A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages Volume III Part 45

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Or di a Fra Dolcin dunque che s' armi, Tu che forse vedrai il sole in breve, S' egli non vuol qu tosto seguitarmi; S di vivanda, che stretta di neve Non rechi la vittoria al Noarese, Ch' altrimenti acquistar non saria lieve.--INFERNO, XXVIII.

[121] Benvenuto da Imola (Muratori Antiq. III. 457-9).--Bescape, La Novara Sacra, Novara, 1878, p. 157.--Baggiolini, Dolcino e i Patarini, Novara, 1838, pp. 35-6.--Hist. Dulcin. Haeresiarch. (Muratori. S. R. I. IX. 436-7).--Addit. ad Hist. (Ibid. 457, 460).

[122] Corio, Hist. Milanesi, ann. 1307.--Beuv. da Imola, loc. cit.--Additamentum (Muratori IX. 454-55, 459).--Baggiolini, pp. 36-7.

Dolcino's two epistles were formally condemned by the Bishop of Parma and Fra Manfredo, the inquisitor, and must therefore have been circulated outside of the sect (Eymeric. Direct. Inq. P. II. Q. 29).

[123] Hist. Dulcin. (Muratori IX. 428-9).--Bescape, loc. cit.

[124] Hist. Dulcin. (Muratori IX. 430-1).--Bescape. loc. cit.

[125] Hist. Dulcin. (Muratori IX. 430-2).

[126] Hist. Dulcin (Muratori IX. 432-4.)--Baggiolini, p. 131.

[127] Hist. Dulcin. (Muratori IX. 434, 437-8).

[128] Hist. Dulcin. (Ib. 439-40).

[129] Hist. Dulcin. (Muratori IX. 439).

Ptolemy of Lucca, who is good contemporaneous authority, puts the number of those captured with Dolcino at one hundred and fifty, and of those who perished through exposure and by the sword at only about three hundred.--Hist. Eccles. Lib. XXIV. (Muratori XI. 1227).

[130] Mariotti (A. Galenga), Fra Dolcino and his Times, London, 1853, pp. 287-88.--Regest. Clement. PP. V. T. II. pp. 79-82, 88 (Ed. Benedictina, Romae, 1886).--Mosheims Ketzergeschichte I. 395.--Ugh.e.l.li, Italia Sacra, Ed. 1652, IV. 1104-8.--Hist. Dulcin. (Muratori IX. 436, 440).--Benv. da Imola (Muratori Antiq. III. 460).--Bernard. Guidon. Vit. Clement. PP. V. (Muratori III. I. 674).--Bescape, loc. cit.

The punishment inflicted on Dolcino and Longino was not exceptional. By a Milanese statute of 1393 all secret attempts upon the life of any member of a family with whom the criminal lived were subject to a penalty precisely the same in all details, except that it ended by attaching the offender to a wheel and leaving him to perish in prolonged agony.--Antiqua Duc.u.m Mediolani Decreta, p. 187 (Mediolani, 1654).

[131] A. Artiaco (Rivista Cristiana, 1877, 145-51).--Hist. Dulcin. (Muratori IX. 441-2).--Baggiolini, pp. 165-71.

[132] Addit. ad Hist. Dulcin. (Muratori IX. 455-7).--Bern. Guidon. Pract. P. v.

[133] Bernard. Guidon. Practica P. v.

[134] Addit. ad Hist. Dulcin. (Muratori IX. 458).--Bernard. Guidon. Practica P. v.--Bernard. Guidon. Gravam. (Doat. x.x.x. 120-4).--Raym. de Fronciacho (Archiv fur Litt.-u. K. 1887, p. 10.)--Lib. Sententt. Inq. Tolos. pp. 360-3, 381.

[135] Concil. Coloniens. ann. 1306 c. 1, 2 (Hartzheim IV. 100, 102).--Concil. Trevirens. ann. 1310 c. 50 (Martene Thesaur. IV. 250).--Alvar. Pelag. de Planctu Eccles. Lib. II. art. lii. (fol. 166, 172, Ed. 1517).--Wadding. ann. 1335, No. 8-9.--Raynald. ann. 1335, No. 62.

[136] Concil. Vaurens. ann. 1368 c. 24; Concil. Narbonn. ann. 1374 c. 5 (Harduin. VII. 1818, 1880).--Herman. Corneri Chron. ann. 1260, 1402 (Eccard. Corp. Hist. Med. aevi II. 906, 1185).

I have already referred (Vol. II. p. 429) to the persecution at Prague, in 1315, of some heretics whom Dubravius qualifies as Dolcinists, but who probably were Waldenses and Luciferans.

[137] MS. Bibl. Casanatense A. IV. 49.--I owe the communication of this doc.u.ment to the kindness of M. Charles Molinier. See also Amati, Archivio Storico Italiano, No. 38, p. 14.

For the connection between these heretics and the Dolcinists, compare Archiv fur Lit.-u. Kirchengeschichte, 1886, p. 131, with 1887, pp. 123-4.

[138] Archiv fur Litt.-u. Kirchengeschichte, 1887, pp. 51, 144-5.--Raynald. ann. 1311, No. 66-70; ann. 1318, No. 44.--Archiv. di Firenze, Prov. S. Maria Novella, 1327, Ott. 31.--Franz Ebrle, Archiv fur Lit.-u. Kirchengeschichte, 1885, p. 160.--D'Arjentre I. I. 336-7.--Cantu. Eretici d'Italia, I. 133.

[139] Barzellotti, David Lazzaretti di Arcidosso detto il Santo. Bologna, 1885.

Somewhat similar is the career of an ex-sergeant of the Italian army named Gabriele Donnici, who has founded in the Calabrian highlands a sect dignifying itself with the t.i.tle of the Saints. Gabriele is a prophet announcing the advent of a new Messiah, who is to come not as a lamb, but as a lion breathing vengeance and armed with b.l.o.o.d.y scourges. He and his brother Abele were tried for the murder of the wife of the latter, Grazia Funaro, who refused to submit to the s.e.xual abominations taught in the sect. They were condemned to hard labor and imprisonment, but were discharged on appeal to the Superior Court of Cosenza. Other misdeeds of the sectaries are at present occupying the attention of the Italian tribunals.--Rivista Cristiana, 1887, p. 57.

[140] Nicholaus Minorita (Baluz. et Mansi III. 207).--Chron. Gla.s.sberger ann. 1321.--Wadding. ann. 1321, No. 16-19; ann. 1322, No. 49-50.

[141] Alvar. Pelag. de Planctu Ecclesiae Lib. I. Art. 51. fol. 165-9.

In fact, the advocates of poverty did not miss the easy opportunity of stigmatizing their antagonists as followers of William of Saint-Amour. See Tocco, "Un Codice della Marciana," Venezia, 1887, pp. 12, 39 (Ateneo Veneto, 1886-1887).

The MS. of which Professor Tocco has here printed the most important portions, with elucidatory notes, is a collection of the responses made to the question submitted for discussion by John XXII. as to the poverty of Christ and the apostles. They are significant of the general reaction against the previously prevailing dogma, and of the eagerness with which, as soon as the free expression of opinion was safe, the prelates repudiated a doctrine condemnatory of the temporalities so industriously acc.u.mulated by all cla.s.ses of ecclesiastics. There were but eight replies affirming the poverty of Christ, and these were all from Franciscans--the Cardinals of Albano and San Vitale, the Archbishop of Salerno, the Bishops of Caffa, Lisbon, Riga, and Badajoz, and an unknown master of the Order. On the other side there were fourteen cardinals, including even Napoleone Orsini, the protector of the Spirituals, and a large number of archbishops, bishops, abbots, and doctors of theology. It is doubtless true, however, that the fear of offending the pope was a factor in producing this virtual unanimity--a fear not unreasonable, as was shown by the disgrace and persecution of those who maintained the poverty of Christ.--(Tocco, ubi sup. p. 35).

[142] Franz Ehrle, Archiv fur Litt.-u. K. 1887, pp. 511-12.--Baluz et Mansi II. 279-80.--Nicholaus Minorita (Ibid. III. 208-13).

Curiously enough, in this John did exactly what his special antagonists, the Spirituals, had desired. Olivi had long before pointed out the scandal of an Order vowed to poverty litigating eagerly for property and using the transparent cover of papal procurators (Hist. Tribulat. ap. Archiv fur Litt.-u. K. 1886, p. 298).

[143] Nicholaus Minorita (Bal. et Mansi III. 213-24).

[144] Wadding. ann. 1323, No. 3, 15.

[145] Nicholaus Minorita (Bal. et Mansi III. 224).

[146] Carl Muller, Der Kampf Ludwigs des Baiern mit der romischen Curie, -- 4.--Felten, Die Bulle Ne pretereat, Trier, 1885.--Preger, Die Politik des Pabstes Johann XXII., Munchen, 1885, pp. 44-6.

[147] Carl Muller, op. cit -- 5.--Preger, Politik des Pabstes Johann XXII. (Munchen, 1885, pp, 7, 54).--Martene Thesaur. II. 644-51.--Raynald. ann. 1323, No. 34-5.

[148] Martene Thesaur. II. 652-9.--Nich. Minorita (Bal. et Mansi III 224-33).

The date of the Protest of Sachsenhausen is not positively known, but it was probably issued in April or May, 1324 (Muller, op. cit. I. 357-8). Its authors.h.i.+p is ascribed by Preger to Franz von Lautern, and Ehrle has shown that much of its argumentation is copied literally from the writings of Olivi (Archiv fur Litt.-u. Kirchengeschichte, 1887, 540). When there were negotiations for a settlement in 1336, Louis signed a declaration prepared by Benedict XII., in which he was made to say that the portions concerning the poverty of Christ were inserted without his knowledge by his notary, Ulric der Wilde for the purpose of injuring him (Raynald ann. 1336, No. 31-5); but he accompanied this self-abasing statement with secret instructions of a very different character (Preger, Kirchenpolitische Kampf, p. 12).

[149] Martene Thesaur. II. 660-71.--Nich. Minorita (Bal. et Mansi III. 233-6).

Even in far-off Ireland the bull of July 11, depriving Louis of the empire, was read in all the churches in English and Irish.--Theiner, Monument. Hibern. et Scotor. No. 456, p. 230.

[150] See the doc.u.ments in the second prosecution of Louis by John, where the accusations against him constantly commence with his pertinacious heresy in maintaining the condemned doctrine of the poverty of Christ.--Martene Thesaur. II. 682 sqq. Cf. Guill. Nangiac. Contin. ann. 1328.

[151] Altmayer, Les Precurseurs de la Reforme aux Pays-Bas, Bruxelles, 1886, I. 38.--Guillel. Nangiac. Contin. ann. 1326.--Fasciculus Rer. Expetendarum et Fugiend. II. 55, Ed. 1690.--D'Argentre, I. I. 304-11, 397-400.--Baluz. et Mansi II. 280-1.--Martene Thesaur. II. 704-16.--Preger, Kirchenpolitische Kampf, pp. 34, 65.--Defensor. Pacis II. 6.

The manner in which Fritsche Closener, a contemporary priest of Stra.s.sburg, speaks of the Defensor Pacis shows what an impression it made, and that even a portion of the clergy was not averse to its conclusions.--Closeners Chronik (Chroniken der deutschen Stadte VIII. 70.--Cf. Chron. des Jacob von Konigshofen, Ib. p. 473).

[152] Martene Thesaur. II. 749-52.--Tocco, L'Eresia nel Medio Evo, pp. 532-555.--Preger, Der Kirchenpolitische Kampf, pp. 8-9.--Carl Muller, op. cit. II. 251-2.--Trithem. Chron. Hirsaug. ann. 1323.--Raynald. ann. 1349, No. 16-17.--Jac. de Marchia Dial. (Bal. et Mansi II. 600).

[153] Wadding. ann. 1317, No. 9; ann. 1318, No. 8; ann. 1323, No. 16; ann. 1325, No. 6; ann. 1331, No. 3.--Chron. Gla.s.sberger ann. 1325, 1326, 1330.--Raynald. ann. 1325, No. 20, 27.--Franz Ehrle (Archiv fur L. u. K. 1886, p. 151).--Martene Thesaur. II. 752-3.--Vitoduran. Chron. (Eccard. Corp. Hist. I. 1799).--D'Argentre, I. I. 297.--Eymeric. pp. 291-4.

[154] Martene Thesaur. II. 749.--Baluz. et Mansi III. 315-16.--Nicholaus Minorita (Baluz. et Mansi III. 238-40).

[155] Chron. Sanens. (Muratori S. R. I. XV. 77. 79).--Martene Thesaur. II. 684-723.--Nicholaus Minorita (Bal. et Mansi III. 240-3).

[156] Nicholaus Minorita (Bal. et Mansi III. 243).--Ptolomaei Lucensis Hist. Eccles. cap. 41 (Muratori S. R. I. XI. 1210).--Chron. Sanens. (Muratori XV. 80).--Wadding. ann. 1328, No. 2-4, 8-11.

[157] Nicholaus Minorita (Bal. et Mansi III. 238-40).

[158] Nicholaus Minorita (Baluz. et Mansi III. 243-349).--Jac. de Marchia Dial. (Ibid. II. 598).--Chron. Sanens. (Muratori S. R. I. XV. 81).--Vitodurani Chron. (Eccard. Corp. Hist. I. 1799-1800).--Martene Thesaur. II. 757-60.--Alvar. Pelag. De Planctu Eccles. Lib. II. art. 67.

The career of Cardinal Bertrand de la Tour ill.u.s.trates the pliability of conscience requisite to those who served John XXII. He was a Franciscan of high standing. As Provincial of Aquitaine he had persecuted the Spirituals. Elevated to the cardinalate, when John called for opinions on the question of the poverty of Christ he had argued in the affirmative. In conjunction with Vitale du Four, Cardinal of Albano, he had secretly drawn up the declaration of the Chapter of Perugia which so angered the pope, but when the latter made up his mind that Christ had owned property, the cardinal promptly changed his convictions, and was now engaged in persecuting those who adhered to the belief which he had prescribed for them.--Tocco, Un Codice della Marciana, pp. 40, 43, 45.

[159] Chron. Cornel. Zantfliet (Martene Ampl. Coll. V. 187).--Villani, Lib. x. c. 126, 144.

[160] Franz Ehrle (Archiv fur L. u K. 1885, pp. 159-64; 1886, pp. 653-69).--Archivio Storico Italiano, 1 Ott. 1865, pp. 10-21.--Ripoll II. 180.--Wadding. ann. 1326, No. 9; 1327, No. 3-4; 1331, No. 4; 1332, No. 5.

[161] Villani, Lib. x. c. 131, 142, 160.--Guill. Nangiac. Contin. ann. 1330.--Wadding. ann. 1330, No. 9.--Martene Thesaur. II. 736-70; 806-15.--Chron. Cornel. Zantfliet ann. 1330 (Martene Ampl. Coll. V. 194-8).

[162] Archives de l'Inq. de Carca.s.sonne (Doat, XXVII. 7 sqq.).

[163] Doat, XXVII. 202-3, 229; x.x.xV. 87.

[164] Martene Thesaur. II. 826-8.--Carl Muller, op. cit. I. 239.--Vitodurani Chron. (Eccard. Corp. Hist. I. 1798, 1800, 1844-5, 1871).--Andreas Ratisponens. Chron. ann. 1336 (Ibid. I. 2103-4).--Preger, Der Kirchenpolitische Kampf, pp. 42-5.--Denifle, Archiv fur Litt.-u. Kirchengeschichte, 1886, p. 624.

[165] Martene Thesaur. II. 800-6.--Raynald. ann. 1336, No. 31-5.--Vitoduran. Chron. (Eccard. Corp. Hist. I. 1842-5, 1910).--Preger, Der Kirchenpolitische Kampf, p. 33.--Hartzheim IV. 323-32.--H. Mutii Germ. Chron. ann. 1338 (Pistorii Germ. Scriptt. II. 878-81).

[166] Vitoduran Chron. (Eccard. I. 1844).--Sachsische Weltchronik, dritte bairisch Fortsetzung No. 9 (Pertz II. 346).--Baluz. et Mansi III. 349-55.--Muratori S. R. I. III. II. 513-27.--Jac. de Marchia Dial. (Bal. et Mansi II. 600).--Preger, op. cit. pp. 35-6.--Carl Muller, op. cit. I. 370-2.--Chron. Gla.s.sberger ann. 1342, 1347.

[167] Schmidt, Pabstliche Urkunden und Regesten, p. 362.--Henr. Rebdorff. Annal. ann. 1346-7 (Freher et Struv. I. 626-8).

[168] Henr. Rebdorff. Annal. ann. 1347 (Freher et Struv. I. 628).--Matthiae Neuburg. (Albert. Argentinens.) Chron. ann. 1348 (Urstisii II. 142-3).--Preger, Der Kirchenpolitische Kampf, pp. 56-60.

[169] Wadding. ann. 1330, No. 14-15.--Alvar. Pelag. de Planct. Eccles. Lib. II. art. 51 (fol. 169 a).--Lib. Conformitatum Lib. I. Fruct. ix. p. ii.--Revel. S. Brigittae Lib. VII. c. 8.

[170] Wadding. ann. 1335, No. 10-11; ann. 1336, No. 1; ann. 1337, No. 1; ann. 1339. No. 1.--Raynald. ann. 1335, No. 63; ann. 1336, No. 63, 64, 66-7; ann. 1337, No. 30; ann. 1375, No, 64.--Comba, La Riforma in Italia, I. 328.--Vit. Prima Benedicti XII. ann. 1337 (Muratori S. R. I. III. II. 531).

[171] D'Argentre I. I. 345.--Eymeric. p. 486.

[172] Werunsky Excerptt. ex Registt. Clem. PP. VI. pp. 23-4.--Raynald. ann. 1346, No. 70.--Comba, La Riforma, I. 326-7, 387.--Lami, Antichita Toscane, pp. 528, 595.

[173] Comba, La Riforma, I. 568-71.

[174] Tocco, Archivio Storico Napoletano, 1887, Fasc. I.--Comba, La Riforma, I. 321-4.

[175] Martini Append. ad Mosheim de Beghardis p. 505.

[176] Jac. de Marchia Dial. (Baluz. et Mansi II. 595 sqq.).

[177] Raynald. ann. 1344, No. 8; 1357, No. 12; 1374, No. 14.--Jac. de Marchia Dial. (l. c. 599, 608-9).

It may surprise a modern infallibilist to learn that so thoroughly orthodox and learned an inquisitor as the blessed Giacomo della Marca admits that there have been heretic popes--popes who persisted and died in their heresy. He comforts himself, however, with the reflection that they have always been succeeded by Catholic pontiffs (l. c. p. 599).

[178] Werunsky, Excerptt. ex Registt. Clem. VI. et Innoc. VI. p. 91.--Raynald. ann. 1354, No. 31; ann. 1368, No. 16.--Wadding. ann. 1354, No. 6-7; 1368, No. 4-6.--Comba, La Riforma, I. 327. 329-37.--Cantu, Erctici d' Italia, I. 133-4.--Eymeric. p. 328.

[179] Tocco, Archivio Storico Napoletano, 1887, Fasc. 1.--Raynald. ann. 1368, No. 16; ann. 1372, No. 36.--Wadding. ann. 1374, No. 19-23.--Pet. Rodulphii Hist. Seraph. Relig. Lib. II. fol. 154 a.

Perugia at this period was a centre of religious excitement. A certain Piero Garigh, who seems to have been in some way connected with the Fraticelli, gave himself out as the Son of G.o.d, and dignified his disciples with the names of apostles. In the brief allusion which we have to him he is said to have obtained ten of these and to be in search of an eleventh. His fate is not recorded.--Processus contra Valdenses (Archivio Storico Italiano, 1865, No. 39, p. 50).

[180] Raynald. ann. 1344, No. 8; ann. 1346, No. 70; ann. 1354, No. 31; ann. 1375, No. 27.

[181] Raynald. ann. 1336, No. 64; ann. 1351, No. 31; ann. 1368, No. 16-7.--Archives de l'Inq. de Carca.s.s. (Doat, x.x.xV. 130).--Mosheims Ketzergeschichte I. 387.--Henr. Rebdorff Annal. ann. 1353 (Freher et Struv. I. 632).--Eymeric. p. 358.--D'Argentre, I. I. 383-6.

[182] Ripoll II. 245.--Eymeric. pp. 266-7.--Raynald. ann. 1373, No. 19; ann. 1426, No. 18.--Wadding. ann. 1371. No. 26-30.

[183] Garibay, Comp. Historial de Espana, Lib. XVI. c. 31.--La Puente, Epit. de la Cronica de Juan II., Lib. IV. c. i.--Pelayo, Heterodoxos Espanoles, I. 546-7.--Mariana, Lib. XXI. c. 18.--Rodrigo, Inquisicion, II. 11-12.--Paramo, p. 131.

[184] Wadding. ann. 1383, No. 2.--Gobelinae Personae Cosmodrom. aet. v. c. 84 (Meibom. Rer. German. I. 317).

[185] Baluz. et Mansi IV. 566 sqq. In 1606 Paul V. allowed the Jesuats to take orders.

[186] Wadding, ann. 1350, No. 15; ann. 1354, No. 1, 2; ann. 1362, No. 4.--Chron. Gla.s.sberger ann. 1352, 1354, 1355.

[187] Wadding. ann. 1368, No. 10-13.

[188] Wadding. ann. 1375, No. 44; ann. 1390, No. 1-10; ann. 1403, No. 1; ann. 1405, No. 3; ann. 1415, No. 6-7; ann. 1431, No. 8; ann. 1434, No. 7; ann. 1435, No. 12-13; ann. 1453, No. 18-26; ann. 1454, No. 22-3; ann. 1455, No. 43-7; ann. 1456, No. 129; ann. 1498, No. 7-8; ann. 1499, No. 18-20.--Chron. Gla.s.sberger ann. 1426, 1430, 1501, 1517.--Theiner Monument. Hiberu. et Scotor. No. 801, p. 425, No. 844, p. 460.--aen. Sylvii Opp. inedd. (Atti della Accademia del Lincei, 1883, p. 546).--Chron. Anon. (a.n.a.lecta Franciscana I. 291-2).

The bitterness of the strife between the two branches of the Order is ill.u.s.trated by the fact that the Franciscan Church of Palma, in Majorca, when struck by lightning and partially ruined in 1480, remained on this account unrepaired for nearly a hundred years, until the Observantines got the better of their rivals and obtained possession of it.--Dameto, Pro y Bover, Hist. de Mallorca, II. 1064-5 (Palma, 1841). It is related that when Sixtus IV., who had been a Conventual, proposed in 1477 to subject the Observantines to their rivals, the blessed Giacomo della Marca threatened him with an evil death, and he desisted.--(Chron. Gla.s.sberger ann. 1477).

The exceeding laxity prevailing among the Conventuals is indicated by letters granted in 1421 by the Franciscan general, Antonius de Perreto, to Friar Liebhardt Forschammer, permitting him to deposit with a faithful friend all alms given to him, and to expend them on his own wants or for the benefit of the Order, at his discretion; he was also required to confess only four times a year.--(Chron. Gla.s.sberger ann. 1416). The General Chapter held at Forli in 1421 was obliged to prohibit the brethren from trading and lending money on usury, under pain of imprisonment and confiscation.--(Ib. ann. 1421). From the Chapter of Ueberlingen, held in 1426, we learn that there was a custom by which, for a sum of money paid down, Franciscan convents would enter into obligations to pay definite stipends to individual friars.--(Ib. ann. 1426). In fact, the efforts of reform at this period, stimulated by the rivalry of the Observantines, reveal how utterly oblivious the Order had become of all the prescriptions of the Rule.

[189] Raynald. ann. 1418, No. 11; ann. 1421, No. 4; ann. 1424, No. 7.--Jo. de Ragusio de Init. Basil. Concil. (Mon. Conc. Gen. Saec. XV. T. I. pp. 30-1, 40, 55).--Ripoll II. 645.

[190] Wadding. ann. 1426, No. 1-4.--Raynald. ann. 1428, No. 7.--Jac. de Marchia Dial. (Baluz. et Mansi II. 597, 609).

[191] Wadding. ann. 1426, No. 15-16; Regest. Mart. V. No. 162; ann. 1432, No. 8-9; ann. 1441, No. 37-8; ann. 1447, No. 10; ann. 1456, No. 108; ann. 1476, No. 24-5.--Raynald. ann. 1432, No. 24.--Jac. de Marchia Dial. (Baluz. et Mansi II. 610).

[192] Jac. de Marchia l. c.

[193] Steph. Infessurae Diar. Urb. Rom. ann. 1467 (Eccard. Corp. Hist. II. 1893).--Platinae Vit. Pauli II. (Ed. 1574, p. 308).--Rod. Santii Hist. Hispan. P. III. c. 40 (R. Beli Rer. Hisp. Scriptt. I. 433).--Wadding. ann. 1371, No. 14.--Ripoll IV. 22.

[194] Barbarano de' Mironi. Hist. di Vicenza. II. 164-5.--Poggii Bracciol. Dial. contra Hypocrisim.

[195] Wadding. ann. 1481, No. 9; ann. 1487, No. 3-5; ann. 1495, No. 12.--Addis and Arnold's Catholic Dictionary, s.v. Recollects.

[196] Concil. Lateran. ann. 1102 (Harduin. VI. II. 1861-2).--Epist. Sigebert. (Mart. Ampl. Coll. I. 587-94).--Chron. Ca.s.sinens. IV. 42, 44. (Cf. Martene Ampl. Coll. I. 627.)--Hartzheim III. 258-65.--Martene Ampl. Coll. I. 659.

[197] Schumacher, Die Stedinger, Bremen, 1865, pp. 26-8.--Adam. Bremens. Gest. Pontif. Hammaburg. c. 203.--Chron. Erfordiens. ann. 1230 (Schannat Vindem. Litt. I. 93).--Chron. Rustedens. (Meibom. Rer. Germ. II. 101).--Albert. Stadens. Chron. ann. 1207 (Schilt. S. R. Germ. I. 299).--Joan. Otton. Cat. Archiepp. Bremens. ann. 1207 (Menken. S. R. Germ. II. 791).

[198] Albert. Stadens. Chron. ann. 1208-17, 1230.--Joan. Otton. Cat. Archiepp. Bremens. ann. 1211-20.--Anon. Saxon. Hist. Impp. ann. 1229 (Menken. III. 125).--Chron. Rustedens. (Meibom. II. 101).

There is considerable confusion among the authorities with regard to these events. I have followed the careful investigations of Schumacher, op. cit. pp. 219-23.

[199] Emonis Chron. ann. 1227, 1230 (Matthaei a.n.a.lecta III. 128, 132).--Schumacher, p. 81.

[200] Hist. Diplom. Frid. II. T. IV. p. 497.--Albert. Stadens. Chron. ann. 1232, 1234.--Raynald. ann. 1232, No. 8.--Hartzheim III. 553.--Joan. Ottonis Cat. Archiepp. Bremens. ann. 1234.--Anon. Saxon. Hist. Imperator. ann. 1229.--Chron. Cornel. Zantfliet ann. 1233.--Epistt. Select. Saecul. XIII. T. I. No. 539 (Pertz).

[201] Emonis Chron. ann. 1234 (Matthaei a.n.a.lecta III. 139 sqq.).--Potthast No. 9399, 9400.--Epistt. Select. Saecul. XIII. T. I. No. 572.--Meyeri Annal. Flandr. Lib. VIII. ann. 1233.--Chron. Cornel. Zantfliet ann. 1234.--Schumacher, pp. 116-17.--Chron. Erfordiens. ann. 1232.--Sachsische Weltchronik No. 376-8.--H. Wolteri Chron. Bremens. (Meibom. Rer. Germ. II. 58-9).--Chron. Rastedens. (Ib. II. 101).--Joan Otton. Cat. Archiepp. Bremens. ann. 1234.--Albert. Stadens. ann. 1234.--Anon. Saxon. Hist. Imperator. ann. 1229.

A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages Volume III Part 45

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