; but if People are confident that the End aimed at is good, and in this Confidence pursue it so eagerly, as not to wait for the Spirit of Truth to lead them, then they come to Loss. _Christ is given to be a Leader and Commander of the People_, Isaiah lv. 4. Again; _The Lord shall guide thee continually_, Isaiah lviii. 12. Again; _Lord, thou wilt ordain Peace for us, for thou also hast wrought all our Works in us_, Isaiah xxvi. 12.
_In the Lord have we Righteousness and Strength_, Isaiah xlv. 24.
In this State our Minds are preserved watchful in following the Leadings of his Spirit in all our Proceedings in this World, and a Care is felt for a Reformation in general. That our own Posterity, with the rest of Mankind in succeeding Ages, may not be entangled by oppressive Customs, transmitted to them through our Hands; but if People in the Narrowness of natural Love, are afraid that their Children will be oppressed by the Rich, and through an eager Desire to get Treasures, depart from the pure Leadings of Truth in one Case, though it may seem to be a small Matter, yet the Mind even in that small Matter may be embolden'd to continue in a Way of Proceeding, without waiting for the Divine Leader.
Thus People may grow expert in Business, wise in the Wisdom of this World, retain a fair Reputation amongst Men, and yet being Strangers to the Voice of Christ, the safe Leader of his Flock, the Treasures thus gotten, may be like Snares to the Feet of their Posterity.
Now to keep faithful to the pure Counsellor, and under trying Circ.u.mstances suffer Adversity for Righteousness Sake, in this there is a Reward.
If we, being poor, are hardly dealt with by those who are rich, and under this Difficulty are frugal and industrious, and in true Humility open our Case to them who oppress us, this may reach the pure Witness in their Minds; and though we should remain under Difficulties as to the outward, yet if we abide in the Love of Christ, all will work for our Good.
When we feel what it is to suffer in the true suffering State, then we experience the Truth of those Expressions, that, _as the Sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our Consolation aboundeth by Christ_, 2 Cor. i.
But if poor People who are hardly dealt with, do not attain to the true suffering State, do not labour in true Love with those who deal hardly with them, but envy their outward Greatness, murmur in their Hearts because of their own Poverty, and strive in the Wisdom of this World to get Riches for themselves and their Children; this is like wandering in the Dark.
If we who are of a middle Station between Riches and Poverty, are affected at Times with the Oppressions of the Poor, and feel a tender Regard for our Posterity after us, O how necessary is it that we wait for the pure Counsel of Truth!
Many have seen the Hards.h.i.+ps of the Poor, felt an eager Desire that their Children may be put in a Way to escape these Hards.h.i.+ps; but how few have continued in that pure Love which openeth our Understandings to proceed rightly under these Difficulties!
How few have faithfully followed that Holy Leader who prepares his People to labour for the Restoration of true Harmony amongst our Fellow Creatures!
_In the pure Gospel Spirit we walk by Faith and not by Sight_, 2 Cor. v.
In the Obedience of Faith we die to the Narrowness of Self-love, and our Life being hid with Christ in G.o.d, our Hearts are enlarg'd toward Mankind universally; but in departing from the true Light of Life, many in striving to get Treasures have stumbled upon the dark Mountains.
Now that Purity of Life which proceeds from Faithfulness in following the Spirit of Truth, that State where our Minds are devoted to serve G.o.d, and all our Wants are bounded by his Wisdom, this Habitation has often been open'd before me as a Place of Retirement for the Children of the Light, where we may stand separated from that which disordereth and confuseth the Affairs of Society, and where we may have a Testimony of our Innocence in the Hearts of those who behold us.
Through departing from the Truth as it is in Jesus, through introducing Ways of Life attended with unnecessary Expences, many Wants have arisen, the Minds of People have been employ'd in studying to get Wealth, and in this Pursuit some departing from Equity, have retain'd a Profession of Religion; others have look'd at their Example, and thereby been strengthen'd to proceed further in the same Way: Thus many have encourag'd the Trade of taking Men from _Africa_, and selling them as Slaves.
It hath been computed that near One Hundred Thousand Negroes have of late Years been taken annually from that Coast, by s.h.i.+ps employed in the _English_ Trade.
As I have travell'd on religious Visits in some Parts of _America_, I have seen many of these People under the Command of Overseers, in a painful Servitude.
I have beheld them as _Gentiles_ under People professing _Christianity_, not only kept ignorant of the Holy Scriptures, but under great Provocations to Wrath; of whom it may truly be said, _They that rule over them make them to howl, and the Holy Name is abundantly blasphemed_, Isaiah lii. 5.
Where Children are taught to read the Sacred Writings, while young, and exampled in Meekness and Humility, it is often helpful to them; nor is this any more than a Debt due from us to a succeeding Age.
But where Youth are pinched for want of the Necessaries of Life, forced to labour hard under the harsh Rebukes of rigorous Overseers, and many Times endure unmerciful Whippings: In such an Education, how great are the Disadvantages they lie under! And how forcibly do these Things work against the Increase of the Government of the Prince of Peace!
_Humphrey Smith_, in his Works, p. 125, speaking of the tender Feelings of the Love of G.o.d in his Heart when he was a Child, said, "By the violent wrathful Nature that ruled in others, was my Quietness disturbed, and Anger begotten in me toward them, yet that of G.o.d in me was not wholly overcome, but his Love was felt in my Heart, and great was my Grief when the Earthly-mindedness and wrathful Nature so provoked me, that I was estranged from it.
"And this I write as a Warning to Parents and others, that in the Fear of the living G.o.d, you may train up the Youth, and may not be a Means of bringing them into such Alienation."
Many are the Vanities and Luxuries of the present Age, and in labouring to support a Way of living conformable to the present World, the Departure from that Wisdom that is pure and peaceable hath been great.
Under the Sense of a deep Revolt, and an overflowing Stream of Unrighteousness, my Life has been often a Life of Mourning, and tender Desires are raised in me, that the Nature of this Practice may be laid to Heart.
I have read some Books wrote by People who were acquainted with the Manner of getting Slaves in _Africa_.
I have had verbal Relations of this Nature from several Negroes brought from _Africa_, who have learn'd to talk _English_.
I have sundry Times heard _Englishmen_ speak on this Subject, who have been at _Africa_ on this Business; and from all these Accounts it appears evident that great Violence is committed, and much Blood shed in _Africa_ in getting Slaves.
When three or four Hundred Slaves are put in the Hold of a Vessel in a hot Climate, their Breathing soon affects the Air. Were that Number of free People to go Pa.s.sengers with all Things proper for their Voyage, there would Inconvenience arise from their Number; but Slaves are taken by Violence, and frequently endeavour to kill the white People, that they may return to their Native Land. Hence they are frequently kept under some Sort of Confinement, by Means of which a Scent ariseth in the Hold of a s.h.i.+p, and Distempers often break out amongst them, of which many die. Of this tainted Air in the Hold of s.h.i.+ps freighted with Slaves, I have had several Accounts, some in Print, and some verbal, and all agree that the Scent is grievous. When these People are sold in _America_, and in the Islands, they are made to labour in a Manner more servile and constant, than that which they were used to at Home, that with Grief, with different Diet from what has been common with them, and with hard Labour, some Thousands are computed to die every Year, in what is called the Seasoning.
Thus it appears evident, that great Numbers of these People are brought every Year to an untimely End; many of them being such who never injured us.
When the Innocent suffer under hard-hearted Men, even unto Death, and the Channels of Equity are so obstructed, that the Cause of the Sufferers is not judged in Righteousness, _the Land is polluted with Blood_, Numb. x.x.xv. 33.
When Blood hath been shed unrighteously, and remains unatoned for, the Cry thereof is very piercing.
Under the humbling Dispensations of Divine Providence, this Cry hath deeply affected my Heart, and I feel a Concern to open, as I may be enabled, that which lieth heavy on my Mind.
When _the Iniquity of the House of_ Israel _and of_ Judah _was exceeding great, when the Land was defiled with Blood, and the City full of Perverseness_, Ezek. ix. 9. _some were found sighing and crying for the Abominations of the Times_, Ezek. ix. 4. and such who live under a right Feeling of our Condition as a Nation, these I trust will be sensible that the Lord at this Day doth call to Mourning, though many are ignorant of it. So powerful are bad Customs when they become general, that People growing bold thro' the Examples one of another, have often been unmoved at the most serious Warnings.
Our blessed Saviour speaking of the People of the old World, said, _They eat, they drank, they married, and were given in Marriage, until the Day that_ Noah _went into the Ark, and the Flood came and destroy'd them all_, Luke xvii. 27.
The like he spake concerning the People of _Sodom_, who are also represented by the Prophet as haughty, luxurious, and oppressive; _This was the Sin of_ Sodom, _Pride, Fulness of Bread, and Abundance of Idleness was found in her, and in her Daughters; neither did she strengthen the Hands of the Poor and Needy_, Ezek. xvi. 49.
Now in a Revolt so deep as this, when much Blood has been shed unrighteously, in carrying on the Slave Trade, and in supporting the Practice of keeping Slaves, which at this Day is unatoned for, and crieth from the Earth, and from the Seas against the Oppressor!
While this Practice is continued, and under a great Load of Guilt there is more Unrighteousness committed, the State of Things is very moving!
There is a Love which stands in Nature, and a Parent beholding his Child in Misery, hath a Feeling of the Affliction; but in Divine Love the Heart is enlarged towards Mankind universally, and prepar'd to sympathize with Strangers, though in the lowest Station in Life.
Of this the Prophet appears to have had a Feeling, when he said, _Have we not all one Father? Hath not one G.o.d created us? Why then do we deal treacherously every Man with his Brother, in prophaning the Covenant of our Fathers?_ Mal. ii. 10.
He who of old heard the Groans of the Children of _Israel_ under the hard Task-masters in _Egypt_, I trust hath looked down from his Holy Habitation on the Miseries of these deeply oppress'd People. Many Lives have been shorten'd through extreme Oppression while they labour'd to support Luxury and Worldly Greatness; and tho' many People in outward Prosperity may think little of those Things, yet the gracious Creator hath Regard to the Cries of the Innocent, however unnoticed by Men.
The Lord in the Riches of his Goodness is leading some into the Feeling of the Condition of this People, who cannot rest without labouring as their Advocate; of which in some Measure I have had Experience, for, in the Movings of his Love in my Heart, these poor Sufferers have been brought near to me.
The unoffending Aged and Infirm made to labour too hard, kept on a Diet less comfortable than their weak State required, and exposed to great Difficulties under hard-hearted Men, to whose Sufferings I have often been a Witness, and under the Heart-melting Power of Divine Love, their Misery hath felt to me like the Misery of my Parents.
Innocent Youth taken by Violence from their Native Land, from their Friends and Acquaintance; put on board s.h.i.+ps with Hearts laden with Sorrow; exposed to great Hards.h.i.+ps at Sea; placed under People, where their Lives have been attended with great Provocation to Anger and Revenge.
With the Condition of these Youth, my Mind hath often been affected, as with the Afflictions of my Children, and in a Feeling of the Misery of these People, and of that great Offence which is minister'd to them, my Tears have been often poured out before the Lord.
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