Letters and Lettering Part 8

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one type of letter can be but narrowing. The beginner is urged, therefore, to practice the use of many styles, even at the expense of gaining an immediate mastery over no one form. He will find himself amply repaid in the end by the increase in freedom and variety.

While the student should possess enough knowledge of the historic styles and examples of lettering to prevent him from using incongruous or anachronous forms in the same design, historic accuracy need not prevent him from engrafting the characteristics of dissimilar styles upon one another, provided that the results prove harmonious and appropriate.

Finally, the draughtsman's first aim should be to make his lettering readable: after this has been accomplished he should strive to give it beauty. Art in lettering is only to be attained by solving the problem of legibility in the way most pleasing to the eye. Good lettering should appeal both to the eye and to the mind. Only when it combines legibility with beauty can it be excellent.




An ill.u.s.trated treatise, with many examples of the work of all the more eminent modern pen draughtsmen. A practical text-book, which aims to put the student in the most direct way of attaining successful proficiency in the art of drawing.

"The book is very useful; all the features are good."--JOHN P. KUHL, Carlstadt, N. J.

"I have learned a great deal in a short time from Mr. Maginnis's treatise."--H. E. HUNT, Ambridge, Pa.

"I have found it a great help in pen drawing, and consider it a most instructive book."--WM. E. MEVINS, Buffalo, N. Y.

"Would recommend it to any one wis.h.i.+ng to do pen drawing or to a student wis.h.i.+ng to take up the work as I did."--E. E. CHRISTOPHER, St. Louis, Mo.

"I find it a most delightful little book, valuable for the student, as also for those desirous of gaining some insight into this art."--CHAS. J.

FELLGER, Philadelphia, Pa.

"The ill.u.s.trations are excellent, and the instructions clear and to the point. It is a guide to the beginner and material help to the experienced.

I am very pleased with it."--A. E. BUCKLER, Niagara Falls, N. Y.

"'Pen Drawing' has benefited me a great deal, as it would anybody who made a proper use of it. Its many ill.u.s.trations, together with their descriptive text, make the book what I think it was intended for, a good teacher."--H.

W. BONNAH, Port Huron, Mich.

"I think it a most excellent little book, well worth careful reading by any artist or draughtsman. Everything seems to me clearly stated and all points aptly ill.u.s.trated with good examples. I do not see how it could be much better for the price."--S. GIFFORD SLOc.u.m, Architect, New York City

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