The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love Part 32

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PURITY, the, of heaven is from conjugial love, 430. In like manner the purity of the church, 431.

PURPLE, the, color from its correspondence signifies the conjugial love of the wife, 76.

PURPOSE.--That which flows forth from the very essence of a man's life, thus which flows forth from his will or his love, is called purpose, 493. As soon as any one from purpose or confirmation abstains from any evil because it is sin, he is kept by the Lord in the purpose of abstaining from the rest, 529.

PUSTULES, 253, 470.

PUT AWAY, to.--Putting away on account of adultery is a plenary separation of minds, which is called divorce, 255. Other kinds of putting away, grounded in their particular causes, are separations, 255.

PUT OFF, to.--Man after death puts off every thing which does not agree with his love, 36. How a man after death puts off externals and puts on informals, 48*



QUALITY of the love of the s.e.x in heaven, 44. The quality of every deed, and in general the quality of every thing depends upon the circ.u.mstances which mitigate or aggravate it, 487.

RAINBOW painted on a wall in the spiritual world, 76.

RATIONAL principle, the, is the medium between heaven and the world, 145. Above the rational principle is heavenly light, and below the rational principle is natural light, 233. The rational principle is formed more and more to the reception of heaven or of h.e.l.l, according as man turns himself towards good or evil, 436.

_Obs._--The rational principle of man partakes of the spiritual and natural, or is a medium between them, _A.C._, 268.

RATIONALITY, spiritual, comes by means of the Word, and of preachings derived therefrom, 293. Natural, sensual, and corporeal men enjoy, like other men, the powers of rationality, but they use it while they are in externals, and abuse it while in their internals, 498, 499. Rationality, with devils, proceeds from the glory of the love of self, 269, and also with atheists, who enjoy a more sublime rationality than many others, 269.

RATIONALITY and LIBERTY.--When man turns himself to the Lord, his rationality and liberty are led by the Lord; but if backwards, from the Lord, his rationality and liberty are led by h.e.l.l, 437.

REACTION.--In all conjunction by love there must be action, reception, and reaction, 293.

READ, to.--While man reads the Word, and collects truths out of it, the Lord adjoins good, 128; but this takes place interiorly with those only who read the Word to the end that they may become wise, 128.

REAL.--Love and wisdom are collected together in use, and therein become one principle, which is called real, 183.

REASON, human, is such that it understands truths from the light thereof, as though was not heretofore distinguished them, 490.

REASONERS.--They are named such who never conclude any thing, and make whatever they hear a matter of argument and dispute whether it be so, with perpetual contradiction, 232. What their fate is in the other life, 232.

REASONINGS, the, of the generality commence merely from effects, and from effects proceed to some consequences thence resulting, and do not commence from causes, and from causes proceed a.n.a.lytically to effects, 385. Truth does not admit of reasonings, 481. They favor the delights of the flesh against those of the spirit, 481.

RECEPTION is according to religion, 352. Without conjunction there is no reception, 341. See _Reaction_.

RECIPIENT.--Man is a recipient of G.o.d, and consequently a recipient of love and wisdom from Him, 132. A recipient becomes an image of G.o.d according to reception, 132.

RECIPROCAL principle, the, of conjunction with G.o.d, is, that a man should love G.o.d, and relish the things which are of G.o.d, as from himself, and yet believe that they are of G.o.d, 132, 122. Without such a reciprocal principle conjunction is impossible, 132.

RECTIFICATION.--The purification of conjugial love may be compared to the purification of natural spirits, effected by chemists, and called rectification, 145.

REFORMED, to be.--Man is reformed by the understanding, and this is effected by the knowledges of good and truth, and by a rational intuition grounded therein, 495.

REGENERATION is a successive separation from the evils to which man is naturally inclined, 146. Regeneration is purification from evils, and thereby renovation of life, 525. The precepts of regeneration are five, 525. See _Precepts_. By regeneration a man is made altogether new as to his spirit, and this is effected by a life according to the Lord's precepts, 525.

REGIONS of the mind.--In human minds there are three regions, of which the highest is called the celestial, the middle the spiritual, and the lowest the natural, 305. In the lowest man is born; he ascends into the next above it by a life according to the truths of religion, and into the highest by the marriage of love and wisdom, 305. In the lowest region dwells natural love, in the superior spiritual love, and in the supreme celestial love, 270. In each region there is a marriage of love and wisdom, 270. The pleasantnesses of conjugial love in the highest region are perceived as blessednesses, in the middle region as satisfactions, and in the lowest region as delights, 335. In the lowest region reside all the concupiscences of evil and of lasciviousness; in the superior region there are not any concupiscences of evil and of lasciviousness, for man is introduced into this region by the Lord when he is reborn; in the supreme region is conjugial chast.i.ty in its love, into this region man is elevated by the love of uses, 305.

REIGN, to, with Christ is to be wise, and perform uses, 7.

RELATION, there is no, of good to evil, but a relation of good to a greater and less good, and of evil to a greater and less evil, 444. What is signified by the expression, for the sake of relatives, 17.

RELATIVES subsist between the greatest and the least of the same thing, 425, 17.

RELIGION const.i.tutes the state of the church with man, 238. Religion is implanted in souls, and by souls is transmitted from parents to their offspring, as the supreme inclination, 246. With Christians it is formed by the good of life, agreeable to the truth of doctrine, 115. Conjugial love is grounded in religion, 238. Where there is not religion, neither is there conjugial love, 239. There is no religion without the truths of religion; what is religion without truths, 239. Religion, as it is the marriage of the Lord and the church, is the initiament and inoculation of conjugial love, 531. That love in its progress accompanies religion, 531. The first internal cause of cold in marriages is the rejection of religion by each of the parties, 240. The second cause is, that one has religion and not the other, 241. The third is, that one of the parties is of one religion, and the other of another, 242. The fourth is the falsity of religion, 243.

_Obs._--There is a difference which it is important to bear in mind, between religion and the church; the church of the Lord, it is true, is universal, and is with all those who acknowledge a Divine Being, and live in charity whatever else may be their creed; but the church is especially where the Word is, and where by means of the Word the Lord is known. In the countries where the Word does not exist, or is withdrawn from the people and replaced by human decisions, as among the Roman Catholics, there is religion alone, but there is, to speak correctly, no church. Among Protestants, there is both religion and a church, but this church has come to an end, because it has perverted the Word.

RENEW, to.--Every part of man, both interior and exterior, renews itself, and this is effected by solutions and reparations, 171.

RENUNCIATION of wh.o.r.edoms, whence exists the chast.i.ty of marriage, how it is effected, 148.

REPASTS.--In heaven, as in the world, there are repasts, 6.

REPRESENTATIONS.--Among the ancients the study of their bodily senses consisted in representations of truths in forms, 76.

REPRESENTATIVE.--To those who are in the third heaven, every representative of love and wisdom becomes real, 270.

RESPIRATION OF THE LUNGS, the, has relation to truth, 87.

REST.--What is the meaning of eternal rest, 207.

RETAIN, to--In whatever state man is he retains the faculty of elevating the understanding, 495.

REVELATIONS made at the present day by the Lord, 532.

RIB, by a, of the breast is signified, in the spiritual sense, natural truth, 193.

RIGHT, the, signifies good, 316. It also signifies power, 21.

RITES, customary.--There are customary rites which are merely formal, and there are others which, at the same time, are also essential, 306.

RIVALs.h.i.+P or emulation between married parties respecting right and power, 291. Emulation of prominence between married partners is one of the external causes of cold, 248.

RULES of life concerning marriages, 77. Universal rule, 147, 313.

SABBATH, the.--The life of heaven from the wors.h.i.+p of G.o.d, is called a perpetual Sabbath, 9. Celebration of the Sabbath in a heavenly society, 23, 24.

SACRILEGE.--See _Sacrimony_.

SACRIMONY.--In heaven, marriage with one wife is called sacrimony, but if it took place with more than one it would be called sacrilege, 76.

SAGACITY is one of the principles const.i.tuent of natural wisdom, 163.

The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love Part 32

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