The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland Part 12

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Sess. 3. July 28. 1641.

_Act approving the Overtures of the a.s.sembly at_ Aberdene, _for ordering the a.s.sembly-House_.

The Overtures for ordering the a.s.sembly-House, given in to, and approved by the a.s.sembly of _Aberdene_ the _29. July 1640._ Act Sess. 2 were openly read, and again approved by this a.s.sembly, and ordained to be kept the whole time thereof.

Sess. 5. July 30. 1641.

_Act anent old Ministers bruiking their Benefices._

The a.s.sembly having considered the Supplication given in by Doctor _Robert Howie_, Provest of the new Colledge of S. _Andrews_, whereby he craved, that (notwithstanding of his admission of his charge) he should not be prejudged of his full provision and maintenance during his life time: The a.s.sembly thinks it fit and necessary, that his provision and maintenance should not be diminished, but that he should injoy the same fully, as before during all the dayes of his life time, and craveth his dismission to be only but a cessation from his charge, because of his age and inability: And declares, that old Ministers and professors of Divinitie, shall not by their cessation from their charge, through age and inabilitie, be put from injoing their old maintenance & dignity. And recommends this and others the like things, concerning the estate of that Universitie of S. _Andrews_, to the Parliament, and the Visitation to be appointed from the a.s.sembly & Parliament. And likewise the a.s.sembly being informed, that the said Doctor _Howie_ hath been very painfull in his charge, and that he hath divers papers which would be very profitable for the Kirk: Therefore they think fit, that the said doctor _Howie_ be desired to collect these papers, which doeth concerne, & may be profitable for the use of the Kirk, that the samine may be showne to the Visitors of the said Universitie.

Sess. 8. Aug. 2. 1641. a meridie.

_Act against sudden receiving Ministers deposed._

The a.s.sembly ordaines, that Ministers who are deposed either by Presbyteries, Synods, or Generall a.s.semblies, or Committees from a.s.semblies for the publike cause of the Reformation and order of this Kirk, shall not be suddenly received againe to the Ministerie, till they first evidence their repentance both before the Presbyterie and Synod, within the bounds where they were deposed, and thereafter the samine reported to the next ensuing Generall a.s.sembly.

Sess. 9. Aug. 3. 1641.

_The Overtures under-written, concerning the Universities and Colledges of this Kingdome to be represented by the Generall a.s.sembly, to the Kings Majesty and Parliament, being openly read, the a.s.sembly approved the saids Overtures, and ordained them to be recommended to the Parliament._

First, because the good estate both of the Kirk and Commonwealth, dependeth mainly upon the flouris.h.i.+ng of Universities and Colledges, as the Seminaries of both, which cannot be expected, unlesse the poore meanes which they have, be helped, and sufficient revenues be provided for them and the same well imployed: Therefore that out of the rents of prelacies; Collegiat or Chapter-Kirks, or such like, a sufficient maintenance be provided for a competent number of Professors, Teachers, and Bursers in all faculties, and especially in Divinitie, and for upholding, repairing, and enlarging the Fabrick of the Colledges, furnis.h.i.+ng Libraries, and suchlike good uses in every Universitie and Colledge.

II. Next for keeping of good order, preveening and removing of abuses, and promoving of pietie and learning, it is very needfull & expedient, that there be a communion and correspondencie kept betwixt all the Universities and Colledges. And therefore that it be ordained, that there be a meeting once every year at such times and places as shall be agreed upon, of Commissioners from every University and Colledge to consult and determine upon the common affairs, and whatsoever may concerne them, for the ends above-specified, and who also, or some of their number may represent what shall be needfull and expedient for the same effect, to Parliaments and Generall a.s.semblies.

III. _Item_, That special care be had that the places of the Professors, especially of Professors of Divinity in every University and Colledge. Be filled with the ablest men, and best affected to the Reformation and order of this Kirk.

Sess. 10. August 4. 1641.

_Act against Impiety and Schisme._

The a.s.sembly seriously considering the present case and condition of this Kirk and Kingdome, what great things the Lord hath done for us, especially since the renewing of our Covenant, notwithstanding our former backsliding and desertion; and if we shall either become remisse in the dueties of Piety, or shall not constantly hold and keep our Religion, unto which we have bound ourselves so straitly and solemnly, what dishonour we doe unto the Name of G.o.d before men, who have their eyes upon us, and how great judgements we bring upon our selves, upon these and the like considerations, The a.s.sembly doth finde it most necessary to stirre up themselves, and to provoke all others both Ministers and people of all degrees, not only to the religious exercises of publike wors.h.i.+p in the Congregation, and of private wors.h.i.+p in their families, and of every one by themselves apart, but also to the duteies of mutual edification, by instruction, admonition, exhorting one another to fordwardnesse in Religion, and comforting one another in whatsoever distresse; and that in all their meetings, whither in the way of civill conversation, or by reason of their particular callings, or any other occasion offered by divine providence, no corrupt communication proceed out of their mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers: And because the best means have been, and may still be despised or abused, and particularly the duetie of mutual edification, which hath been so little in use, and so few know how to practise in the right manner, may be upon the one part subject to the mocking of unG.o.dly and worldly men, who cannot endure that in others, which they are not willing to practise themselves, and upon the other part, to many errors and abuses, to which the G.o.dly through their weaknes may fall, or by the craftinesse of others may be drawn into, such as are Error, Heresie, Schisme, Scandal, Self-conceit, and despising of others, pressing above the common calling of Christians, and usurping that which is proper to the Pastoral Vocation, contempt or misregard of the publike means idle and unprofitable questions which edifie not, uncharitable censurings, neglect of duties in particular callings, businesse in other mens Matters and Callings, and many such others in doctrine, charity, and manners, which have dolefully rent the bowels of other Kirks, to the great prejudice of the Gospel.

Therefore the a.s.sembly, moved with the zeal of G.o.d against all abuses and corruptions, and according to their manifold obligations, most earnestly desiring and thirsting to promove the work of Reformation, and to have the comfort and power of true G.o.dlinesse sensible to every soul, and Religion to be universally practised in every Family, and by every person at all occasions, Doth charge all the Ministers and Members of this Kirk whom they doe represent, that according to their several places and vocations, they endeavour to suppresse all impiety and mocking of religious exercises, especially of such as put foule aspersions, and factious or odious names upon the G.o.dly. And upon the other part, that in the fear of G.o.d they be aware and spiritually wise, that under the name and pretext of religious exercises, otherwayes lawful and necessary, they fall not into the aforesaid abuses; especially, that they eschew all meetings which are apt to breed Error, Scandall, Schisme, neglect of dueties and particular callings, and such other evils as are the works, not of the spirit, but of the flesh, and are contrary to truth and peace; and that the Presbyteries and Synods have a care to take order with such as transgresse the one way or the other.

Sess. 14. August 6. 1641. a Meridie.

Act _anent Novations_.

Since it hath pleased G.o.d to vouchsafe us the libertie of yearly General a.s.semblies, It is ordained according to the Acts of the a.s.sembly at _Edinburgh_ 1639. and at _Aberdene_ 1640. that no Novation in Doctrine, Wors.h.i.+p, or Government, be brought in, or practised in this Kirk, unlesse it be first propounded, examined, and allowed in the General a.s.sembly, and that transgressors in this kinde be censured by Presbyteries and Synods.

Act. Sess. 15. August 7. 1641.

_Overtures anent Bursars, and Expectants._

_The Overtures under-written being openly read in audience of the a.s.sembly, were approved, and declared by them to be Acts of the a.s.sembly, in all time coming, to be observed_ respective, _as the samine bears._

The a.s.sembly thinks meet for maintaining of Bursars of Divinitie, that every Presbyterie that consists of twelve Ministers shall maintain a Bursar, and where the number is fewer nor twelve, shall be joyned with these out of another Presbyterie where their number exceeds; where this course is not already kept, it is to be begun without longer delay, and every Provincial is ordained to give an accompt of their number of Bursars, that is constantly to be entertained by their Province, at the next ensuing General a.s.sembly.

II. No expectant shall be permitted to preach in publike before a Congregation, till first he be tryed after the same manner, howbeit not altogether with that accuracie which is injoyned by the act of the a.s.sembly of _Glasgow_ 1638. which prescribes the order and manner of tryall that is to be kept with these who are to be admitted to the holy Ministrie: and none so tryed shall preach in publike, without the bounds of the University or Presbyterie where he past his tryalls, till he first make it known to the other Presbyteries, where he desires to be heard, by a testimoniall from the Universitie or Presbyterie where he lived, that he hath bin of an honest conversation, and past his tryalls conform to the order here prescribed: Which being done in the meeting of the Province or Presbyterie, where he desires to be heard; he is to be allowed by them to preach within the bounds of that Province or Presbyterie, without any further tryall to be taken of him.

III. Expectants being educate in a Colledge that was corrupt, or under a corrupt Minister, if they themselves have been known to have been tainted with error, or opposite to our Covenant, and the blessed Work of Reformation within this Kirk, the same order is to be kept in admitting them to the holy Ministrie, or to any place in the Colledges or Schooles of this Kingdome, that was ordained to be kept in admission of these Ministers who fled out of the Countrey, and shew themselves opposite to our Covenant and Reformation.

Act Sess. 17. August 9. 1641.

_Act against unlawfull Bands._

The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland Part 12

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