The California Club Part 47

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'Isn't this one of your favorites?' Elliot remembers.

I nod.

Elliot sets down the last drink, does a little bow and then extends an open palm to me.

I gasp.


'Please don't embarra.s.s me,' Elise cringes.

Ignoring her, I take his hand and follow him to the dance floor.

'I apologize in advance to your toes,' I smile as we take our position.

Elliot gathers me up in his arms and then holds the pose, waiting for an appropriate moment to b.u.t.t into the song. I notice his foot tap twice and then we're off. I'm expecting a shuffling clutter of missteps but within seconds we're gliding. There's no way Patrick Swayze could accuse Elliot of having 'spaghetti arms' he's created a perfect frame and all I have to do is hold on tight and enjoy the ride.

'How come ...?' I falter, thrown by his prowess.

'How Come Dancing, you mean?' Elliot chuckles.

I nod, intrigued.

'My gran made me take ballroom dancing when I was seven.'

'I never knew.'

'It doesn't often come up, mercifully.'

'How long did you do it for?'

'Six years.'

'Six years!' I exclaim.

'I don't remember much-'

'You might not but your feet do.' I nod downwards.

Elliot looks bemused by his own deft strides as though someone else has control of his feet.

The music changes and his body instinctively responds.

'Are we cha-cha-cha-ing?'

'I think we might be.'

His hips begin to swivel and rock in time to the music. 'It's spreading up my body!'

Again the music changes and the twirls begin. I was dizzy before just having his hand on my waist, heaven help me now!

'So what's your name, pretty lady?' Elliot grins, clutching me to him after a giddying three-in-a row.

'Tammy-Sue, pleased to meet you!' I play along.

'Likewise. I'm Buck.'

'Hey you!' I beam. I couldn't be any happier if he dropped down on one knee and proposed. (After un-proposing to Elise, of course.) And then a saxed-up, punchy version of Bad, Bad Leroy Brown starts up and we're swinging.

'You're so good you're making me look good!' I marvel.

'Well, you always were quite a little mover.'

This is the best birthday ever!

When the band announces a break Elliot and I return to the table exhausted but exhilarated.

'You never told me you could dance!' Elise adopts her favorite accusatory tone.

'Is that what that was?' Elliot shrugs.

'I'm stunned!' Helen applauds Elliot.

'Any other dark secrets I should know about?' Elise continues sniping.

'I don't think it gets any darker than ballroom dancing.' Elliot takes a swig of his vodka.

'Lara you never did tell us your fantasy,' Zo prompts.

'That was it, right there on the dance floor,' I admit.

I can still see us together in my mind.

'That's it? Dancing?' Elise isn't convinced.

I nod. 'Well, it's one of my fantasies.'

'Tell us another,' Zo urges. 'One with s.e.x in.'

'Hold on. Who with?' Elise bores into me.


'In your fantasy, who are you dancing with?'

My mind is blank. I can't summon one s.e.xy celeb to fill Elliot's shoes. I look to Zo for help but she's busy deflecting a proposition from one of the band members.

'Owen Wilson,' Sasha saves me. 'You love him.'

'I do! Yes, him. He's divine!'

'Who's divine?' Zo rejoins the conversation.

'Owen Wilson.'

'Are you telling them about the premiere? That guy always reminds me of Elliot, especially in Shanghai Noon.'

Oh no.

'It's the hair!' Helen and Sasha chorus.

'Just the hair!' I confirm.

In the silence that follows Sasha, Zo, Helen and myself try and will the cat back into the bag.

Elise gets a feisty look in her eye. 'You know, I'm surprised none of you girls have ever got it together with Elliot!'


A few tinkles of nervous laughter. This is even awkward for the people not in love with him.

'None of this lot would have me!' Elliot tries to make a joke.

'I wouldn't be so sure,' Elise says, darkly.

My heart is pounding. I feel on the verge of being exposed.

'Surely there must have been one occasion ...' she probes further.

I swear I see the tiniest smile flash across Elliot's face but he immediately blanks it out.

'Maybe when you first met?'

'Other than that monster fiveinabed orgy, there's been nothing, really,' Zo wades in.

We all laugh. Me to the point that I get hiccups.

Then an old lady who looks just like Sofia from The Golden Girls saves the day by begging Elliot to take her for a spin on the dance floor.

It's a sight to behold. She barely comes up to his waist.

'You know, there's a bedroom here called Tall & Short.' Sasha flicks to the appropriate page. 'Says it's for tall husbands with short wives, or vice versa the bed is custom-made so it's five foot long on one side and six foot on the other!'

'I hope you're not suggesting they sleep together!' Elise grumps.

Visualizing the pairing, all of us fall about.

Even, eventually, Elise.

The sensation of real laughter is clearly such a shock to her system that five minutes later she announces she's going to bed. And this time she doesn't even attempt to engage Elliot.

'To sleep,' she sighs, lurching up from the table while he's still on the dance floor. 'Perchance to dream...'

And with that she's gone.

Where does she go in her dreams, I wonder? It's funny, after spending the whole week dreading visiting Elise at Breathe I am now curious enough to be looking forward to our trip there tomorrow and the chance to put another piece of the puzzle together.

'Ready to go again?' Elliot returns granny-free and looks at me expectantly.

I wonder if he knows the truth.

'I don't know if I've got any energy left,' I fret, limp of limb.

'Oh go on!' Helen, Sasha and Zo hoist me up into his arms.

'Come on, old lady.' Elliot puts a supportive arm around my waist and leads me to the dance floor. 'I'll be your walker.'

Slowly the thrill of being held revives me. He takes my hands and we begin to gently sway to I'll String Along With You. Then, just when I think we're going to get away with a lilting melody, a jive sets in. For three consecutive songs. I can't remember having a more vigorous workout. The old folk don't seem to be breaking a sweat but I'm on fire. Finally the band slide into a slowie.

'Thank G.o.d! I'm beat!' I pant, ready to return to the table. But Elliot pulls me back into his arms. Close to his hot body.

'Stay for one more,' he breathes.

I relax into his chest. I can feel every contour beneath his s.h.i.+rt. I wonder if he can feel me just as well through the fabric of my dress.

'Are you having a good birthday?' he asks, sounding as if he really cares.

I look up at him and beam a 'Yes'.

'It's so brilliant that your mum called.'

My face falls, remembering our conversation.

'What is it?' Elliot frowns, looking concerned. 'She's okay, isn't she?'

'She found a buyer for the B&B,' I blurt.

'Oh Lara!'

I bite my lip.

'You don't really want to sell do you?'

I shake my head. I know I can't speak without getting quavery so I say nothing.

'Ever since you told us at La Valencia it's been playing on my mind. I haven't said anything because I know you didn't want to talk about it but you can't let it go, you just can't. We have to find a way.'

We. He said we. There is hope!

The California Club Part 47

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The California Club Part 47 summary

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