The Nibelungenlied Part 2

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THIRTY-EIGHTH ADVENTURE: How Sir Dietrich's Men were all Slain 360

THIRTY-NINTH ADVENTURE: How Gunther and Hagan and Kriemhild were Slain 374






In stories of our fathers high marvels we are told Of champions well approved in perils manifold.

Of feasts and merry meetings, of weeping and of wail, And deeds of gallant daring I'll tell you in my tale.


In Burgundy there flourish'd a maid so fair to see, That in all the world together a fairer could not be.

This maiden's name was Kriemhild; through her in dismal strife Full many a prowest warrior thereafter lost his life.


Many a fearless champion, as such well became, Woo'd the lovely lady; she from none had blame.

Matchless was her person, matchless was her mind.

This one maiden's virtue grac'd all womankind.


Three puissant Kings her guarded with all the care they might, Gunther and eke Gernot, each a redoubted knight, And Giselher the youthful, a chosen champion he; This lady was their sister, well lov'd of all the three.


They were high of lineage, thereto mild of mood, But in field and foray champions fierce and rude.

They rul'd a mighty kingdom, Burgundy by name; They wrought in Etzel's country deeds of deathless fame.


At Worms was their proud dwelling, the fair Rhine flowing by, There had they suit and service from haughtiest chivalry, For broad lands and lords.h.i.+ps, and glorious was their state, Till wretchedly they perish'd by two n.o.ble ladies' hate.


Dame Uta was their mother, a queen both rich and sage; Their father hight Dancrat, who the fair heritage Left to his n.o.ble children when he his course had run; He too by deeds of knighthood in youth had wors.h.i.+p won.


Each of these three princes, as you have heard me say, Were men of mighty puissance. They had beneath their sway The n.o.blest knights for liegemen that ever dwelt on ground; For hardihood and prowess were none so high renown'd.


There was Hagan of Trony of a n.o.ble line, His brother nimble Dankwart, and the knight of Metz, Ortwine, Eckewart and Gary, the margraves stout in fight, Folker of Alzeia, full of manly might.


Rumolt the steward (a chosen knight was he), Sindolt, and Hunolt; these serv'd the brethren three, At their court discharging their several duties well; Besides, knights had they many whom now I cannot tell.


Dankwart was marshal to the king his lord, Ortwine of Metz, his nephew, was carver at the board, Sindolt, he was butler, a champion choice and true, The chamberlain was Hunolt; they well their duties knew.


The gorgeous pomp and splendor, wherein these brethren reign'd, How well they tended knighthood, what wors.h.i.+p they attain'd, How they thro' life were merry, and mock'd at woe and bale-- Who'd seek all this to tell you, would never end his tale.


A dream was dreamt by Kriemhild the virtuous and the gay, How a wild young falcon she train'd for many a day, Till two fierce eagles tore it; to her there could not be In all the world such sorrow at this perforce to see.


To her mother Uta at once the dream she told, But she the threatening future could only thus unfold; "The falcon that thou trainedst is sure a n.o.ble mate; G.o.d s.h.i.+eld him in his mercy, or thou must lose him straight."


"A mate for me? what say'st thou, dearest mother mine?

Ne'er to love, a.s.sure thee, my heart will I resign.

I'll live and die a maiden, and end as I began, Nor (let what else befall me) will suffer woe for man."

The Nibelungenlied Part 2

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