The California Club Part 50

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'Let me look at you now you're thirty!' he sets me down and then holds my face in his hands.

'Where'd you come from?' I splutter. I can't believe his timing wait till I tell him about Elliot, he'll be delighted! Mission accomplished!

'How did you know we were here?' I ask, still dizzy.

'Zo,' he explains. 'When you left us at the diner we had a little chat. I wanted to get here last night but I had a business dinner I couldn't get out of.'

'But we're just leaving.' I look around, the others are on their way over.

'Well you know how I live to chauffeur you,' he twinkles.

'You're coming to Breathe?' Oh joy! I don't have to travel alone with Elise. 'Where's your car?' I look around for his black jeep.

'We're not driving.'

'I'm not jogging!' I warn him. 'It's got to be 100 miles.'

'We're flying! Friend of mine's a pilot. He's got this great little four-seater Cessna. He can set us down within a few meters of the entrance.'

I shake my head in amazement. 'You blow my mind!'

'Elise won't fly in something that size,' Elliot cautions, looking surly.

'Hey man, didn't see you there!' Joel reaches across and shakes his hand. 'What's going on?'

'Nothing much!' Elliot glowers. His whole countenance has changed. The tentative, hopeful look he had just minutes ago has clouded over into something moody and dark. Handshake over, he goes to turn away, only to find Elise stomping towards him.

'Is it all right for me to come back now?' She gives Elliot a withering look.

Elliot holds up his hands as if to say: I'm done here do as you please.

'Elise, this is Joel,' I introduce them. 'Remember you spoke to him in Yosemite?'

Elliot turns back, looking perturbed. Why does he always act so weird around Joel? He can't be jealous, not after last night. It's blatantly obvious who my heart has chosen, surely?

'Oh yeah.' Elise eyes Joel from s.h.i.+ny black hair to Nike toe. 'Hi!'

'He's going to fly us to Big Sur. It's a small plane but really safe,' I a.s.sure her.

Elise immediately backs up. 'No way.'

Elliot gives a 'told you' shrug and folds his arms.

I open my mouth to try again but Joel lays a 'I'll handle this' hand on me.

'Well, it's entirely up to you but we're talking a smooth glide the weather conditions are perfect, totally clear sky and we'll fly good and low so you can practically dip your pretty little toes in the sea.'

The toes bit has got to be too far. Oddly, Elise doesn't squawk an objection so Joel continues. 'By the sound of it you haven't had too much free time to explore Big Sur. This way you'd see it in all its rugged beauty.'

Elise seems mesmerized by him. 'Well, if you're sure ...'

'Would I lie to you?' Joel charms her.

Elliot and I lock eyes. Our song. For a moment I feel like we're raised above the other two, connecting again. Then Joel pulls me back into his arms.

'It's so good to see you!'

I want to hug him back but Elliot looks so raw I keep it to a minimal squeeze, then prise myself away and wave over the others to join us. They all chatter busily with Joel (who naturally forms the center of attention) and I take the chance to beckon Elliot off to one side.

'What you were saying before ...' I begin, eager to get back to the bit about him becoming co-owner of the B&B and better yet, the bit that sounded for all the world like a proposal!

'Forget it!' he snaps.

'Forget it?' I repeat, stunned.

'I don't know what I was thinking.' He angrily scuffs at the turf with his trainer.

'You're taking back the offer?' I want to be clear before my emotions bust through the dam that's barely holding them back.

'You didn't accept it,' he growls, avoiding eye contact.

'I didn't have the chance,' I reason, trying to keep calm.

'I wonder why.' Elliot scowls at Joel as if he'd like to deck him.

'So that's it, is it?' I can't believe this.

Elliot shrugs.

He's behaving like a child and I can feel the frustration bubbling up inside me. 'Is there something bothering you?' I decide to ask him straight.

'Like what?' he pouts.

'Like Joel,' I prompt, exasperated.

Elliot snorts and looks away.

'What?' I grab his lapel, frowning into his face.

'Nothing!' Elliot grunts, pulling away. 'If you want to make a fool of yourself...'

'Excuse me?' I laugh, utterly outraged. 'What do you mean by that?'

'Falling for all his "my friend's a pilot" nonsense!' Elliot sneers.

'Oh I suppose the plane is imaginary, is it?' I scoff.

'Forget it!' Elliot tries to walk away.

'Don't do that!' I block his exit. 'If you've got something to say, say it,' I hiss, trying not to cause a noticeable scene. Fortunately we're no match for Joel and Zo in full flow.

Elliot runs his tongue along his teeth then glares at me. 'I don't like him.'

'I don't like Elise,' I counter.

'I just told you I'm not marrying her!' Elliot blurts then hushes himself and looks guiltily in her direction.

'Does she know that?' I ask.

'Not yet.'

'We're leaving in five minutes. When were you planning on saying something?'

'It's not that simple,' Elliot says quietly.

'Well I wouldn't rush into it,' I ooze sarcasm. 'You might find you change your mind five minutes later.'

I can't believe we're at each other's throats like this, especially after our blissful magnolia-scented encounter. How is it possible for things to sour so quickly? Does this mean we were never meant to be? We experience the merest hint of togetherness and then instantly self-destruct!

'I'm sure Joel can give you the money for the B&B,' Elliot taunts, angling to have the last jibe.

'Oh yeah, I know for a fact that it's his dream to own a clapped-out townhouse in a country that rains nine months of the year,' I spit. 'I bet he's never even seen a pebble!'

'You two coming?' Helen calls over.

Elliot and I trip over each other trying to get to her first.

I am seething! I've never seen Elliot like this before. What an a.r.s.e! It just goes to show you think you know someone ... Well, Elise is welcome to him. Not that he wants her any more. I should be over-the-moon but I don't care. I hope he stays miserably single for a very long time. I can't believe he'd give me false hope like that. He knows how I feel about the B&B, never mind about him. What a b.a.s.t.a.r.d!

'Joe!!' I call.

'What, my darling?'

'Piggyback!' I jump on board and laugh maniacally as we hurtle past Elliot and Elise. You want to see me look foolish you've got it! I squeal as Joel offloads me on to the top bar of the paddock fence and then swiftly turns round to face me, keeping me balanced by placing his hands on my thighs.

'Glad to see you're not getting any more mature with age,' Joel puffs.

I grin back at him. He couldn't have said anything better. I lean forward and cup his face.

'I'm so glad you're here!' I say, before planting a firm kiss on his lips.

Did you see that, Elliot? That's me bouncing back. You think I'm crushed? I'm not. I'm not. I'm not.

Chapter 37.

I'm still trying to quell my irritation as we pull up at the airfield. I've never once argued with Elliot in the ten years I've known him and consequently I found myself distracted as I said goodbye to the others. I realize now that I meant to get more of the lowdown on Sasha's fundraiser plans all I know is that she wants us at Tiger Tiger by 6pm tomorrow. I hope it's a success. If it is, maybe she and Zo could think about arranging a fundraiser for me and the B&B ... Another flare of indignation sparks within me. I hope Elliot gets his bottom chewed off by a bear.

'This is Richard, our fly guy,' Joel introduces us to the pilot. We shake hands with the happy face in the check s.h.i.+rt and take our position in the plane me alongside Richard for the privileged front-seat vantage point, Joel in the back with Elise so he can use his big muscles to restrain her in case she gets hysterical and tries to throw herself out the window.

Now there's an idea. Disappointingly, I don't get nearly as much satisfaction as I normally do conjuring Ways to Zap Elise.

'Up we go!' Richard seems to be willing the plane to part with the tarmac as we trundle and whirr down the runway. For a moment it seems a physical impossibility that the four of us and a hunk of metal could get airborne but he levers us upwards and miraculously we don't straight back down.

'Don't forget to breathe!' Joel leans forward to remind me as we climb on invisible rails, up into the sky.

How did he know I've been holding my breath since take-off? I also haven't moved so much as an eyebrow hair for fear of unbalancing the plane. I consciously try to relax my body, lowering my shoulders a millimeter at a time. I can't believe I'm up here, hovering above where the verdant land of California cuts haphazardly into the sea, creating one of the most raw and refres.h.i.+ng coastlines in the world. Joel's done it again sent my spirits soaring against all odds.

We stop for a drink just a mile or two from Breathe, perched at cliffside tables watching the surf thrash and spray. Even the typically drag-me-down presence of Elise can't touch me. I'm overwhelmed with feelings of well-being. No wonder this place is such a mecca for those seeking spiritual enlightenment the scenery does half the work for you.

'I suppose we ought to be getting on,' Elise says, looking at her watch.

I suck down the last of my pink lemonade. If I didn't know better I'd say she was actually keen to return to Breathe. Joel is good enough to escort me to the room I'll be sharing with Elise, just to make sure I'm not going to be painted orange and offered up as some sacrifice to the sun. As it turns out, long robes and daisy-chained hippie hair are conspicuous by their absence.

'I think you're going to be okay,' Joel a.s.sures me. 'But if there's any naked bongo drumming make sure you call me,' he adds with his trademark saucy smile.

'Elise!' A group of three middle-aged female students hurry over to embrace their clanswoman.

'How are you feeling?' The first gives her a sincere arm rub.

'You were so brave the other night,' the second coos. 'I just know you're about to have a breakthrough!

'You're just in time to come to Family Circle with us,' the third chimes in.

'Lara,' Elise turns to me. 'You'll join us, won't you?'

Four heads tilt in enquiry. This is spooky. I reach for Joel.

'Sorry babe, I gotta fly,' he shrugs. 'You go have fun!'

'Just give me a minute,' I tell Elise, pulling Joel off to one side.

'Take me with you,' I beg him.

Joel laughs and shakes his head. 'Come on, just one more night and you'll be a California Club graduate. Think of that beach-house!'

I wheeze a resigned breath and ask, 'Are you coming to the Tiger Tiger fundraiser tomorrow night?'

'You bet Sasha told me all about it while you were off colluding with Elliot. What was going on there?'

'Don't ask,' I groan, refusing to relive the vexation.

The California Club Part 50

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