The Rowley Poems Part 34

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Loverde! I am aboute the trouthe to saie.

Laste nyghte, fulle late I dydde retourne to reste.

As to mie chamber I dydde bende mie waie, To Birtha onne hys name & place addreste; Downe to hym camme shee; b.u.t.te thereof the reste 1180 I ken ne matter; so, mie hommage made--


O! speake ne moe; mie harte flames yn yttes heste; I once was aella; nowe bee notte yttes shade.

Hanne alle the fuirie of mysfortunes wylle Fallen onne mie benned[124] headde I hanne been aella stylle. 1185

Thys alleyn was unburled[125] of alle mie spryte; Mie honnoure, honnoure, frownd on the dolce[126] wynde, Thatte steeked on ytte; nowe wyth rage Im pyghte; A brondeous unweere ys mie engyned mynde.

Mie hommeur yette somme drybblet joie maie fynde, 1190 To the Danes woundes I wylle another yeve; Whanne thos mie rennome[127] & mie peace ys rynde, Itte were a recrandize to thyncke toe lyve; Mie huscarles, untoe everie asker telle, Gyffe n.o.blie aella lyved, as n.o.blie aella felle. 1195 [_Stabbeth hys breste_.


aella ys sleene; the flower of Englonde's marrde!


Be stylle: swythe lette the chyrches rynge mie knelle.

Call hyther brave Coernyke; he, as warde Of thys mie Brystowe castle, wyll doe welle.

[_Knelle ryngeth_.



Thee I ordeyne the warde; so alle maie telle. 1200 I have botte lyttel tym to dragge thys lyfe; Mie lethal tale, alyche a lethalle belle, Dynne yn the eares of her I wyschd mie wyfe!

Botte, ah! shee maie be fayre.


Yatte shee moste bee.


Ah! saie notte foe; yatte worde woulde aella dobblie flee. 1205



Ah! Birtha here!


Whatte dynne ys thys? whatte menes yis leathalle knelle?

Where ys mie aella? speeke; where? howe ys hee?

Oh aella! art thou yanne alyve and welle!


I lyve yndeed; botte doe notte lyve for thee.


Whatte menes mie aella?


Here mie meneynge see. 1210 Thie foulness urged mie honde to gyve thys wounde, Ytte mee unsprytes[128].


Ytte hathe unspryted mee.


Ah heavens! mie Birtha fallethe to the grounde!

Botte yette I am a manne, and so wylle bee.


aella! I amme a Dane; botte yette a friende to thee. 1215

Thys damoyselle I founde wythynne a woode, Strevynge fulle harde anenste a burled swayne; I sente hym myrynge ynne mie compheeres blodde, Celmonde hys name, chief of thie warrynge trayne.

Yis damoiselle foughte to be here agayne; 1220 The whyche, albeytte foemen, wee dydd wylle; So here wee broughte her wythe you to remayne.


Yee n.o.bylle Danes! wythe goulde I wyll you fylle.


Birtha, mie lyfe! mie love! oh! she ys fayre.

Whatte faultes coulde Birtha have, whatte faultes could aella feare?


The Rowley Poems Part 34

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