Morning and Evening Prayers for All Days of the Week Part 7

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Prayer of a School Child for the Holy Spirit.

O my dear Lord, Jesus Christ, I thank Thee, that to the present day, Thou ordainest church and school ordinances and regulations, and hast given unto my parents and me grace, that I too may be thus trained. I beseech Thee, fill me with Thy Holy Spirit, that I may ever obey my dear parents and teachers, who only seek my welfare. Give unto me a docile heart, that I may learn my catechism, n.o.ble arts and language, and thus increase in G.o.dliness, wisdom, understanding, and every virtue. O my dear Lord Jesus Christ, create in me a pure, chaste, and modest heart. May I ever serve Thee in upright faith and true fear, and love Thee from all my heart.

Subdue in me all evil l.u.s.ts. Endow me with Thy Holy Spirit. Help me to continue in true humility. Grant me an obedient heart, to honor my parents according to Thy commandment, and neither anger nor grieve them.

May they live long on this earth, and protect Thou and preserve them from disease, evil, and harm. Be gracious unto us and merciful. Bless us in body and soul, now and forevermore. Amen.

Prayer During a Thunder Storm.

Most Mighty G.o.d! All the powers of the earth shall honor Thy holy name, and wors.h.i.+p Thee, Eternal Father, in the beauty of holiness. For Thou art the Lord, who reigneth over all. Thou showest Thy might and power throughout the universe. The voice of the Lord is upon the waters. The Lord of glory thundereth. The Lord is upon many waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful and full of majesty. The earth shook and trembled. The foundations also of the hills moved and were shaken. There went up smoke out of Thy nostrils, and fire out of Thy mouth devoured: coals are kindled by it. Thy pavilion round about Thee are dark waters and thick clouds of the skies. The Lord thundereth in the heavens, and the Highest gave His voice. All things are subject to Thee. All things acknowledge Thee as their maker, and tremble before Thy divine majesty. The mountains and the depths of the abyss are sore vexed when Thou art wroth, the earth trembleth, and the sea and the waters flee because of Thy wrath. The voice of the Lord divideth the flames of fire. The voice of the Lord shaketh the wilderness. The Lord is king forever. The Lord will give strength unto His people. The Lord will bless His people with peace. O merciful G.o.d, preserve us from Thy wrath, which is beyond endurance!

Forgive us our sins! Make Thy face s.h.i.+ne upon us! Cause this grievous tempest to pa.s.s by without harm to us! Protect us in body and soul, our house and home. Keep the fruits of the fields from hail and storm, from great inundation by water and all harm. O Holy G.o.d, preserve us from an evil death, and protect us, that no disaster befall us. Amen.

Thanksgiving After a Thunderstorm.

Almighty G.o.d, our Heavenly Father, who has said, Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me; we praise and thank Thee most heartily. For Thou hast graciously heard our prayer and hast made this storm to pa.s.s that no harm befell us in life and property.

Thus hast Thou again revealed to us Thy fatherly compa.s.sion, and that Thou wouldest not deal with us after our sins, neither reward us according to our iniquities. Grant us, O Merciful Father, for the sake of Thy only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, that we may take heed of Thy earnest and fatherly admonitions, improve our lives, and live in the fear of Thee. May we constantly prepare and make ready ourselves for the coming of Thy dear Son, when the elements shall melt with fervent heat, and the earth also, and the works thereof, shall be burned up, and may we meet Him with rejoicing and enter the new heaven, wherein dwelleth righteousness, and forever be with Thee; through the same, Thy dear Son, our Master and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayer on the Eve of a Journey.

Almighty and Gracious G.o.d and Father, Thou protector of all that trust in Thee from their hearts! In Thy name will I proceed and undertake this journey. For Thou art my G.o.d and preservest my going out and my coming in. Thou leadest my feet in right paths and wilt not suffer them to be moved. I heartily beseech Thee to be my gracious guide and companion on this present journey. Send Thy holy angels, and command them, in all my wanderings, to keep me from all evil in body and soul. Lead me on the paths of the righteous and bring me safely to my destination, that I may laud and magnify Thee, here in time and in eternity forever. And now, O Lord G.o.d and Father, into Thy hands do I commit my body and soul and all that I possess. Thy holy angel be my safe guard. Amen.

Prayer During a Journey.

Almighty and Most Merciful G.o.d! We are always in Thy sight wherever we be. Thou preservest our coming in and our going out, and leadest us on the right paths that we slip not. I pray Thee, that as Thou didst lead Thy servant Abraham from the land of the Chaldees and kept him unharmed in his pilgrimage, and didst say to his grandson Jacob when he journeyed to Mesopotamia, I am with thee, and will bring thee again into this land; and as Thou also didst lead the Children of Israel through the Red Sea and through the desert, and didst go before them, by day in a pillar of a cloud and night in a pillar of fire: thus wouldst Thou also be with me on my wandering, protect me on land and sea, by day and by night, and keep me from all harm and danger. And when my business is completed bring me home again in full health of body and soul. And as Thou didst accompany youthful Tobias through Thy angel Raphael, likewise do Thou accompany me in all my ways, so that when I, too, have happily returned to my home, I with all mine own may have the greater reason to laud and praise Thee as my true and faithful guide. Meanwhile I commend to Thy care all that I leave at home, and beseech Thee to have charge concerning them, and suffer me to find them unharmed when I return. Amen.

Prayer of Children for Their Father Engaged on a Journey.

O Eternal Son of G.o.d, Thou Savior of all who call upon Thee in faith! We Thy children, baptized into Thy blood, consecrated by Thy Spirit a royal priesthood, and ordained Thy brethren and co-heirs with Thee in grace, call upon Thee with innocent tongues, and earnestly pray Thee, graciously to safeguard our dear father now journeying over land for the sake of his calling and to gain the means of livelihood. Help him to discharge his duties with favor and despatch, and return him to us in health and joy, as Thou through Thy angels didst preserve and guide Thy servant Jacob on his journeys, for Thou art the faithful guide and companion of all who fear Thee and trust in Thy mercy. Amen.

Thanksgiving After a Completed Journey.

Gracious G.o.d and Father! Most heartily do I thank Thee that Thou hast enabled me to bring my journey to a happy end. Through the ministrations of Thy dear angels Thou hast again brought me to my home, guarded and kept me from all evil, preserved me from the murderous and robbing hands of evildoers, and the teeth of wild beasts, and kept me from all other dangers of body and soul. In short, that I have been led to and fro in health and happiness: I owe it altogether to Thy fatherly goodness and almighty care. And I beseech Thee from all my heart, continue to keep me and mine under Thy protection, and preserve us, body and soul, to the eternal life, for Jesus' sake. Amen.

A Birthday Prayer.

Dear Father in heaven, I thank Thee from all my heart, that Thou hast put me into this world and made me a rational being. I am born of Christian parents and made a member of Thy holy Church. Today the anniversary of my birth hath come, and since I have been permitted to reach this day and thus complete another year of my pilgrimage, I thank Thee from all my heart and joyfully reiterate the thanksgiving of Thy servant David, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies."

Since every day of my life, however, is one step nearer to death, which can strike me this hour, yes, this very minute, I beseech Thee so to shape and rule every day of my life, that I may walk according to Thy pleasure as in the day, that is circ.u.mspectly in Thy sight, honestly, and conscious of my responsibility, in short as a true Christian and in conformity with the promise made by me to Thee, my dear G.o.d, in my baptism. And if this prove my last year and my last birthday, I place all things into Thy gracious keeping. If it is Thy will that I should cease to live, then I have lived enough. For if it is sufficient for Thee, it is sufficient for me. Am I old enough for Thee, I am old enough for me.

Here I again put myself under Thy s.h.i.+eld and protection, into Thy sublime and eternal power. If I live this year, may I live in Thee; if I die, may I die in Thee, so that I may live, and move, and have my being in Thee, and whether living or dying I may be Thine to all eternity. Amen.

Prayer for Temporal Peace.

Eternal G.o.d, Everlasting Father! Thou art a G.o.d and lover of peace. From Thee all true unity cometh. We pray Thee graciously to protect Thy Christendom on earth against all its enemies, so that we may be kept in peace, and ever serve Thee gladly in faithful doctrine and a pure conduct. Grant us grace, so that all estates and rulers of Christendom may live peacefully and harmoniously in perfect piety and G.o.dliness, so that discipline and order prevail, churches and schools be not destroyed, and the country be not devastated nor grievously oppressed. Grant us grace, so that men will content themselves with what they have, and will not for the sake of avarice or l.u.s.ting after foreign lands and peoples, nor yet because of pride, vain ambitions, and arrogance, enmity, hatred, envy, nor any other cause, incite war, sedition, or revolution in this our country. Hinder all evil counsel and purpose of unstable men, who think only of that which is not good. Put them to naught in their purposes, so that they must retreat and are utterly consumed with terrors. Stretch forth Thine arm to protect us who are named after Thee, so that Thy heritage be not destroyed. Support Thy faithful who rely upon Thee and call upon Thy name. Hear us in our distress, and Thy holy name protect us. Send us help from Thy sanctuary, and strengthen us from on high. Bless the country and the cities in which Thy holy word dwelleth.

Prosperity must dwell within their palaces! O merciful G.o.d, incline the hearts of all men to a Christian peace and concord, to the which Thou hast called us through Thy word and gospel. And if bitterness prevail among some, help that it be done away with, to the glory of Thy holy name, the spreading of Thy word, and the betterment of Christendom, and that the poor and distressed in the land may rejoice in Thee and praise Thy holy name, for Thou only performest wonders and provest Thy powers among the nations. Amen.

A Prayer for School.

We pray Thee, everlasting G.o.d, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Thou eternal and inseparable Trinity and inexpressible Unity, that Thou wouldest faithfully take under Thy protecting wing the flock of Thy Christendom, and ever abide in our midst with Thy grace and truth. Be Thou with us, O Lord, our G.o.d. Be Thou a wall of fire round about us, and destroy them who hate Thee and are hostile to Thy name. So rule us, O G.o.d, that we may ever be guided by Thy clear and pure word and are not seduced by the external appearance of things. Keep us, Lord Jesus, from error and false doctrine, and send us faithful teachers who take heed unto Thy congregation, purchased with Thy blood, and are anxious to perform Thy will. Grant us obedient hearts, so that we, as lambs of Thy flock, may obey Thy voice, and be filled with fruits of righteousness. Teach us ever to do Thy will, for Thou art our G.o.d: Thy spirit is good. Lead us into the land of uprightness, to the end that we, too, through a blessed departure from this life may attain to Thee and the everlasting joy and blessedness, and behold Thy glory to all eternity. Amen.

Church Prayers

Prayer When Going to Church.

Almighty G.o.d, Heavenly Father, because of Thy great mercy I will go to Thy house and wors.h.i.+p Thee in Thy temple in Thy fear. Lord, lead me in the paths of righteousness, and make Thy way straight before my face.

Guide me on the paths of Thy commandments, for Thou art my G.o.d, and the Lord of my salvation. I delight in Thy sanctuary and rejoice in the congregation of Thy saints, who confess and glorify Thee. How amiable are Thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts! My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the Lord. O come, let us wors.h.i.+p and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker. For He is our G.o.d; and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand. Magnify the Lord our G.o.d, adore at His footstool; for He is holy. I wors.h.i.+p Thee, O G.o.d, in the accepted time through Thy great mercy. Hear me according to Thy grace. Amen.

Morning and Evening Prayers for All Days of the Week Part 7

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