The Religious Life of London Part 13

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Concerning London-Aristocratic Amus.e.m.e.nts-The Alhambra-The Modern Theatre-The Casino and the Argyll-The Bal Masque-Judge and Jury Clubs-The Cave of Harmony-Discussion Clubs-Cremorne-Life in the East-Caldwell's-The Strand as it was-The Police Court-Up the Haymarket-The Music Hall-Public-houses-Leicester Square-A Midnight Meeting.


"Mr. Ritchie has with well-meant and terrible truthfulness described the temptations to which the youth of our great metropolis are exposed. 'The Night Side of London' is a fearful and, we believe, faithful representation of the extent to which unlawful and revolting licentiousness lays its bait and ruins its victims. . . . It is well that our employers of labour and those who are anxious to keep up the age-long conflict with the flesh and the devil should know how sleepless are the powers of evil, how omnipresent the inducements to illicit pleasure. Our author has touched this desperate evil with deep conviction, extensive knowledge, and delicate hand."-_British Quarterly Review_.

"The author has revised and enlarged his former accounts of London life, and has now brought his observations down to the present period. He has contrived to bring within the compa.s.s of one volume all the objectionable and disgusting sights and doings in this great metropolis, and it will certainly astonish the reader to find what innumerable sins are committed daily and nightly within his reach."-_Observer_.

"Mr. Ritchie has done good service in the cause of public virtue by the publication, and now by the enlargement and revision of this book. He has looked upon and described some of the dark aspects of London life with an ability and an earnestness which should secure for this hook a cordial welcome in many homes. His heart and intellect revolt at the awful spectacles which he has witnessed, and it would be greatly to the advantage of our young men if they could meet with this high-minded book in all our inst.i.tutes and libraries. Mr. Ritchie's book should be known far and wide."-_Literary World_.

"Mr. Ritchie is well known as a lively and amusing writer, but in the work before us he has given us something more permanent than amus.e.m.e.nt and more valuable than mere mirth. The facts and figures of London life as here drawn with the shadows of night upon them are enough, and more than enough, to rouse to greater activity the efforts of all philanthropic and Christian souls to do more than is done for the sins and sorrows of our modern Babylon."-_The Rock_.

"Messrs. Tinsley Brothers publish a new and revised edition of Mr. J.

Ewing Ritchie's very interesting and well-written sketches, ent.i.tled "The Night Side of London." The present issue contains some additional matter, giving the benefit of the author's most recent observations."-_Morning Star_.

"Much information is given which is both curious and interesting; and the comments and suggestions put forward by the author are full of sound sense and high toned morality."-_City Press_.

In Crown 8vo, price 10_s._ 6_d._,



Inside the House.-The Right Hon. Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Stanley Sir John Pakington, the Right Hon. S. H. Walpole, the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, the Right Hon. R. Lowe, the Right Hon. J. Stansfeld, Mr. Layard, the Right Hon. E. Cardwell, the Right Hon. G. J. Goschen, Sir R. Peel, C.

Gilpin, Esq., the Right Hon. H. Brand, the Right Hon. J. Bright, Jacob Bright, Esq., P. Taylor, Esq., J. White, Esq., G. Melly, Esq., T. Hughes, Esq., A. S. Ayrton, Esq., E. Baines, Esq., H. S. P. Winterbotham, Esq., J. Cowen, Esq., Mr. Alderman Lusk, Sir F. Crossley, Mr. Newdegate, G. H.

Whalley, Esq., C. Reed, Esq., S. Morley, Esq., H. Richard, Esq., W.

M'Arthur, Esq., Milner Gibson, J. A. Roebuck, B. Osborne, Edward Miall, the Right Hon. J. Whiteside, J. S. Mill, Lord J. Russell, Lord Lytton, Viscount Palmerston, Sir J. Graham, W. J. Fox, R. Cobden; T. S. Duncombe, H. Drummond, Sir C. Napier, Sir C. Lewis, Lord Herbert.


"A critic, whether clever or otherwise, may be allowed to congratulate Mr. Ewing-Ritchie on the sparkling and intelligent volume which he has been able to put together out of a number of personal sketches written at various dates within the last few years. It is difficult to write personal sketches of living celebrities with entire good taste; but we think the author of this book has gone near to mastering the difficulty.

The characteristics of public men are struck off with real felicity. Mr.

Ewing-Ritchie writes in a pointed, perspicuous, somewhat _staccato_ manner, and is never too long. His volume is one thoroughly well adapted for its purpose."-_Pall Mall Gazette_.

"Mr. Ritchie seems to have hit the happy medium in simply outlining the characters of the men whom he touches at all. . . . Yet, Mr. Ritchie never fails to produce a characteristic likeness, though his view of a man seems to be always taken on the wing in the heat of action and excitement. This of itself is a merit that adds much spirit to the current of his criticisms. . . . In the main, his sketches are as clear as they are brief. . . . A good feature of this book is its general fairness."-_London Review_.

"We can bear testimony to the fidelity of Mr. Ritchie's representations, the spirit of impartiality shown in his estimates of character, the breadth and liberality of his sentiments, and the very interesting character of his book."-_Literary World_.

"His lively style and his avoidance of anything subtle or disputative, though he never conceals his political sympathies, united with his ample resources of Parliamentary and political knowledge, fit him admirably for this modest undertaking. Mr. Ritchie has seen and remembered and described many Parliamentary incidents, and those who want to know what the House of Commons is like, how its men have gained their positions, and how they comported themselves therein, will find him a pleasant guide."-_Morning Star_.

The Religious Life of London Part 13

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