Gardening Indoors and Under Glass Part 8

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The German ivy (_Senecio scandens_) has leaves the shape of the English ivy, and is a wonderfully rapid grower and a great climber. It lacks, however, the substance and coloring of the real ivy. It is, nevertheless, valuable for temporary uses, and a plant or two should always be kept. Cuttings root freely and grow at any time.

_Manettia_--This is a cheery, free flowering little vine, especially good for covering a small trellis in a pot. The brilliant little flowers, white, blue or red and yellow, are very welcome winter visitors. Cuttings root easily in summer and the plants are very easily cared for, being particularly free from insect pests. Give partial shade in summer.

_Mimosa moschatus_--This is the common Musk Plant which, according to one's taste, is pleasant--or the opposite. It is of creeping habit and has very pretty foliage.

There are a number of varieties. That described above is covered with small yellow flowers. _M. m. Harrisonii_ has larger flowers. _M.

cardinalis_, red flowers and is dwarf in habit. _M. glutinosus_ is erect in habit, with salmon colored flowers, very pretty.

_Moneywort_ (_Lysimachia Nummularia_)--This is a favorite basket plant, as it is a rapid grower and not particular about its surroundings, so long as it has enough water. While the flowers are pretty, being a cheery yellow, the plant is grown for its foliage. New plants may be had by dividing old clumps.

_Morning-Glory_--This beautiful flower is seldom seen in the house, but will do well there if plenty of light can be given. Neither vines nor flowers grow as large as they do out-of-doors, but they make very pretty plants.

_Nasturtium_--Another common summer flower that makes a very pretty plant in the house. Start seeds in August and s.h.i.+ft on to five-or-six-inch pots. There is also a dwarf form and other sorts with variegated ivy leaves that make splendid pot plants. Of the tall sorts some of the new named varieties, like Sunlight and Moonlight, give beautiful and very harmonious effects. They will be a very pleasant surprise to those familiar only with the old bright mixed colors.

_Othonna cra.s.sifolia_--This pretty little yellow flowered trailing plant, sometimes known as "little Pickles" is quite a favorite for boxes, or as a hanging or bracket plant. It should be given the full sun but little water in winter. When too long, it it may be cut back freely.

Root cuttings, or the small tufts along the trailing stems, in spring.

_Smilax_--In some ways this is the most airily beautiful and graceful of all the decorative vines. And it is valuable not only for its own beauty, but for its usefulness in setting off the beauty of other flowers. It is very easily grown if kept on the warm side, and given plenty of root room. Care should be taken to provide green colored strings for the vines to climb up, as they make a very rapid growth when once started. The best way to provide plants is to get a few from the florist late in the spring, or start from seed in February. New plants do better than those kept two seasons.

_Sweet Peas_--Of late years a great deal has been done with sweet peas in winter, and where one can give them plenty of light, they will do well inside. Plenty of air and a temperature a little on the cool side, with rich soil, will suit them. Start seed in very early fall, or in winter, according as you want bloom early or late. There are now a number of varieties grown especially for winter work such as Christmas Pink, Christmas White, etc. Five or six varieties will give a very satisfactory collection. The fragrant, beautiful blossoms are always welcome, but doubly so in winter. Do not let the flowers fade on the vines, as it increases the number of flowers to have them taken off.

_Thunbergia_--The Thunbergia, sometimes called the "b.u.t.terfly plant," is the best all-round flowering vine for the house. The flowers are freely produced, average an inch to an inch-and-a-half across, and cover a wide range of colors, including white, blue, purple, yellow and shades and combinations of these. Its requirements are not special: keep growing on during summer into a somewhat bushy form, as the vines will grow rapidly when allowed to run in the house. It can be grown from seed but cuttings make the best plants. Root early in spring, and by having a succession of rooted cuttings blossoms may be had all winter.

_Thunbergia laurifolia_ has flowers of white and blue; _T. fragrans_, pure white; and _T. Mysorensis_, purple and yellow.

[Ill.u.s.tration: One too seldom sees vines used indoors, although they are easily grown and can be made most decorative]

[Ill.u.s.tration: The Crested Scott Fern (_Nephrolepis exaltata_, var.

_Scholzeli_) is one of the most beautiful developments from the Boston Fern]



Ferns, although there are not many varieties of them available for culture indoors, are probably more universally used as house plants than any other cla.s.s of plants. Their culture is not difficult, although it differs somewhat from that given most of the plants described in the preceding pages.

In the first place, ferns want a porous soil, say two parts screened leaf-mould, one sand and one old manure or rich loam, the latter being preferable. In the second place, they should be given a warmer temperature, a minimum of fifty-five degrees at night being very desirable, although not absolutely essential.

The third requisite in success with ferns is a moist atmosphere, as well as plenty of water at the roots. If the pots are carefully drained (facing page 41) as they should be, and the soil properly porous, it will be almost impossible to over-water at the roots. Great care should be taken, however, not to wet the foliage, particularly where the sun can s.h.i.+ne on the leaves. When the fronds must be wet, to keep them clean, try to do it on a warm day, that they may dry off quickly near an open north or east window. They should always be given as much light as possible, without direct sunlight, and as much air as possible while maintaining the proper temperature.

Many of the ferns can be increased either by runners or division, and these are easily propagated at home. Those which are grown from spores (the fern's seeds) it will be better to get from the florist's.

Most of the ferns belong to one of three groups, the sword ferns (_Nephrolepis_), the maidenhairs (_Adiantum_) or the spider ferns (_Pteris_). The distinguis.h.i.+ng feature of the sword ferns is their long pointed fronds; the maidenhairs command attention by their beautiful feathery foliage, in some varieties as delicate as the filmiest lace; and the spider ferns, seen usually in mixed varieties in dishes or fern pans, are attractive for their shades of green, gray, white and silver, and compact growth.


The old widely popular sword fern was _Nephrolepis exaltata_, but the original form has been almost entirely replaced by new varieties developed from it, the most widely known of which is the Boston fern (_N. ex. var. Bostoniensis_). The wide popularity of this fern is due to both its beauty and its hardiness, as it will stand more ill usage than any other house fern. It grows rapidly and makes a handsome plant at all stages of development.


A well grown large Boston fern requires a good deal of room, and the long fronds--three feet or more in length--are apt to get damaged at the ends. For these reasons the _Scottii_ fern, a development of the Boston, is for some purposes a better plant. Its fronds are like those of the latter, but shorter and proportionately narrower, and the habit of the plant is much more dense and compact. It makes a very satisfactory plant.


Another fern developed from the Boston is _Whitmani_, in which the fronds are not so long but the foliage is so finely divided that it gives a decided plumey effect. The _Whitmani_ is perhaps the best of this type for house culture as the others, under adverse conditions, are likely to revert to the Boston type of frond. _Piersoni_ and _Elegantissima_ are exceptionally beautiful, but must be given careful attention. _Scholzeli_, sometimes called the Crested Scott fern, is very beautiful and well worth trying.


Of the beautiful, but delicate, adiantums perhaps the one most frequently seen in the florist's window is _A. Farleyense_, with its drooping, lace-like, light green leaves. It is not, however, suited for house culture and while it can be made to succeed, do not waste time in trying it until you have mastered the growing of the hardier sorts.

However, just because _Farleyense_ is so delicate, do not feel that you cannot have any maidenhair fern. _Croweanum_ is another beautiful adiantum, and as its fronds are much firmer than those of most of this cla.s.s, it withstands the trying conditions of house culture very satisfactorily. Another maidenhair, often called the hardy _Farleyense_, is _Adiantum c. v. imbricatum_. As its name suggests, it looks very much like the Farley fern, but it is suitable for house culture. It is a very satisfactory fern. And just recently there is another from England called the Glory fern (Glory of Moordrecht). I have not seen it, but certainly from photographs and what the horticultural journals have said of it, it will make a very fine fern for the winter garden.


The name given _Pteris_ ferns is descriptive of only part of them, as they vary greatly. They are commonly used in made up dishes, or with other plants, but most of them will make fine single plants as well. _P.

Wilsoni_ is a popular sort making a compact plant with a unique tufted foliage of light clear green. _P. cretica_ is dark green, or green lined with white, according to the variety. _Victoriae_ is perhaps the best of the several variegated Pteris'.

[Ill.u.s.tration: The Boston Fern is easily propagated at home by division]

[Ill.u.s.tration: _Phoenix Roebellenii_ is one of the more recent and best developments of the old favorite Fan Palms]

[Ill.u.s.tration: _Cocus Wedelliana_ is a small palm but one of the most graceful of all]


The Holly fern (_Cyrtomium falcatum_) is another very desirable house plant and has been a favorite for years. It has very dark green substantial glossy foliage, and stands up well. There is a new Holly fern, however, which I think will replace _C. falcatum_; it is _C.

Rochfordianum_; its foliage is not only a richer deeper green, but the pinnae, or leaflets, are deeply cut and also wavy, and have given it the popular name of the Crested Holly fern. Be sure to try it among the next ferns you get.

Fern b.a.l.l.s, which are usually composed of one of the _Davallias_, sometimes prove unsatisfactory. Be sure in ordering to get them fresh from some reliable mail order house, rather than take chances on them at the florist's. The best way, however, is to get them already started. If you get them in dormant condition, soak in tepid water and then give a temperature as near sixty degrees at night as possible until they start.

While not strictly members of the fern family, the asparagus used for decorative purposes under the name of Asparagus Ferns, are commonly cla.s.sed with them. Since their introduction they have proved very popular indeed.

_Asparagus plumosus na.n.u.s_, the Lace fern. No foliage is more beautiful than the feathery light green sprays of this asparagus. Notwithstanding its delicacy, it keeps wonderfully well when cut. The plants can be grown as pot plants, or as vines. If wanted for the former purpose, keep the sprays pinched back at twelve inches, and the roots rather restricted. For vines, keep in large pots or boxes--always well drained--and keep well fed.

_Asparagus Sprengeri_ in both foliage and habit is very distinct from _A. plumosus_. The leaves resemble small glossy pine needles, borne in long sprays, and as it is trailing in habit it makes a unique and beautiful plant for stands or baskets. The sprays keep well when cut, and make an excellent background for flowers. It is now used more universally for green by florists than any other plant.

Either of the above may be started from seed, or propagated by dividing old plants, but small young plants may be had of the florists at a very low price. They need about the same treatment as smilax (see page 94), but will do well in a temperature of fifty to fifty-five degrees at night. Shower frequently, but water only moderately.

Gardening Indoors and Under Glass Part 8

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