Some Account of Gothic Architecture in Spain Part 40
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A central figure pointing to a sort of well in the centre.
59. Ma.s.sacre of the wors.h.i.+ppers of the molten calf.
60. Exodus xxiv. 29.
Moses holds the two tables of the Law, and is surrounded by other figures all touching the tables.
61. Exodus xxiv. 32, 33.
The two tables held by two figures above a draped altar; four figures kneeling before them.
With this subject the series concludes.
I have thought it quite worth while to give this short account of the work because it is rather rare to find so large a number of Old Testament subjects treated in this way. On the whole, too, I think that this is the most important work of the age in Spain. The sculptured works of this period (the fourteenth century) are comparatively rare.
The most important of those which I have mentioned in this book are the north doorway of Toledo, which has a series of subjects in all of which the Blessed Virgin appears; at Burgos the three western doors, which have--(1) the birth of the Blessed Virgin, (2) the a.s.sumption, and (3) the Coronation; in the south door, our Lord with the evangelists, saints, and prophets; and in the north door, the Last Judgment. At Leon, the three western doors, which have--(1) subjects from our Lord's life, introducing the Blessed Virgin, (2) the Last Judgment, and (3) the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; the south transept, on one door our Lord, the evangelists and apostles, and on another the death of the Blessed Virgin Mary; the north transept, our Lord surrounded by saints.
Avila cathedral has, over its north door, our Lord in the centre, the Betrayal, Last Supper, and Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; and the Resurrection of the Dead in the archivolt; and there are various other smaller works, which will be found by reference to the Catalogue of Sculptures in the index to this volume. I know no other example of the introduction of Old Testament subjects.
In all these examples the character of the sculpture is very similar; the architectural framing of niches and canopies is of the best kind of Middle Pointed; and the draperies, faces, and pose of the figures are very much the same as one sees in work of the first half of the fourteenth century at Bourges and elsewhere in France. The subjects round the Coro at Toledo are superior to the others in the facility which the regularity of the openings gave for the free treatment of the sculptures, and in the variety of treatment which the subjects naturally involve. But on the other hand, the artistic skill of the sculptors who were employed at Leon cathedral seems to me to have been greater than that of the sculptors of any other Spanish work of the same age. And though the character, mode of design, and manner of execution are all extremely French, I do not know why we should have any doubt about the ability of Spaniards to execute such work, when we consider how exceedingly skilful they were in the succeeding age, when they perhaps excelled any other sculptors of the same period.
The French work to which this Spanish sculpture has most similarity, appears to me to be that of the three western doors of Bourges cathedral. In some respects, indeed, there is so much likeness between the two that one can hardly avoid supposing that the sculptor at Leon had himself been at Bourges. And it is interesting therefore to observe that one of the most remarkable series of sculptures ill.u.s.trating the early portion of the Old Testament is that which is carved in the spandrels of the arcade which is carried all round the lower part of the jambs of the Bourges doorways. I have, in the earlier part of this work, observed that there is evidence of the same men having wrought at Burgos, Leon, Avila, and Toledo.
Sit omnibus notum, quod ego magister Jacobus Fabre lapicida, civis Majoricarum, praesenti stipulatione convenio vobis fratri Petro Alegre, gerenti Vices-Prioris conventus fratrum Praedicatorum Majoricarum antedicti et Notarij infra scripti stipulantis, vice et nomine dicti conventus; quod quando Prior dictae domus fratrum Praedicatorum Majoricarum, vel ejus loc.u.m tenens, voluerit, et requisiverit me, quod redeam ad hanc civitatem Majoricarum ex Barchinona, quo iturus sum in praesenti, causa faciendi illuc aliqua opera, vel ea dirigendi c.u.m licencia vestra, et fratrum dictae domus, ad praeces Ill.u.s.trissimi Domini Regis Aragonum, et venerabilis Domini Barchinonensis Episcopi: ego illico recepta monitione vel requisitione vestra vel Prioris dictae domus, seu ejus loc.u.m tenentis, omnibus operibus et negotiis postpositis, redeam ad hanc civitatem Majoricarum, salvo justo impedimento et quod vobis et fratribus vestri conventus faciam, et consumabo opera vestri monasterij, et alia opera faciam prout pactus sum, et facere teneor, ut continetur in quodam publico instrumento, facto inter me et venerabilem Fr. Arnaldum Burgeti, dudum Priorem dictae domus; quod instrumentum sit validum, et nihil pro praedictis ille videatur innovatum, aut mutatum. Quod si per me steterit quod non redeam, c.u.m citatus fuero, et non compleverim praedicta c.u.m ea complere possim, tenear dare, et per validam, et solemnem stipulationem dare promitto operi vestri dicti monasterij in manu et posse Notarij infrascripti, vice et nomine dicti operis stipulantis, pro pena, et nomine penae, quinquaginta libras regalium Majoricensium monetae perpetae minutorum, quae pro d.a.m.nis, et interesse computtantur, qua pena soluta, vel non, nihilominus rata maneant haec praedicta, et cetera contenta in instrumento inter me et dictum fratrem Arnaldum Burgeti facto, et pro praedictis attendendis, et non contraveniendis, obligo vobis, et vestro conventui supradicto, et nomine infrascripti stipulantis, vice et nomine ejusdem monasterij me, et omnia bona mea, ubique habita, et habenda. Ad haec ego Maymonus Peris civis Majoricarum," &c. &c. "Actum est hoc Majoricis octavo idus Junii, anno Domini millessimo trecentessimo septimo decimo sig?num Magistri Jacobi Fabre," &c. &c.
_Junta of Twelve Architects, upon the mode which ought to be followed in the construction of the Cathedral of Gerona, with the Reports of each of them, as they appear in the archives of the said Church._
In nomine Sanctae ac individuae Trinitatis, Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
Etsi mansiunculas et domos profanas mundanorum usibus dicatas fideles Domini erigunt et fabricant opere polimento, quanto magis ipsi fideles verique zelatores fidei orthodoxae circa templi Domini fabricam construendam devotius accelerare deberent? Numquid prisci patres pro archa Domini tabernaculum opere deaurato mirifice fabricaverunt? Hodie namque archa illa verissima, et sanctissimum illud Mamua in templo Domini a catholicis praeseservantur. Dignum quin imo et congruum potest et debet a quolibet reputari ut domus illa quam orationis veritas nominavit, in qua etiam illud sacrum Christi fidelibus pignus datum reconditur et tenetur, artificioso ex politis lapidibus opere construatur. Haec enim domus rite noscitur pastori verissime dedicata, in illa nempe populus Domini et oves ejus Paschuae cib.u.m dulzoris a.s.sumunt.
Sane in domo ista latices sacrosancti noxas perimunt, culpas diluunt et veternas cuilibet occurrenti. Heu igitur, quam dolendum sacrum Domini templum ecclesiam Sedis clarissimae Gerundensis imperfectum opere minorari! Idcirco cunctis pateat, quod reverendus in Christo Pater et dominus dominus Dalmacius, Dei gratia episcopus Gerundensis, ipsius ecclesiae tunc electus, et honorabile capitulum ecclesiae Gerundensis praedictae praemissa omnia pio sidere aspectantes, considerantesque a quantis citra temporibus fabrica dictae Sedis cessavit ex diversorum controversia juxta opiniones varias artific.u.m subsequentes, nonnulli enim a.s.serebant opus dictae fabricae sub navi una debere congruentius consummari, affirmantes illud fore n.o.bilius, quam si sub tribus navibus opus hujusmodi subsequatur. Alii autem a contrario a.s.serebant dictum opus sub prosecutione trium navium continuari debere, dicentesque, quod firmius et proportionabilius esset capiti jamque cpto, quam si c.u.m navi una ipsa fabrica prosequatur, quoniam opus navis unius multum reddunt debile distantia parietum, ac etiam testudinis alt.i.tudo; et quod terraemotus, tonitrua, ventosque vagantes timebit apetentes etiam circa directionem operis dictae fabricae consummandae solertius vacare, ac de opinione praedictorum veridica informari: et adeo ut controversia et opiniones hujusmodi clarius tollerentur, convocaverunt artifices peritissimos, lapiscidas de diversis partibus regni hujus, et etiam aliunde ad hanc civitatem Gerundae, quorum nomina inferius annotantur, indeque habitis collationibus plurimis, tam coram dictis reverendo domino Episcopo, tunc electo, et honorabili capitulo dictae ecclesiae Gerundensis, quam alias inter ipsos artifices opere praemisso subjecto primitus oculis cujuslibet eorundem cernentium opus, quod cptum fuerat, et qualiter hucusque fuerat; prosecutum in illo, et formatis super hujusmodi opere prosequendo articulis infrascriptis.
In the name of G.o.d Our Lord, and the Virgin our Lady Saint Mary, the "Maestros" Superintendents and masons summoned for the direction of the works of the cathedral of Gerona, must be asked the following questions:--
1. If the work of one nave of the said cathedral church, commenced of old, could be continued, with the certainty of remaining secure and without risk.
2. Supposing that it is not possible to continue the said work of one nave with safety, or that it will not be lasting, whether the work of three naves, continued on, would be congruous, sufficient, and such as would deserve to be prosecuted; or, on the contrary, if it ought to be given up or changed; and in that case unto what height it would be right to continue what is begun, and to specify the whole, in such sort as to prevent mistake?
3. What form or continuation of the said works will be the most compatible and the best proportioned to the Chevet of the said church which is already begun, made, and finished?
The "maestros" and masons, before being asked these questions, must take their oath; and after having given their declarations, the Lord Bishop of Gerona and the honourable Chapter shall elect two of the said masters, in order that they may form a plan or design, by which the work will have to be continued. All which the secretary of the Chapter will put in due form in a public writing.
Successive dicti artifices, lapiscidae sigillatim, ad partem medio a se corporaliter juramento deposuerunt, et suam intentionem dixerunt in et super opere prelibato diebus, mensibus et annis inferius designatis et sub forma sequenti. Die jovis vicessima tertia mensis Januarii anno nativitatis Domini millesimo CCCC. s.e.xto decimo magistri et lapiscidae sequentes juraverunt et deposuerunt apud civitatem Gerundae infrascripti, praesentibus et interrogantibus venerabilibus viris dominis Arnaldo de Gurbo, et Joanne de Pontonibus canonicis, et Petro de Boscho praesbitero de capitulo dictae ecclesiae Gerundensis ad hoc per dictos reverendum dominum electum in Episcopum et capitulum Gerundense deputatis super articulis praeinsertis et contentis in eisdem ut sequitur.
PASCHASIUS DE XULBE _lapiscida et magister operis sive fabricae ecclesiae sedis Dertusensis super primo dictorum articulorum sibi lecto medio juramento interrogatus, dixit_:--
1. That according to his knowledge and belief it is certain that the work of one nave of the cathedral of Gerona already commenced is secure, good, and firm; and that the foundations or bases of the old work already made are also so, and that the rest will be so if they are constructed in the same manner, and that they will be sufficient to sustain the vault of the said work of one nave.
2. Supposing that the work of one nave is not carried out, it is certain that the one of three naves, already commenced in the said church, is good and firm. But in the event of the plan of three naves being adopted, he says, that it would be necessary that the vault which is over the Coro, towards the altar of the same church, should be pulled down, and that it should be unroofed, in order that it may be raised eight palms--a little more or less--above what it is now, so that it may correspond to its third in its measurements.
3. That the plan of three naves is more compatible and better proportioned to the Chevet of the church than that of one nave.
_Interrogatus._--Whether, in joining the lower voussoirs on the capital of the pillar over the pulpit, which corresponds to the other of the Coro, in case the work of three naves is carried out, there will be any risk of causing a settlement in the said pillar?--I answer, that there will be none, and that it can be done with safety.
JOANNES DE XULBE, _lapiscida, filius dicti Paschasij de Xulbe, regens pro dicto patre suo fabricam praedictam, sive opus dictae Ecclesiae Dertusensis, simili juramento a se corporaliter praescripto, interrogatus super praedictis articulis deposuit ut infra. Et primo super primo articulo interrogatus, dixit_:--
1. That the work of the nave already commenced can be continued, and that it will be good, firm, and without danger; but that the arches must be made to the tierce point, and that the arch must be sh.o.r.ed up. That the first abutments of the old work, situated on the south, are good and firm, and that, making the others like them, they will be so also, and sufficient to sustain the vault which has to be executed in the said church.
2. That if the plan of one nave is not to be followed, it is possible to continue that of three; and that it will be more beautiful, stronger, and better than the other. But that the three naves ought to be carried on according to those in the choir of the church; and then it will be more beautiful and admirable. And that the new vault which is contiguous to the Chevet ought to be taken down, because it is b.a.s.t.a.r.d, and because it does not correspond with the said Chevet.
3. That the work of three naves in the form which has just been explained is the most compatible and the best proportioned to the Chevet of the church.
_Interrogatus._--Whether in joining the lower voussoirs of the arch above the capital of the pillar which is above the pulpit, corresponding to the other of the choir, in case the work of three naves is carried out, there will be any risk of causing a settlement in the said pillar?--I say no, provided that the arches are well sh.o.r.ed, so that they can have no thrust.
PETRUS DE VALLFOGONA, l_apiscida et magister fabricaae Ecclesiae Terraconensis juramento praedicto medio super dictis articulis interrogatus deposuit. Et primo super primo articulo interrogatus dixit_:--
1. That the work of the said church, already commenced, of one nave can be continued, and that it will be good, safe, firm, and without risk.
That the abutments and foundations of the old work are so, and that those which have to be made will be so if constructed in the same way, and that they are sufficient to support the vault which such a work ought to have. But that the abutments made towards the campanile require to be strengthened more than those constructed on the south side.
2. That if the plan of one nave is not carried out, that of three is congruous and worthy to be continued, provided that the second bay of vaulting, as far as the capitals and lowest voussoirs inclusive, is taken down; yet if above the arch a discharging arch is erected, it will not be necessary to move the lower voussoirs or the capitals, and it would be possible to raise the Crossing of that vault all its width as much as is required; and it could have a light in the gable, which could have a clear opening of fifteen or sixteen palms, which would be a notable work. He says further: that the lower voussoirs which are in the northern and southern angles ought to be altered, and that they ought to be reconstructed in accordance with the plan of three naves.
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