A Dialogue Concerning Oratory Or The Causes Of Corrupt Eloquence Part 15

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BONNA, now _Bonn_, in the electorate of _Cologne_.

BONONIA, called by Tacitus _Bononiensis_; now _Bologna_, capital of the _Bolognese_ in Italy.

BOSPHORANI, a people bordering on the Euxine; the _Tartars_.

BOSPHORUS, two straits of the sea so called; one _Bosphorus Thracius_, now _the straits of Constantinople_; the other _Bosphorus Cimmerius_, now _the straits of Caffa_.

BOVILLae, a town of Latium, near Mount Alba.n.u.s; about ten miles from Rome, on the Appian Road.

BRIGANTES, the ancient inhabitants of _Yorks.h.i.+re_, _Lancas.h.i.+re_, _Durham_, _Westmoreland_, and _c.u.mberland_.

BRIXELLUM, the town where Otho dispatched himself after the defeat at _Bedriac.u.m_; now _Bresello_, in the territory of _Reggio_.

BRIXIA, a town of Italy, on this side of the Po; now _Brescia_.

BRUCTERIANS, a people of Germany, situate in Westphalia. See the Manners of the Germans, s. 33. note a.

BRUNDUSIUM, a town of Calabria, with an excellent harbour, at the entrance of the Adriatic, affording to the Romans a commodious pa.s.sage to Greece. The Via Appia ended at this town. Now _Brindisi_, in the territory of _Otranto_, in the kingdom of Naples.

BYZANTIUM, a city of Thrace, on the narrow strait that separates Europe from Asia; now _Constantinople_. See Annals, xii. s. 63.


CaeLALETae, a people of Thrace, near Mount Haemus.

CaeRACATES, probably the diocese of _Mayence_.

CaeSAREA, a maritime town in Palestine; now _Kaisarie_.

CaeSIAN FOREST, now the Forest of _Heserwaldt_, in the duchy of Cleves.

It is supposed to be a part of the Hercynian Forest.

CALABRIA, a peninsula of Italy, between Tarentum and Brundusium; now the territory of Otranto, in the kingdom of Naples.

CAMELODUNUM, said by some to be _Malden_ in Ess.e.x, but by Camden, and others, _Colchester_. It was made a Roman colony under the emperor Claudius; a place of pleasure rather than of strength, adorned with splendid works, a theatre, and a temple of Claudius.

CAMERIUM, a city in the territory of the Sabines; now destroyed.

CAMPANIA, a territory of Italy, bounded on the west by the Tuscan sea.

The most fertile and delightful part of Italy; now called _Terra di Lavoro_.

CANGI, the inhabitants of Ches.h.i.+re, and part of Lancas.h.i.+re.

CANINEFATES, a people of the Lower Germany, from the same origin as the Batavians, and inhabitants of the west part of the isle of Batavia.

CANOPUS, a city of the Lower Egypt, situate on a branch of the Nile called by the same name.

CAPPADOCIA, a large country in Asia Minor, between Cilicia the Euxine sea. Being made a Roman province, the inhabitants had an offer made them of a free and independent government; but their answer was, Liberty might suit the Romans, but the Cappadocians would neither receive liberty, nor endure it.

CAPREA, an island on the coast of Campania, about four miles in length from east to west, and about one in breadth. It stands opposite to the promontory of _Surrentum_, and has the bay of Naples in view. It was the residence of Tiberius for several years.

CAPUA, now _Capoa_, a city in the kingdom of Naples; the seat of pleasure, and the ruin of Hannibal.

CARMEL, a mountain in Galilee, on the Mediterranean.

CARSULae, a town of Umbria, about twenty miles from Mevania; now in ruins.

CARTHAGO, once the most famous city of Africa, and the rival of Rome; supposed by some to have been built by queen Dido, seventy years after the foundation of Rome; but Justin will have it before Rome. It was the capital of what is now the kingdom of _Tunis_.

CARTHAGO NOVA, a town of _Hispania Tarraconensis_, or the Hither Spain; now _Carthagena_.

CASPIAN SEA, a vast lake between Persia, Great Tartary, Muscovy and Georgia, said to be six hundred miles long, and near as broad.

Ca.s.sIOPE, a town in the island of Corcyra (now _Corfou_), called at present _St. Maria di Ca.s.sopo_.

CATTI, a people of Germany, who inhabited part of the country now called _Hesse_, from the mountains of _Hartz_, to the Weser and the Rhine.


CELENDRIS, a place on the coast of Cilicia, near the confines of Pamphylia.

CENCHRIae, a port of Corinth, situate about ten miles towards the east; now _Kenkri_.

CENCHRIS, a river running through the Ortygian Grove.

CEREINA, an island in the Mediterranean, to the north of the Syrtis Minor in Africa; now called _Kerkeni_.

CHALCEDON, a city of Bithynia, situate at the mouth of the Euxine, over-against Byzantium. It was called the _City of the Blind_. See Annals, xii. s. 63.

CHAUCI, a people of Germany, inhabiting what we now call _East Friesland_, _Bremen_, and _Lunenburg_. See Manners of the Germans, s.


CHERUSCANS, a great and warlike people of Ancient Germany, to the north of the _Catti_, between the _Elbe_ and the _Weser_.

CIBYRA, formerly a town of Phrygia, near the banks of the Maeander, but now destroyed.

CILICIA, an extensive country in the Hither Asia, bounded by Mount Taurus to the north, by the Mediterranean to the south, by Syria to the east, and by Pamphylia to the west. It was one of the provinces reserved for the management of the emperor.

CINITHIANS, a people of Africa.

CIRRHA, a town of Phocis, near Delphi, sacred to Apollo.

CIRRHUS, a town of Syria, in the district of Commagene, and not far from Antioch.

CIRTA, formerly the capital of Numidia, and the residence of the king.

It is now called _Constantina_, in the kingdom of Algiers.

c.l.i.tae, a people of Cilicia, near Mount Taurus.

A Dialogue Concerning Oratory Or The Causes Of Corrupt Eloquence Part 15

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