An English Garner: Critical Essays & Literary Fragments Part 28
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At the same time came out several _Tatlers_; each of which, with equal truth and wit, a.s.sured us that he was the genuine _ISAAC BICKERSTAFF_.
It may be observed that when the _Esquire_ laid down his pen; though he could not but foresee that several scribblers would soon s.n.a.t.c.h it up, which he might (one would think) easily have prevented: he scorned to take any further care about it, but left the field fairly open to any worthy successor. Immediately, some of our Wits were for forming themselves into a Club, headed by one Mr. HARRISON, and trying how they could shoot in this BOW of ULYSSES; but soon found that this sort of writing requires so fine and particular a manner of Thinking, with so exact a Knowledge of the World, as must make them utterly despair of success.
They seemed indeed at first to think, that what was only the garnish of the former _Tatlers_, was that which recommended them; and not those Substantial Entertainments which they everywhere abound in. According they were continually talking of their _Maid, Night Cap, Spectacles_, and CHARLES LILLIE. However there were, now and then, some faint endeavours at Humour and sparks of Wit: which the Town, for want of better entertainment, was content to hunt after, through a heap of impertinences; but even those are, at present, become wholly invisible and quite swallowed up in the blaze of the _Spectator_.
You may remember, I told you before, that one cause a.s.signed for the laying down the _Tatler_ was, Want of Matter; and, indeed, this was the prevailing opinion in Town: when we were surprised all at once by a paper called the _Spectator_, which was promised to be continued every day; and was written in so excellent a style, with so nice a judgment, and such a n.o.ble profusion of Wit and Humour, that it was not difficult to determine it could come from no other hands but those which had penned the _Lucubrations_.
This immediately alarmed these gentlemen, who, as it is said Mr. STEELE phrases it, had "the Censors.h.i.+p in Commission." They found the new _Spectator_ came on like a torrent, and swept away all before him. They despaired ever to equal him in Wit, Humour, or Learning; which had been their true and certain way of opposing him: and therefore rather chose to fall on the Author; and to call out for help to all good Christians, by a.s.suring them again and again that they were the First, Original, True, and Undisputed _ISAAC BICKERSTAFF_.
Meanwhile, the _Spectator_, whom we regard as our Shelter from that flood of false wit and impertinence which was breaking in upon us, is in every one's hands; and a constant topic for our morning conversation at tea-tables and coffee-houses. We had at first, indeed, no manner of notion how a diurnal paper could be continued in the spirit and style of our present _Spectators_: but, to our no small surprise, we find them still rising upon us, and can only wonder from whence so prodigious a run of Wit and Learning can proceed; since some of our best judges seem to think that they have hitherto, in general, outshone even the _Esquire_'s first _Tatlers_.
Most people fancy, from their frequency, that they must be composed by a Society: I withal a.s.sign the first places to Mr. STEELE and his Friend.
I have often thought that the conjunction of those two great Geniuses, who seem to stand in a cla.s.s by themselves, so high above all our other Wits, resembled that of two statesmen in a late reign, whose characters are very well expressed in their two mottoes, viz., _Prodesse quam conspici_ [LORD SOMERS], and _Otium c.u.m dignitate_ [CHARLES MONTAGU, Earl of HALIFAX]. Accordingly the first [_ADDISON_] was continually at work behind the curtain, drew up and prepared all those schemes, which the latter still drove on, and stood out exposed to the World, to receive its praises or censures.
Meantime, all our unbia.s.sed well-wishers to Learning are in hopes that the known Temper and prudence of one of these Gentlemen will hinder the other from ever las.h.i.+ng out into Party, and rendering that Wit, which is at present a common good, odious and ungrateful to the better part of the Nation [_by which, of course, GAY meant the Tories_].
If this piece of imprudence does not spoil so excellent a Paper, I propose to myself the highest satisfaction in reading it with you, over a dish of tea, every morning next winter.
As we have yet had nothing new since the _Spectator_, it only remains for me to a.s.sure you, that I am
Yours, &c., J[OHN] G[AY].
_Westminster, May_ 3, 1711.
Upon a review of my letter, I find I have quite forgotten the _British Apollo_; which might possibly have happened, from its having, of late, retreated out of this end of the Town into the country: where, I am informed however, that it still recommends itself by deciding wagers at cards, and giving good advice to shopkeepers and their apprentices.
[_Preface_ to first edition of ADDISON's _Works_ 1721.]
JOSEPH ADDISON, the son of LANCELOT ADDISON, D.D., and of JANE, the daughter of NATHANIEL GULSTON, D.D., and sister of Dr. WILLIAM GULSTON, Bishop of BRISTOL, was born at Milston, near Ambrosebury, in the county of Wilts, in the year 1671.
His father, who was of the county of Westmoreland, and educated at Queen's College in Oxford, pa.s.sed many years in his travels through Europe and Africa; where he joined to the uncommon and excellent talents of Nature, a great knowledge of Letters and Things: of which, several books published by him, are ample testimonies. He was Rector of Milston, above mentioned, when Mr. ADDISON, his eldest son, was born: and afterwards became Archdeacon of Coventry, and Dean of Lichfield.
Mr. ADDISON received his first education at the _Chartreuse_ [_Charterhouse School in London_]; from whence he was removed very early to Queen's College, in Oxford. He had been there about two years, when the accidental sight of a Paper of his verses, in the hands of Dr.
LANCASTER, then Dean of that House, occasioned his being elected into Magdalen College.
He employed his first years in the study of the old Greek and Roman Writers; whose language and manner he caught, at that time of life, as strongly as other young people gain a French accent, or a genteel air.
An early acquaintance with the Cla.s.sics is what may be called the Good Breeding of Poetry, as it gives a certain gracefulness which never forsakes a mind that contracted it in youth; but is seldom, or never, hit by those who would learn it too late.
He first distinguished himself by his Latin compositions, published in the _Musae Anglicanae_: and was admired as one of the best Authors since the Augustan Age, in the two universities and the greatest part of Europe, before he was talked of as a Poet in Town.
There is not, perhaps, any harder task than to tame the natural wildness of Wit, and to civilize the Fancy. The generality of our old English Poets abound in forced conceits and affected phrases; and even those who are said to come the nearest to exactness, are but too often fond of unnatural beauties, and aim at something better than perfection. If Mr.
ADDISON's example and precepts be the occasion that there now begins to be a great demand for Correctness, we may justly attribute it to his being first fas.h.i.+oned by the ancient Models, and familiarized to Propriety of Thought and Chast.i.ty of Style.
Our country owes it to him, that the famous Monsieur BOILEAU first conceived an opinion of the English Genius for Poetry, by perusing the present he made him of the _Musae Anglicanae_. It has been currently reported, that this famous French poet, among the civilities he shewed Mr. ADDISON on that occasion, affirmed that he would not have written against PERRAULT, had he before seen such excellent Pieces by a modern hand. Such a saying would have been impertinent, and unworthy [of]
BOILEAU! whose dispute with PERRAULT turned chiefly upon some pa.s.sages in the Ancients, which he rescued from the misinterpretations of his adversary. The true and natural compliment made by him, was that those books had given him a very new Idea of the English Politeness, and that he did not question but there were excellent compositions in the native language of a country, that professed the Roman Genius in so eminent a degree.
The first English performance made public by him, is a short copy of verses _To Mr. DRYDEN_, with a view particularly to his Translations.
This was soon followed by a Version of the fourth _Georgic_ of VIRGIL; of which Mr. DRYDEN makes very honourable mention in the _Postscript_ to his own Translation of VIRGIL's _Works_: wherein, I have often wondered that he did not, at the same time, acknowledge his obligation to Mr. ADDISON, for giving the _Essay upon the Georgics_, prefixed to Mr. DRYDEN's Translation. Lest the honour of so exquisite a piece of criticism should hereafter be transferred to a wrong Author, I have taken care to insert it in this Collection of his _Works_.
Of some other copies of Verses, printed in the _Miscellanies_ while he was young, the largest is _An Account of the greatest English Poets_; in the close of which, he insinuates a design he then had of going into Holy Orders, to which he was strongly importuned by his father. His remarkable seriousness and modesty, which might have been urged as powerful reasons for his choosing that life, proved the chief obstacles to it. These qualities, by which the Priesthood is so much adorned, represented the duties of it as too weighty for him, and rendered him still the more worthy of that honour, which they made him decline. It is happy that this very circ.u.mstance has since turned so much to the advantage of Virtue and Religion; in the cause of which, he has bestowed his labours the more successfully, as they were his voluntary, not his necessary employment.
The World became insensibly reconciled to Wisdom and Goodness, when they saw them recommended by him, with at least as much Spirit and Elegance as they had been ridiculed [with] for half a century.
He was in his twenty-eighth year [1699], when his inclination to see France and Italy was encouraged by the great Lord Chancellor SOMERS, one of that kind of patriots who think it no waste of the Public Treasure, to purchase Politeness to their country. His Poem upon one of King WILLIAM's Campaigns, addressed to his Lords.h.i.+p, was received with great humanity; and occasioned a message from him to the Author, to desire his acquaintance.
He soon after obtained, by his Interest, a yearly pension of three hundred pounds from the Crown, to support him in his travels. If the uncommonness of a favour, and the distinction of the person who confers it, enhance its value; nothing could be more honourable to a young Man of Learning, than such a bounty from so eminent a Patron.
How well Mr. ADDISON answered the expectations of my Lord SOMERS, cannot appear better than from the book of _Travels_, he dedicated to his Lords.h.i.+p at his return. It is not hard to conceive why that performance was at first but indifferently relished by the bulk of readers; who expected an Account, in a common way, of the customs and policies of the several Governments In Italy, reflections upon the Genius of the people, a Map [_description_] of the Provinces, or a measure of their buildings.
How were they disappointed! when, instead of such particulars, they were presented only with a Journal of Poetical Travels, with Remarks on the present picture of the country compared with the landskips [_landscapes_]
drawn by Cla.s.sic Authors, and others the like unconcerning parts of knowledge! One may easily imagine a reader of plain sense but without a fine taste, turning over these parts of the Volume which make more than half of it, and wondering how an Author who seems to have so solid an understanding when he treats of more weighty subjects in the other pages, should dwell upon such trifles, and give up so much room to matters of mere amus.e.m.e.nt. There are indeed but few men so fond of the Ancients, as to be transported with every little accident which introduces to their intimate acquaintance. Persons of that cast may here have the satisfaction of seeing Annotations upon an old Roman Poem, gathered from the hills and valleys where it was written. The Tiber and the Po serve to explain the verses which were made upon their banks; and the Alps and Apennines are made Commentators on those Authors, to whom they were subjects, so many centuries ago.
Next to personal conversation with the Writers themselves, this is the surest way of coming at their sense; a compendious and engaging kind of Criticism which convinces at first sight, and shews the vanity of conjectures made by Antiquaries at a distance. If the knowledge of Polite Literature has its use, there is certainly a merit in ill.u.s.trating the Perfect Models of it; and the Learned World will think some years of a man's life not misspent in so elegant an employment. I shall conclude what I had to say on this Performance, by observing that the fame of it increased from year to year; and the demand for copies was so urgent, that their price rose to four or five times the original value, before it came out in a second edition.
The _Letter from Italy_ to my Lord HALIFAX may be considered as the Text, upon which the book of _Travels_ is a large Comment; and has been esteemed by those who have a relish for Antiquity, as the most exquisite of his poetical performances. A Translation of it, by Signor SALVINI, Professor of the Greek tongue, at Florence, is inserted in this edition; not only on account of its merit, but because it is the language of the country, which is the subject of the Poem.
The materials for the _Dialogues upon Medals_, now first printed from a ma.n.u.script of the Author, were collected in the native country of those coins. The book itself was begun to be cast in form, at Vienna; as appears from a letter to Mr. STEPNEY, then Minister at that Court, dated in November, 1702.
Some time before the date of this letter, Mr. ADDISON had designed to return to England; when he received advice from his friends that he was pitched upon to attend the army under Prince EUGENE, who had just begun the war in Italy, as Secretary from His Majesty. But an account of the death of King WILLIAM, which he met with at Geneva, put an end to that thought: and, as his hopes of advancement in his own country, were fallen with the credit of his friends, who were out of power at the beginning of her late Majesty's reign, he had leisure to make the tour of Germany, in his way home.
He remained, for some time after his return to England, without any public employment: which he did not obtain till the year 1704, when the Duke of MARLBOROUGH arrived at the highest pitch of glory, by delivering all Europe from slavery; and furnished Mr. ADDISON with a subject worthy of that Genius which appears in his Poem, called _The Campaign_.
Lord Treasurer G.o.dOLPHIN, who was a fine judge of poetry, had a sight of this Work when it was only carried on as far as the applauded simile of the Angel; and approved of the Poem, by bestowing on the Author, in a few days after, the place of Commissioner of Appeals, vacant by the removal of the famous Mr. [JOHN] LOCKE to the Council of Trade.
His next advancement was to the place of Under Secretary, which he held under Sir CHARLES HEDGES, and the present Earl of SUNDERLAND. The opera of _Rosamond_ was written while he possessed that employment. What doubts soever have been raised about the merit of the Music, which, as the Italian taste at that time began wholly to prevail, was thought sufficient inexcusable, because it was the composition of an Englishman; the Poetry of this Piece has given as much pleasure in the closet, as others have afforded from the Stage, with all the a.s.sistance of voices and instruments.
The Comedy called _The Tender Husband_ appeared much about the same time; to which Mr. ADDISON wrote the _Prologue_. Sir RICHARD STEELE surprised him with a very handsome _Dedication_ of his Play; and has since acquainted the Public, that he owed some of the most taking scenes of it, to Mr. ADDISON.
His next step in his fortune, was to the post of Secretary under the late Marquis of WHARTON, who was appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, in the year 1709. As I have proposed to touch but very lightly on those parts of his life, which do not regard him as an Author; I shall not enlarge upon the great reputation he acquired, by his turn for business, and his unblemished integrity, in this and other employments.
It must not be omitted here, that the salary of Keeper of the Records in Ireland was considerably raised, and that post bestowed upon him at this time, as a mark of the Queen's favour.
He was in that Kingdom, when he first discovered Sir RICHARD STEELE to be the Author of the _Tatler_, by an observation upon _VIRGIL_, which had been by him communicated to his friend. The a.s.sistance he occasionally gave him afterwards, in the course of the Paper, did not a little contribute to advance its reputation; and, upon the Change of the Ministry, he found leisure to engage more constantly in that Work: which, however, was dropped at last, as it had been taken up, without his partic.i.p.ation.
In the last Paper, which closed those celebrated Performances, and in the _Preface_ to the last Volume, Sir RICHARD STEELE has given to Mr. ADDISON, the honour of the most applauded Pieces in that Collection. But as that acknowledgement was delivered only in general terms, without directing the Public to the several Papers; Mr. ADDISON (who was content with the praise arising from his own Works, and too delicate to take any part of that which belonged to others), afterwards, thought fit to distinguish his Writings in the _Spectators_ and _Guardians_, by such marks as might remove the least possibility of mistake in the most undiscerning readers.
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