The New Hudson Shakespeare: Julius Caesar Part 5

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F2 = Second Folio, 1632.

F3 = Third Folio, 1664.

F4 = Fourth Folio, 1685.

Ff = all the seventeenth century Folios.

Rowe = Rowe's editions, 1709, 1714.

Pope = Pope's editions, 1723, 1728.

Theobald = Theobald's editions, 1733, 1740.

Johnson = Johnson's edition, 1765.

Capell = Capell's edition, 1768.

Malone = Malone's edition, 1790.

Steevens = Steevens's edition, 1793.

Globe = Globe edition (Clark and Wright), 1864.

Clar = Clarendon Press edition (W. A. Wright), 1869.

Dyce = Dyce's (third) edition, 1875.

Delius = Delius's (fifth) edition, 1882.

Camb = Cambridge (third) edition (W. A. Wright), 1891.

Abbott = E. A. Abbott's _A Shakespearian Grammar_.

Schmidt = Schmidt's _Shakespeare Lexicon_.

Skeat = Skeat's _An Etymological Dictionary_.

Murray = _A New English Dictionary_ (_The Oxford Dictionary_).

Century = _The Century Dictionary_.

Plutarch = North's _Plutarch_, 1579.


Except in the case of Shakespeare's plays (see note) the literature dates refer to first publication

-----+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ SHAKESPEARE YEAR --------------------+----------------------------------------------- BIOGRAPHY: POEMS PLAYS -----+--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ 1564 Birth. Baptism, April 26, Stratford-on-Avon -----+-------------------- -----------------------------------------------+ 1565 Father became alderman -----+--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ 1566 Brother Gilbert born -----+--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ 1568 Father, as bailiff of Stratford, NOTE: The plays in the columns entertained Queen's below are arranged in the and Earl of probable, though purely Worcester's actors conjectural, order of composition. Dates appended -----+--------------------+ to plays are those of first + 1572 publication. Where no date is given, the play was -----+--------------------+ first published in the First + 1573 Folio (1623). M signifies that the play was mentioned -----+--------------------+ by Meres in the + 1574 Brother Richard Palladis Tamia (1598) born -----+--------------------+ + 1575 -----+--------------------+ + 1576 -----+--------------------+ + 1577 Father in financial difficulties -----+--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+

-----+---------------------+-------------------+ BRITISH AND HISTORY YEAR FOREIGN AND LITERATURE BIOGRAPHY -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1564 Quart livre de Michelangelo died. Pantagruel Calvin died. Marlowe born. Galileo born. -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1565 Sackville and Philip II of Spain Norton's Gorboduc gave his name to printed Philippine Islands -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1566 Udall's Roister Murder of Rizzio Doister printed? -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1568 The Bishops Bible. Mary of Scots a La Taille's Saulle prisoner in Furieux. R. England. Ascham Grafton's died. Coverdale Chronicle died. Netherlands War of Liberation -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1572 Camoens' Os Lusiadas Knox died. Ma.s.sacre (The Lusiads) of St. Bartholomew -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1573's Aminta Ben Jonson born? Donne born -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1574 Mirror for Earl of Leicester's Magistrates (third players licensed edition) -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1575 Gammer Gurton's Queen Elizabeth at Needle. Golding's Kenilworth. Ovid (complete) Palissy lectured on Natural History -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1576 The Paradise of "The Theatre" Dainty Devices. opened in Finsbury Gascoigne's Steel Fields, London, Gla.s.s followed by "The Curtain." Hans Sachs died -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1577 Holinshed's Drake sailed to Chronicle circ.u.mnavigate globe -----+---------------------+-------------------+

-----+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ SHAKESPEARE YEAR --------------------+----------------------------------------------- BIOGRAPHY: POEMS PLAYS -----+--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ 1579 Sister Ann died (aged eight) -----+--------------------+ + 1580 Brother Edmund born -----+--------------------+ + 1581 -----+--------------------+ + 1582 Married Anne Hathaway -----+--------------------+ + 1583 Daughter Susanna born -----+--------------------+ + 1584 -----+--------------------+ + 1585 Twin children (Hamnet, Judith) born -----+--------------------+ + 1586 Probably went to London -----+--------------------+ + 1587 -----+--------------------+ + 1588 -----+--------------------+ + 1589 COMEDIES HISTORIES TRAGEDIES -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1590 Love's Labour's Lost (M, 1598) -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1591 Comedy of 1 Henry VI Errors (M) 2 Henry VI -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+

-----+---------------------+-------------------+ BRITISH AND HISTORY YEAR FOREIGN AND LITERATURE BIOGRAPHY -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1579 Gosson's School of Union of Utrecht. Abuse. North's put in Plutarch. Lyly's confinement at Euphues (pt. 1). Ferrara Spenser's Shepherd's Calendar -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1580 Montaigne's Essais Brown founded (first edition) Separatists. Camoens died -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1581's Gerusalemme Dutch Declaration Liberata of Independence -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1582 The Rheims New Accademia della Testament Crusca founded -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1583 Garnier's Les Juives Sir Humphrey Gilbert drowned -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1584 Lyly's Campaspe. William the Silent Peele's Arraignment Ivan of Paris the Terrible died -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1585 Guarini's Pastor Fido Ronsard died (1590) -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1586 Camden's Britannia Sir Philip Sidney killed -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1587 Hakluyt's Four Execution of Mary Voyages. Faustbuch of Scots (Spiess, Frankfort) -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1588 Martin Marprelate: Defeat of Spanish The Epistle Armada -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1589 Puttenham's Art of Henry of Navarre, English Poesie King of France. Palissy died in Bastille -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1590 Marlowe's Tamburlaine Battle of Ivry Spenser's Faerie Queene, I-III. Lodge's Rosalynde. Sidney's Arcadia -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1591 Sidney's Astrophel Herrick born and Stella. Harington's tr. of Orlando Furioso -----+---------------------+-------------------+

-----+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ SHAKESPEARE YEAR --------------------+----------------------------------------------- BIOGRAPHY: POEMS PLAYS (see note above) -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1592 Greene's attack in Two Gentlemen Richard III Romeo and Groatsworth of Wit of Verona (M) (M, 1597). Juliet (M, 3 Henry VI 1597) -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1593 Venus and Adonis King John (M). t.i.tus (seven editions, Richard II (M, Andronicus 1594-1616) 1597) (M, 1594) -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1594 Lucrece (five A Midsummer editions, Night's Dream 1594-1616) (M, 1600) -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1595 Valuable All's Well contemporary that Ends references to Well. Taming Shakespeare of the Shrew -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1596 Son Hamnet died. 1 Henry IV (M, Family applied for 1598). 2 Henry coat-of-arms IV (1600) -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1597 Purchased New Place, Merry Wives of Stratford Windsor. Merchant of Venice (M, 1600) -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1598 Shakespeare acted Much Ado About Henry V (1600) in Jonson's Every Nothing (1600) Man in His Humour -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1599 Part proprietor of As You Like It Globe Theatre. Coat-of-arms granted. The Pa.s.sionate Pilgrim -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1600 Won a London Twelfth Night lawsuit -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+

-----+---------------------+--------------------+ BRITISH AND HISTORY YEAR FOREIGN AND LITERATURE BIOGRAPHY -----+---------------------+--------------------+ 1592 Daniel's Delia. Greene died. Lyly's Gallathea Montaigne died. (Galatea) London theatres closed through plague -----+---------------------+--------------------+ 1593 Peele's Edward I. Marlowe died. Barnes's Sonnets Herbert born. -----+---------------------+--------------------+ 1594 Rinuccini's Dafne. Palestrina Satire Menipee ("Princeps Musicae") died -----+---------------------+--------------------+ 1595 Peele's Old Wives' died. Sir Tale. Spenser's Walter Raleigh's Epithalamion expedition to Guiana. Sir J. Hawkins died -----+---------------------+--------------------+ 1596 Drayton's Burbage built Mortimeriados. Blackfriar's Faerie Queene, Theatre. Descartes Books IV-VI born. Sir F. Drake died -----+---------------------+--------------------+ 1597 Bacon's Essays The Tyrone (first edition). rebellion Hall's Virgidemiarum -----+---------------------+--------------------+ 1598 Mere's Palladis Peele died. Edict Tamia. Chapman's of Nantes Homer (pt. 1). Lope de Vega's Arcadia -----+---------------------+--------------------+ 1599 Aleman's Guzman de Spenser died. Globe Alfarache. Peele's Theatre built. David and Bethsabe Oliver Cromwell born -----+---------------------+--------------------+ 1600 England's Helicon Calderon born. Bruno died -----+---------------------+--------------------+

-----+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ SHAKESPEARE YEAR --------------------+----------------------------------------------- BIOGRAPHY: POEMS PLAYS (see note above) -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1601 Father died. The Julius Caesar Phoenix and Turtle -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1602 Purchased more Hamlet (1603) Stratford real estate -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1603 His company acted Troilus and before the Queen Cressida -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1604 Sued Rogers at Measure for Oth.e.l.lo Stratford Measure -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1605 G.o.dfather to Macbeth William D'Avenant -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1606 King Lear given King Lear before Court (1608) -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1607 Daughter Susanna Timon of married Dr. Hall Athens -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1608 Birth of Pericles (1609) Antony and granddaughter Cleopatra Elizabeth Hall. Death of mother (Mary Arden) -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1609 Sonnets. A Lover's Coriola.n.u.s Complaint -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1610 Purchased more real Cymbeline estate -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1611 Subscribed for Winter's Tale better highways The Tempest -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1613 Invested in London Henry VIII house property. Brother Richard died -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 1616 Made his will. Daughter Judith married Thomas Quiney. Died April 23 (May 3, New Style) -----+--------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+

-----+---------------------+-------------------+ BRITISH AND HISTORY YEAR FOREIGN AND LITERATURE BIOGRAPHY -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1601 Jonson's Poetaster The Ess.e.x plot. Rivalry between London adult and boy actors -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1602 Dekker's Satiromastix Bodleian Library founded -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1603 Jonson's Seja.n.u.s Queen Elizabeth died. Millenary Pet.i.tion -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1604 Marlowe's Faustus Hampton Court (1588-1589) Conference -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1605 Don Quixote (pt. 1) Gunpowder plot. Sir Thomas Browne born -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1606 Chapman's Monsieur Lyly died. D'Olive Corneille born -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1607 Dekker and Webster's Settlement of Westward Ho! Jamestown -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1608 Captain John Smith's Milton born. A True Relation. Quebec founded Middleton's A Mad World -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1609 The Douai Old Separatists Testament (Pilgrims) in Leyden -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1610 Strachey's Wracke Henry IV (Navarre) and Redemption -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1611 King James Bible Gustavus Adolphus, (A.V.). Bellarmine's King of Sweden Puissance du Pape -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1613 Drayton's Polyolbion Globe Theatre burned -----+---------------------+-------------------+ 1616 Captain John Smith's Cervantes died. New England. Folio Beaumont died. edition of Jonson's Baffin explores Poems. D'Aubigne's Baffin's Bay. Les Tragiques Harvey lectured (1577) on the circulation of the blood -----+---------------------+-------------------+


In this a.n.a.lysis are shown the acts and scenes in which the characters (see Dramatis Personae, page 2) appear, with the number of speeches and lines given to each.

NOTE. Parts of lines are counted as whole lines.

==============+=========+==========+========+ NO. OF NO. OF SPEECHES LINES --------------+---------+----------+--------+ CaeSAR I, ii 14 39 II, ii 16 72 III, i 10 39 === === 40 150 OCTAVIUS IV, i 6 12 V, i 9 25 V, v 4 10 === === 19 47 ANTONY I, ii 4 6 II, ii 1 1 III, i 10 98 III, ii 20 147 IV, i 5 38 V, i 8 22 V, iv 2 8 V, v 1 8 === === 51 328 LEPIDUS IV, i 3 4 CICERO I, iii 4 9 PUBLIUS II, ii 1 1 III, i 1 1 === === 2 2 POPILIUS III, i 2 2 BRUTUS I, ii 22 73 II, i 35 182 II, ii 2 3 III, i 23 78 III, ii 5 49 IV, ii 10 34 IV, iii 69 204 V, i 11 33 V, ii 1 6 V, iii 4 18 V, iv 1 1 V, v 10 39 === === 193 720 Ca.s.sIUS I, ii 24 143 I, iii 15 119 II, i 14 37 III, i 18 44 IV, ii 4 7 IV, iii 46 98 V, i 11 49 V, iii 6 32 === === 138 529 CASCA I, ii 19 60 I, iii 14 57 II, i 4 10 III, i 3 4 === === 40 131 TREBONIUS II, i 2 3 II, ii 1 2 III, i 1 3 === === 4 8 LIGARIUS II, i 5 15 DECIUS II, i 3 12 II, ii 4 25 III, i 5 7 === === 12 44 METELLUS II, i 2 9 III, i 3 8 === === 5 17 CINNA I, iii 4 9 II, i 3 4 III, i 4 5 === === 11 18 FLAVIUS I, i 6 27 MARULLUS I, i 5 32 ARTEMIDORUS II, iii 1 14 III, i 3 4 === === 4 18 SOOTHSAYER I, ii 3 3 II, iv 5 14 III, i 1 1 === === 9 18 CINNA, A POET III, iii 8 14 ANOTHER POET IV, iii 3 7 LUCILIUS IV, ii 4 10 IV, iii 1 1 V, i 1 1 V, iv 3 14 V, v 1 2 === === 10 28 t.i.tINIUS IV, iii 1 1 V, iii 9 31 === === 10 32 MESSALA IV, iii 9 14 V, i 2 2 V, iii 7 19 V, v 3 4 === === 21 39 CATO V, iii 2 3 V, iv 1 5 === === 3 8 VOLUMNIUS V, v 3 3 VARRO IV, iii 6 6 c.l.i.tUS V, v 8 10 CLAUDIUS IV, iii 4 4 STRATO V, v 4 6 LUCIUS II, i 10 17 II, iv 4 6 IV, iii 10 10 === === 24 33 DARDANIUS V, v 3 3 PINDARUS IV, ii 1 3 V, iii 4 13 === === 5 16 CALPURNIA I, ii 1 1 II, ii 5 26 === === 6 27 PORTIA II, i 6 62 II, iv 10 30 === === 16 92 CARPENTER I, i 1 1 COBBLER I, i 6 17 SERVANT II, ii 3 5 SERVANT III, i 2 16 SERVANT III, i 3 5 GHOST IV, iii 3 3 CITIZENS (ALL) III, ii 13 14 1 CITIZEN III, ii 14 17 III, iii 4 4 === === 18 21 2 CITIZEN III, ii 14 16 III, iii 4 6 === === 18 22 3 CITIZEN III, ii 12 16 III, iii 4 7 === === 16 23 4 CITIZEN III, ii 11 14 III, iii 5 7 === === 16 21 SERVANT III, ii 3 4 1 SOLDIER IV, ii 1 1 V, iv 3 4 === === 4 5 2 SOLDIER IV, ii 1 1 V, iv 1 1 === === 2 2 3 SOLDIER IV, ii 1 1 MESSENGER V, i 1 4 ==============+=========+==========+========+


[Page 2]



OCTAVIUS CaeSAR, } triumvirs after MARCUS ANTONIUS,[2] } the death of M. aeMILIUS LEPIDUS, } Julius Caesar.

CICERO, } PUBLIUS, } senators.


MARCUS BRUTUS, } Ca.s.sIUS, } CASCA, } conspirators TREBONIUS, } against LIGARIUS, } Julius Caesar.


FLAVIUS and MARULLUS,[4] tribunes.

ARTEMIDORUS of Cnidos, a teacher of Rhetoric.[5]

A Soothsayer.

CINNA, a poet. Another Poet.

LUCILIUS, } t.i.tINIUS, } MESSALA, } friends to Brutus Young CATO, } and Ca.s.sius.


VARRO, } c.l.i.tUS, } CLAUDIUS, } servants to STRATO, } Brutus.


PINDARUS, servant to Ca.s.sius.

CALPURNIA,[6] wife to Caesar.

PORTIA, wife to Brutus.

Senators, Commoners, Guards, Attendants, &c.

SCENE: _Rome; the neighborhood of Sardis; the neighborhood of Philippi._

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