McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader Part 14

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1. Who has not heard of the rattlesnake or copperhead? An unexpected sight of either of these reptiles will make even the lords of creation recoil; but there is a species of worm, found in various parts of this country, which conveys a poison of a nature so deadly that, compared with it, even the venom of the rattlesnake is harmless. To guard our readers against this foe of human kind is the object of this lesson.

2. This worm varies much in size. It is frequently an inch in diameter, but, as it is rarely seen except when coiled, its length can hardly be conjectured. It is of a dull lead color, and generally lives near a spring or small stream of water, and bites the unfortunate people who are in the habit of going there to drink. The brute creation it never molests. They avoid it with the same instinct that teaches the animals of India to shun the deadly cobra.

3. Several of these reptiles have long infested our settlements, to the misery and destruction of many of our fellow citizens. I have, therefore, had frequent opportunities of being the melancholy spectator of the effects produced by the subtile poison which this worm infuses.

4. The symptoms of its bite are terrible. The eyes of the patient become red and fiery, his tongue swells to an immoderate size, and obstructs his utterance; and delirium of the most horrid character quickly follows.

Sometimes, in his madness, he attempts the destruction of his nearest friends.

5. If the sufferer has a family, his weeping wife and helpless infants are not unfrequently the objects of his frantic fury. In a word, he exhibits, to the life, all the detestable pa.s.sions that rankle in the bosom of a savage; and such is the spell in which his senses are locked, that no sooner has the unhappy patient recovered from the paroxysm of insanity occasioned by the bite, than he seeks out the destroyer for the sole purpose of being bitten again.

6. I have seen a good old father, his locks as white as snow, his step slow and trembling, beg in vain of his only son to quit the lurking place of the worm. My heart bled when he turned away; for I knew the fond hope that his son would be the "staff of his declining years," had supported him through many a sorrow.

7. Youths of America, would you know the name of this reptile? It is called the WORM OF THE STILL.

DEFINITIONS.--1. Rep'tiles, animals that crawl, as snakes, liz-ards, etc.

Re-coil', to start back, to shrink from. 2. Co'bra, a highly venomous reptile inhabiting the East Indies. In-fest'ed, troubled, annoyed. 3.

Sub'tile, acute, piercing. In-fus'es, intro-duces. 4. Ob-structs', hinders. De-lir'i-um, a wandering of the mind. 5. Ran'kle, to rage.

Par'ox-ysm, a fit, a convulsion. 7. Worm, a spiral metallic pipe used in distilling liquors. Still, a vessel used in distilling or making liquors.


1. Come to the festal board tonight, For bright-eyed beauty will be there, Her coral lips in nectar steeped, And garlanded her hair.

2. Come to the festal board to-night, For there the joyous laugh of youth Will ring those silvery peals, which speak Of bosom pure and stainless truth.

3. Come to the festal board to-night, For friends.h.i.+p, there, with stronger chain, Devoted hearts already bound For good or ill, will bind again.

I went.

4. Nature and art their stores outpoured; Joy beamed in every kindling glance; Love, friends.h.i.+p, youth, and beauty smiled; What could that evening's bliss enhance?

We parted.

5. And years have flown; but where are now The guests who round that table met?

Rises their sun as gloriously As on the banquet's eve it set?

6. How holds the chain which friends.h.i.+p wove?

It broke; and soon the hearts it bound Were widely sundered; and for peace, Envy and strife and blood were found.

7. The merriest laugh which then was heard Has changed its tones to maniac screams, As half-quenched memory kindles up Glimmerings of guilt in feverish dreams.

8. And where is she whose diamond eyes Golconda's purest gems outshone?

Whose roseate lips of Eden breathed?

Say, where is she, the beauteous one?

9. Beneath yon willow's drooping shade, With eyes now dim, and lips all pale, She sleeps in peace. Read on her urn, "A broken heart." This tells her tale.

10. And where is he, that tower of strength, Whose fate with hers for life was joined?

How beats his heart, once honor's throne?

How high has soared his daring mind?

11. Go to the dungeon's gloom to-night; His wasted form, his aching head, And all that now remains of him, Lies, shuddering, on a felon's bed.

12. Ask you of all these woes the cause?

The festal board, the enticing bowl, More often came, and reason fled, And maddened pa.s.sions spurned control.

13. Learn wisdom, then. The frequent feast Avoid; for there, with stealthy tread Temptation walks, to lure you on, Till death, at last, the banquet spread.

14. And shun, oh shun, the enchanted cup!

Though now its draught like joy appears, Ere long it will be fanned by sighs, And sadly mixed with blood and tears.

DEFINITIONS.--1. Fes'tal, mirthful, joyous. Gar'land-ed, adorned with wreaths of flowers. 3. De-vot'ed, solemnly set apart. 4. En-hance', increase. 6. Sun'dered, separated. 7. Glim'mer-ings, faint views, glimpses. 8. Ro'se-ate, blooming, rosy. 11. Fel'on, a public criminal. 12.

En-tic'ing, attracting to evil. Spurned, rejected with disdain. 13. Lure, to attract, to entice. 14. En-chant'ed, affected with enchantment, bewitched.

NOTES.--8. Golconda is an ancient city and fortress of India, formerly renowned for its diamonds. They were merely cut and polished there, however, being generally brought from Parteall, a city farther south.


Mr. H. and the Steward.

Mr. H. Ha! Steward, how are you, my old boy? How do things go on at home?

Steward. Bad enough, your honor; the magpie's dead.

H. Poor Mag! So he's gone. How came he to die?

S. Overeat himself, sir.

H. Did he? A greedy dog; why, what did he get he liked so well?

S. Horseflesh, sir; he died of eating horseflesh,

H. How came he to get so much horseflesh?

S. All your father's horses, sir.

H. What! are they dead, too?

S. Ay, sir; they died of overwork.

H. And why were they overworked, pray?

S. To carry water, sir.

McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader Part 14

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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader Part 14 summary

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