Independent Bohemia Part 16

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BOWRING, SIR JOHN: _Cheskian Anthology._ Rowland Hunter, London, 1832.

BAUDIS, PROF. JOSEPH: _Czech Folk Tales._ George Allen & Unwin, London, 1917.

FRICZ: _L'idee nationale dans la poesie et la tradition_ boheme.

GAMBERT, E.: _Poesie tcheque contemporaine._ Paris, 1903.

JELINEK, H.: _La litterature tcheque contemporaine_. Paris, 1912.

KOMENSKY, J.A.: _Labyrinth of the World_. Translated from Czech by Count Lutzow. Dent & Sons, London, 1900.

LuTZOW, COUNT FRANCIS: _Bohemian Literature_. Heinemann, London, 1907.

MARCHANT, F.P.: _Outline of Bohemian Literature_. London, 1911.

MORFILL, W.R.: _A Grammar of the Bohemian (Cech) Language._ With translations from Bohemian literature. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1899.

----_Slavonic Literature_. London, 1883.

NEMCOVa, B.: _The Grandmother_. A novel translated from Czech. McClurg, Chicago, 1892.

SELVER, PAUL: _Anthology of Modern Bohemian Poetry._ Drane, London, 1912.


BAKER, JAMES: _Pictures from Bohemia_. Chapman & Hall, London, 1904.

HANTICH, H.: _La musique tcheque_. Nilsson, Paris, 1910.

MONROE, W.S.: _Bohemia and the Cechs_. Bell & Sons, London, 1910.

PROCHAZKA, J.: _Bohemia's Claim for Freedom_. Chatto & Windus, London, 1915.

TYRSOVA, R., and HANTICH, H.: _Le paysan tcheque_. Nilsson, Paris.

ZMRHAL, J.J., and BENES, V.: _Bohemia_. Bohemian National Alliance, Chicago, 1917.

----_Les pays tcheques_, published by the Ligue Franco-Tcheque, Paris, 1917.


BENES, EDWARD: _Bohemia's Case for Independence_. George Allen & Unwin, London, 1917.

BOURLIER, JEAN: _Les Tcheques et la Boheme_. F. Alcan, Paris, 1897.

CAPEK, THOMAS: _Bohemia under Habsburg Misrule_. Chicago, 1915.

For reference _re_ the Czecho-Slovak movement, see its official organ _La Nation Tcheque_, published at 18, rue Bonaparte, Paris. First two volumes edited by E. Denis, the following by Dr. E. Benes.

Numerous useful articles on Bohemia and the Austrian problem from the pen of H.W. Steed, R.W. Seton-Watson, L.B. Namier, Professor Masaryk, Dr.

Benes, V. Nosek and others will be found in the weekly review of foreign politics, the _New Europe_, published by Messrs. Constable & Co., 10, Orange Street, London, W.C.2.

The following list of some recent articles in the English (not American) monthly and quarterly reviews is also recommended:

BARRY, The Very Rev. Canon WILLIAM: _Break Austria. Nineteenth Century_, September, 1917.

----_How to Break Austria. Nineteenth Century_, November, 1917.

----_Shall England save Austria? Nineteenth Century_, June, 1918.

CHeRADAME, A.: _How to Destroy Pan-Germany. National Review_, January, 1918.

----_The Western Front and Political Strategy_. _National Review_, July, 1918.

FORMAN, JOSEPH: _The Liberation of the Czecho-Slovaks. Nineteenth Century_, March, 1917.

GRIBBLE, FRANCIS: _Czech Claims and Magyar Intrigues. Nineteenth Century_, March, 1918.

----_The Pa.s.sing of a Legend. Nineteenth Century_, October, 1917.

LANDA, M.J.: _Bohemia and the War. Contemporary_, July, 1915.

AN OLD MAZZINIAN: _Italy and the Nationalities of Austria-Hungary.

Contemporary_, June, 1918.

NOSEK, VLADIMIR: _The New Spirit in Austria_. A Reply to Mr. Brailsford.

_Contemporary_, October, 1917.

----_Bohemia as a Bulwark against Pan-Germanism. National Review_, July, 1918.

POLITICUS: _Austria's Hour of Destiny. Fortnightly_, August, 1917.

_Round Table_, Quarterly Review of the Politics of the Empire: No. 16 (September, 1914): _Origins of the War._

----No. 17 (December, 1914): _Racial Problems in Austria-Hungary._

----No. 26 (March, 1917): _Methods of Ascendancy: Bohemia_.

SELVER, PAUL: _Brezina's Poetry. The Quest_, January, 1916.

----_Modern Czech Poetry. Poetry Review_, May, 1918.

SETON-WATSON, R.W.: _Pan-Slavism. Contemporary_, October, 1916.

----_Austria-Hungary and the Federal System. Contemporary_, March, 1918.

STEED, HENRY WICKHAM: _The Quintessence of Austria. Edinburgh Review_, October, 1915.

Independent Bohemia Part 16

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