Poems by Samuel Rogers Part 1

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by Samuel Rogers.


Dolce sentier.......

Colle, che mi piacesti,....

Ov' ancor per usanza Amor mi mena; Ben riconosco in voi l'usate forme, Non, la.s.so, in me.



THE Poem begins with the description of an obscure village, and of the pleasing melancholy which it excites on being revisited after a long absence. This mixed sensation is an effect of the Memory. From an effect we naturally ascend to the cause; and the subject proposed is then unfolded with an investigation of the nature and leading principles of this faculty.

It is evident that our ideas flow in continual succession, and introduce each other with a certain degree of regularity.

They are sometimes excited by sensible objects, and sometimes by an internal operation of the mind. Of the former species is most probably the memory of brutes; and its many sources of pleasure to them, as well as to us, are considered in the first part. The latter is the most perfect degree of memory, and forms the subject of the second.

When ideas have any relation whatever, they are attractive of each other in the mind; and the perception of any object naturally leads to the idea of another, which was connected with it either in time or place, or which can be compared or contrasted with it. Hence arises our attachment to inanimate objects; hence also, in some degree, the love of our country, and the emotion with which we contemplate the celebrated scenes of antiquity. Hence a picture directs our thoughts to the original: and, as cold and darkness suggest forcibly the ideas of heat and light, he, who feels the infirmities of age, dwells most on whatever reminds him of the vigour and vivacity of his youth.

The a.s.sociating principle, as here employed, is no less conducive to virtue than to happiness; and, as such, it frequently discovers itself in the most tumultuous scenes of life. It addresses our finer feelings, and gives exercise to every mild and generous propensity.

Not confined to man, it extends through all animated nature; and its effects are peculiarly striking in the domestic tribes.

Twilight's soft dews steal o'er the village-green, With magic tints to harmonize the scene.

Still'd is the hum that thro' the hamlet broke, When round the ruins of their antient oak The peasants flock'd to hear the minstrel play, And games and carols clos'd the busy day.

Her wheel at rest, the matron thrills no more With treasur'd tales, and legendary lore.

All, all are fled; nor mirth nor music flows To chase the dreams of innocent repose.

All, all are fled; yet still I linger here!

What secret charms this silent spot endear?

Mark yon old Mansion frowning thro' the trees.

Whose hollow turret wooes the whistling breeze.

That cas.e.m.e.nt, arch'd with ivy's brownest shade, First to these eyes the light of heav'n convey'd.

The mouldering gateway strews the gra.s.s-grown court, Once the calm scene of many a simple sport; When nature pleas'd, for life itself was new, And the heart promis'd what the fancy drew.

See, thro' the fractur'd pediment reveal'd, Where moss inlays the rudely-sculptur'd s.h.i.+eld, The martin's old, hereditary nest.

Long may the ruin spare its hallow'd guest!

As jars the hinge, what sullen echoes call!

Oh haste, unfold the hospitable hall!

That hall, where once, in antiquated state, The chair of justice held the grave debate.

Now stain'd with dews, with cobwebs darkly hung, Oft has its roof with peals of rapture rung; When round yon ample board, in due degree, We sweeten'd every meal with social glee.

The heart's light laugh pursued the circling jest; And all was suns.h.i.+ne in each little breast.

'Twas here we chas'd the slipper by the sound; And turn'd the blindfold hero round and round.

'Twas here, at eve, we form'd our fairy ring; And Fancy flutter'd on her wildest wing.

Giants and genii chain'd each wondering ear; And orphan-sorrows drew the ready tear.

Oft with the babes we wander'd in the wood, Or view'd the forest-feats of Robin Hood: Oft, fancy-led, at midnight's fearful hour, With startling step we seal'd the lonely tower: O'er infant innocence to hang and weep, Murder'd by ruffian hands, when smiling in its sleep.

Ye Household Deities! whose guardian eye Mark'd each pure thought, ere register'd on high; Still, still ye walk the consecrated ground, And breathe the soul of Inspiration round.

As o'er the dusky furniture I bend, Each chair awakes the feelings of a friend.

The storied arras, source of fond delight, With old achievement charms the wilder'd sight; And still, with Heraldry's rich hues imprest, On the dim window glows the pictur'd crest.

The screen unfolds its many-colour'd chart.

The clock still points its moral to the heart.

That faithful monitor 'twas heav'n to hear!

When soft it spoke a promis'd pleasure near: And has its sober hand, its simple chime, Forgot to trace the feather'd feet of Time?

That ma.s.sive beam, with curious carvings wrought, Whence the caged linnet sooth'd my pensive thought; Those muskets, cas'd with venerable rust; Those once-lov'd forms, still breathing thro' their dust, Still from the frame, in mould gigantic cast, Starting to life--all whisper of the past!

As thro' the garden's desert paths I rove, What fond illusions swarm in every grove!

How oft, when purple evening ting'd the west, We watch'd the emmet to her grainy nest; Welcom'd the wild-bee home on weary wing, Laden with sweets, the choicest of the spring!

How oft inscrib'd, with 'Friends.h.i.+p's votive rhyme, The bark now silver'd by the touch of Time; Soar'd in the swing, half pleas'd and half afraid, Thro' sister elms that wav'd their summer-shade; Or strew'd with crumbs yon root-inwoven seat, To lure the redbreast from his lone retreat!

Childhood's lov'd group revisits every scene; The tangled wood-walk, and the tufted green!

Indulgent MEMORY wakes, and lo, they live!

Cloth'd with far softer hues than Light can give.

Thou first, best friend that Heav'n a.s.signs below, To sooth and sweeten all the cares we know; Whose glad suggestions still each vain alarm, When nature fades, and life forgets to charm; Thee would the Muse invoke!--to thee belong The sage's precept, and the poet's song.

What soften'd views thy magic gla.s.s reveals, When o'er the landscape Time's meek twilight steals!

As when in ocean sinks the orb of day, Long on the wave reflected l.u.s.tres play; Thy temper'd gleams of happiness resign'd Glance on the darken'd mirror of the mind.

The School's lone porch, with reverend mosses gray, Just tells the pensive pilgrim where it lay.

Mute is the bell that rung at peep of dawn, Quickening my truant-feet across the lawn: Unheard the shout that rent the noontide air, When the slow dial gave a pause to care.

Up springs, at every step, to claim a tear, [a]

Some little friends.h.i.+p form'd and cherish'd here!

And not the lightest leaf, but trembling teems With golden visions, and romantic dreams!

Down by yon hazel copse, at evening, blaz'd The Gipsy's f.a.ggot--there we stood and gaz'd; Gaz'd on her sun-burnt face with silent awe, Her tatter'd mantle, and her hood of straw; Her moving lips, her caldron br.i.m.m.i.n.g o'er; The drowsy brood that on her back she bore, Imps, in the barn with mousing owlet bred, From rifled roost at nightly revel fed; Whose dark eyes flash'd thro' locks of blackest shade, When in the breeze the distant watch-dog bay'd:-- And heroes fled the Sibyl's mutter'd call, Whose elfin prowess scal'd the orchard-wall.

As o'er my palm the silver piece she drew, And trac'd the line of life with searching view, How throbb'd my fluttering pulse with hopes and fears, To learn the colour of my future years!

Ah, then, what honest triumph flush'd my breast!

This truth once known--To bless is to be blest!

We led the bending beggar on his way, (Bare were his feet, his tresses silver-gray) Sooth'd the keen pangs his aged spirit felt, And on his tale with mute attention dwelt.

As in his scrip we dropt our little store, And wept to think that little was no more, He breath'd his prayer, "Long may such goodness live!"

'Twas all he gave, 'twas all he had to give.

Angels, when Mercy's mandate wing'd their flight, Had stopt to catch new rapture from the sight.

But hark! thro' those old firs, with sullen swell The church-clock strikes! ye tender scenes, farewell!

It calls me hence, beneath their shade, to trace The few fond lines that Time may soon efface.

On yon gray stone, that fronts the chancel-door.

Worn smooth by busy feet now seen no more, Each eve we shot the marble thro' the ring, When the heart danc'd, and life was in its spring; Alas! unconscious of the kindred earth, That faintly echoed to the voice of mirth.

The glow-worm loves her emerald light to shed, Where now the s.e.xton rests his h.o.a.ry head.

Oft, as he turn'd the greensward with his spade, He lectur'd every youth that round him play'd; And, calmly pointing where his fathers lay, Rous'd him to rival each, the hero of his day.

Hush, ye fond flutterings, hus.h.!.+ while here alone I search the records of each mouldering stone.

Guides of my life! Instructors of my youth!

Who first unveil'd the hallow'd form of Truth; Whose every word enlighten'd and endear'd; In age belov'd, in poverty rever'd; In Friends.h.i.+p's silent register ye live, Nor ask the vain memorial Art can give.

--But when the sons of peace and pleasure sleep, When only Sorrow wakes, and wakes to weep, What spells entrance my visionary mind, With sighs so sweet, with transports so refin'd?

Ethereal Power! whose smile, at noon of night, Recalls the far-fled spirit of delight; Instils that musing, melancholy mood, Which charms the wise, and elevates the good; Blest MEMORY, hail! Oh grant the grateful Muse, Her pencil dipt in Nature's living hues, To pa.s.s the clouds that round thy empire roll, And trace its airy precincts in the soul.

Lull'd in the countless chambers of the brain, Our thoughts are link'd by many a hidden chain.

Awake but one, and lo, what myriads rise! [b]

Each stamps its image as the other flies!

Each, as the various avenues of sense Delight or sorrow to the soul dispense, Brightens or fades; yet all, with magic art, Controul the latent fibres of the heart.

As studious PROSPERO'S mysterious spell Conven'd the subject-spirits to his cell; Each, at thy call, advances or retires, As judgment dictates, or the scene inspires.

Each thrills the seat of sense, that sacred source Whence the fine nerves direct their mazy course, And thro' the frame invisibly convey The subtle, quick vibrations as they play.

Survey the globe, each ruder realm explore; From Reason's faintest ray to NEWTON soar, What different spheres to human bliss a.s.sign'd!

What slow gradations in the scale of mind!

Yet mark in each these mystic wonders wrought; Oh mark the sleepless energies of thought!

The adventurous boy, that asks his little share, And hies from home with many a gossip's prayer, Turns on the neighbouring hill, once more to see The dear abode of peace and privacy; And as he turns, the thatch among the trees, The smoke's blue wreaths ascending with the breeze, The village-common spotted white with sheep, The church-yard yews round which his fathers sleep; [c]

Poems by Samuel Rogers Part 1

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