The Journal of Negro History Volume IV Part 55

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_Gentelmen:_ I wants to ask you to look out for a job for me in that section as I am a good tailors helper good sewer and as cleaning presing and dyeing I have had nine years experance in that line but I will do other work if I can get it as factory work in or out of the city will do I am man of a family and have no time to piack work. Thanks

JACKSONVILLE, FLA., May 9, 1917.

_My dear Sir:_ In looking over the Chicago Defender why I come across your name in connections with ---- ---- of Chicago and thinking that you could do me a lots of good why I thought that I would write you asking of you to locate me with transportation with some one who are looking for a hard working honest and sober colored man.

Will do any kind of work. Am a farmer, saw mill man, a good cook.

Also I have worked for quite awhile for express company here.

I am unable to pay my way to your city at present and any help extended me along that line will be more than appreciated by me.

Am married, and my wife is a first cla.s.s cook and house woman.

Now if I am not taking too much of your time why please let me hear from you at once as I would like very much to get out of the south as quick as possible for there is nothing here for a colored man, any more.

Please give my name to some one that needs a good man, who is willing to send transportation for me and wife, or my self. I probably can make some arrangements to get there in a few days.

Hoping to hear from you in a few days and thanking you for same before hand.


ANNISTON, ALA., April 23, 1917.

_Dear sir:_ Please gave me some infamation about coming north i can do any kind of work from a truck gardin to farming i would like to leave here and i cant make no money to leave I ust make enought to live one please let me here from you at once i want to get where i can put my children in schol.

WEST PALM BEACH, FLA., April 25, 1917.

_My dear Sir:_ While reading the Chicago Defender of april 21st I saw that you was the man to write to four a job as say the paper I have some children I lost my wife just a year ago and I would like to get a place where I could proply educate them I am a bober by trade I been in the work for 20 years study, I dont drink al all any thing like whiskey I am a church man and all the children belong to the church too your trully

PITTSBURG, PA., April 26, 1917.

_dear sir:_ your letter was all write this one leaves me all write i means what is write this is a matter of buisness and no folishness and joaking in this Please dont think i set down and write something just because i seen it in your paper for i am a working man i work for my living dont i am saying just to get a jobe i no i am south rais man i want some places to send my children to school my means is that i am to old to old.

_Dear Sir:_ I saw your add in the Chicago Defender for laborers.

I am a young man and want to finish school. I want you to look out for me a job on the place working morning and evening. I would like to get a job in some private family so I could continue taking my piano lesson I can do anything around the house but drive and can even learn that. Send me the name of the best High school in Chicago. How is the Wendell Phillips College.

I have finish the grammer school. I cannot come before the middle of June.

NEW ORLEANS, LA., 5/5x17

_My dear sir:_ I have you reply stating all the information to me. I thank you very much for same I must say I think you are a real friend. now the best of colored men in the south are still here but are making preparation to come north and are not particular about coming to Chicago. All we want is to know just what youve told me here in this letter. I have been living here in New Orleans only seven years. I formerly live in the country but owing to bad conditions of schools for my children I sold my property and moved here. I didnt think there was any justice in my paying school taxes and had no fit school to send by children to. I have been employed here as night eatchman for the last four years and are still working at it but my wajes are so small the high cost of living leaves very little for traveling expenses but never the less I have a boy sixteen years old as soon as school closes I will take him north with me hoping to find work for him and I during vacation. You will see me soon. Thanking you kindly.


_My dear Sir:_ your letter to me togeather with information was recieved and noted carefully from the same I find that work in and about Chicago is not plentiful as agents are makeing out as I know for myself that I have been talked to hard to leave at once for Chicago. I am a carpenter by trade tho I have 10 years experience in the shop. I were under the empression that one would have to join the carpenter's union or machinist union on order to obtain work. Tho I know joining a union would put a stress om me as my straight life policy exemps me from such. Your letter being wrote in paragraphs I Parag 5) you are advising men who knows the molders trade or wanting to learn the machinist trade which are those 4 or 5 cities? Should chances in the same better I would not get as far as Chicago. I am a man of family and contemplated that with my Hudson could drive to Chicago by land in 8 days, but as you advise leaving my family I consider you knows best, tho at present I dont see any enducements at all.

$3.00 per day is carpenter wedge in this part of Louisiana for 10 hours and $4.00 machinest. But our chances are so slim. Causes me to be disgusted at the south. Our poll tax paid, state and parish taxes yet with donations we cannot get schools. What do you think of conditions here? Thanking you for your past and in advance for your future information I am verry truly yours.

NEW ORLEANS, LA., May 17, 1917.

_Dear Sir_: I received your letter and was indeed glad to hear from you I am expecting to arrive in Chicago abou the 14th of June as I want to get my wife and children place until I can send for them. I am going to place them with my father over in Pa.s.s Christian Miss and my expense will be very cheap. Of course I am very anxious to get work because I have been working and supporting my family for the last 15 years and my wife never had to work out yet and I keep my children in school all the time. I will wire you just before I arrive so you will expect me in the office. I will be very glad for any service are information that you will be able to give me as I am coming. I think I would like to work in Detroit Mich. I am not so much on Chicago on account of my children. I am glad you can help me and place me in a job right away.

ALEXANDRIA, LA., 4/23/11.

_Gentlemens_: Just a word of information I am planning to leave this place on about May 11th for Chicago and wants ask you a.s.sistence in getting a job. My job for the past 8 years has been in the Armour Packing Co. of this place and I cand do anything to be done in a branch house and are now doing the smoking here I am 36 years old have a wife and 2 children. I has been here all my life but would be glad to go wher I can educate my children where they can be of service to themselves, and this will never be here.

Now if you can get a job with eny of the packers I will just as soon as I arrive in your city come to your pace and pay you for your troubel. And if I cant get on with packers I will try enything that you have to effer.

CRESCENT, OKLA., April 30, 1917.

_Sir_: I am looking for a place to locate this fall as a farmer.

Do you think you could place me on a farm to work on shares. I am a poor farmer and have not the money to buy but would be glad to work a mans farm for him. I am desirous of leaving here because of the school accommodations for children as I have five and want to educate them the best I can. Prehaps you can find me a position of some kind if so kindly let me know I will be ready to leave here this fall after the harvest is layed by. I am planting cotton.

GRANVILLE, MISS., May 16, 1917.

_Dear Sir_: This letter is a letter of information of which you will find stamp envelop for reply. I want to come north some time soon but I do not want to leve here looking for a job wher I would be in dorse all winter. Now the work I am doing here is running a gauge edger in a saw mill. I know all about the grading of lumber. I have abeen working in lumber about 25 or 27 years My wedges here is $3.00 a day 11 hours a day. I want to come north where I can educate my 3 little children also my wife. Now if you cannot fit me up at what I am doing down here I can learn anything any one els can. also there is a great deal of good women cooks here would leave any time all they want is to know where to go and some way to go. please write me at once just how I can get my people where they can get something for their work.

there are women here cookeing for $1.50 and $2.00 a week. I would like to live in Chicago or Ohio or Philadelphia. Tell Mr Abbott that our pepel are tole that they can not get anything to do up there and they are being s.n.a.t.c.hed off the trains here in Greenville and a rested but in spite of all this, they are leaving every day and every night 100 or more is expecting to leave this week. Let me here from you at once.

PELAHATCHEE, MISS., April 27, 1917.

_Dear Sirs_: I see through the Chicago Defender that you have a reputation of furnis.h.i.+ng employment to men. Kindly give me the particulars. What cla.s.s of work do you get men? I am writing you to know that I may obtain an; employment through you. I want a good paying job that I may be able to educate my children. Kindly let me hear from you.

DEO VOLENTE, MISS., April 30, 1917.

_Dear Sirs_: I am expecting to come with my family to your town, or some smaller town near you, in the near future. Would like to farm near Chicago or some small town near Chicago where my children can have good educational advantages. Seeing the Chicago Defender that your organization was in position to give me the proper infermation therefore I write asking you to please give me the above infermation. By so doing you will greatly oblige me.

-------------------- (colored)

STARKVILLE, MISS., May 28, 1917.

_Sir:_ Your name have bin given me as a Relibal furm putting people in toutch with good locations for education there children Now I am a man of 40 years old by traid I am a barber of 20 years experence I am now in the business for white but I can barber for either white or colord I have a wife and seven children 5 girls and 2 boys allso I am a preacher I dont care for the large city life I rather live in a town of 15 or 20 thousand I want to raise by family nice and I would like for my children to have the advantage of good schools and churches Now if you are in a persison to help me a long this line I would be glad to here from you.

GREENVILLE, S. C., 5/2/1917.

_Sir:_ I have been impressed to the extent of writing you by having noted an article in the Chicago Defender regarding the good work your organization is accomplis.h.i.+ng.

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