Villainess Brother Reincarnation Chapter 27

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Translated by lyran1, edited by Minak Amie

Older Brother, doubt his own sensitivity

Bruno came to the place where our family disappointing maid reacted, at the Big Tree square in the Duke and Marquis district. (TN: 公爵及び侯爵家の屋敷街にある大樹の広場にて、我が家の少しばかり残念な侍女のリアクションで盛り上がっている所にブルーノもやってきた)

Following Bruno are his childhood friends Nicholas and Enrio.

[Hey, it's looks fun] (TN: 何だか楽しそうだね)

Bruno says to Gaspar who's still laughing.

[Aah, Bruno. Marcel's maid is very amusing]

[……So far as it goes, she's been a hardworking maid]

I will a.s.sist her for the time being.

Kana is clumsy but she is seriously working hard in her duties every day. That is a fact. Because the other employees of the Alderton family know that, even if Kana does something it would be done quietly. (TN: アルダートン家の他の使用人達もそこは分かっているため、カナがやらかしてもどうにか穏便に済ましている) Or perhaps I should say, with her level of clumsiness she wouldn't done things quietly. At the very least the surrounding is protected. (TN: not entirely sure – その辺、最低限のラインは守れていると思う)

Just, I'm worried if she ever made a mess right in front of Father and Mother…… (TN: ただ、父上と母上の目の前でやらかさないかだけは心配なのだが……)

[It seems so. Sorry, I didn't mean to disrespect her]

Because I guessed the future with a serious face, Gaspar stopped laughing and apologized. Sorry, I didn't mean it to be misunderstood like that. (TN: こちらこそすまん、そんな風に受け取ったわけではないんだ)

[Well, she's an interesting, good and hardworking maid] (TN: 一生懸命面白くしているだなんて、いい侍女じゃない)

I think that's no longer a maid but an entertainer, Bruno too nodded silently. (TN: ブルーノはうんうんと頷く)

[— As one would expect of Duke Alderton family, it seems like the servants a brought up well]

Bruno said while taking a glimpse at Roy and Emi.

Indeed, these one's are excellent. To be able to see through just by seeing.

Well, this isn't that strange at all. (TN: しかしちょっと言い回しが変ではなかろうか)

I guess they thought they were being treated like livestock because of the very attentive training.

Roy and Emi bowed together seemingly not being excited about it. (TN: ロイとエミは恐縮するでもなく揃って深々と頭を下げた)

[Were you talking about me?] (TN: 今わたしの話をしてました?)

Kana revives abruptly.

Yes, you were a great disappointment, you can continue to sleep. (TN: 大変残念ではあるけれど君じゃあないから)

No one expressed it into words, I think at the moment everyone thought/feeling are the same except for Kana.

[Hahaha, she is really interesting]

[Eehh!? Umm, thank you very much!]

Recognizing she have been praised Kana deeply lowered her head.

Well, Kana is fine with it, maybe.

[Bruno and the others arrived, should we go inside?]

I don't think that there would be many user, still it wouldn't be a good manner to gather around the entrance for too much.

We moved together into the square.

When we decide where we should place our luggage, Emi spreads the mat.

Even if there is five or six people sleep or rolls on it there would still be enough s.p.a.ce.

Today main purpose is to play and deepen my friends.h.i.+p with my friends before they return to their own territory, it also includes one of my purpose to show the state of Gaspar training with me in respond of Bruno and the others request. (TN: ブルーノ達のリクエストに応えて俺とガスパールの練習の様子を見せるのも目的の一つに入っていた)

After doing exercise to warm-up and loosen the body, I lightly run around the square. Since 3 people will run too we should do 3 laps. (TN: 3人も走るとのことなので、3周もすればいいだろう)

In addition, Michelin didn't partic.i.p.ate because of embarra.s.sment of going out of breath in front of the gentlemen, so she's cheering on the top of the mat.

[My Elder brother and Gaspar are fast!]

Because the distance is short I run faster than usual, Michelin uttered a cry of admiration.

Un, elder brother dignity seemed to have increased slightly it made me happy.

[It's a pleasure to receive a compliment by Miss Michelin]

Gaspar gently smiled.

The stern look from the other day is gone, it was a smile that seemed to make a lady stunned, but to Michelin the most important is Prince Edward so it doesn't have any effect at all, but showed the familiarity with the fiancé with the future Elder sister in law.

By the way, when Michelin and Prince Edward, Gaspar and Princess Patricia situation successfully went well, Michelin and Gaspar will become brother in law.

So, me and Gaspar will become brother in laws.

…… In such a case, which of us is the elder brother and the younger brother?

Well, it's going to be a long-term relations.h.i.+p anyway, so I would like to get along well.

While I was thinking such a thing Bruno's group reached the goal.

Bruno and Enrio still seems to be comfortable, but Nicholas who is the chubbier in the group is having it hard.

It's seem the two of them adjusted to Nicholas.

[Are you alright Nicholas? Here please drink it]

Nicholas gave Marcel a sign of grat.i.tude who hand over an imitation of an oral rehydration solution.

[Ah, thank you]

Nicholas drunk it quickly and lie down on the mats as he is. (TN: ニコラスはそのまま敷物の上にぐってりと横たわった)

[Hey Nicholas, you're behaving badly. I'm sorry Marcel, even though I say to him to personally experience it he ends up in such a condition] (TN: こっちの方から訓練を体験させてくれなんて言っておいたのにこの有様で)

Bruno shakes his head with disapproval at the terrible sight of his childhood friend.

[No, don't worry about it. Since I have taken responsibility of showing how the training is done, I should also teach how to distribute the pacing] (TN: いや、気にしないでくれ。訓練を見せると請け負ったからには、ペース配分も教えるべきだった)

[Always, so much, fast —?]

Still gasping for breath Nicholas says doing his best to ask.

Uh-huh, I formerly (although I say so it was just recently) have the same chubby system I understand how good the feeling of losing weight. (TN: 同じぽっちゃり系から減量した身としては気持ちがよく分かるぞ)

[No, this time is shorter than usual, so I reduced the speed accordingly. It's impossible to suddenly go with that pace. It's enough to maintain half of the speed]

[Uu, a ray of hope has appeared into view……]

Nicholas found hope. There—

[You said it's shorter than the usual, how many laps do you usually run?]

Enrio asked.

Ah–, he heard it–. He heard that— (TN: あー、聞いちゃうかー。それ聞いちゃうかー)

[……If it's this square, then it's 15 laps]

[It's 5 times than now!?]

Now that it's heard I can't remain in silent. (TN: 聞かれたからには黙っている訳にもいかない)

Nicholas sank in the mat again.

[……it's an overly optimistic idea, given that it's must be for the advantage of the person] (TN: 本人の為になりませんので)

Well it is. (TN: まあそうだよね)

Please work on easy thing, it would be troublesome if you give up now making it ineffective.

This childhood friend combination, might be quite enjoyable.

[Ah, Bruno and Enrio should also drink this]

I handed the sport drinks to both.

[Oh, I also recommend the drinks too. I also drink it before, it was as if the tiredness and thirst before has disappeared. It also tastes good]

Gaspar guaranteed.

[Thank you. -Eh, what is this drink?]

Drinking a sip, Bruno asked.

[Now that you mention it, I didn't hear what the name was. Somehow, it's related to Raihearth-sama drink]

Gaspar seemed to be interested too.


That is a problem. Name, a name.

I got used at calling it as rehydration drink or a sport drink. (TN: 経口補水液という言い方もスポーツドリンクという言い方も馴染まないよなぁ)

That is right, because it's supposed to be based on Raihearth-sama—

[I invented it based on the anecdote of the King Elder brother Raihearth-sama— the name, the name is Raihearth-sama water!]

………I wonder if it was too simple?

Bruno and Gaspar made an indescribable expression.

Michelin too, made the same facial expression. (TN: Help! : あちゃーと言わんばかりの表情だ)

[Well, this drink was invented by Marcel. Can you tell me the recipe?]

And it's a no comment.

I taught the recipe while feeling sorrowful for the name "Raihearth-sama water" was completely disregarded.

……… maybe, "sama" was unnecessary?

I'm not crying here!

[It's a cooled boiled water, sugar, salt and orange fruit juice…… How did you come up with it?]

Bruno asked in a manner of simple curiosity, but this is the att.i.tude of plotting something! If it's to make a profit with this knowledge is alright, but I can't reveal that this idea came from my previous life memory.

Well, usually I wouldn't come with such a wild idea, but the opponent is Bruno.

I never thought that I will says an excuse one after another and to trigger them! (TN: this isn't right! Help!ちょっとしたきっかけから芋蔓式に思ってもみなかったことまで喋らされるかもしれない!)

I have to explain it naturally somehow………

[Ah, in the occasion that I was exercising, I realize that sweat tastes is salty]

There is such a thing, right?


[That sweats are salty, doesn't it mean that salt is coming out from our body? Because it isn't often a good thing that something that we originally have is lost, so I thought of a drink that will make me regain what I lost]

I have confidence to be convincing since I use the same explanation on the cooks in the kitchen. (TN: この辺りは厨房の料理人への説明でも使って納得してもらったので自信がある)

[I see……]

Bruno doesn't seem to have any particular doubt.

[At the beginning, I tried using only salt, but it wasn't something I could drink. Then I added sugar and settled at the present ratio. And mixing orange, because it was written that Raihearth-sama felt a certain recovery after eating it. Raihearth-sama isn't a personage to say irresponsible things. In fact, that one is easier to drink]

And Reihearth-sama anectodete is used as the end! The other party falls!…… I hope……

[Come to think of it, Marcel is aiming at Raihearth-sama…… Anyways this drink is—Raiheath……sama water, perhaps is an amazing thing]

He is convinced!

Better than that! The name was used! (TN: それよりも祝!)

To hesitate at that point in saying it, was the cause is "sama" after all?

But I can't omit an honorific because it would attract attention. (TN: でも敬称を略するのは気が引けるからなー)

And thought Bruno's been thinking of something for a while, I was happy for him accepting the given name of "Raihearth-sama water", I didn't worry too much about it.

Now, I have recovered my confidence and my sense I will practice with Gaspar!


Villainess Brother Reincarnation Chapter 27

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