The Birth-Time of the World and Other Scientific Essays Part 12

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[1] See _The Abundance of Life_.


when it is done with vitality, for that preparation for momentous organic events which is in progress throughout the entire course of development; and to the economy involved in the welding of physiological processes for the phenomenon of physiological memory, wherein we see reflected, as it were, in the development of the organism, the a.s.sociation of inorganic restraints occurring in nature which at some previous period impressed itself upon the plastic organism. We may picture the seedling at Upsala, swayed by organic memory and the inherited tendency to an economical preparation for future events, gradually developing towards the aesthetic climax of its career. In some such manner only does it appear possible to account for the prophetic development of organisms, not alone to be observed in the alpine flowers, but throughout nature.

And thus, finally, to the effects of natural selection and to actions defined by general principles involved in biology, I would refer for explanation of the manner in which flowers on the Alps develop their peculiar beauty.



OUR ancestors regarded mountainous regions with feelings of horror, mingled with commiseration for those whom an unkindly destiny had condemned to dwell therein. We, on the other hand, find in the contemplation of the great alps of the Earth such peaceful and elevated thoughts, and such rest to our souls, that it is to those very solitudes we turn to heal the wounds of ife.

It is difficult to explain the cause of this very different point of view. It is probably, in part, to be referred to that cloud of superst.i.tious horror which, throughout the Middle Ages, peopled the solitudes with unknown terrors; and, in part, to the asceticism which led the pious to regard the beauty and joy of life as snares to the soul's well-being. In those eternal solitudes where the overwhelming forces of Nature are most in evidence, an evil principle must dwell or a dragon's dreadful brood must find a home.

But while in our time the aesthetic aspect of the hills appeals to all, there remains in the physical history of the mountains much that is lost to those who have not shared in the scientific studies of alpine structure and genesis. They lose a past history which for interest com-


petes with anything science has to tell of the changes of the Earth.

Great as are the physical features of the mountains compared with the works of Man, and great as are the forces involved compared with those we can originate or control, the loftiest ranges are small contrasted with the dimensions of the Earth. It is well to bear this in mind. I give here (Pl. XV.) a measured drawing showing a sector cut from a sphere of 50 cms. radius; so much of it as to exhibit the convergence of its radial boundaries which if prolonged will meet at the centre. On the same scale as the radius the diagram shows the highest mountains and the deepest ocean. The average height of the land and the average depth of the ocean are also exhibited. We see how small a movement of the crust the loftiest elevation of the Himalaya represents and what a little depression holds the ocean.

Nevertheless, it is not by any means easy to explain the genesis of those small elevations and depressions. It would lead us far from our immediate subject to discuss the various theoretical views which have been advanced to account for the facts. The idea that mountain folds, and the lesser rugosities of the Earth's surface, arose in a wrinkling of the crust under the influence of cooling and skrinkage of the subcrustal materials, is held by many eminent geologists, but not without dissent from others.

The most striking observational fact connected with mountain structure is that, without exception, the ranges


of the Earth are built essentially of sedimentary rocks: that is of rocks which have been acc.u.mulated at some remote past time beneath the surface of the ocean. A volcanic core there may sometimes be--probably an attendant or consequence of the uplifting--or a core of plutonic igneous rocks which has arisen under the same compressive forces which have bowed and arched the strata from their original horizontal position. It is not uncommon to meet among un.o.bservant people those who regard all mountain ranges as volcanic in origin. Volcanoes, however, do not build mountain ranges. They break out as more or less isolated cones or hills. Compare the map of the Auvergne with that of Switzerland; the volcanoes of South Italy with the Apennines.

Such great ranges as those which border with triple walls the west coast of North America are in no sense volcanic: nor are the Pyrenees, the Caucasus, or the Himalaya. Volcanic materials are poured out from the summits of the Andes, but the range itself is built up of folded sediments on the same architecture as the other great ranges of the Earth.

Before attempting an explanation of the origin of the mountains we must first become more closely acquainted with the phenomena attending mountain elevation.

At the present day great acc.u.mulations of sediment are taking place along the margins of the continents where the rivers reach the ocean. Thus, the Gulf of Mexico receiving the sediment of the Mississippi and Rio Grande;


the northeast coast of South America receiving the sediments of the Amazons; the east coast of Asia receiving the detritus of the Chinese rivers; are instances of such areas of deposition. Year by year, century by century, the acc.u.mulation progresses, and as it grows the floor of the sea sinks under the load. Of the yielding of the crust under the burthen of the sediments we are a.s.sured; for otherwise the many miles of vertically piled strata which are uplifted to our view in the mountains, never could have been deposited in the coastal seas of the past. The flexure and sinking of the crust are undeniable realities.

Such vast subsiding areas are known as geosynclines. From the acc.u.mulated sediments of the geosynclines the mountain ranges of the past have in every case originated; and the mountains of the future will a.s.suredly arise and lofty ranges will stand where now the ocean waters close over the collecting sediments. Every mountain range upon the Earth enforces the certainty of this prediction.

The mountain-forming movement takes place after a certain great depth of sediment is collected. It is most intense where the thickness of deposit is greatest. We see this when we examine the structure of our existing mountain ranges. At either side where the sediments thin out, the disturbance dies away, till we find the comparatively shallow and undisturbed level sediments which clothe the continental surface.

Whatever be the connection between the deposition and


the subsequent upheaval, _the element of great depth of acc.u.mulation seems a necessary condition and must evidently enter as a factor into the Physical Processes involved_. The mountain range can only arise where the geosyncline is deeply filled by long ages of sedimentation.

Dana's description of the events attending mountain building is impressive:

"A mountain range of the common type, like that to which the Appalachians belong, is made out of the sedimentary formations of a long preceding era; beds that were laid down conformably, and in succession, until they had reached the needed thickness; beds spreading over a region tens of thousands of square miles in area. The region over which sedimentary formations were in progress in order to make, finally, the Appalachian range, reached from New York to Alabama, and had a breadth of 100 to 200 miles, and the pile of horizontal beds along the middle was 40,000 feet in depth. The pile for the Wahsatch Mountains was 60,000 feet thick, according to King. The beds for the Appalachians were not laid down in a deep ocean, but in shallow waters, where a gradual subsidence was in progress; and they at last, when ready for the genesis, lay in a trough 40,000 feet deep, filling the trough to the brim. It thus appears that epochs of mountain-making have occurred only after long intervals of quiet in the history of a continent."[1]

[1] Dana, _Manual of Geology_, third edition, p. 794


On the western side of North America the work of mountain-building was, indeed, on the grandest scale. For long ages and through a succession of geological epochs, sedimentation had proceeded so that the acc.u.mulations of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic times had collected in the geosyncline formed by their own ever increasing weight. The site of the future Laramide range was in late Cretaceous times occupied by some 50,000 feet of sedimentary deposits; but the limit had apparently been attained, and at this time the Laramide range, as well as its southerly continuation into the United States, the Rockies, had their beginning. Chamberlin and Salisbury[1] estimate that the height of the mountains developed in the Laramide range at this time was 20,000 feet, and that, owing to the further elevation which has since taken place, from 32,000 to 35,000 feet would be their present height if erosion had not reduced them. Thus on either side of the American continent we have the same forces at work, throwing up mountain ridges where the sediments had formerly been shed into the ocean.

These great events are of a rhythmic character; the crust, as it were, pulsating under the combined influences of sedimentation and denudation. The first involves downward movements under a gathering load, and ultimately a reversal of the movement to one of upheaval; the second factor, which throughout has been in

[1] Chamberlin and Salisbury, _Geology_, 1906, iii., 163.


operation as creator of the sediments, then intervenes as an a.s.sailant of the newly-raised mountains, transporting their materials again to the ocean, when the rhythmic action is restored to its first phase, and the age-long sequence of events must begin all over again.

It has long been inferred that compressive stress in the crust must be a primary condition of these movements. The wvork required to effect the upheavals must be derived from some preexisting source of energy. The phenomenon--intrinsically one of folding of the crust--suggests the adjustment of the earth-crust to a lessening radius; the fact that great mountain-building movements have simultaneously affected the entire earth is certainly in favour of the view that a generally prevailing cause is at the basis of the phenomenon.

The compressive stresses must be confined to the upper few miles of the crust, for, in fact, the downward increase of temperature and pressure soon confers fluid properties on the medium, and slow tangential compression results in hydrostatic pressure rather than directed stresses. Thus the folding visible in the mountain range, and the lateral compression arising therefrom, are effects confined to the upper parts of the crust.

The energy which uplifts the mountain is probably a surviving part of the original gravitational potential energy of the crust itself. It must be a.s.sumed that the crust in following downwards the shrinking subcrustal magma, develops immense compressive stresses in


its materials, vast geographical areas being involved. When folding at length takes place along the axis of the elongated syncline of deposition, the stresses find relief probably for some hundreds of miles, and the region of folding now becomes compressed in a transverse direction. As an ill.u.s.tration, the Laramide range, according to Dawson, represents the reduction of a surface-belt 50 miles wide to one of 25 miles. The marvellous translatory movements of crustal folds from south to north arising in the genesis of the Swiss Alps, which recent research has brought to light, is another example of these movements of relief, which continue to take place perhaps for many millions of years after they are initiated.

The result of this yielding of the crust is a buckling of the surface which on the whole is directed upwards; but depression also is an attendant, in many cases at least, on mountain upheaval. Thus we find that the ocean floor is depressed into a syncline along the western coast of South America; a trough always parallel to the ranges of the Andes. The downward deflection of the crust is of course an outcome of the same compressive stresses which elevate the mountain.

The fact that the yielding of the crust is always situated where the sediments have acc.u.mulated to the greatest depth, has led to attempts from time to time of establis.h.i.+ng a physical connexion between the one and the other. The best-known of these theories is that of Babbage and Herschel. This seeks the connexion in the rise of the


geotherms into the sinking ma.s.s of sediment and the consequent increase of temperature of the earth-crust beneath. It will be understood that as these isogeotherms, or levels at which the temperature is the same, lie at a uniform distance from the surface all over the Earth, unless where special variations of conductivity may disturb them, the introduction of material pressed downwards from above must result in these materials partaking of the temperature proper to the depth to which they are depressed. In other words the geotherms rise into the sinking sediments, always, however, preserving their former average distance from the surface. The argument is that as this process undoubtedly involves the heating up of that portion of the crust which the sediments have displaced downwards, the result must be a local enfeeblement of the crust, and hence these areas become those of least resistance to the stresses in the crust.

When this theory is examined closely, we see that it only amounts to saying that the bedded rocks, which have taken the place of the igneous materials beneath, as a part of the rigid crust of the Earth, must be less able to withstand compressive stress than the average crust. For there has been no absolute rise of the geotherms, the thermal conductivities of both of materials differing but little. Sedimentary rock has merely taken the place of average crust-rock, and is subjected to the same average temperature and pressure prevailing in the surrounding crust. But are there any grounds for the


a.s.sumption that the compressive resistance of a complex of sedimentary rocks is inferior to one of igneous materials? The metamorphosed siliceous sediments are among the strongest rocks known as regards resistance to compressive stress; and if limestones have indeed plastic qualities, it must be remembered that their average amount is only some 5 per cent. of the whole.

Again, so far as rise of temperature in the upper crust may affect the question, a temperature which will soften an average igneous rock will not soften a sedimentary rock, for the reason that the effect of solvent denudation has been to remove those alkaline silicates which confer fusibility.

When, however, we take into account the radioactive content of the sediments the matter a.s.sumes a different aspect.

The facts as to the general distribution of radioactive substances at the surface, and in rocks which have come from considerable depths in the crust, lead us to regard as certain the widespread existence of heat-producing radioactive elements in the exterior crust of the Earth. We find, indeed, in this fact an explanation--at least in part--of the outflow of heat continually taking place at the surface as revealed by the rising temperature inwards. And we conclude that there must be a thickness of crust amounting to some miles, containing the radioactive elements.

Some of the most recent measurements of the quant.i.ties of radium and thorium in the rocks of igneous origin--_e.g._ granites, syenites, diorites, basalts, etc., show that the

The Birth-Time of the World and Other Scientific Essays Part 12

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