Gathering Jewels Part 29

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One week ago to-day, and at this hour, we stood in this historic church over the precious remains of our dear, departed Elder, James Knowles, so kind, so gentle, so affectionate, so humble, and so meek in his manners that we greatly miss him in our work for the blessed Master.

Ah! little did we then think that we were to be so speedily gathered together to pay the last tribute of respect to the memory of his faithful and loving wife. But G.o.d's ways are not our ways, nor His thoughts as our thoughts. How inexplicable and profoundly mysterious are His providential arrangements. It hath pleased our kind heavenly Father to say to our sainted sister, "It is enough, come up higher."

She also is at rest with her Saviour and her husband, to whom she was so devotedly attached. She was, indeed, a virtuous wife and loving mother.

"The race appointed she has run, The combat's o'er, the prize is won."

[6] The substance of a sermon preached by the Rev. Duncan McNeill Young, in the Allen Street Presbyterian Church, New York, November 1, 1886, on the occasion of the death of Mrs. James Knowles, a city missionary who triumphantly departed this life on October 30, 1886, in the seventy fifth year of her age.

How blessed the change! How rich the reward! How safe from all sin and sorrow! In yonder "land of pure delight where saints immortal reign."

_What a meeting! What a greeting takes place at the hour of dissolution!_ How pleasing the contemplation. How inspiring to think of our n.o.ble ancestors; our holy ministers and teachers; our fathers and mothers who led us by the hand to the house of G.o.d on the Sabbath, who early taught us to lisp the ever precious name of Jesus; who are to-day singing the song of Moses and the Lamb. Let us thank G.o.d at this solemn hour, even amid blinding tears, for pious, praying parents.

Oh, that the Holy Spirit of G.o.d may touch our hearts to-day; that we may more fully realize the greatness and importance of our work, and that we may understand that this second great loss to this church is the voice of the G.o.d of Israel calling us, by the solemn dispensations of His providence, to be more zealous in our Saviour's cause. Clarify our vision just now, O Thou Divine Enlightener, that we may see light in Thy light.

I truly believe my theme to-day is a gift from the Lord, the G.o.d of Abraham, and is peculiarly appropriate for this solemn scene, and adapted to the circ.u.mstances and special wants of this church and congregation. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." The text, I may add, has been graphically ill.u.s.trated in the life and labors, as well as in the death of her who now lies before us in that beautiful casket, covered with so many rich and fragrant flowers, the gifts of dearly beloved friends.

While I do not believe in eulogizing the dead, yet, nevertheless, I think, nay, I experimentally know, that great good is derived from reflection upon the lives of the great, the pure, and the n.o.ble ones who are beyond the flood. Nothing stimulates me so much to increased activity and aggressiveness in Christian work as the thought of the numerous servants of the Most High G.o.d now in heaven:

"How bright those glorious spirits s.h.i.+ne, Whence all their white array?

How came they to the blissful seats Of everlasting day?"--"Par." lxvi. 1.

Paul, who uttered the words of our text, was pa.s.sing through great suffering when he wrote this epistle to the Church which he planted at Philippi. He was at this time a prisoner for Christ in the palace of the imperial city of Rome: for he declares, "That _the things that happened unto me_, have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the Gospel; so that," he adds, "my bonds in Christ are manifest in all the palace, and in all other places."

There are just two thoughts that we want to try and develop this afternoon, namely, that conformity to the likeness of Christ in life brings glorious gain to the Christian at death. Or, in the words of the great Apostle of the Gentiles, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." From the sacred hour that the blessed Jesus met him on his way to Damascus, to the day of his martyrdom, his continual cry was, "G.o.d forbid that I should glory, save in the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me." "I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord."

"That man," says the Hebrew bard, "hath perfect blessedness, who not only refraineth from walking astray, but who delights in the Law of the Lord." _Lex rex_, was his motto--"The Law is King!" For the Master has said: "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil." He desires to corroborate the fact that--"Ye are the light of the world"--hence, he adds, "Let your light so s.h.i.+ne before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." "The city set on a hill cannot be hid."

The true Christian, then, beholds the humility and majesty of Christ in defining His and our relation to the law that regulates daily life. The Gospel of the blessed G.o.d and the law conjointly elevates and spiritualizes humanity. The law is our school-master to lead us to Christ, hence Paul says, "To be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, G.o.d sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."

Our loved one's life was emphatically a life of consecration. It was a life strictly devoted to the cause of her dear Redeemer. "For her to live was Christ, hence to die was gain." We all know that to consecrate is to set apart for holy service. Aaron of old was thus unreservedly laid upon the altar as a living sacrifice for Jehovah. A person thus set apart receives the unction of the Holy One. It was beautifully symbolized under the mosaical dispensation.

Moses took the anointing oil and poured it upon the head of Aaron, in order that he might be sanctified and set apart for the service of G.o.d.

And so, when we can truly exclaim with Paul, "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of G.o.d, who loved me, and gave Himself for me." It is then we receive the blessed baptism of the Holy Spirit, and are made meet for the Master's use. None can rightly live for Christ until they receive this rich and inestimable blessing. "At that time we are _sealed_ with the Holy Spirit of promise."

Among the personal property of Sister Knowles were found some crumbs which fell from the Master's table in the form of forget-me-nots of the Word of G.o.d, by Dr. McDuff, author of "Morning and Night Watches."

Valuable little works which I would earnestly recommend, and which I have endeavored to put into the hands of many young disciples in my various fields of labor. I will quote a few of the forget-me-nots, as they are very comforting in these hours of sorrow and separation. For instance here are a few of them:

"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy G.o.d: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."--Isa. xli. 10. "Yet will I not forget thee: Even to your old age _I am He_; and even to h.o.a.r hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you."--Isa. xlvi. 4.

Our dear Sister Knowles corroborated the truthfulness of the above pa.s.sages by her last dying words, the last she ever uttered upon earth.

"Once I was young, now I am old, and have never been forsaken."

It is impossible for us to live a truly devoted Christian life without the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, John said, "I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire." This divine blessing our dear sister pre-eminently possessed.

This was the reason why Christ, our ever adorable Redeemer and Daysman was continually about His Father's business. The Prophet Isaiah said concerning him: "The Spirit of the Lord G.o.d is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are bound.... To comfort all that mourn; to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that _He might be glorified_."

The presence here to-day, in a body, of the "New York Female Bible Readers' Society," out of respect to the memory of the departed, is a conclusive evidence of the fact that they recognized her sterling qualities, and her heroic missionary spirit among the fallen sons and daughters of Adam in the lower part of this great city. They fully realize that this church and community have suffered a severe loss in her removal, and their presence, together with so many elders, and ministers, deacons, and Sabbath-school workers, give proof that her life, for over a quarter of a century, during which she incessantly toiled for Christ, were years of holy and unremitting industry, and holy consecration in the service of Him whose whole life was one of self-sacrifice and self-abnegation. "For He came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many."

She was like Christ in this respect. Emptied of self, and was found like Mary of old sitting at the feet of Jesus, and hearing His word. As He said, "Learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

G.o.d has wisely ordained that souls are to be saved through human instrumentality, especially through those whose hearts are in the work.

He hath put the treasure in the earthen vessel that the excellency of the power may be of G.o.d and not of man. Who can estimate the value of a holy missionary woman's work in this world of sin and sorrow?

Through the power of an indwelling spirit, who can tell of the many broken hearts healed by the application of the Balm of Gilead. Many poor Satan-bound souls have had their shackles severed, and joyously set at liberty by pointing them to the only Redeemer of G.o.d's elect, who by His great atoning work hath paid for them the ransom price; and many to-day are singing the song of Redeeming love above, who were led to put their trust in the blessed Jesus by her prayers and religious instruction. Many a poor Jew, and Jewess, and Roman Catholic, and Formalist, and Infidel, and swearer, and Sabbath-breaker, were pointed by her to the Lamb of G.o.d who taketh away the sin of the world. She ever displayed great sagacity in every kind of work. She will be greatly missed in the Tenth Ward of this city.

G.o.d grant that as the spirit of Elijah did rest on Elisha as he was taken up into Heaven, even so may her mantle fall on us who are left behind. Let us

"With zeal like hers inspired, Begin the Christian race; And freed from each enc.u.mbering weight, Her holy footsteps trace."

Krummacher, of Elberfeld, in the valley of Barmen, Prussia, said, "That Elisha on inheriting this mantle is henceforth called to take the place of his great Master, and to carry on His work." This singular legacy was therefore very significant to Elisha. The mantle came flying toward him heavily laden, but with the commission he received was connected the encouraging circ.u.mstance that it came accompanied with such a precious memorial of his paternal Master. It was no longer the robe of his redoubted reformer, but the robe of a blessed heir of Heaven, borne thither on the wings of the cherubin. This circ.u.mstance would tend to _refresh his spirit in his arduous work_; and, at the same time as the messenger of peace, who was to announce to the house of Israel, like the rainbow after the storm, Jehovah's good-will toward men. Oh, that the remembrance of our ancestors, the great, and the good, and the holy ones who have gone before would inspire us to go and do likewise!

I remember once standing in the cemetery of Stirling and gazing upon the monument of two Christian sisters who suffered martyrdom for Christ, and as I read the inscription on the tombstone, I thought of how much we were indebted to those who have borne the burden and heat of the day.

Here is the inscription: "Margaret, Virgin Martyr of the Ocean Wave, with her like-minded sister, Agnes." Then follows this touching paragraph: "Love, many waters cannot quench. G.o.d saves His chaste, impearled one! In Covenant true. Oh, Scotia's daughters! _earnest scan_ the Page and prize this flower of Grace, _blood-bought_ for you."--Psalms ix. xix. The elder and younger sister are exquisitely sculptured, seated together with an open Bible on their laps, and a lamb by their side, while an angel is standing behind them gazing intently on the scene. Who can tell but the departed one gazed upon this very scene in the days of her sunny childhood, for the Bible was her daily delight.

Ah! dear friends, are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister to them who are heirs of salvation? And are there not many living martyrs that the world knows nothing of among our Bible Readers in this city, who are saying as Paul did: "What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart? for I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem, for the name of the Lord Jesus."--Acts xxi. 13.

A French gentleman, a Roman Catholic, who lived in the same house as sister Knowles for several years, told me that he never met a woman so humble and straightforward as she was in all her deportment.

What was the secret of her power in eliciting this outside testimony?

She had companions.h.i.+p with Jesus. She lived near Him; she heard His sweet voice saying: "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."

The holy McCheyne, of St. Peter's, Dundee, Scotland, says, concerning those who walk with Christ on earth, "That they shall walk with Christ in white, for they are worthy.... Never forget, dear brethren, that you are to walk with Christ. This walk expresses the most real intimacy with _Him_. You know it is a mark of real intimacy to admit one to walk with us in our solitary rambles. Oh, walk with Him now; walk here with Him, and you shall soon put your head where John put his."

She cultivated a firm and unstaggering confidence in the continued presence of the Holy Spirit in her heart. McCheyne's directions to his flock was, "Pray for the Holy Spirit to uphold you, if sensible of your weakness; then lean upon this proved Comforter.... _Pray much for this Comforter that He may enlighten your mind, that He may fill your hearts.

Oh, pray for the Spirit of G.o.d, for there is no other way of walking to heaven but by the Spirit. Let Him lead you._ My dear brethren, _in this way, and in this way alone, will you not defile your garments_." "Thy Spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness."--Psalm cxliii.

10. She had faith in the power of the Comforter, or helper.

In the midst of many privations, and sometimes when the week's earnings of her husband was small, and he would say to her on the evening, "I have not much money for you to-night," she would cheerfully reply: "Never mind dearest, the Lord will provide." Jehovah-jireh! was her watchword all through her life. She would remark, "That would go further to them with G.o.d's blessing, than three times as much without His blessing."

Earthly comforts and pleasures might fail, but the joys that spring from personal piety and firm faith in the Comforter's presence failed her never. She seemed to fully realize the potency of the prophet's words, "Although the fig-tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labor of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the G.o.d of my salvation. The Lord G.o.d is my strength, and He will make my feet like hinds' feet."--Hab. iii. 17-19.

She evidently found in the mighty G.o.d of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, an inexhaustible source of strength and comfort and consolation through her child-like trust in the immutable promise, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee."

Conformity to the character of Christ was an essential element in her every-day life. She had cares, difficulties, and trials, but she cast them all upon the great burden-bearer, hence prevailing prayer was ever her chief delight. It is no misplaced and extravagant exaggeration to say that she breathed the very atmosphere of prayer. This is the wisest resource at all times. Like Elijah on the summit of Mount Carmel, where all is peaceful and solitary, alone with G.o.d, she made her requests known unto Him. It was then that the peace of G.o.d which pa.s.seth all understanding, kept her heart and mind through Christ Jesus.--Phil. iv.


Oh, who can fully estimate the excellency of a devotional temperament?

What evils we are delivered from! What mercies we receive! What gladness of heart! What light is imparted! What strength G.o.d bestows!

For, has He not promised, "Ask, and ye shall receive?" She had no doubts concerning the faithfulness of her Father to answer prayer. It was through her importunate pleadings at the throne of grace that her only son, when quite young, was led to see his need of Jesus. And what joy was brought into the hearts of those parents when, at the return of the father from the prayer-meeting, they found their child on his knees crying for G.o.d to have mercy on his soul. Over such scenes as this the holy angels delight to bend their bright wings and make joyous music in heaven. (See Luke xv. 10.)

On one occasion during the fratricidal war in this country, when her boy was fighting before Richmond, some one brought her word that he was mortally wounded on the battle-field, for they had seen his name in the newspapers, she calmly and trustfully replied: "Not my son; for I have made him the subject of earnest prayer, that his young life may be guarded by G.o.d while in his country's battles for continued liberty and independence." She recognized the truth that piety and patriotism are inseparably connected.

She seemed to realize that the Saviour was always at her side. She walked by faith and not by sight. She understood the distinction between the const.i.tuents of faith and the consequences of faith. Chalmers wisely remarks--that the grat.i.tude, the love, the disposition toward new obedience; these are not the ingredients of faith; they are but the effects of it. Observe what follows by making them the ingredients. By faith we are said to be justified; but if our piety toward G.o.d, or our desire to conform to His law, or any moral characteristic whatever, shall be regarded as parts and const.i.tuents of this faith; then, under the consciousness of our sad deficiency, we shall never attain to the solid peace of one who rejoices in a firm sense of his acceptance with G.o.d. But reduce faith to its simplicity, take it in the obvious and uncompounded sense which _you attach to the mere act of believing, regard it as purely giving credit to G.o.d's testimony, when he sets forth Christ as a propitiation for our sin, and invites one and all in the world to cast upon Him the burden of their reliance, and then see how, by immediate transition, one might enter into peace, and become a confiding, tranquillized, and happy creature_, simply because convinced that the most powerful of beings, whom he aforetime regarded as an enemy and an avenger is pacified toward him, and now makes him a free proffer of fellows.h.i.+p and forgiveness. It is of the greatest importance to the secure and perfect establishment of a believer's peace, that it should be a matter of believing, and believing only. It is also an imperative necessity that the comfort and confidence should spring from the proper object of belief, which is the sureness of G.o.d's own testimony, and not from the consciousness of love or grat.i.tude, or any moral quality in ourselves!

I heard Dr. Andrew Bonar, while preaching in Philadelphia, during a visit to this country, tell about a dying elder who was asked by friends who cl.u.s.tered around his couch, "How do you feel, now that the hour of your departure has come, and you hear the voice that calls you home? Have you still joy and peace?"

"Oh," he said, "I am not thinking about joy or peace, or my feelings. I am not thinking about myself at all. I am just lying here _thinking about Christ_. I am thinking about what He has done and suffered for me; and what He is doing for me in heaven. Yes, He is 'a hiding place from the wind.'

"'Rock of ages cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee.'

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