The Journal of Negro History Volume IV Part 61
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Racial a.s.sociations of the slaves with their masters' children, the author contends, was generally harmful in that white children learned from the most degraded cla.s.s of the population. Yet the fact that the whites often admitted the blacks to great intimacy indicates that there must have been many whites who did not believe it. Slaves thus a.s.sociated soon learned the ways of their master's family, but white children remaining and even sleeping promiscuously among slaves early formed the habit of fornication. The extent to which this custom prevailed is well established by numerous instances of the concubinage of white men with women of color, the offspring of which served for the same purpose as an article of commerce for similar use throughout the South. In this respect the author has not brought out anything new.
Continuing the discussion further he says (II, 305): "Southerners maintained heatedly that at all events the virtue of the southern woman was unspotted." "Doubtless," says he, "their contention was largely warranted but it could not be maintained absolutely." To prove the a.s.sertion he quotes Neilson, who during the six years he spent in the United States prior to 1830 found in Virginia a case of a Negro with whom a planter's daughter had not only fallen in love but had actually seduced him. In North Carolina a white woman drank some of her Negro's blood that she might swear that she had Negro blood in her and marry him. They reared a family. The author quotes also from Reverend Mr. Rankin, who "could refer you to several instances of slaves actually seducing the daughters of their masters! Such seductions sometimes happened even in the most respectable slaveholding families." The author agrees with Pickett, however, that most white women in the South were pure, and questions Bennett's remark that perhaps ladies are not immaculate, as may be inferred from the occasional quadroon aspect of their progeny. He gives some weight, however, to this remark of a southerner (II, 305-306): "It is impossible that we should not always have a cla.s.s of free colored people, because of the fundamental law _partris sequitur ventrum_.
There must always be women among the lower cla.s.s of whites, so poor that their favors can be purchased by slaves. "The _Richmond Enquirer_ of 1855," says the author, "contains the news of a woman's winning freedom for herself and five children by proving that her mother was a white woman." While Lyell found scarcely any instances of mulattoes born of a black father and a white mother, Olmsted, another traveler who observed that white men sometimes married rich colored girls, heard of a case of a colored man who married a white girl.
In the third and last volume, covering the period since 1865, the author treats the white family in the new South, miscegenation, the Negro family since emanc.i.p.ation, the new basis of American life, the revolution in the woman's world, the woman in the modern American family, the career of the child, the pa.s.sing of patriarchism and familiarism, the precarious hour, the trend as to marriage, race sterility and race suicide, divorce, the att.i.tude of the church, the family, and the social revolution. The author finds that during the past half century the American family possesses unity, due to the fact that the period itself is marked by intrinsic oneness as the expression of an economic epoch, the transition to urban industrialism. If any exception to this statement be made it would insist on a subdivision with the line falling within the decade of the eighties when the country was pa.s.sing beyond the direct influences of the war and modern industrialism was well under way.
Taking up the Negro family since the Civil War, the author shows how difficult it was to uproot the immorality implanted by slavery but notes the steady progress of the _mores_ of the freedmen despite their poverty. Colored women continued the prey of white men and it was difficult to raise a higher standard. There appeared few cases of the miscegenation of the white women with black men but here and there it would recur. "Stephen Powers, who pa.s.sed through the South shortly after the War, tells of applying for lodging at a lordly mansion in South Carolina and being repelled by the mistress. At the next house he learned the cause of her irritation--her only daughter had just given birth to a Negro babe. After making diligent inquiry he failed to find another such instance in high life, but in South Carolina districts where the black population was densest and the poor whites most degraded 'these unnatural unions were more frequent than anywhere else' (III, 29). In every case, however, he says it was a woman of the lowest cla.s.s, generally a sand-hiller, who, deprived of her support by the war, took up with a likely 'n.i.g.g.e.r' in order to save her children from famine." "He found six such marriages in South Carolina," says Calhoun, "but never more than one in any other State." The author has not exhausted this phase of the family, for the reviewer might add that he knew of four cases of concubinage of white women and black men in Buckingham County, Virginia, during the eighties.
On the whole progress toward the elimination of miscegenation by interracial respect and good will to furnish a barrier is seen as in the cases of Oberlin and Berea, where coeducation of the races did not lead to intermarriage. The author refers to the efforts of some States outside of the South attempting to check miscegenation by statute, but shows the folly of such legislation in proving that in general where intermarriage of the races is still permitted very little occurs. Referring to the statutes of the States prohibiting marriage between the whites and the blacks (III, 38), he says: "The necessity for such legislation calls in question the supposed antipathy between the races, unless the intention is merely to guard against the aberrancy of atypical individuals." "The laws," says he, "are of dubious justice and clearly work hards.h.i.+ps in certain cases."
The work on the whole is interesting and valuable although the author sometimes goes astray in paying too much attention to biased writers like W. H. Thomas and H. W. Odum who have taken it upon themselves to vilify and slander the Negro race.
To facilitate the study of Negro history in clubs and schools, Dr. C.
G. Woodson has prepared an ill.u.s.trated text-book ent.i.tled _The Negro in our History_. It has been sent to the publishers and is expected from the press the first of the year. The book has a topical arrangement but the matter is so organized as to show the evolution of the Negro in America from the introduction of slavery in 1619 to the present day. The topics are: _The Negro in Africa_, _The Enslavement of the Negro_, _Slavery in its Mild Form_, _The Negro and the Rights of Man_, _The Reaction_, _Economic Slavery_, _The Free Negro_, _Abolition_, _Colonization_, _Slavery and the Const.i.tution_, _The Negro in the Civil War_, _The Reconstruction_, _Finding a way of Escape_, _Achievements in Freedom_, _The Negro in the World War_, and _The Negro and Social Justice_.
The aim of the author is to meet the long felt need of a book of fundamental facts with references and suggestions for more intensive study. While it is adapted for use in the senior high school and freshman college, it will serve as a guide for persons prosecuting the study more seriously.
Just as soon as this book has come from the press the a.s.sociation will send to all Negro schools of secondary and college grade a field agent to interest them in the effort to inculcate in the mind of the youth of African blood an appreciation of what their race has thought and felt and done. The cooperation of all persons taking seriously the effort to publish the records of the Negro that the race may not become a negligible factor in the thought of the world, is earnestly solicited. Any suggestions as to how this work may be more successfully prosecuted and as to extending it into inviting fields, will be appreciated.
Dr. W. E. B. DuBois and his coworkers are preparing a History of the Negro in the World War to be published about October.
The a.s.sociation for the Study of Negro Life and History held its second biennial meeting in Was.h.i.+ngton, D. C., on the 17th and 18th of June. An effort was made to bring together for a conference all persons interested in the study of Negro life and history and especially to reach those who are giving instruction in these fields.
Accordingly there were present persons from all walks of life, some coming even from distant points. The a.s.sociation was honored by the presence of Dr. J. Stanley Durkee and Dr. H. B. Learned.
In the absence of Dr. Robert E. Park, President of the a.s.sociation, Dr. J. E. Moorland, Secretary-Treasurer, presided. The first session was an interesting one. Mr. C. H. Tobias delivered an instructive address on "Negro Welfare Work during the World War." The address covered in outline the efforts and achievements of all such agencies as the Knights of Columbus, Red Cross, Young Women's Christian a.s.sociation, Young Men's Christian a.s.sociation, and the Salvation Army, with reference to their special bearing on the comfort of the Negroes during the war. The speaker undertook to give the merits and demerits in each case to enlighten the public as to what was done for and what against the Negro soldiers by these social welfare agencies.
Mr. Monroe N. Work then read an interesting and valuable paper on the "Negro and Public Opinion in the South since the Civil War." The purpose of the paper was to set forth the varying att.i.tude of the whites toward the Negro as evidenced by the thought of the community expressed in the records from decade to decade. Exactly why these changes in public opinion were brought about const.i.tuted the most interesting part of this address, for it treated not necessarily of present day conditions but undertook to account for them in the past.
Dr. H. B. Learned, a member of the Board of Education of the District of Columbia, was then introduced to the a.s.sociation. He confined his remarks to a discussion of the thoughts of the preceding speakers impressing him most and especially to that of illiteracy. He gave some valuable information as to the intellectual development of soldiers drafted during the recent war and said much to throw light on the conditions of those sections from which they came. He made an appeal for an increasing interest in the illiterates of both races and emphasized how difficult it is for men to live for the greatest good of themselves and their fellows without adequate enlightenment in things fundamental. His address was scholarly and timely and deeply impressed his hearers.
The meeting of the Executive Council of the a.s.sociation was held at two o'clock of the same day. Matters of much importance were considered. Among these may be mentioned the decision to employ a field agent for the extension of the work, the change of the meeting from biennial to annual, and the plans for increasing the income of the a.s.sociation. It was decided to recommend Mr. William G. Willc.o.x and Mr. Emmett J. Scott for members.h.i.+p in the Executive Council.
The evening session of the first day was held at the Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church. A large and respectable audience was present. The speakers of the occasion were Mr. Archibald H. Grimke and Emmett J.
Scott. Mr. Grimke delivered an address on "The Negro and Social Justice," Beginning with the Declaration of Independence, Mr. Grimke founded the rights of the Negro in the doctrines advanced by the statesmen and philosophers of that time and then supported these claims by the liberal provisions in the Const.i.tution and its amendments. How the United States Government has failed to live up to the standard of the real democracy, although professing to promote the cause of the same, was the main feature of this address. It was on the whole an interesting discourse and it was well received.
Mr. Emmett J. Scott, the second speaker of the evening, undertook to answer the question: "Did the Negro get a Square Deal?" In this discussion he briefly reviewed the working of the War Department and other branches of the government having to do with the war, bringing out in each case exactly what the att.i.tude of the respective branch of the government was toward the Negro as evidenced by the disposition of complaints of discrimination set before the heads of those departments. The address brought out the two important points: that Mr. Scott, as Special a.s.sistant to the Secretary of War, had been untiring in his efforts to secure for the Negro the proper recognition of his rights, but because of rampant race prejudice these rights were generally disregarded by the public functionaries with exception of the War Department, where the Secretary did do so much to eliminate such discrimination that they were decidedly reduced in that department. It showed also that after all and in spite of the various explanations made for delay and grievances which were not redressed that the Negro soldiers did not get a square deal.
Dr. C. V. Roman, Field Secretary attached to the surgeon general's office to lecture in the cantonments on social hygiene, discussed full American citizens.h.i.+p as an ultimate goal of the Negro. To explain his att.i.tude he made his remarks strictly historical, contrasting the discouraging aspect of things in 1857 with the much more encouraging situation eight years later in 1865 when the Negro emerged as a free man. He too brought forth facts to show that while the att.i.tude of the majority of the people of this country toward the Negro has been unfavorable, it has on the whole been hopeful in that the condition of the Negro has grown better rather than worse.
The morning session of Wednesday, the second day of the meeting, was to be opened by an address by Mr. Charles H. Wesley, but owing to the unavoidable absence of Dr. Thomas Jesse Jones, it was decided to have Mr. Wesley address the evening session at the Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church. Dr. J. E. Moorland then spoke of "What the Negro Got out of the War." He did not take the att.i.tude of those desiring to criticize the government because of its shortcomings nor did he express disappointment over the fact that the Negro's partic.i.p.ation in the war was not considered sufficient to remove all discrimination on their return home. He referred rather to the lessons of thrift, economy, cooperation, and social uplift, which given renewed impetus by our experiences during this war, will set to work among the Negro people forces which augur for success.
The a.s.sociation was then addressed by Mr. Ezra Roberts, head of the academic department of Tuskegee Inst.i.tute, Dr. James H. Dillard and Dr. J. Stanley Durkee. Mr. Roberts spoke briefly of his systematic effort to teach Negro history at Tuskegee, discussing the plans, purposes and means to the end. He referred to the dearth of text-book material adequately to cover the field and gave the books which he used for source material. His address was very illuminating and tended to open to the seeker of truth a neglected field. He was followed by Mr. James H. Dillard, who discussed the same subject, emphasizing the necessity to study Africa also as a background. Mr.
Dillard spoke of his interest in the work of the a.s.sociation and pledged his support of the effort to extend the work. Dr. J. Stanley Durkee, President of Harvard University, mentioned also the need for a study of the Negro in antiquity to bring to light the beautiful romances of African history which does so much credit to the Negro race. He believed also that more attention should be given to the study of social problems and an equipment of the youth for social service and spoke briefly of his plans to take up such work in the reconstruction of Howard University.
At the close of the morning session the business meeting set for two o'clock was immediately held to avoid the intensive heat which the members would have to endure to return at that hour of the day. The new business coming before the a.s.sociation was presented. After hearing the reports the following new officers were reelected:
Dr. R. E. Park, _President_, Dr. J. E. Moorland, _Secretary-Treasurer_, Dr. C. G. Woodson, Director.
The following were chosen members of the Executive Council:
Robert E. Park, William G. Willc.o.x, Jesse E. Moorland, L. Hollingsworth Wood, Carter G. Woodson, Irving Metcalf, Julius Rosenwald, Thomas J. Jones, George Foster Peabody, A. L. Jackson, James H. Dillard, Moorfield Storey, John R. Hawkins, R. E. Jones.
Emmett J. Scott,
Dr. R. E. Park, Dr. J. E. Moorland and Dr. C. G. Woodson were chosen as trustees of the a.s.sociation. Dr. John R. Hawkins, Dr. J. E.
Moorland and Mr. L. Hollingsworth Wood were appointed members of the Business Committee.
The reports of the Director and Secretary-Treasurer follow.
The period covered by the last two years has been the most successful in the history of the a.s.sociation. It has not yet solved all of its difficult problems and is far from being above want, but the progress it has made during the last two years indicates that the ultimate accomplishment of its purposes is a.s.sured. The edition of the JOURNAL OF NEGRO HISTORY has reached 4,000. The current circulation, however, is a little less, but the numbers remaining on hand are gradually absorbed by the book trade. Our subscription list shows 1648 subscribers. About 600 copies are sold at news stands and 500 are brought out at the end of the year in bound form. Because of the value of the JOURNAL OF NEGRO HISTORY in this form as a source book, the demand has recently been so great that it is necessary to reprint all numbers. .h.i.therto published.
The achievements of the a.s.sociation have been various. There has been among the people an increasing interest in the study of Negro life and history as a result of the extension of the circulation of the JOURNAL OF NEGRO HISTORY and the Negro reading public has been considerably enlarged. This publication is now read by serious thinkers throughout the world and research students find it a valuable aid. The people as a whole are now ready to hear the facts in the case of the Negro. They desire to know exactly what the race has done to be ent.i.tled to the consideration given other elements of our population.
To supply this need the Director has supplemented the work of the JOURNAL OF NEGRO HISTORY by reprinting and circulating a number of valuable dissertations and by publis.h.i.+ng several books among which are _Slavery in Kentucky_, _The Royal Adventurers into Africa_, and _A Century of Negro Migration_. In the near future the a.s.sociation will publish for Mr. Justice Riddell, of the Ontario Supreme Court, a monograph on _The Slave in Upper Canada_. The Director has written an ill.u.s.trated text-book on Negro History which will be published within a few months. These efforts indicate that the a.s.sociation will soon develop into a nucleus of workers known throughout the world as publishers of authoritative and scientific books bearing on Negro life and history.
It is highly gratifying that it is becoming less difficult to find funds to support the work of the a.s.sociation. A number of persons who made contributions from the very beginning have recently increased their donations. Among these are Mr. Moorfield Storey and the Phelps Stokes Fund. From other sources there have been obtained several substantial contributions such as $100 from Mr. Frank Trumbull, $100 from Mr. William G. Willc.o.x, $200 from Mr. Morton D. Hull, $250 from Mr. Jams J. Storrow, and $400 from Mr. Cleveland H. Dodge, the amount which Mr. Julius Rosenwald has from the beginning annually contributed.
The Director has endeavored so to increase these contributions as to secure an endowment making the a.s.sociation a foundation for a serious scientific study of Negro life and history.
Unfortunately, however, philanthropists have not seemed disposed to invest large sums in such an enterprise. The reply to such an appeal is, that while this work is of great value, they have no a.s.surance that should the present promoters find it necessary to retire therefrom, that the work would go on in the way it has been established and maintained. These philanthropists have in mind the dearth of scholars.h.i.+p in this field. When our colleges and universities, therefore, will have developed a serious student body primarily interested in applying science to the solution of the race problem, these gentlemen will consider this appeal more sympathetically.
WAs.h.i.+NGTON, D. C., June 16, 1919.
_The a.s.sociation for the Study of Negro Life and History, Incorporated._
_Gentlemen:_ I hereby submit to you a report of the amount of money received and expended by the a.s.sociation for the Study of Negro Life and History, Incorporated, from June 30, 1917, to June 16, 1919, inclusive:
Subscriptions $1,532.14 Printing and stationery $5,283.65 Members.h.i.+ps 483.17 Petty cash expenses 955.18 Contributions 4,989.29 Rent and light 314.03 News agents 357.94 Stenographic services 844.49 Advertis.e.m.e.nt 202.66 Refunds 12.20 Books 22.40 Advertising 128.00 --------- Bond 10.00 Total receipts June, 1917, to --------- June, 1919 $7,587.60 Total expenditures $7,547.55 Balance, June 30, 1917 58.40 Balance, June 16, 1919 98.45 --------- --------- $7,646.00 $7,646.00 --------- ---------
Respectfully submitted, (Signed) J. E. MOORLAND, _Secretary-Treasurer_.
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