A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages Volume III Part 29

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Mary of England, persecution under, i. 353.

Mary of Valenciennes, ii. 127, 405.

Mascae, iii. 494.

Mascate de' Mosceri complains of extortion, i. 478.

Mas Deu, trial of Templars of, iii. 314.

Ma.s.s, sale of, i. 28. employed as an incantation, i. 50. comminatory, iii. 447.

Ma.s.sacio, Fraticelli expelled, iii. 176.

Ma.s.sacre of Avignonet, ii. 35. of Beziers, i. 154. of Marmande, i. 187.

Mastic-tree, Raymond Lully's, iii. 579.

Mathias Corvinus, his intervention in Bosnia, ii. 313, 314. his crusade against Bohemia, ii. 559.

Mathias of Janow, ii. 437, 471.

Matilda of Savoy reforms Franciscans, iii. 172.

Matteo d' Acquasparta, iii. 34, 44.

Matteo of Agram, ii. 300.

Matteo of Ancona, iii. 106.

Matteo of Catania, ii. 286.

Maiteo da Chieti persecutes Bizochi, iii. 37.

Matteo de Rapica, his trouble with converted Jews, ii. 178.

Matteo da Tivoli forms an ascetic Order, iii. 180.

Matteo Visconti accused of Guglielmitism, iii. 96. his trial for heresy, iii. 197, 200. his retirement and death, iii. 199. his condemnation annulled, iii. 202.

Matthieu Aychard commutes penance, i. 474.

Matthieu de Bodici, antipope, iii. 38.

Matthieu le Gaulois, Dominican abbot, i. 253.

Matthieu de Pontigny, i. 347.

Maupet.i.t, Jacotin, iii. 529.

Maurice the Spaniard, ii. 322.

Maurice, inq. of Paris, i. 451; ii. 124.

Maurillac, capture of, i. 179.

Mauvoisin, Robert, his ferocity, i. 162.

Maxentius, his reliance on magic, iii. 395.

Maximus executes Priscillian, i. 213.

Mazzolino, Silvestro--see Prierias.

Meat not eaten by Cathari, i. 97.

Meaux, Bp. of, his heresy, ii. 143.

Medicine, skill of Waldenses in, ii. 146. sacred, iii. 395, 410. astrologv necessary in, iii. 440.

Medina, Cortes of, 1464, ii. 186.

Meka.s.shepha, iii. 396.

Melgueil, sale of, i. 180.

Melioramentum, i. 95.

Mendicant Orders, the, i. 243. their special character, i. 265. papal favor for, i. 273. their services to the papacy, i. 275; iii. 190. their missionary labors, i. 297. their demoralization, i. 294, 304; iii. 630, 631. immunities claimed for, i. 361. hostility between, i. 302; ii. 76, 138, 171, 217; iii. 98. unauthorized, their numbers, iii, 32, 103.

Mendicants released from episcopal jurisdiction, i. 274. used as papal commissioners, i. 276. enormous powers conferred, i. 279. their quarrel with the University of Paris, i. 281, 288. privileges curtailed by Innocent IV., i. 283. privileges restored by Alexander IV., i. 284. as inqs., i. 299, 318. their quarrels with the clergy, i. 278, 281, 290. their services in the Black Death, i. 290. commissioned as inqs. in Germany, ii. 333. a.s.sailed as heretics, ii. 371. denounced by Flagellants, ii. 383. a.s.sailed by Arnaldo de Vilanova, iii. 53.

Men of Intelligence, ii. 405.

Menn forspair, iii. 402.

Mental conditions the subject of Inq., i. 400; iii. 644.

Mercato, Michele, denies immortality, iii. 572.

Merchants, Florentine, seizure of, ii. 281.

Mercy, adjuration for, i. 227, 534; iii. 491.

Merlin, son of a demon, iii. 385.

Merovingians, toleration under, i. 216. sorcery under, iii. 410.

Merswin, Rulman, ii. 364, 365.

Metz, Waldenses of, i. 131; ii. 318. Begharda burned in 1335, ii. 374. Corn. Agrippa defends a witch, iii. 545.

Metza V. Westhoven burned in 1366, ii. 387.

Michael de Causis, ii. 458, 459, 472, 499.

Michaelistae, iii. 164.

Michel le Moine tries the Olivists, iii. 71. captures Pierre Trencavel, iii. 76.

Michele de Cesena limits term of inq., i. 345. enforces the bull Exivi, iii. 66. persecutes the Olivists, iii. 72, 75. regulates vestments, iii. 78. upholds the Poverty of Christ, iii. 132. seeks to preserve peace, iii. 143. deposed from generalate, iii. 148. on the Divine Vision, iii. 593, 594. his death, iii. 155.

Michele di Lapo, inq. of Florence, ii. 279.

Michele da Pisa, his misadventure, ii. 273.

Michelet, his argument as to the Templars, iii. 274.

Middleton, Richard, persecutes Olivi, iii. 44.

Midwives, witch, their crimes, iii. 504.

Mignard, his theory as to the Templars, iii. 265.

Miguel of Aragon, case of, i. 474.

Milan, Cathari of Monforte burned in, i. 109. as a centre of heresy, i. 114; ii. 193. Poor Catholics in, i. 246. laws on heresy in 1228, i. 320; ii. 200. episcopal Inq. tried, i. 359. restriction on bearing arms, i. 382. criminal process in, i. 401. exactions of Inq. in 1516, i. 480. Inq. methods adopted, i. 560. Waldensian school in, ii. 194. Rolando da Cremona as inq., ii. 203. influence of St. Peter Martyr, ii. 208. Peter Martyr as inq., ii. 214. Rainerio Saccone as inq., ii. 218, 222. submits to Uberto Pallavicino, ii. 229. ease of Amadeo de'Landi, ii. 271. the Guglielmites, iii. 90. forsakes Matteo Visconti, iii. 198. Inq. expelled by Matteo Viaconti, iii. 200. penalty for sorcery, iii. 450. C. of, 1287, on opposition to Inq., ii. 238.

Milano Sola, iii. 113.

Miliez of Kremsier, ii. 436.

Milita of Monte-Meano, i. 115.

Military Bishops, i. 9, 11.

Military Orders, the, iii. 239. projects for their union, iii. 246, 246, 247, 248.

Militia Jesu Christi, i. 267.

Milo, Legate, his duplicity towards Raymond, i. 150, 161.

Minerva, iii. 494.

Minerve, Cathari burned at, i. 105, 162.

Minneke, Henry, case of, ii. 324.

Minoritessee Franciscans.

Minors, benefices given to, i. 25; ii. 432. responsibility of, i. 402.

Miolerin, Anna, on negligent priests, iii. 640.

Miracles, false, of the Cathari, i. 103. in the Albigensian crusade, i. 154. wrought by Capistrano, ii. 547.

Miravet, siege of, iii. 311.

Mirepoix, Marechaux de, claim confiscations, i. 514. claim the right to burn, i. 537.

Mishna, penalties of magic in, iii. 396.

Missi Dominici, i. 311.

Missionary zeal of Bohemian Brethren, ii. 567. of Cathari, i. 102. of Fraticelli, iii. 166. of Mendicant Orders, i. 297. of Waldenses, i. 80, 86.

Mitigation of penances, i. 495.

Mitre for condemned heretics, ii. 491, 504; iii. 373, 521, 528.

Mladen Subic conquers Bosnia, ii. 299.

Mladenowie, Peter, his zeal for Huss, ii. 484.

Model inq., i. 367.

Modestus puts Catholics to death, i. 213.

Moissac, Inq. in, ii. 10.

Molay, Jacques de, elected Grand Master, iii. 247. called to France by Clement V., iii. 248. justifies the Order to Clement V., iii. 258. his confession, iii. 282. reserved for papal judgment, iii. 282. abandons the Templars, iii. 290. his burning, iii. 325.

Moldavia, Hussitism in, ii. 543, 545. Capistrano sends inqs., ii. 549.

Molitoris, Ulric, on incubi, iii. 385. on witchcraft, iii. 542.

Monaldo, his treatment of Spirituals, iii. 35.

Monarch, duty of, to persecute, i. 224, 320, 536.

Monastic imprisonment, severity of, i. 487. immunity withdrawn in heresy, i. 314. Orders, demoralization of, i. 35; iii. 630, 631, 640.

Monasticism, character of, i. 265.

Moncon, Juan de, denies Immaculate Conception, iii. 599.

Moneta, attempt against his life, ii. 203.

Money, Franciscan troubles over, iii. 4, 30. refusal of Spirituals to beg for, iii. 33.

A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages Volume III Part 29

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