The Complete Club Book for Women Part 34

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This Club shall be called The Woman's Club.



The objects of this Club shall be to study history, sociology, civics, art, music and any other subjects chosen, to improve our locality and to promote sociability among the members.



Section 1. The members.h.i.+p shall consist of not more than fifty women.

Section 2. Names of candidates for members.h.i.+p, having been nominated and seconded at a regular meeting, shall be submitted to the Members.h.i.+p Committee and, upon a favorable report, shall be elected, upon receiving a majority of the votes of the members present.

Section 3. Any member who has been absent from three consecutive meetings without excuse, may be dropped from the roll by a vote of the majority present at a regular meeting.

Section 4. The dues shall be one dollar a year payable in advance at the first regular meeting in the autumn. Any member having dues unpaid for six months may be dropped from the roll by a vote of the majority present at a regular meeting.



Section 1. The Club shall meet regularly on the second Tuesday afternoon of each month from September to June inclusive at places designated by the Place Committee.

Section 2. The May meeting shall be the Annual Meeting for hearing reports from all officers and Standing Committees and for electing the same.

Section 3. Any regular meeting may be postponed by the President with the concurrence of the Vice President and Secretary.

Section 4. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President with the concurrence of the Vice President and Secretary.



Section 1. The officers shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, their duties being such as are customary for such officers.

Section 2. The officers shall be elected by ballot at the May meeting each year. They shall hold office until their successors are elected.



Section 1. The Standing Committees of five each shall be elected annually by ballot at the May meeting; they shall be as follows: Members.h.i.+p, Program, Place and Hospitality.

Section 2. The Members.h.i.+p Committee shall consider all names nominated for members.h.i.+p and report to the Club.

Section 3. The Program Committee shall have charge of the arrangement of the program of each regular meeting and also of a year book to be issued to the members at the June meeting.

Section 4. The Place Committee shall arrange the location of the meetings of the Club and make announcement at least one meeting in advance.

Section 5. The Hospitality Committee shall attend to the social life of the Club.

Section 6. A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President at the April meeting to report nominations of officers and committees at the May meeting.


Order of Business

The order of business at the regular meetings shall be: Call to Order, Secretary's Report, Reports of Committees, Business, Program.



The Const.i.tution may be amended at any meeting of the Club, by a two-thirds vote of the members present, notice of amendments proposed having been given at the preceding meeting of the Club.



An important element in club life is the training it gives in the management of business in committees and public meetings. It is indispensable that every club should learn how to work under regular rules. Jefferson said that they secure "accuracy in business, economy in time, order, uniformity and impartiality."


As a guide, every club should possess a copy of some accepted book of order, to which to refer in cases of difference of opinion as to proper procedure, and the law of the book should be received as final. Officers and members should familiarize themselves thoroughly with the details of such a manual. "Parliamentary Usage for Woman's Clubs" by Emma A. Fox (Doubleday, Page) is satisfactory and up to date.


A small preliminary difficulty to some is how to organize an as yet unorganized club. The first step is for any one present to rise and nominate some body for temporary chairman, and when this is seconded, to ask those in favor of the person named to say "aye" and the opposed "no"

and to turn over the meeting then to the person named. As it is only a temporary office there is not likely to be any negative vote.

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