Dio's Rome Volume I Part 4

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---- A review of _C.J. Rockel_ (De allocutionis usu qualis sit apud Thucydidem, Xenophontem, oratores Atticos, _Dionem_, Aristidem.).

(Jhrb. of I. Muller.)

---- Mention of H. Haupt's Survey in Philol. 44. (Jhrb. of I. Muller.)

BR. KEIL.--A criticism of _Rockel_. (Article above cited. W. Kl. Ph., May 4.)

W.F. ALLEN.--The Monetary Crisis in Rome, A.D. 33. (Containing citations from Dio. Tr. A. Ph. A., Vol. 18.)

E.G. SIHLER.--The Tradition of Caesar's Gallic Wars from Cicero to Orosius. (Containing citations from Dio. Tr. A. Ph. A., Vol. 18.)

LIATYSCHEV.--(An article containing citations from Dio that contribute to a knowledge of the location of the city of Olbia.--Journal Ministerstva Narodnavo Prosveschtscheniia, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4.)


W.F. ALLEN.--Lex Curiata de Imperio. (Containing citations from Dio x.x.xIX, 19 and elsewhere.--Tr. A. Ph. A., Vol. 19.)

S.A. NABER.--Critical observations. (Including Dio XLVI, 15; LI, 14; LV, 10; LXIX, 28; LXXVI, 14; LXXVII, 4. Mnemos., Vol. 16, part 1.)

---- A review of _L. Poetsch_. (Program. Bei.--trage zur Kritik der Kaiserbiographien _Ca.s.sius Dio_, Herodian, und aelius Lampridius auf Grund ihrer Berichte uber den Kaiser Commodus Antoninus.--Z. oest.

Gymn., 1888, Book 3.)


BREITUNG.--A review of _Maisel_ (Observationes in Ca.s.sium Dionem.).

(W. Kl. Ph., June 19.)

---- A review of _Maisel_. (Do. do.--The Academy, February.)

J. HILBERG.--A review of _Maisel_. (Do. do.--Z. oest. Gymn., 1889, Book 3.)

H. KONTOS.--Critical note on Dio, XLIX, 12, 2. ([Greek: ATHeNA], Vol.

1, parts 3-4.)

MELBER.--Contribution to a new order of the Fragments in Ca.s.sius Dio.

(Sitzb. d. philos.-philolog. u. hist. d. k. B. Akademie d. Wiss. zu Munchen, Feb. 9.)

NAUCK.--a.n.a.lecta Critica. (Proposition to restore six fragments of Ca.s.sius Dio to Dio Chrysostom.--Hermes, Vol. 24, part 3.)

ALEX RIESE.--Die Sueben (based upon Dio). (Rh. Mus., Vol. 44, part 3.)

SP. VASIS.--Pa.s.sage of Dio applied to correct conclusions of Willems on Cic. ad Att. 5, 4, 2. ([Greek: ATHeNA], Vol. 1, parts 3-4.)

---- A review of _E. Cornelius_ (Quomodo Tacitus historiae scriptor in hominum memoria versatus sit usque ad renascentes litteras saec. XIV et XV.--Dio is indirectly involved.). (Jhrb. d. phil. Ver. zu. Berlin, 1889.)

---- A review of _C.J. Rockel_. (t.i.tle cited under 1887.--Jhrb. of I.



U. PH. BOISSEVAIN.--A misplaced fragment of Dio (LXXV, 9, 6). (Hermes, Vol. 25, part 3.)

TH. HULTZSCH.--On Dio Ca.s.sius (relative to early alteration of the text). (N. JB. f. Ph. u. Pa., Vol. 141, book 3.)

KARL JACOBY.--A review of _Maisel_. (t.i.tle cited under 1889.--B.P.W., Feb. 15.)

MELBER.--Regarding the chronological relocation of several fragments of Dio. (Bl. f. d. Bayer. Gymn., Vol. 26, books 6 and 7.)

---- A citation of the Kontos note (see above) from [Greek: ATHeNA].

(Rev. d. Et. Gr., Vol. 3, N. 9.)


BOISSEVAIN.--A review of _Melber_. (Text edition of Dio, Vol. I.) (B.P.W., Jan. 24.)

BREITUNG.--A review of _Melber_. (Do. do.--W. Kl. Ph., June 24.)

B. KuBLER.--A review of _Melber_. (Do. do.--Deutsche LZ., Nov. 28.)

Id.--Five conjectures in the (earlier portion of) text of Dio. (Rh.

Mus., Vol. 46, part 2.)

MELBER.--A review of _Maisel_. (t.i.tle cited under 1889.--Bl. f. d.

Bayer. Gymn., Vol. 27, books 6 and 7.)

Id.--A correction in Zonaras, IX, 5. (Bl. f. d. Bayer. Gymn., Vol. 27, book 1.)

G.M. RUSHFORTH.--A review of _Melber_ (Dio, Vol. 1). (Cl. Rev., Vol.

5, Nos. 1 and 2.)

C. WACHs.m.u.tH.--The pentad arrangement in Dio and others. (Rh. Mus., Vol. 46, part 2.)

---- Mention of an article on Dio (Caesar's Gallic Wars) in Festgruss des kgl. Max.-Gymn. zu Munchen. (Phil. Rundsch., Dec. 5.)


U. PH. BOISSEVAIN.--On the spellings Callaeci--Gallaeci, etc. (Mnemos., N.S. Vol. 20, p. 286 ff.)

H. SCHILLER.--A review of _Meyer_ (De Maecenatis oratione a Dione ficta). (B.P.W., Sept. 17.)


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