World's War Events Volume II Part 5
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[Sidenote: Hits on enemy s.h.i.+ps.]
The First Battle Squadron, under Vice-Admiral Sir Cecil Burney, came into action at 6.17 p.m. with the enemy's Third Battle Squadron, at a range of about 11,000 yards, and administered severe punishment, both to the battles.h.i.+ps and to the battle-cruisers and light-cruisers, which were also engaged. The fire of _Marlborough_ was particularly rapid and effective. This s.h.i.+p commenced at 6.17 p.m. by firing seven salvoes at a s.h.i.+p of the _Kaiser_ cla.s.s, then engaged a cruiser, and again a battles.h.i.+p, and at 6.54 she was. .h.i.t by a torpedo and took up a considerable list to starboard, but we opened at 7.3 p.m. at a cruiser and at 7.12 p.m. fired fourteen rapid salvoes at a s.h.i.+p of the _Koenig_ cla.s.s, hitting her frequently until she turned out of the line. The manner in which this effective fire was kept up in spite of the disadvantages due to the injury caused by the torpedo was most creditable to the s.h.i.+p and a very fine example to the squadron.
The range decreased during the course of the action to 9,000 yards. The First Battle Squadron received more of the enemy's return fire than the remainder of the battle-fleet, with the exception of the Fifth Battle Squadron. _Colossus_ was. .h.i.t, but was not seriously damaged, and other s.h.i.+ps were straddled with fair frequency.
[Sidenote: Range-taking difficult.]
In the Fourth Battle Squadron--in which squadron my flags.h.i.+p _Iron Duke_ was placed--Vice-Admiral Sir Doveton St.u.r.dee leading one of the divisions--the enemy engaged was the squadron consisting of the _Koenig_ and _Kaiser_ cla.s.s and some of the battle-cruisers, as well as disabled cruisers and light-cruisers. The mist rendered range-taking a difficult matter, but the fire of the squadron was effective. _Iron Duke_, having previously fired at a light-cruiser between the lines, opened fire at 6.30 p.m. on a battles.h.i.+p of the _Koenig_ cla.s.s at a range of 12,000 yards. The latter was very quickly straddled, and hitting commenced at the second salvo and only ceased when the target s.h.i.+p turned away.
[Sidenote: Firing at enemy battle cruisers.] The fire of other s.h.i.+ps of the squadron was directed at enemy battle-cruisers and cruisers as they appeared out of the mist. Hits were observed to take effect on several s.h.i.+ps.
The s.h.i.+ps of the Second Battle Squadron, under Vice-Admiral Sir Thomas Jerram, were in action with vessels of the _Kaiser_ or _Koenig_ between 6.30 and 7.20 p.m., and fired also at an enemy battle-cruiser which had dropped back apparently severely damaged.
During the action between the battle fleets the Second Cruiser Squadron, ably commanded by Rear-Admiral Herbert L. Heath, M.V.O., with the addition of _Duke of Edinburgh_ of the First Cruiser Squadron, occupied a position at the van, and acted as a connecting link between the battle fleet and the battle-cruiser fleet. This squadron, although it carried out useful work, did not have an opportunity of coming into action.
The attached cruisers _Boadicea_, _Active_, _Blanche_ and _Bellona_ carried out their duties as repeating-s.h.i.+ps with remarkable rapidity and accuracy under difficult conditions.
[Sidenote: Light cruisers attack with torpedoes.]
The Fourth Light-cruiser Squadron, under Commodore Charles E. Le Mesurier, occupied a position in the van until ordered to attack enemy destroyers at 7.20 p.m., and again at 8.18 p.m., when they supported the Eleventh Flotilla, which had moved out under Commodore James R. P.
Hawksley, M.V.O., to attack. On each occasion the Fourth Light-cruiser Squadron was very well handled by Commodore Le Mesurier, his captains giving him excellent support, and their object was attained, although with some loss in the second attack, when the s.h.i.+ps came under the heavy fire of the enemy battle fleet at between 6,500 and 8,000 yards. The _Calliope_ was. .h.i.t several times, but did not sustain serious damage, although I regret to say she had several casualties. The light-cruisers attacked the enemy's battles.h.i.+ps with torpedoes at this time, and an explosion on board a s.h.i.+p of the _Kaiser_ cla.s.s was seen at 8.40 p.m.
During these destroyer attacks four enemy torpedo-boat destroyers were sunk by the gunfire of battles.h.i.+ps, light-cruisers, and destroyers.
After the arrival of the British Battle Fleet the enemy's tactics were of a nature generally to avoid further action, in which they were favored by the conditions of visibility.
[Sidenote: Enemy entirely out of sight.]
At 9 p.m. the enemy was entirely out of sight, and the threat of torpedo-boat-destroyer attacks during the rapidly approaching darkness made it necessary for me to dispose the fleet for the night, with a view to its safety from such attacks, whilst providing for a renewal of action at daylight. I accordingly man[oe]uvred to remain between the enemy and his bases, placing our flotillas in a position in which they would afford protection to the fleet from destroyer attack, and at the same time be favorably situated for attacking the enemy's heavy s.h.i.+ps.
During the night the British heavy s.h.i.+ps were not attacked, but the Fourth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Flotillas, under Commodore Hawksley and Captains Charles J. Wintour and Anselan J. B. Stirling, delivered a series of very gallant and successful attacks on the enemy, causing him heavy losses.
[Sidenote: Severe losses in the Fourth Flotilla.]
It was during these attacks that severe losses in the Fourth Flotilla occurred, including that of _Tipperary_, with the gallant leader of the Flotilla, Captain Wintour. He had brought his flotilla to a high pitch of perfection, and although suffering severely from the fire of the enemy, a heavy toll of enemy vessels was taken, and many gallant actions were performed by the flotilla.
Two torpedoes were seen to take effect on enemy vessels as the result of the attacks of the Fourth Flotilla, one being from _Spitfire_, and the other from either _Ardent_, _Ambuscade_, or _Garland_.
[Sidenote: An enemy s.h.i.+p torpedoed.]
The attack carried out by the Twelfth Flotilla was admirably executed.
The squadron attacked, which consisted of six large vessels, besides light-cruisers, and comprised vessels of the _Kaiser_ cla.s.s, was taken by surprise. A large number of torpedoes was fired, including some at the second and third s.h.i.+ps in the line; those fired at the third s.h.i.+p took effect, and she was observed to blow up. A second attack, made twenty minutes later by _Maenad_ on the five vessels still remaining, resulted in the fourth s.h.i.+p in the line being also hit.
The destroyers were under a heavy fire from the light-cruisers on reaching the rear of the line, but the _Onslaught_ was the only vessel which received any material injuries. In the _Onslaught_ Sub-Lieutenant Harry W. A. Kemmis, a.s.sisted by Mids.h.i.+pman Reginald G. Arnot, R.N.R., the only executive officers not disabled, brought the s.h.i.+p successfully out of action and reached her home port.
During the attack carried out by the Eleventh Flotilla, _Castor_ leading the flotilla, engaged and sank an enemy torpedo-boat-destroyer at point-blank range.
Sir David Beatty reports:--
[Sidenote: Engaging enemy destroyers.]
"The Thirteenth Flotilla, under the command of Captain James U. Farie, in _Champion_, took station astern of the battle fleet for the night. At 0.30 a.m. on Thursday, 1st June, a large vessel crossed the rear of the flotilla at high speed. She pa.s.sed close to _Petard_ and _Turbulent_, switched on searchlights and opened a heavy fire, which disabled _Turbulent_. At 3.30 a.m. _Champion_ was engaged for a few minutes with four enemy destroyers. _Moresby_ reports four s.h.i.+ps of _Deutschland_ cla.s.s sighted at 2.35 a.m., at whom she fired one torpedo. Two minutes later an explosion was felt by _Moresby_ and _Obdurate_.
[Sidenote: Battles.h.i.+p of the _Kaiser_ cla.s.s alone.]
"_Fearless_ and the 1st Flotilla were very usefully employed as a submarine screen during the earlier part of the 31st May. At 6.10 p.m., when joining the Battle Fleet, _Fearless_ was unable to follow the battle cruisers without fouling the battles.h.i.+ps, and therefore took station at the rear of the line. She sighted during the night a battles.h.i.+p of the _Kaiser_ cla.s.s steaming fast and entirely alone. She was not able to engage her, but believes she was attacked by destroyers further astern. A heavy explosion was observed astern not long after."
[Sidenote: Deeds of the destroyers.]
There were many gallant deeds performed by the destroyer flotillas; they surpa.s.sed the very highest expectations that I had formed of them.
Apart from the proceedings of the flotillas, the Second Light-cruiser Squadron in the rear of the battle fleet was in close action for about 15 minutes at 10.20 p.m. with a squadron comprising one enemy cruiser and four light-cruisers, during which period _Southampton_ and _Dublin_ suffered rather heavy casualties, although their steaming and fighting qualities were not impaired. The return fire of the squadron appeared to be very effective.
_Abdiel_, ably commanded by Commander Berwick Curtis, carried out her duties with the success which has always characterized her work.
[Sidenote: The Battle Fleet searches for enemy vessels.]
[Sidenote: _Marlborough_ sent to a base.]
[Sidenote: The enemy had returned into port.]
At daylight, 1st June, the battle fleet, being then to the southward and westward of the Horn Reef, turned to the northward in search of enemy vessels and for the purpose of collecting our own cruisers and torpedo-boat destroyers. At 2.30 a.m. Vice-Admiral Sir Cecil Burney transferred his flag from _Marlborough_ to _Revenge_, as the former s.h.i.+p had some difficulty in keeping up the speed of the squadron.
_Marlborough_ was detached by my direction to a base, successfully driving off an enemy submarine attack en route. The visibility early on 1st June (three to four miles) was less than on 31st May, and the torpedo-boat destroyers, being out of visual touch, did not rejoin until 9 a.m. The British Fleet remained in the proximity of the battle-field and near the line of approach to German ports until 11 a.m. on 1st June, in spite of the disadvantage of long distances from fleet bases and the danger incurred in waters adjacent to enemy coasts from submarines and torpedo craft. The enemy, however, made no sign, and I was reluctantly compelled to the conclusion that the High Sea Fleet had returned into port. Subsequent events proved this a.s.sumption to have been correct. Our position must have been known to the enemy, as at 4 a.m. the Fleet engaged a Zeppelin for about five minutes, during which time she had ample opportunity to note and subsequently report the position and course of the British Fleet.
[Sidenote: Large amount of wreckage.]
[Sidenote: _Warrior_ evidently foundered.]
The waters from the lat.i.tude of the Horn Reef to the scene of the action were thoroughly searched, and some survivors from the destroyers _Ardent_, _Fortune_, and _Tipperary_ were picked up, and the _Sparrowhawk_, which had been in collision and was no longer seaworthy, was sunk after her crew had been taken off. A large amount of wreckage was seen, but no enemy s.h.i.+ps, and at 1.15 p.m., it being evident that the German Fleet had succeeded in returning to port, course was shaped for our bases, which were reached without further incident on Friday, 2nd June. A cruiser squadron was detached to search for _Warrior_, which vessel had been abandoned whilst in tow of _Engadine_ on her way to the base owing to bad weather setting in and the vessel becoming unseaworthy, but no trace of her was discovered, and a further subsequent search by a light-cruiser squadron having failed to locate her, it is evident that she foundered.
[Sidenote: Low visibility hinders accurate report of damage.]
The conditions of low visibility under which the day action took place and the approach of darkness enhance the difficulty of giving an accurate report of the damage inflicted or the names of the s.h.i.+ps sunk by our forces, but after a most careful examination of the evidence of all officers, who testified to seeing enemy vessels actually sink, and personal interviews with a large number of these officers, I am of opinion that the list shown in the enclosure gives the minimum in regard to numbers, though it is possibly not entirely accurate as regards the particular cla.s.s of vessel, especially those which were sunk during the night attacks. In addition to the vessels sunk, it is unquestionable that many other s.h.i.+ps were very seriously damaged by gunfire and by torpedo attack.
[Sidenote: British s.h.i.+ps lost in the battle.]
I deeply regret to report the loss of H.M. s.h.i.+ps:
1. _Queen Mary_, Battle-cruiser, 27,000 tons.
2. _Indefatigable_, Battle-cruiser, 18,750 tons.
3. _Invincible_, Battle-cruiser, 17,250 tons.
4. _Defence_, Armored cruiser, 14,600 tons.
5. _Black Prince_, Armored cruiser, 13,550 tons.
6. _Warrior_, Armored cruiser, 13,550 tons.
7. _Tipperary_, Destroyer, 1,430 tons.
8. _Ardent_, Destroyer, 935 tons.
9. _Fortune_, Destroyer, 935 tons.
10. _Shark_, Destroyer, 935 tons.
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