A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages Volume III Part 31

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Nicholas the painter burned in 1204, i. 131.

Nicholas de Peronne, inq. of Cambrai, i. 479; ii. 133.

Nicholas of Pilgram, ii. 522, 524.

Nicholas, Provincial of France, iii. 34.

Nicholas de Rupella on Jewish books, i. 554.

Nicholas of Silesia, ii. 416.

Nicholas of Stra.s.sburg, i. 361.

Nicholas of Vilemonic, ii. 447.

Nicolinistae, ii. 416.

Nicosia, C. of, 1360, on Greek Church, iii. 620.

Nider, John, conversion obtained by suffering, i. 418. on Beghards, ii. 412. his account of witchcraft, iii. 534. on hopelessness of reform, iii. 638.

Nifo, Agostino, his submission to the Church, iii. 575. answers Pompon.a.z.io, iii. 575.

Nilus, St., his reliance on prayer, iii. 395.

Nimes, repeated torture of Templars, iii. 318.

Ninoslav, Ban of Bosnia, ii. 293-297.

Ninth Rock, the, ii. 365.

Niort, seigneurs de, case of, i. 431; ii. 21, 27.

Nivelle, beguinage of, ii. 352.

Nivernois, heresy in, i. 130.

Noffo Dei, story of, iii. 255.

Nogaret, Guillaume de, seizes Boniface VIII., ii. 58. prepares to a.s.sail the Templars, iii. 257. seizes the Temple, iii. 261. cautions de Molay, iii. 290. summoned to judgment, iii. 327.

Nominalists, iii. 555.

Non compos, plea of, i. 449.

Norbert, St., his labors in Antwerp, i. 65.

Nordhausen, nunnery of, reformed, ii. 330. Beghards burned by Kerlinger, ii. 390.

Normandy, witches in, iii. 536, 537.

Norse magic, iii. 402.

Northfield, Thomas, accused of sorcery, iii. 467.

Norway, Inq. ordered in, i. 355. magic in, iii. 403. repression of pagan sorcery, iii. 421. legislation on sorcery, iii. 432.

Notables a.s.sembled at autos da fe, i. 388.

Notaries, i. 377. forbidden to draw up retractions, i. 428; ii. 63. danger of drawing appeals, i. 445, 446; ii. 74. appointed by inq., ii. 391.

Notory Art, iii. 436.

Not proven, verdicts of, i. 453.

Novati, Giacobbe de', iii. 93.

Nunez Sancho, of Rosellon on heresy, i. 319.

Nunneries, their demoralization, iii. 631, 635.

Nurnberg abandons Gregory of Heimberg, ii. 418. restrictions on alms to Franciscans, iii. 58. Protest of 1324, iii. 136.

OATH of cardinals in conclave, i. 6. to persecute, required of rulers, i. 225. to heretics not binding, i. 228; ii. 468; iii. 182. of compurgation, i. 310. required of inqs., i. 351. of obedience to Inq., i. 385. preliminary, of accused, i. 399. accused obliged to take, i. 413. refusal of, punished with burning, i. 542. imposed on Languedoc, ii. 39. of secular inqs. in Venice, ii. 251. papal dispensations for, ii. 470. forbidden by Waldenses, i. 80, 87; ii. 150. forbidden by Cathari, i. 97. forbidden by Bohemian Brethren, ii. 562. forbidden by Apostolic Brethren, iii. 109, 121. not rejected by Wickliffites, ii. 441.

Obedience, Franciscan enforcement of, i. 263; iii. 2. oath of, required of officials, i. 385. implicit among the Templars, iii. 253.

Observantine Franciscans founded, iii. 172. they absorb the Clareni, iii. 65. their zeal, ii. 307. become dominant, iii. 173. suppress the Fraticelli, iii. 179. used against Savonarola, iii. 218. they condemn printing, iii. 436.

Obstinacy punished with burning, i. 313, 541.

Occult arts, iii. 379.

Ockham, William of, a.s.serts poverty of Christ, iii. 134. defends Louis of Bavaria, iii. 146, 148. revives Nominalism, iii. 556. his death, iii. 156.

Octavian, legate, condemns Everard of Chateauneuf, i. 130, 307.

Odin, his knowledge of runes, iii. 404.

Offerings for mortuary ma.s.ses, i. 30.

Official, episcopal, his functions, i. 309.

Officials, episcopal, their character, i. 20, 22. secular, bound to aid inqs., i. 340.

Olaf, St., his missionary raids, iii. 406.

Olaf Tryggvesson, his contest with paganism, iii. 406. he suppresses sorcery, iii. 421.

Olans Magnus on sorcery, iii. 433.

Old Testament rejected by Cathari, i. 91, 563.

Oldegardi, Catella and Pietra, iii. 101.

Oldenburg, Counts of, attack the Stedingers, iii. 183.

Oldrado da Tressino of Milan, ii. 208.

Oler, Pedro, case of, iii. 85.

Olier, J. J., his approach to Manichaeism, i. 100.

Olivi, Pierre Jean, on merits of contemplation, iii. 2. recognizes Boniface VIII., iii. 38., his career, iii. 42. his death and his relies, iii. 45. not condemned by C. of Vienne, iii. 46. Joachitism attributed to him, iii. 48. demand for bis wors.h.i.+p, iii. 57.

Olivi, his books forbidden by the Inq., iii. 73. on papal dispensing power, iii. 79. his exaggerated cult, iii. 82. prescribes poverty for bps., iii. 132. on owners.h.i.+p of property, iii. 183. used in the Sachsenhauser Protest, iii. 138. venerated by the Fraticelli, iii. 164.

Olivists, their Joachitism, iii. 44. their revolutionary doctrines, iii. 65. forced to rebellion, iii. 70. deny papal authority, iii. 73, 79. popular sympathy for them, iii. 75. numbers burned, iii. 77. their saints and martyrs, iii. 80. their love and charity, iii. 82. their mode of life, iii. 83. their extinction, iii. 84.

Oller, Geron., predicts death of Henry IV., iii. 446.

Olmutz, Inq. in 1335, ii. 431. John of Prague burned in 1415, ii. 495.

Ombraida, murder of inqs. at, ii. 215.

Oneiroscopy, iii. 446.

Opizo, Bp. of Parma, and Segarelli, iii. 106, 107.

Oppert, his explanation of Labarum, iii. 395.

Opstallesboom, laws of, sorcery not alluded to, iii. 433.

Ordeal used to detect heresy, i. 110, 305; ii. 317. of fire in Savonarola's case, iii. 226.

Ordelaffi, crusade against the, iii. 204.

Ordelaffi, Basilio, ease of, iii. 238.

Ordenamiento de Aleala, ii. 184.

Ordibarii--see Ortlibenses.

Ordinaries, episcopal, i. 22, 309.

Organization of Inq., i. 369. its effectiveness, i. 394.

Origen, his demonology, iii. 381.

Origin of Evil, iii. 380. of witchcraft, iii. 492.

Orleans, selection of bp. for, i. 9. Cathari of, i. 108; ii. 334. Pastoureaux in. i. 270. siege of, iii. 339, 345.

Orozco, Geronymo, i. 248.

Orphans, Hussite, ii. 525.

Orsini, Caietano, inq.-general, i. 397.

Orsini, Napoleone, protector of Spirituals, iii. 35, 40, 56.

Ortlibenses, their origin, ii. 319. in Pa.s.sau, ii. 348. in Suabia, ii. 354. their developed doctrine, ii. 355. their mysticism, ii. 358, 360, 365. condemned by Boniface VIII., ii. 367. by C. of Vienne, ii. 369. their missionary zeal, ii. 368. persecution throughout Germany, ii. 373-6. join the Flagellants, ii. 385.

Ortlibenses, their prevalence in Langres, iii. 578. censors.h.i.+p of their books, iii. 612. (See also Brethren of the Free Spirit.) Ortlieb of Stra.s.sburg, ii. 322.

Orton, the demon, iii. 383.

Orvieto, Catharism in, i. 115; ii. 238.

Osma, Diego of, urges mission work, i. 141.

Osthanes, iii. 389.

Ostrogoths, their laws on sorcery, iii. 399.

Otbert, inq., his salary, i. 529.

Otho IV. (Emp.) appealed to by Raymond VI., i. 149. his laws on heresy, i. 220, 319, 481, 502. persecutes heretics in Ferrara, ii. 192. his letter on the Waldenses, ii. 195.

Otto of Constance, his trouble with Huss, ii. 459.

Otto of Magdeburg, his lenity, ii. 374.

Outlawry for heretics, i. 319, 321.

Oxen eaten and resuscitated, iii. 503.

Oxford, Cathari of, i. 105, 113. spurious letters of University of, ii. 443.

C. of, 1222, burns a Jew, i. 222, 352.

Oxista, Michael, burns Bogomili, i. 216.

Ozasco, disregard of Inq. in, ii. 262.


Pace da Vedano, inq., iii. 199, 202.

A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages Volume III Part 31

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