The Boy's Voice Part 10

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"I think (and I speak from upwards of 30 years' experience) that if Mr.

Gibbons will try this plan, he will find it much more satisfactory than drafting his trebles into the altos as soon as their voices begin to break.

"I do not enter into the question of men _versus_ boy altos, because it is my experience that in a voluntary choir, especially in the country, a really _good_ adult alto is such a _rara avis_, that one is obliged to rely on boys, and if they are carefully chosen and trained, they are, I think, quite satisfactory. The only place when one misses the man alto voice is in anthems with a verse for A.T.B., such as 'Rejoice in the Lord' (Purcell), 'The Wilderness' (Goss), &c."

Mr. C. E. Juleff, organist of Bodmin Parish Church, wrote:--

"Allow me to say that I have found men altos infinitely preferable to those of boys. In short, one good man alto I have experienced to be equal to half-a-dozen boy altos as regards tone; and in respect to phrasing and reading I have found men altos decidedly superior. The two gentlemen altos who were in my choir at SS. Michael and All Angels, Exeter, were acknowledged by London organists to be 'second to none' in the provinces."

On the other hand, Mr. Thomas Ely, F.C.O., of St. John's College, Leatherhead, gave a warm testimony to boy altos:--

"I may say that in my choir at this College I have four or five very good boy altos. One is exceptionally good, possessing a natural alto voice of remarkable richness and beauty. In our services and anthems he takes the solo alto parts, and in my opinion he is far superior to a man alto, except in such anthems as Wesley's 'Ascribe unto the Lord'

(expressly written for choirs possessing men altos), in which he cannot take some of the lower notes. The compa.s.s of his voice is from F to E[b]."

In these letters and experiences there are evidently two underlying ideas. First, that the boy alto has a naturally low voice; second, that the boy alto is a broken-down soprano. For both these notions there is some physical foundation, because there is no doubt that the lower notes of boys of 12 to 14 are rounder and fuller than those of boys of 9 to 12. Herr Eglinger, of Basel, to whose mastery of the subject in theory and practice I can testify, from personal intercourse, distinctly recognises this. He says:--

"It is only when boys and girls approach the period of change, say a year or two before the voice begins to break, that a clear chest-voice, corresponding to that of women, is perceptible. In boys at this stage, the head-voice rapidly declines in volume and height; and what there is of middle register is not much, nor of great service much longer. On the other hand, the chest-tones acquire a resonance, and in boys a certain gruffness, which, mixed with other voices, imparts a peculiar charm to the chorus."

Thus although here and there a boy may be found with a naturally low voice from the first, the majority of altos will be obtained from older boys, who are approaching the period of change. It is, however, of much importance to watch these boys, and stop their singing when their voice really gives way, because it then becomes uncertain in its intonation, and is apt to spoil the tuning of the choir.

The idea that boys must not use the thick or chest register is also a mistake. It is the straining of this register, which produces a hard, rattling sound, that is objectionable. Boy altos have as much right to use the chest register, in its proper place and with proper reserve of power, as women altos.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Decoration]



Music is now recognised as one of the professions, taking its place by the side of Law, Medicine, and Divinity. Parents who have boys to start in life look for avenues of entrance to these various occupations. And there can be no doubt that to be a chorister-boy is one of the very best ways of serving an apprentices.h.i.+p to music. Hear what the late Sir George Macfarren says on the subject:--

"A cathedral choir is the best cradle for a musician our country affords. I say this from the conviction, many times confirmed, that, as an average, by very far the best practical musicians, those I mean whose musical readiness gives them the air of having music as an instinct or of second nature, those who are ever prompt with their talent to produce or to perform without preparation at the requirement of the moment; those whose ears are quick, whose wits are sharp, and whose utmost ability is ever at their fingers' ends--are they who have pa.s.sed their art infancy in one of our ecclesiastical arenas for constant practice.

The very early habit of hearing and performing music stimulates the musical sense, and gives musical tendency to all the youthfully supple faculties which bear upon the use of this sense. The habit in almost first childhood of a.s.sociating sight with sound, written characters with uttered notes, the office of the eye with that of the ear or of the voice, which is the ear's agent, does more in favourable cases to develop some of the best essentials in an artist, than can be accomplished by the unremitting study of after life. I say this feelingly: I had not the advantage to which I refer, but I observe its influence upon the majority of others whose talent claims my best respect."

These words put the case with emphasis and truth. A list of former choir boys in the musical profession, if it could be compiled, would afford further evidence in this matter. Among composers the list would include Arthur Sullivan, Alfred Cellier, John Stainer, and Alfred Gaul; among singers, Edward Lloyd and Joseph Maas, while the ranks of the teaching profession are largely recruited from this source. "Literature," says Mr. Herkomer, "does not help art much. Art is learnt by doing." You cannot become a musician by reading the matter up, or listening to lectures. Musicians.h.i.+p is imparted more after the style of a moral than of an intellectual power--like good breeding rather than like arithmetic.

A striking proof of the fact that the chorister boy gravitates easily into the musical profession, and makes his mark there, is afforded by the history of Rochester Cathedral boys. These include the late Mr.

Joseph Maas, the tenor singer, and the following organists of cathedrals, all of whom are living:--Dr. Armes (Durham), Dr. Crow (Ripon), Dr. Bridge (Westminster), Dr. J. C. Bridge (Chester), and Mr.

Wood (Exeter).

These facts make parents anxious for information as to how to get their sons into church and cathedral choirs. Enquiries of this kind are constantly reaching me. I have therefore thought it well to add to the completeness of this work by collecting information from all available sources, and I have to express my thanks to the Rev. Precentors who have so readily responded to my circular of appeal.

The result is in some respects disappointing. Choir _boarding_ schools are not numerous, and are not increasing in number. The agricultural depression has reduced the revenues of cathedrals and colleges, and they are likely in the future to seek out cheaper rather than more expensive modes of working. A few town churches which place music in the front, have started boarding schools, but, as a rule, the choristers live in their homes. I have no desire for these boarding schools in the abstract. I question if the boys get more musical education by living together than they do by coming for it day by day. But the boarding school affords the only opportunity for parents who do not live in a cathedral town to get their boys educated as choristers. The day schools suit the townspeople well enough, and here and there a boy from a distance may board with relatives or friends and get into the choir, but this is exceptional.

I now give the results of my enquiries.


WORCESTER CATHEDRAL CHOIR SCHOOL.--A preparatory school for the sons of professional men. Boys admitted as probationers nine to eleven, on pa.s.sing examination. The ten choristers and eight probationers are lodged, boarded, and taught together at the Choir School. Charge 26 per annum for probationers, and 16 for choristers, plus 7s. 6d. a quarter for was.h.i.+ng. Pianoforte lessons 15s. per quarter. Boys can compete, when their voices break, for a scholars.h.i.+p at the Cathedral Grammar School.

Several have done this with success. Apply Rev. H. H. Woodward, M.A., Mus.B.

WESTMINSTER ABBEY CHOIR HOUSE.--Candidates must produce certificate of baptism and be at least eight years of age. Expected to possess good voice, moderate knowledge of rudiments, to be able to read and write fairly, and to pa.s.s medical examination. All boys taught vocal music, and facilities given for learning instruments. Master of choir house responsible for their general education, which includes English subjects, French, German, and drawing. Parents must supply clothing, and usual appointments, school books, pocket money, travelling expenses, and medical attendance. All other fees paid by the Chapter.

EXETER CATHEDRAL CHOIR SCHOOL.--Fourteen choristers are boarded and educated for 10 a year, and provided with a suit of clothes each year.

There are always two probationers in the school from eight to ten years of age paying 35 exclusive of usual extras. Vacancies in choristers usually filled by probationers, but no pledge given. Possible grants to deserving choristers when they leave; school fees sometimes paid for six months or so after the voice has failed. Head master and experienced matron.

ALL SAINTS, MARGARET STREET, LONDON, W.--Twelve choir boys and two accepted boys waiting for vacancies live in west wing of vicarage under care of one of the clergy, who gives them lessons each morning, a certificated master taking them in the evenings. Afternoon, cricket and football in Regent's Park. Whole holiday Sat.u.r.days, and those who live near enough can go home. Vacations--a week in January and at Easter, and 34 days in August and September. Each boy separate cubicle in dormitory.

Boys have meals in dining hall with clergy (but at separate table). Each boy pays 12 in first year, 8 in second year, and nothing afterwards.

Gratuity of 10 when voice breaks. Probationers pay 5 per quarter, and do everything except sing in church. No boy received unless parents wish him to be brought up in Church of England. Correct ear and brilliant voice count more at examination than knowledge of music. Apply Vicar.

CHAPEL ROYAL, ST. JAMES'S PALACE.--The ten choristers reside with Master, who is a priest of the Chapel Royal. Free board and education and greater part of clothing. Grant of from 30 to 40 on leaving choir if conduct good. Latin, French, Mathematics, and usual English subjects.

OXFORD, MAGDALENE COLLEGE SCHOOL.--Sixteen choristers, board and education free. Admitted by open compet.i.tion. The school is not confined to choristers; it contains at present 70 boys, many of whom pa.s.s on to the University.

OXFORD, NEW COLLEGE.--Eight senior and eight junior choristers take part in the services. These all receive free education at the College School, but provide their own books. They are prepared for Oxford Local Examinations, the College paying fees. Twelve choristers are boarded in the School House with the master. These are arranged in two divisions according to musical ability. The first division boarded free, the second division pays about 6s. a week for the 40 weeks of the school year. Some fees paid to senior boys and boys of special value as soloists. Choristers whose parents reside in Oxford receive from 10s. to 5 a year according to merit and seniority. Gratuity or apprentice fee not exceeding 40 occasionally given.

FROME, SOMERSET.--St. John Baptist College. Founded by late Rev. W. J.

E. Bennett 36 years ago. Number of boys usually 15; maintained, clothed, and educated on payment of 7s. a week under twelve, and 8s. above. No regular holidays. Boys not allowed to leave till they have made their first communion.

LINCOLN MINSTER.--Boys boarded and educated at Northgate Schools at expense of Chapter. English subjects, French, Latin, German, Drawing, Shorthand, Chemistry. All school books found. Parents pay travelling, clothing, and was.h.i.+ng only. Small allowance of pocket-money. Four weeks'

holiday in the year.

EASTBOURNE, ST. SAVIOUR'S CHURCH CHOIR SCHOOL.--Established 1878. Boys admitted as boarders or day pupils from eight years of age, choristers (boarders) pay 32 guineas a year, day choristers 14 guineas.

Instrumental music, German, and Drawing are extras. Other subjects as for Cambridge local exams. Ten weeks' holiday in the year. Scholars.h.i.+ps of from 5 to 15 a year are awarded to efficient choristers.

RIPON CATHEDRAL CHOIR SCHOOL.--Day boys under 14, 6 per annum; over 14, 8. Boarders under 12, 40 per annum; over 12, 45. Laundress, 2. Usual subjects, including modern languages and science. Instrumental music extra. Four choral scholars.h.i.+ps at 30, eight at 25, and six for probationers at 20. Pupils prepared for University Local Examinations, Preliminary Law, and Medical, &c. Playground, workshop, cricket field, library, school magazine.

ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL CHOIR SCHOOL.--Board and education free: parents provide clothes, travelling, and pocket money. Good voices and musical talent necessary. Easy preliminary examination in Scripture, three R's, and Latin. Candidates must be between 8 and 10. Two or three examinations are held each year according as there are vacancies. Course of study as usual for public schools. Piano and violin extra. Holidays at Christmas, Easter, and Summer. Weekly half-holiday. Private field in suburbs for games. Rev. W. Russell, Succentor, is head master.

SALISBURY CATHEDRAL.--Boarding school for choristers in the Close.

Eighteen boys. Parents pay 15 a year. School has also some pupils who are not choristers. Usual subjects of secondary school. One ex-chorister is now a scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge. The master is a Minor Canon. Boys admitted by compet.i.tion; those from neighbourhood of Salisbury preferred. Endowment of nearly 1,000 a year for the choir.

ALL SAINTS, CLIFTON.--Choir school for the choristers of All Saints Church, who can be prepared for public schools or commercial life. There are twenty choir scholars.h.i.+ps, ranging in value from 10 to 25 a year.

A boy holding a junior scholars.h.i.+p may at any time be elected to one of higher value. School fees for choristers 7 to 10 guineas a term.

Choristers may remain at the school after voice breaks at discretion of head-master. Holidays at Summer, Christmas, and Easter. The school is open to boys generally, whether choristers or not.

THE VICAR'S CHOIR SCHOOL, HULL.--Intended for the choristers of Holy Trinity Church. School fee, 10 10s. per annum. Boarders 40 per annum.

Ten scholars.h.i.+ps of the value of 10 10s., ten value 8 8s., and twenty value 5 5s. Amount of scholars.h.i.+p deducted from boarding fee in case of those who are admitted into choir. Thirteen weeks' holiday during the year.

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