The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love Part 24
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Man himself is the origin of evil, not that that origin was implanted in him by creation, but that he, by turning from G.o.d to himself, implanted it in himself, 444. Love without wisdom is love from man, and this love is the origin of evil, 444. No one can be withdrawn from evil unless he has been first led into it, 510. So far as any one removes evil, so far a capacity is given for good to succeed in its place, 147. So far as evil is hated, so far good is loved, 147. Evils and falses, after they arose, were distinguished into genera, species, and differences, 479.
All evils are together of the external and internal man; the internal intends them, and the external does them, 486. So far as the understanding favors evils, so far a man appropriates them to himself, and makes them his own, 489. See _Hereditary_.
EXTENSION cannot be predicated of things spiritual, 158. The reason why, 389.
EXTERNALS derive from their internals their good or evil, 478. Of the external derived from the internal, and of the external separate from the internal, 148. How man after death puts off externals, and puts on internals, 48*.
EYE, the, does not see and discern various particulars in objects, but they are seen and discerned by the spirit, 440. In heaven the right eye is the good of vision, and the left the truth thereof, 316.
EYES, when the, of the spirit are opened, angels appear in their proper form, which is the human, 30.
FABLES.--Things which are called fables at this day, were correspondences agreeable to the primeval method of speaking, 182.
FACE, the, depends on the mind (_animus_), and is its type, 524. The countenance is a type of the love, 35. The variety of countenances is infinite, 35. There are not two human faces which arc exactly alike, 186. The faces of no two persons are absolutely alike, nor can there be two faces alike to eternity, 524.
FACULTY.--Man is born faculty and inclination; faculty to know, and inclination to love, 134. The faculty of understanding and growing wise as of himself, was implanted in man by creation, 444. The faculty of knowing, of understanding, and of growing wise, receives truths, whereby it has science, intelligence, and wisdom, 122. Man has the faculty of elevating his understanding into the light of wisdom, and his will into the heat of celestial love; these two faculties are never taken away from any man, 230. The faculty of becoming wise increases with those who are in love truly conjugial, 211.
FAITH is truth, 10, 24. Saving faith is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, 82.
FALLACIES of the senses are the darkness of truths, 152*.
FALSES, all, have been collated into h.e.l.l, 479. See _Evils_.
FALSIFICATIONS of truth are spiritual wh.o.r.edoms, 77, 80.
FATHER.--The Lord in the Word is called Father, 118. Most fathers, when they come into another life, recollect their children who have died before them, and they are also presented to, and mutually acknowledge, each other, 406. In what manner spiritual and natural fathers act, 406.
By father and mother, whom man is to leave, Matt. xix. 4, 5, in a spiritual sense, is meant his _proprium_ (self-hood) of will, and _proprium_ of understanding, 194. See _Proprium_.
FAVOR, causes of, between married partners, 278, 287, 290.
FEAR.--In love truly conjugial there is a fear of loss, 318. This fear resides in the very inmost principles of the mind, 318.
FEASTS.--There are in heaven, as in the world, both feasts and repasts, 6.
FEMALE.--See _Male and Female_. The female principle is derived from the male, or, the woman was taken out of the man, 32. The female principle cannot be changed into the male principle, nor the male into the female, 32. The difference between the essential feminine and masculine principle, 32, 168. The good of truth, or truth from good, in the female principle, 61, 88, 90. The female principle consists in perceiving from love, 168, 220.
FEVERS, malignant and pestilential, 253, 470.
FIRE in heaven represents good, 326.
FIRE in the spiritual sense signifies love, 380. The fire of the angelic sun is divine love, 34. The fire of the altar and of the candlestick in the tabernacle among the Israelites, represented divine love, 380. The fire of the natural sun has existed from no other source than from the fire of the spiritual sun, which is divine love, 380. The fires of the west signify the delusive loves of evil, 77.
FISH.--In the spiritual world fishes are representative forms, 76. Every fish corresponds to some quality, 76.
FLAME.--Celestial love with the angels of heaven appears at a distance as flame; and thus also infernal love appears with the spirits of h.e.l.l, 359. Flame in the spiritual world does not burn like flame in the natural world, 359. Celestial flame in no case bursts out against another, but only defends itself, and defends itself against an evil person, as when he rushes into the fire and is burnt, 365.
FLESH, the, is contrary to the spirit, that is, contrary to the spiritual things of the church, 497. Combat between the flesh and the spirit, 488. The flesh is ignorant of the delights of the spirit, 481.
The flesh is not sensible of those things which happen in the flesh, but the spirit perceives them, 440. What is signified by the words of our Lord, "They are no more twain but one flesh," 50, 156*, 178, 321. By "all flesh," in the Word, is signified every man, 156*.
FLOW FROM, to.--All that which flows from a subject, and and environs it, is named a sphere, 386.
FLOW IN, to.--Every thing which flows in from the Lord into man, flows into his inmost principle, which is the soul, and descends thence into his middle principle, which is the mind, and through this into his ultimate principle, which is the body, 101. The marriage of good and truth flows thus from the Lord with man, immediately into his soul, and thence proceeds to the principles next succeeding, and through these to the extreme or outermost, 101.
FLOWERS.--The delights of conjugial love are represented in heaven by the flowers with which the cloaks and tunics of married partners are embroidered, 137.
FLOWERY FIELDS.--In heaven there are flowery fields which are the appearances under which the chaste pleasures of conjugial love are presented to the sight, 430.
FOOD, heavenly, in its essence is nothing but love, wisdom, and use, united together; that is, use effected by wisdom, and derived from love, 6. Food for the body is given to every one in heaven, according to the use which he performs, 6.
FORM.--There is nothing that exists but in a form, 186. There is no substance without a form, 66. Every form consists of various things, and is such as is the harmonic co-ordination thereof and arrangement to one, 524. All a man's affections and thoughts are in forms, and thence from forms, 186. The form of heaven is derived solely from varieties of souls and minds arranged into such an order as to make a one, 524. Truth is the form of good, 198. The human form in its inmost principles is from creation a form of love and wisdom, 361. Men from creation are forms of science, intelligence, and wisdom; and women are forms of the love of those principles as existing with men, 187. Form of the marriage of good and truth, 100. Two married partners are that form in their inmost principles, and thence in what is derived from those principles, in proportion as the interiors of their mind are opened, 101, 102. Two married partners are the very forms of love and wisdom, or of good and truth, 66. The internal form of man is that of his spirit, 186. The woman is a form of wisdom inspired with love-affection, 56. The male form is the intellectual form, and the female is the voluntary, 228. The most perfect and most n.o.ble human form results from the conjunction of two forms by marriage, so as to become one form, 201. How man, created a form of G.o.d, could be changed into a form of the devil, 153*. The desire to continue in its form is implanted from creation in all living things, 361. See _Substance_.
FORMATION.--As to formation, the masculine soul, as being intellectual, is thus truth, 220. Formation of the woman into a wife according to the description in the Book of Creation, 193-198.
FOUNTAIN, a, signifies the truth of wisdom, 293. Fountain of Parna.s.sus, 182. See _Water_.
FOWLS.--Wonderful things conspicuous respecting fowls, 417.
FRANCE, 380, 381.
FREEDOM originates in the spiritual equilibrium which exists between heaven and h.e.l.l, or between good and evil, and in which man is educated, 444. The freedom of love truly conjugial is most free, 257. The Lord wills that the male man (_h.o.m.o_) should act from principle according to reason, 208, 438. Without freedom and reason man would not be a man, but a beast, 438.
FRENCH, the, 103, 110, 326.
FRENSY, or furious wildness, a legitimate cause of separation, 252, 470.
FRIENDS meet after death, and recollect their friends.h.i.+ps in the former world; but when their consociation is only from external affections, a separation ensues, and they no longer see or know each other, 273.
FRIENDs.h.i.+P is one of the moral virtues which have respect to life, and enter into it, 164. Friends.h.i.+p increases with those who are principled in love truly conjugial, 214. Inmost friends.h.i.+p is in love truly conjugial, and is derived from it, 180. Inmost friends.h.i.+p is seated in the breast, 180. Friends.h.i.+p from conjugial love differs greatly from the friends.h.i.+p of every other love, 214. Apparent friends.h.i.+p between married partners is a consequence of the conjugial covenant being ratified for the term of life, 278. There are various species of apparent friends.h.i.+p between married partners, one of whom is brought under the yoke, and therefore subject to the other, 291. Difference between conjugial friends.h.i.+p and servile friends.h.i.+p in marriages, 248. Under what circ.u.mstances there may exist between married partners, when old, a friends.h.i.+p resembling that of conjugial love, 290.
FRUCTIFICATION, all, is originally derived from the influx of love, wisdom, and use from the Lord; from an immediate influx into the souls of men; from a mediate influx into the souls of animals; and from an influx still more mediate into the inmost principles of vegetables, 183.
Fructifications are continuations of creation, 183. Fructification in the heavens, 44, 355.
FUTURE, the.--The Lord does not permit any man to know the future, because in proportion as he does so, in the same degree his reason and understanding, with his prudence and wisdom, become inactive, are swallowed up and destroyed, 535.
GALLERY, open, 208.
GARDENS.--In heaven the appearances under which the chaste delights of conjugial love are presented, are gardens and flowery fields, 430. The garden of Eden signifies the wisdom of love, 135. Nuptial gardens, 316.
Paradisiacal gardens, 8. Description of the garden of the prince of a heavenly society, 13.
GARLAND OF ROSES, a, in heaven signifies the delights of intelligence, 293.
GARLANDS in heaven represent the delights of conjugial love, 137, 293.
GENERA.--Distinction of all things into genera, species, and discriminations; the reason why, 479. There are three genera of adulteries, simple, duplicate, and triplicate, 479, 484.
GENERAL of an army, 481.
The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love Part 24
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