On the Portraits of English Authors on Gardening Part 22

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Stevenson, D. 45

Stevenson, H. 45

Stevenson, M. 45

Sully, ix., 66

Sun, the, its celestial beams, 48

Swinden, 78

Switzer, xxvii., x.x.xiii., 45, 94, 100, 109, 110, 138, 209 ---- his grateful remembrance of his old master, 36, 39, 102 ---- his enlarged views of gardening, 49 ---- on Rose, 102 ---- on Milton, 133


Taverner, 53

Taylor, 65

Temperance, 169, 170

Temple, Sir W. x.x.xii., 110 ---- on the garden of Epicurus, x.x.xii.

Thury, M. le Vic. de, his tribute to Milton, 132 ---- on gardens, x.x.xv. x.x.xvi.

Tradescants, 92

Trowel, 63

Trees, ancient ones, 33, 46, 49, 50, 57, 142, 151

Tusser, 6, 13, 34


Vaniere, tribute to, xiii.

Van-Huysum, his skill in painting fruit, 56, 156

Villages, rural, 23, 199

Vineyard at Bethnal-green, 14

Violets, x.x.xi., 30, 50, 55, 205

Vispre, 157

Voltaire, xi., xiii., xx., x.x.xiv., 80 ---- his garden interview with the Prince de Ligne, x.x.xvi.


Wakefield horticultural soc., 122

Walpole, Horace, xxix., 1, 80, 91, 163, 176 ---- on Sir W. Temple, 112 ---- on Kent, 132 ---- on Bridgman, 136

Walpole, Horace, on Browne, 154 ---- on Gilpin, 173

Walton, Isaac, xi., 30, 93, 94, 102, 104

Warton, Thomas, 6, 8, 10, 72, 143, 161

Watelet, xvii.

Watson, Bishop of Llandaff, his zeal for planting, 70

Watson, Sir W. 93, 142

Weymouth, Lord, xxviii.

Weston, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20, 57, 92 ---- his zeal for planting, 66

Whately, xvi., xviii., 50, 72 ---- brief testimonies to his genius, vii., 72, 74, 75, 195 ---- on spring, 31 ---- his tribute to Shenstone, 150

Wildman, 65

Whitmill, 62

William III. his delight in gardening, xxvii.

Worlidge, his attachment to gardens, 28 ---- on those of France, xxvii.

---- mentions a garden at Hoxton, 61

Wotton, Sir H. 93

Wynn, Sir W. W. his zeal for planting, 69

X, Y.

Xenophon, 198

Young, Dr. on Pope's death, 131

On the Portraits of English Authors on Gardening Part 22

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