Memoirs, Correspondence and Manuscripts of General Lafayette Part 3
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The next day he proceeded to congress: Mr. Lovell came out of the meeting, and told him there was but little hope of his request being acceded to. Suspecting that his letters had not been read, M. de Lafayette wrote the note which will be found in the text. The resolution of the congress concerning him, deliberated the 31st of July, is expressed in the following manner: "Seeing that the Marquis de Lafayette, on account of his great zeal in the cause of liberty in which the United States are engaged, has quitted his family and country, and has come to offer his services to the United States, without demanding either pay or private indemnity, and that he desires to expose his life in our cause,--resolved, that his services be accepted, and that, on account of his zeal, ill.u.s.trious family and connexions, he shall have the rank and commission of major-general in the army of the United States." The real intention of this resolution was to give a rank to M.
de Lafayette, and to leave to General Was.h.i.+ngton the right and care of confiding to him a command in unison with that rank. (Letters of Was.h.i.+ngton, 2nd part. V, p. 10, 35, and 128, and appendix No. I.)
19. He was presented, for the first time, to Was.h.i.+ngton, says Mr.
Sparks, at a dinner, at which several members of congress were present.
When they were separating, Was.h.i.+ngton drew Lafayette aside, expressed much kindness for him, complimented him upon his zeal and his sacrifices, and invited him to consider the headquarters as his own house, adding, with a smile that he could not promise him the luxuries of a court, but that as he was become an American soldier, he would doubtless submit cheerfully to the customs and privations of a republican army. The next day Was.h.i.+ngton visited the forts of the Delaware, and invited Lafayette to accompany him. (Sparks, ibid.)
20. See fragment B.
21. From Bethlehem he wrote to M. de Boulle, governor of the Windward Islands, to propose to him to attack the English islands under American colours. That general approved of the project, and forwarded it to the court, who would not, however, accept it. At the same period, M. de Lafayette, although in disgrace himself at court, wrote to the Count de Maurepas, to propose to him a still more important enterprise against the English factories, but also under American colours. The old minister, from prudential motives, did not adopt this project, but he spoke publicly in praise of it, and expressed, ever after, a great partiality for Lafayette. "He will end, one day," said he, smiling, "by unfurnis.h.i.+ng the palace of Versailles to serve the American cause; for when he has taken anything into his head, it is impossible to resist him."--(Note by M. de Lafayette.)
22. This name is very illegible in the ma.n.u.script.
23. The celebrated Alexander Hamilton, one of the authors of the _Federalist_.
24. Journal of Congress, 1st December, 1777.
25. See fragment C, at the end of the Memoirs.
26. After having thus declared himself, he wrote to congress that "he could only accept the command on condition of remaining subordinate to General Was.h.i.+ngton, of being but considered as an officer detached from him, and of addressing all his letters to him, of which those received by congress would be but duplicates." These requests, and all the others he made, were granted. (Ma.n.u.script No. 2.)
27. He had the discretion to renounce an expedition which, undertaken without proper means, would have produced fatal effects upon the whole northern part of the United States. At Georgetown, the present residence of congress, some anxiety was experienced, because they feared that M.
de Lafayette had trusted himself upon the lakes in the season of the year when the ice begins to melt. The counter orders that were sent him would have arrived too late; and when it became known that he had himself renounced the expedition, he received the thanks of congress and of the minister of war, General Gates, who, in spite of the line of conduct Lafayette had pursued during his quarrel with General Was.h.i.+ngton, had always expressed great respect and esteem for him.
(Ma.n.u.script No. 1.)
28. It is singular that the oath of renunciation to Great Britain and her king, which every one employed in the continental service was obliged to take at that time, should have been administered in one half of the United States by a Frenchman of twenty years of age. (Ma.n.u.script No. 2.)
29. See, after these Memoirs, fragment D.
30. The two battalions formed to arrest the enemy's march were placed by General Was.h.i.+ngton himself. When, after having expressed his own feelings of dissatisfaction, he wished to give himself time to form his army on the heights behind the pa.s.sage, he left there Major-General Lafayette, Brigadier-General Knox, commanding the artillery, and some officers of his staff. The colonels were good officers, and the battalions conducted themselves perfectly well. When the army was ranged in order of battle, General Greene commanded the right of the first line, Lord Stirling the left, and Lafayette the second line. (Ma.n.u.script No. 2.)
31. General Was.h.i.+ngton was never greater in battle than this action. His presence stopped the retreat; his arrangements secured the victory. His graceful bearing on horseback, his calm and dignified deportment, which still retained some trace of the displeasure he had experienced in the morning, were all calculated to excite the highest degree of enthusiasm.
(Ma.n.u.script No. 2.)
32. See, after these Memoirs, the fragment E.
33. See fragment F.
34. The following was written by M. de Lafayette twenty years after the presumed date of the memoirs:--"Lord Carlisle refused,--and he was right. The challenge, however, excited some jokes against the commission and its president, which, whether well or ill founded, are always disadvantageous to those who become their objects."--(Ma.n.u.script No.
1.) "Lord Carlisle was right: but the challenge appearing the result of chivalric patriotism, party spirit took advantage of the circ.u.mstance, and the feeling which had inspired this irregular step was generally approved."--(Ma.n.u.script No. 2.)
35. General Was.h.i.+ngton--who, when Lafayette was wounded at Brandywine, said to the surgeon, "_Take care of him as if he were my son, for I love him the same_"--expressed for him, during this illness, the most tender and paternal anxiety.--(Ma.n.u.script No. 1.)
1. We have already mentioned these ma.n.u.scripts. The one we term _Ma.n.u.script No. 1_, consists of a rapid sketch of the American life of General Lafayette; the other one, or _Ma.n.u.script 2_, is ent.i.tled, _Observations on some portion of the American History, by a Friend of General Lafayette_. Both appear to have been written about the period of the empire. Fragment A is drawn from the Ma.n.u.script No. 2.
The histories of the American war and revolution are, generally speaking, very favourable to M. de Lafayette; the life of Was.h.i.+ngton, by Mr. Marshall, is especially so. There is one phrase, however, (page 410 of the third volume of the London edition,) which requires some explanation. "_He left France ostensibly in opposition to his sovereign_." This circ.u.mstance is treated in a more lucid and exact manner in the following works:--_The History, etc., by William Gordon, D.D._, vol. ii., pages 499 and 500. _London_, 1788.--_The History of the American Revolution, by Dr. Ramsay_, vol. ii., page 11. _Philadelphia_, 1789.
The importance of this step was increased by a peculiar circ.u.mstance.
The preparations for the purchase and equipment of the vessel had delayed Lafayette's departure until the period which had been long previously fixed upon for an excursion of some weeks into England; this enabled him to conceal his departure; the American commissioners were well pleased to take advantage of this accident. Lafayette refused the proposals which were made him in London to visit the ports, or to do anything which could be construed into an abuse of confidence. He did not conceal his partiality for the American insurgents; but he endeavoured to profit by the parade with which, from political motives, the king and his ministry received at that period all persons coming from the court of France, and the attention which was paid them. The Marquis de Noailles, the amba.s.sador, was his uncle. Lafayette felt no scruple in compromising the diplomatic character of this representation of the King of France, so that the _maximum_ of the favourable effect that his departure could produce was obtained in England.
The same result took place in France. It would be difficult at this period to imagine into what a state of political and military insignificance the nation and government had been reduced during the war of seven years, and, above all, after the part.i.tion of Poland. The French ministry had personally, at that period, the reputation of great circ.u.mspection; the few indirect relations it permitted itself to hold with the agents of the insurgent colonies were only managed through the medium of unacknowledged agents, and were discovered the moment the amba.s.sador pretended to become acquainted with them, or that the Americans could have drawn any advantage from them. Amongst the departures on which the ministers were kind enough to close their eyes, there were only four engineers for whom this toleration was in truth a secret mission.~[1] One word from Lord Stormont was sufficient to procure the detention, discharge, and sometimes imprisonment of the Americans admitted into our ports: their liberty or property was only restored to them surrept.i.tiously, and as if escaping from the vigilance of a superior.
Amidst this labyrinth of precautions, feebleness, and denials, the effect may be conceived that was produced at Versailles by the bold step taken by a youth of distinguished birth and fortune, allied to one of the first families of the court, by whom the King of England and his ministers would fancy themselves braved and even laughed at, and whose departure would leave no doubt as to the connivance of the amba.s.sador and government of France. The displeasure of the rulers was roused to the highest pitch: a portion of Lafayette's family shared in this displeasure. He had secretly traversed France. Having met near Paris with Carmichael, secretary of the American agents, he had urged the immediate departure of his vessel from Bordeaux, preferring to complete the necessary arrangements at the Spanish port of Pa.s.sage. He returned himself to Bordeaux, in the hope of obtaining a consent which he considered would be useful to his cause. The return of his courier having informed him that they would not condescend to give an answer to such an indiscreet request, he hastened to quit France himself in the disguise of a courier, and lost no time in setting sail.
The government, to appease as far as possible, the English amba.s.sador, despatched two light vessels to the Leeward and Windward Islands to stop Lafayette. At that period, the French navigators did not risk steering straight towards the American continent; they first repaired to the West Indies, and, taking out papers for France, they ranged as close as possible to the American coast, and endeavoured to seize a favourable moment or pretext to steal into a harbour. Lafayette's vessel had followed the common course of all expeditions; but its youthful owner, who had several officers with him, and had won the affection of the crew, obliged the captain to take a straightforward direction. A lucky gale of wind drove off the frigates that had been cruising on the preceding day before Georgetown, and he sailed into that port, having been protected by fate against the various obstacles which had been opposed to his enterprise.
But whilst the French government thus seconded the views of the English government, the departure of young Lafayette produced, in Paris, in the commercial towns, in all societies, and even at court, a sensation that was very favourable to the American cause. The enthusiasm it excited was in a great measure owing to the state of political stagnation into which the country had so long been plunged, the resentment excited by the arrogance of England, her commissioner at Dunkirk, her naval pretensions, and the love inherent in all mankind of bold and extraordinary deeds, especially when they are in defiance of the powerful, and to protect the weak in their struggle for liberty. To these peculiar circ.u.mstances may be imputed the increased interest and attention, the strong national feeling, and the constantly augmenting force of public opinion to which the French government at length yielded, when, in its treaties with the United States, it formed engagements with them, and commenced a war with England, which were both equally opposed to its real character and inclination.
1: MM. de de Gouvion, Duportail, Laradiere, and Laumoy.
The appearance of the two brothers Howe before the capes of the Delaware had given rise to the supposition that it was upon that side they intended to land. General Was.h.i.+ngton repaired with his army towards the neighbourhood of Philadelphia. That army had been recruiting during the winter. Was.h.i.+ngton went to Philadelphia to attend a public dinner given in honour of him. It was then Lafayette was introduced to him. This young foreigner had travelled by land over the southern states, and had made a direct application to the congress, requesting to serve at first as volunteer, and to serve at his own expense. The members were much struck with two requests differing so widely from those of several other officers, and of one in particular, an officer of artillery, who had made great pretensions on his arrival, and had soon afterwards drowned himself in the Schuylkill. The rank of major-general (the highest in the American army) was given to Lafayette. Was.h.i.+ngton received the young volunteer in the most friendly manner, and invited him to reside in his house as a member of his military family, which offer Lafayette accepted with the same frankness with which it was made.
He remained there until he was appointed to the command of a division.
The court of France had required that the American envoys should write to America to prevent Lafayette from being employed in their army. They did not hasten to despatch that letter, and, when its contents became known, the popularity of Lafayette was so great that it could not produce any effect. It is thus evident, that from the first moment of his embracing the American cause every obstacle was thrown in his way; all of which, however, he encountered and surmounted. (Ma.n.u.script No.
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