A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages Volume I Part 41

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IV. Bull. _Quod super nonnullis_, -- 10, 15 Dec. 1258.

[369] Tract, de Paup. de Lugduno (Martene Thes. V. 1792).--Cf. Bernard.

Guidon. Practica P. v. (Doat, x.x.x.).

[370] Practica super Inquisitione (MSS. Bib. Nat., fonds latin, No.

14930, fol. 221).

[371] Tract. de Paup. de Lugduno (Martene Thesaur. V. 1793).--Eymeric.

Direct. Inq. pp. 433-4.--Modus examinandi Haereticos (Mag. Bib. Pat.

XIII. 341).

[372] Tract, de Paup. de Lugduno (Martene Thesaur. V.

1787-88).--Eymeric. p, 434.--Archives de l'Inq. de Carca.s.s. (Doat, XXVII. 150).

[373] Wadding. Annal. ann. 1228, No. 45.--Nideri Formicar. Lib. III. c.


[374] Eymeric. Direct. Inquis. 514, 521.--Concil. Biterrens. ann. 1246, Append. c. 17.--Innoc. PP. IV. Bull. _Illius vicis_, 12 Nov. 1247.--Lib.

Confess. Inq. Albiens. (MSS. Bib. Nat., fonds latin, 11847).--Bernard.

Guidon. Practica P. v. (Doat, x.x.x.).--Doctrina de modo procedendi (Martene Thesaur. V. 1795).--Molinier, l'Inq. dans le midi de la France, p. 330.--Archives de l'Inq. de Carca.s.s. (Doat, XXVII. 7 sqq.).--Lib.

Sententt. Inq. Tolosan. pp. 22, 76, 102, 118-50, 158-62, 184, 216-18, 220-1, 228, 244-8, 266-7, 282-5.--Archives de l'Inq. de Carca.s.sonne (Doat, x.x.xIV. 89).--Archives de l'hotel-de-ville d'Albi (Doat, x.x.xIV.

45).--Coll. Doat, x.x.xIV. 189.

[375] Archives de l'Inq. de Carca.s.sonne (Doat, x.x.xI. 57).--Vaissette, III. Pr. 551-3.--Tract, de Paup. de Lugd. (Martene Thesaur. V.

1787).--Joann. Andreae Gloss, sup. c. 1, Clement, v. 3.--Bernard. Guidon.

Practica P. v. (Doat. x.x.x.).--Arch. de l'Inq. de Carca.s.sonne (Doat, x.x.xIV. 45).

[376] Superst.i.tion and Force, 3d Ed. 1878, pp. 419-20.--Lib. Jur. Civ.

Veronae, ann. 1228, c. 75.--Const.i.t. Sicular. Lib. I. t.i.t. 27.--Frid. II.

Edict. 1220. -- 5.--Innoc. PP. IV. Bull. _Ad extirpanda_, -- 26.--Concil.

Autissiodor. ann. 578 c. 33.--Concil. Matiscon. II. ann. 585 c.

19.--Alex. PP. IV. Bull. _Ut negotium_, 7 Julii, 1256 (Doat, x.x.xI. 196); Ejusd. Bull. _Ne inquisitionis_, 19 Apr. 1259.--Urban. PP. IV. Bull. _Ut negotium_, 1260, 1262 (Ripoll, I. 430; Mag. Bull. Rom. I.

132).--Clement. PP. IV. Bull. _Ne inquisitionis_, 13 Jan. 1266.--Bern.

Guidon. Pract. P. IV. (Doat. x.x.x.).--Pegnae Comment. in Eymeric. p.

593.--Archivio di Napoli, MSS. Chioccarello, T. VIII.--Historia Tribulationum (Archiv fur Litt. u. Kirchengeschichte, 1886, p. 324).

The earliest allusion to the use of torture in Languedoc is in 1254, when St. Louis forbade its use on the testimony of a single witness, even in the case of poor persons.--Vaissette, ed. Privat, VIII. 1348.

[377] Cha.s.saing, Spicilegium Brivatense, p. 92.--Vaissette, IV. Pr.

97-8.--Archives de l'hotel-de-ville d'Albi (Doat, x.x.xIV. 45 sqq.).--Lib.

Confess. Inq. Albiens. (MSS. Bib. Nat., fonds latin, 11847).--Lib.

Sententt. Inq. Tolosan. pp. 46-78, 132, 169-74, 180-2, 266-7.--Bern.

Guidon. Practica P. IV. v. (Doat, x.x.x.).

[378] C. 1, -- 1, Clement, v. 3.--Bern. Guidon. Gravamina (Doat, x.x.x.

100, 120).--Eymeric. Direct. Inq. p. 422.--Zanchini Tract. de Haeret. c.


[379] Eymeric. Direct. Inq. pp. 453-5.--Bern. Guidon. Practica P. v.

(Doat, x.x.x.).--Zanchini Tract. de Haeret. c. ix., xiv.--Processus contra Waldenses (Archivio Storico Italiano, No. 38, pp. 20, 22, 24, etc.).--Pauli de Leazariis Gloss. sup. c. 1, Clem. v. 3.--Silvest.

Prieriat. de Strigimagar. Mirand. Lib. III. c. 1.--Bernard. Comens.

Lucerna Inquisit. s. vv. _Jejunia, Tortur_.

That the Clementines had practically fallen into desuetude is shown by Carlo III. of Savoy, in 1506, procuring from Julius II. as a special privilege that in his territories the inquisitors should not send to prison or p.r.o.nounce sentence without the concurrence of the episcopal ordinaries, and this was enlarged in 1515 by Leo X. by requiring their a.s.sent for all arrests.--Sclopis, Antica Legislazione del Piemont. p.


[380] Eymeric. pp. 480, 592, 614.--Zanchini Tract. de Haeret. c.

ix.--Bernardi Comens. Lucerna Inquis. s. vv. _Indicium, Tortur_ No. 19, 25.

[381] Eymeric. Direct. Inq. pp. 480-2.--MSS. Bib. Nat., funds latin, No.

4270, fol. 101, 146.--Responsa prudentum (Doat, x.x.xVII. 83 sqq.).--Bernardi Comens. Lucerna Inquis. s. vv. _Confessio, Tortur_.

The care with which the inquisitors concealed the means by which confessions were procured is ill.u.s.trated in the ratification obtained from Guillem Salavert in 1303, of his confession made three years before. He is made to declare it "esse veram, non factam vi tormentorum, amore, gratia, odio, timore, vel favore alicujus, non subornatus nec inductus minis vel blanditiis, seu seductus per aliquem, non amens nec stultus sed bona mente," etc. (MSS. Bib. Nat., fonds latin, No. 11847).

Yet Salavert belonged to a group of victims on whom, as we shall see hereafter, torture was unsparingly used.

[382] Eymeric. Direct. Inquis. p. 481.--Bernardi Comens. Lucerna Inquis.

s. vv. _Confessio, Impnitens, Tortur_ No. 48.--Responsa prudentum (Doat, x.x.xVII. 83 sqq.)--Arch. de l'Inq. de Carca.s.s. (Doat, XXVII. 126; x.x.xII. 251).--Lib. Sententt. Inq. Tolosan. pp. 266-7.--Zanchini Tract.

de Haeret. c. xxiii.

[383] Fortescue de Laudibus Legum Angliae, c. xxvii.

[384] Bernardi Comens. Lucerna Inquisit. s. vv. _Infamia, Inquisitores_ No. 7.

[385] Fournier, Les officialites an moyen age, pp. 177-8.--C. 14 Extra II. 23.--Bern. Guidon. Practica P. IV. (Doat, x.x.x.).

[386] Concil. Narbonn. ann. 1244 c. 29.--Tresor des chartes du roi en Carca.s.sonne (Doat, XXI. 34).--Molinier, L'Inquisition dans le midi de la France, p. 342.--Livres de Jostice et de Plet, Liv. I. t.i.t. iii. -- 7.

[387] Concil. Albiens. ann. 1254 c. 27.--Guid. Fulcod. Quaest. IX.--Bern.

Guidon. Practica P. IV. (Doat, x.x.x.).--Lib. Confess. Inq. Albiens. (MSS.

Bib. Nat., fonds latin, 11847).--Ripoll, I. 72.

[388] Eymeric. Direct. Inq. pp. 376-81.--Zanchini Tract. de Haeret. c.


[389] Archidiaconi Gloss. super c. xi. -- 1 s.e.xto v. 2.--Joann. Andreae Gloss. sup. c. xiii. -- 7 Extra v. 7.--Eymeric. Direct. Inquis. pp. 445, 615-16.--Guid. Fulcodii Quaest. XIV.--Zanchini Tract. de Haeret. c. xiii., xiv.--Bern. Guidon. Practica P. IV. (Doat, x.x.x.).

In the lay courts, if a witness swore to the innocence of the accused and subsequently changed his testimony, the first statement was held good and the second was rejected, but in cases of heresy the incriminating evidence was always received.--Ponzinibii de Lamiis c. 84.

[390] C. 17 Cod. IX. ii. (Honor. 423).--Pseudo-Julii Epist. II. c. 18 (Gratiani Decret.) P. II. caus. v. Q. 3, c. 5.--Pseudo-Eutychiani Epist.

ad Episcopp. Siciliae.--Gratiani Comment. in Decret. P. II. caus. II. Q.

7, c. 22; caus. VI. Q. 1, c. 19.--Hist. Diplom. Frid. II. T. IV. pp.

299-300.--Guill. Pod. Laur. c. 40.--Alex. PP. IV. Bull. _Consuluit_, 6 Mai. 1260 (Doat, x.x.xI. 205); Ejusd. Bull. _Quod super non nullis_, 9 Dec. 1257; 15 Dec. 1258.--C. 5 s.e.xto v. 2.--C. 8 -- 3 s.e.xto v.

2.--Concil. Biterrens. ann. 1246 c. 12.--Jacob. Laudun. Orat. in Conc.

Constant. (Von der Hardt III. 60).--MSS. Bib. Nat., fonds latin, No.

14930, fol. 221.--Zanchini Tract. de Haeret. c. xi., xiii.--Eymeric.

Direct. Inq. pp. 602-6.

Under the contemporary English law, criminals and accomplices were rejected as accusers, even in high-treason (Bracton, Lib. III. Tract.

ii. cap. 3, No. 1).

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