The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland Part 22

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The a.s.sembly taking to their consideration an Article, in the Heads and Propositions sent to the a.s.sembly held at Edinburgh, in August, 1573. by the Lord Regents Grace, and allowed by that a.s.sembly: Whereof the tenour followes. _It is resolved that the Executions of the sentence of Excommunication against Persons excommunicate; after the s.p.a.ce of fourtie dayes past, shall be presented to the Lord Thesaurer or his Clerk, who thereupon shall raise Letters by deliverance of the Lords of Session, to charge the Persons Excommunicate, to satisfie the Kirk and obtain themselves absolved under the pain of Rebellion: And in case they to the Horne, to cause their __ Escheits be taken up; and also to raise and cause execute Letters of Caption against them; And these to be done at the Kings Majesties charges_: Do ratifie and approve the said Article, And farther that the intention of the said Article may be the better effectuate, doth also ordain, that every Presbyterie cause send to the Procurator, or Agent of the Kirk, the foresaid Execution, that is, an minute or note of the sentences of Excommunication within their bounds, bearing the time and cause thereof: And that under the hands of the Moderatour or Clerk of the Presbyterie, or of the Minister who p.r.o.nounced the sentence; That the samine may be delivered to his Majesties Thesaurer, Advocate, or Agent. To cause Letters of Horning and Caption be raised and execute, and other diligence to be used against the Excommunicat Persons in manner foresaid. And that all other civil action and diligence may be used against them, warranted and provided by Acts of Parliament, or secret Counsel made thereanent: And that particular account be craved hereof in every General a.s.sembly.


_The humble Answer of the National a.s.sembly of the Kirk of Scotland._

Although the many and ample testimonies of Your Majesties Royal favour and bountie towards this Kirk and Kingdome be living and lasting Monuments to hold all Your Majesties good Subjects and us most of all, in remembrance of that duty, which we owe to Your Majestie our great Benefactour, never by any length of time to be deleted out of our minds: Yet when we remember even of conscience we owe honour and subjection unto Your Majestie as our dread Soveraigne, as well in Your Majesties absence as presence, We finde our obligation to be Religious, and thereby much increased: And therefore have we at this time in all our consultations and conclusions, of which some have been of more then ordinary weight and concernment, in answer to certain Propositions, made unto us by the Commissioners of the Houses of Parliament of Your Majesties Kingdome of England, and some Reverend Divines a.s.sisting them, fixed our eyes and thoughts upon Your Majesties honour and happinesse, with no other and with no lesse intention, then if we had been honoured by Your Majesties Royal Person in our a.s.sembly. And in like manner have given such Instructions to some Ministers and others, to be sent unto the a.s.sembly of Divines now in England, as next unto the honour of G.o.d, and the good of Religion, may most serve for Your Majesties preservation, and the peace of Your Kingdomes: Concerning which, the Commissioners of the last General a.s.sembly have so fully exprest their humble thoughts and desires in their Supplication and Remonstrance sent unto Your Majestie, that we need not adde any thing, and Your Majesties times and affairs forbid all repet.i.tion. We do onely in all humilitie beseech Your Majestie to judge of us and our proceedings, by the nature and necessity of our vocation, and the rules prescribed in the word of G.o.d for our direction, and not by uncertain rumours, and ungrounded reports of such men as have not the fear of G.o.d before their eyes. And do earnestly pray to G.o.d Almighty, in whose hands are the hearts of Kings, to incline Your Majesties heart to the counsels of truth and peace, to direct Your Government for the good of your People, the punishment of male-factours, and praise of well-doers, that this fire of unnatural and unchristian warre being extinguished, the People of G.o.d, Your Majesties good Subjects may lead a quiet and peaceable life, in all G.o.dlinesse and honestie.

_The Answer of the General a.s.sembly of the Church of Scotland, to the Declaration of the honourable Houses of the Parliament of England._

The General a.s.sembly of the Church of Scotland, having received a Declaration from the honourable Houses of the Parliament of England, by their Committees and Commissioners now residing here; have thought good to make knowne unto the Lords and Commons in Parliament, that all the Members of this a.s.sembly, and others well-affected here, do with most thankful respects, take special notice of the expressions which they have been pleased to make in the afore-named Declaration, not only concerning their approbation of the desires and endeavours of the General a.s.sembly of this Kirk, for the Reformation of the Church of England, and the union of both Churches in Religion and Church-government; but also concerning the resolution of both Houses, fully to concurre with them in these pious intentions. With the same thankfulnesse and due reverence, they acknowledge the high respects expressed towards them by both Houses, in directing unto them their Committees and Commissioners, a.s.sisted by two reverend Divines, and in desiring some of the G.o.dly and learned of this Kirk to be sent unto the a.s.sembly sitting there.

The a.s.sembly doth blesse the Lord, who hath not only inspired the Houses of Parliament with desires and resolutions of the Reformation of Religion, but hath advanced by several steps and degrees that blessed Work; By which, as they shall most approve themselves to the Reformed Churches abroad, and to their Brethren of Scotland, so shall they most powerfully draw even from Heaven the blessings of prosperity and peace upon England.

And as it is the earnest wish of their Brethren here, that the true state and ground of the present differences and controversies in England may be more and more cleared to be concerning Religion, and that both Houses may uncessantly prosecute that good Work first and above all other matters, giving no sleep to their eyes, nor slumber to their eye-lids, until they finde out a place for the Lord, an habitation for the mighty G.o.d of _Jacob_, whose favour alone can make their mountain strong, and whose presence in his own ordinances shall be their glory in the midst of them: So it is our confidence, that the begun Reformation is of G.o.d, and not of man, that it shall increase, and not decrease; and that he to whom nothing is to hard, who can make mountaines, valleyes, crooked things, straigth, and rough wayes, smooth, shall lead along and make perfect this most wonderful Work, which shall be remembred to his glory in the Church throughout all generations.

And lest through any defect upon the General a.s.semblies part, the Work of Reformation (which hitherto to the great grief of all the G.o.dly hath moved so slowly) should be any more r.e.t.a.r.ded or interrupted, they have according to the renewed desires of both Houses of Parliament, and their own former promises, nominated and elected Master _Alexander Henderson_, Mr _Robert Douglas_, Mr _Samuel Rutherfoord_, Mr _Robert Balzie_, Mr _George Gillespie_, Ministers of G.o.ds Word; and _John_ Earle of Ca.s.sels, _John_ Lord Maitland, and Sir _Archbald Jonhstuon_ of Warritoun, ruling Elders, all of them men much approved here; With Commission and power to them, or any three of them, whereof two shall be Ministers, to repair unto the a.s.sembly of Divines, and other of the Church of England, now sitting at Westminster, to propound, consult, treat, and conclude with them, and with any Committees deputed by the Houses of Parliament; (if it shall seeme good to the honourable Houses in their wisedome to depute any for that end) in all such things as may conduce to the utter extirpation of Popery, Prelacie, Heresie, Schisme, Superst.i.tion and Idolatrie, And for the feeling of the so much desired Union of this whole island in one forme of Church government, one Confession of Faith, one common Catechisme, and one Directorie for the Wors.h.i.+p of G.o.d, according to the Instructions which they have received, or shall receive from the Commissioners of the Generall a.s.sembly appointed to meet at Edinburgh from time to time, with the a.s.semblies power for that end. And as the Generall a.s.sembly doth most gladly and affectionatly receive and fully trust the Committees and Divines sent hither, so do they hereby commend the afore-named Commissioners, not only to the like affection and trust of the a.s.sembly there, but also to the favour and protection of both Houses of Parliament.

And for the further satisfaction and encouragement of their Brethren of England, the whole a.s.sembly in their own name, and in name of all the particular Churches in this Kingdome, whom they represent; Do hereby declare, that from their zeal to the glory of G.o.d, and propagation of the Gospell, from their affection to the happinesse of their native King, and of the Kingdome of England, and from the sense of their own interest in the common dangers of Religion, Peace, and Libertie, They are most willing and ready to be united and a.s.sociated with their Brethren in a nearer League and solemne Covenant for the maintenance of the truly reformed Protestant Religion, against Popery and Prelacie, and against all Popish and Prelatical corruptions, in doctrine, discipline, wors.h.i.+p, or Church-government, and for the settling and holding fast of unity and uniformity betwixt the Kirks of this Iland, and with the best reformed Churches beyond sea. Which Union and Covenant, shall with G.o.ds a.s.sistance be seconded by their cooperating with their Brethren in the use of the best and most effectall meanes that may serve for so good ends; For the more speedy effectuating whereof, to the comfort and inlargement of their distressed Brethren (whose hope deferred might make their hearts to faint) the whole a.s.sembly with great unanimity of judgement, and expressions of much affection have approved (for their part) such a draught and forme of a mutuall Leagu and Covenant betwixt the Kingdomes, as was the result of the joint debates and consultations of the Commissioners from both Houses, a.s.sisted by the two reverend Divines, and of the Committees deputed from the Convention of the Estates of this Kingdome, and from the Genrall a.s.sembly:

Expecting and wis.h.i.+ng the like approbation thereof by the right honourable the Lords and Commons in Parliament, and by the reverend a.s.sembly there, That thereafter it may be solemnely sworne and subscribed in both Kingdomes, as the surest and straitest obligation to make both stand and fall together in that cause of Religion and Libertie.

As the Estates of this Kingdome have often professed in their former Declarations, the integritie of their Intentions against the common enemies of Religion and Libertie in both Kingdomes, and their great affection to their Brethren of England, by reason of so many and so near relations: So doubtlesse now in this time of need they will not fail to give reall proof of what before they professed. _A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversitie._ Neither shall the a.s.sembly, or their Commissioners be wanting in exhorting all others to their duty, or in concurring so far as belongeth to their place and vocation, with the Estates now conveened, in any lawful and possible course which may most conduce to the good of Religion and Reformation, the honour and happinesse of the Kings Majestie, the deliverance of their Brethren of England from their present calamitous condition, and to the perpetuating of a firme and happy peace betwixt the Kingdomes.

_The a.s.semblies Answer to the right reverend the a.s.sembly of Divines in the Church of England._

_Right reverend and dearly beloved,_

As the sufferings of Christ abound in you, So our heartie desire to G.o.d is, that your consolations may much more abound by Christ. The perusing of your Letter, produced in every one of us such a mixture of affections, as were at the laying of the foundation of the second Temple, where there was heard both shouting for joy, and weeping aloud; We rejoyced that Christ our Lord had at last in that Land created a new thing, in calling together, not as before of a Prelaticall Convocation to be task-masters over the people of the Lord, but an a.s.sembly of G.o.dly Divines, minding the things of the Lord, whose hearts are set to purge the defiled House of G.o.d in that Land: yet this our joy was not a little allayed by the consideration of the sad and deplorable condition of that Kingdome, where the high provocations of so many years, the h.e.l.lish plots of so many enemies in a nick of time, have brought in an inundation of over-flowing calamities: We know you are patiently bearing the indignation of the Lord, because you have sinned against him, till he throughly plead your cause, and disquiet the inhabitants of Babylon, who now laugh among themselves, while you are fed with the bread of tears, and get tears to drink in great measure, being on the mountains like the doves of the valleyes, all of you mourning every one for his iniquitie.

It is now more nor evident to all the Kirks of Christ, with what implacable fury and h.e.l.lish rage, the bloud-thirstie Papists, as _Babylon_ without, and the Prelaticall Faction, the children of _Edom_ within, having adjoyned to themselves many malignant adherents, of time-serving Atheists, haters of holinesse, rejecters of the yoke of Christ, (to whom the morning light of Reformation is as the shadow of death) have begun to swallow up the inheritance of the Lord, and are not easily satisfied in making deep and long furrowes on your backs. We cannot say that the loudnesse of your cry surpa.s.seth the heavinesse of your stroake; but though _the Lord hath delivered the men, every one into his neigbours hand, and into the hand of his King, and they have smitten the Land, yet the rod of the wicked shall not not rest upon the lot of the righteous_: This cloud shall speedily away, and a fair sun-s.h.i.+ne shall appear.

As for us, though your extreeme calamitie did not threaten the ruine of our Religion, Peace, and Liberties, as it doth most evidently, we would hate our selves, if we did not finde our hearts within us melting with compa.s.sion over you: You are engraven on the tables of our hearts to live and die with you: we could desire that our heads were waters, and our eyes a fountain of tears, that we might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of the Lords people; So calamitous a condition of any of the Kirks of Christ, could not but be very grievous unto us; How much more shall not we stoup and fall down in the dust to embrace our dearest Brethren of England, to whom we are tied in to near and tender relations.

When we were but creeping out of the deep darknesse and bondage of Popery, and were almost crushed with the fury of Foreigne Invaders, joined with intestine enemies, pretending the name and warrand of authority, as now your oppressours do; Then did the Lord by your Fathers send us seasonable a.s.sistance against that intended and begun bondage both of soul and body: The repayment of which debt, the Divine Providence seemeth now to require at our hands. And whereas of late through our security we had fallen into a wofull relapse, and were compa.s.sed about with dreadfull dangers on all hands, while we aymed at the recovery of our former puritie and libertie: Then we wanted not the huge supply of your fervent Prayers, and other brotherly a.s.sistance of that Nation, while those who are now your malignant enemies, would have swallowed us up.

These strait bonds of your ancient and late love, do so possesse our hearts, that when the motions of the Commissioners of honourable House of Parliament, and your Letters did challenge our advice and aid for defence of Religion, and advancement of Reformation, our desires for a more strict Union and Uniformitie in Religion betwixt both the Nations, did break forth into a vehement flame, in such sort, as when the draugt of a League and Covenant betwixt both Kingdoms for defence of Religion, &c. was read in open audience, it was so unanimously and heartily embraced, with such a torrent of most affectionate expressions, as none but eye or ear witnesses can conceive whereof the two reverend Divines sent from you to us being then present, no doubt will give you an account. Neither was it so onely with us, but also the honourable Convention of Estates here, with the like harmony of affectionate expressions, did entertain the same; So that we hope to be reall and constant in prosecuting the contents of this Covenant. When we in our straits fled to the Lord, and entred in Covenant with him, he owned us and our Cause, rebuked and dissipated our enemies, and hitherto hath helped us, and blessed our entreprises with successe from heaven, notwithstanding our great weaknesse and unworthinesse. We trust in the Lord, that as once it was prophesied of _Israel_ & _Judah_, So shall Scotland & England shall become one stick in the hand of the Lord, they shall ask the way to _Sion_, with their faces thitherward, saying, Come, let us joyne our selves to the Lord in a perpetual Covenant, that shall not be forgotten; And so shall it come to, that the Lords Jerusalem in this Island, shall be a cup of trembling, and a burthensome stone to all their enemies roundabout. Though now it be the time of _Jacobs_ trouble, the Lord will deliver him out of it. Reverend and dear Brethren, we conceive your case, and of all the Faithful in that Land to be no other then of a woman crying, travelling in birth, and pained till she be delivered. The great red Dragon, (under whose standard the sons of _Belial_ are fighting) is your Arch enemy, This cannot but be a time of fear and sorrow; But when the male childe shall be brought forth, the pain shall cease, and the sorrow shall be forgotten. We are very confident in the Lord, that you will be faithful to Jesus Christ, in the work committed to you by him in all his ordinances, and taking neither foundation, corner stone, nor any part of the rubbish of Babel to build the City that is called, _The Lord is there_: But measuring all with the golden reed of the Sanctuary, you may more closely be united to the best Reformed Kirks, in Doctrine, Wors.h.i.+p, and Government, that you may grow up in him in all things which is the head, even Christ.

And now Reverend and dear Brethren, though we know that you abound in all gifts and graces, the Spirit of Jesus Christ being plentifully powred out upon you, yet according to your desire and the motion made by the Commissioners of the Honourable Houses of Parliament, to testifie our hearty sympathie with you in the work of the Lord, We have nominate and elected some G.o.dly and learned of this Church to repair to your a.s.sembly.

We doubt nothing of your hearty embracing them in the Lord, and their diligent concurrance with you in advancing that great work.

Not onely the common danger we are under, but the conscience of our duty to his suffering people, layeth bonds on us frequently to present you, and that blessed Work of Reformation, in your hands, to the throne of Grace, that the G.o.d of all Grace, who will call you into his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that you have suffered and a while may make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

Edinburgh, August 19. 1643.

_Subscribed in name of the a.s.sembly of the Church Scotland, by the Clerk, of the a.s.sembly._

_The a.s.semblies Answer to the Reverend their beloved Brethren, Ministers in the Church of England._

_Reverend and beloved,_

We acknowledge with thankfulnesse to G.o.d, that this is one of the good blessings bestowed upon our Kirk of late, and a pleasant fruit of our free a.s.semblies, That a way is opened for keeping communion with our sister Kirks abroad, and correspondence with you our dear Brethren, in whose joy and sorrow we have so near interest, and whose cause and condition we desire to lay to heart as our own.

All your former Letters were most acceptable, and full of refreshment unto us, being taken as the earnest of a more full and constant fellows.h.i.+p, longed after and hoped for: And this your last, although full of sadnesse and sorrow, yet accounted of us all most worthy of our tenderst affection and best respects, both for your cause who sent it, and for these worthy witnesses which did attest it: Wherein as you have given unto us no small evidence, not only of your love, but also of trust and friendly respect, by choosing to poure out your grieved souls in our bosome; so we shall with, and G.o.dwilling endeavour, that you may really finde some measure of brotherly compa.s.sion in our receiving thereof. For these your sad expressions of deep sorrow, being as you have given us to conceive but a part of your complaint, and a lamentation lesse then the causes doth require, cannot but melt every heart, wherein there is any the least warmnesse of the love of Christ and his Saints: And what Childe of the Bridegrooms chamber, can hear the voice of so many friends of the Bridegroom, lamenting for the evils which have befallen Christs Bride in England, in the very night before her expected espousals, and not sit down and mourn with them except his heart be fallen asleep and frozen within him? This pitiful condition of our sister Church in England hes matter enough we confesse to move, yea, to rend our bowels.

If we should weigh this your heavie grief in the scales of common reason, we behoved either to stand aloof from your plague as men astonished, or sink down in heavinesse and be swallowed up of sorrow: but when we ponder your sad condition in the Ballance of the Sanctuary, we finde that nothing hath as yet befallen unto you, save that which hath been the exercise of the Saints in former times, who have been made to sit down for a while in the shadow of death before the day of their deliverance. We finde nothing but that which may be a fit Preparation for a comfortable out-gate from all your troubles. What if it was necessary in the wise dispensation of Almighty G.o.d, that a People in great estimation for wisedome and power, such as England, should be thus farre humbled, as you declare, to the end that your deliverance maybe seen hereafter to be of the Lord, and not of your selves? What if the Lord would not draw back his hand from the Wine-presse wherein you now lye, till he should draw forth from you these pitiful expressions of your low estate, and so provide himself witnesses against the day to come, that he may have the greater and purer glory in your salvation, and your gloriation may be in the Lord alone! Dear Brethren, comfort your selves in the Lord; this sowing in tears, doth promise a reaping in joy, and who knoweth how soon he will give to you who are mourners in Zion, beauty for ashes, the oyle of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heavinesse; That you may be called the trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified.

Though weeping be in the evening of this begun Reformation and purging of the Lords House among you, yet in the morning when the discovered filthinesse and sweepings of the Temple shall be orderly cast out, joy shall come with thanksgiving and praise. Though a fire be kindled in the Land, yet it is not to consume any of the mettal, for the Lord is sitting down as a Refiner amongst you, and especially to purifie the sons of _Levi_, that he may have a more pure oblation of spiritual wors.h.i.+p and service in all his holy ordinances throughout all the Land, which is no token of wrath, but of loving kindnesse towards you. No wonder that Satan doth thus rage, as you relate, foreseeing his casting out: No wonder he stirre up all the children of disobedience, and kindle their natural malice against the children of G.o.d with the inspiration of h.e.l.lish fury: No wonder the spirit of Antichrist be mad, when the morsel half swallowed down, is like to be pulled out of his throat, the fat morsel of the rich Revenues of England: No wonder he be cruell against you the servants of Christ, who are consuming him by the breath of the Lords mouth.

You do well to expect no mercy, if Papists and Prelats prevail over you, neither desire we to deceive our selves with hopes to be free from what the power and malice can do against us; for they will not do to us if they get the upper-hand, as we have done, and must do, if G.o.d bring them low again under us; as they were before; for we and they are led by the contrary spirits of Christ, and Anti-Christ: We have laboured, and must labour for their conversion, but they (except in so far as G.o.d shall bridle them) will not rest without our destruction; for their fury against our persons is much more fierie then our zeal is fervent against their abominations: Let them follow the spirit of lying and murthering, we must take us to our refuge, and joyne our selves with all that are sensible of the danger of the reformed Religion in prayer and supplication. _The Lord of Hosts is with us, the G.o.d of Jacob is our refuge._

Now for advice, what can we say to you who are upon your watch tower, wherein is the spirit of wisedome and counsel; who lye thus as humble Disciples under the Lords foot, who did never forsake them that sought him. Go on in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, against all opposition, without fear of whatsoever dangers, to purge the House of the Lord, to repair the breaches thereof, to set up all his Ordinances in their full beautie and perfection, to the uttermost of your power, according to the pattern of the Word of G.o.d, and zeal of the best reformed Kirks; And let these two Kingdomes be knit together as one man in maintaining and promoving the truth of the Gospel, Let us enter in a perpetual Covenant for our selves and our posterity, to endevour that all things may be done in the House of G.o.d according to his own will, and let the Lord do with us what seemeth good in his eyes. _Only wait upon the lord, be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart._ Let your hands be ever at your Masters Work, and hold your faces resolutely to his Cause. _Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quite your selves like men, be strong, for ye shall see the salvation of the Lord,_ and your labour shall not be in vain.

_Subscribed in name of the Generall a.s.sembly of the Church of Scotland, by the Clerk of the a.s.sembly._

_Commission of the Generall a.s.sembly, for these that repair to the Kingdome of England._

The Generall a.s.sembly of the Church of Scotland, finding it necessary to send some G.o.dly and learned of this Kirk to the Kingdome of England, to the effect under-written. Therefore gives full Power and Commission to Master _Alexander Henderson_, Master _Robert Douglas_, Master _Samuel Rutherfoord_, Master _Robert Bailzie_, and Master _George Gillespie_, Ministers, _John_ Earl of Ca.s.sills, _John_ Lord Maitland, and Sir _Archbald Johnstoun_ of Waristoun Elders, or any three of them, whereof two shall be Ministers, to repair to the Kingdome of England, and there to deliver the Declaration sent unto the Parliament of England and the Letter sent unto the a.s.sembly of Divines now sitting in that Kingdome. And to propone, consult, treat and conclude with that a.s.sembly or any Commissioners deputed by them, or any Committees or Commissioners deputed by the Houses of Parliament, in all matters which may further the Union of this Island in one forme of Kirk-government, one confession of Faith, one Catechisme, and one Directorie for the Wors.h.i.+p of G.o.d, according to the Instructions which they have received from the a.s.sembly, or shall receive from time to time hereafter from the Commissioners of the a.s.sembly deputed for that effect. With power also to them to convey to his Majestie, the humble Answer sent from this a.s.sembly to his Majesties Letter, by such occasion as they shall think convenient; And suchlike to deliver the a.s.semblies Answer to the Letter sent from some wel-affected Brethren of the Ministry there. And generally authorizes them to do all things which may further the so much desired Union, and nearest conjunction of the two Churches of Scotland and England, conform to their Instructions aforesaid.

_Reference to the Commission, anent the Persons designed to repair to the the Kingdome of England._

The a.s.sembly having this day approven the nomination made by the Commissioners of the late a.s.sembly, of persons to repair to the Synod of Divines in England: And having of new elected and nominated all the same Persons, except Master _Eleazar Borthwick_, who is now with G.o.d. Therefore gives power to the Commissioners to be appointed by this a.s.sembly for the publick affairs of this Kirk, to nominate and appoint any other whom they shall think meet in his place. And suchlike the a.s.sembly refers to the said Commission, to consider whether it be convenient to send now at this present time to the Kingdome of England, all the Persons appointed to go thither, and to designe the Persons whom they think meet to go at this present occasion, to determine the time of their dispatch, and to give unto them their Instructions. And further in case of sicknesse or death of any of the Persons appointed for that employment, or in the case of any other necessary impediment of their undertaking the samine; Gives power to the said Commission, to nominate others in their place if the Commission shall finde it convenient.

_Commission for the Publick Affairs of this Kirk._

The General a.s.sembly, considering the laudable costome of this Kirk, in appointing Commissions betwixt a.s.semblies for the publick affairs of the Kirk, and the commendable practice of the late a.s.sembly at Saint Andrews, in appointing their Commission for prosecuting the blessed Work, for uniting the Kirks of this Island in Religion and Kirk-government, by all lawfull and Ecclesiastick wayes, for continuance of our own peace at home, and of the common peace bytwixt the two Nations, and for other good ends, as at length is exprest in that Commission: And finding that the painful endevours and proceedings of that Commission, unanimously approven in this a.s.sembly, though they have much advanced that glorious Work of Unity in Religion and Government; Yet has not brought the samine to full perfection and a finall accomplishment: And the a.s.sembly being now much animate and encouraged to prosecute that Work by the Parliament of England their Bills past against Episcopacie, and sundry other corruptions, and the good hopes of a solemne Covenant betwixt the Nations, And conceiving that in their times of danger there may be some occasions for conveening the a.s.sembly, before the time indicted for their next meeting. Therefore the a.s.sembly finding it necessary to appoint a new Commission, By these presents, nominates and appoints Mr _Andrew Ramsay_, Mr _Alexander Henderson_, Mr _Robert Douglas_, Mr _William Colvil_, Mr _William Bennet_, Mr _George Gillespie_, Mr _John Adamson_, Mr _John Sharpe_, Mr _James Sharpe_, Mr _William Dalgleish_, Mr _David Calderwood_, Mr _Andrew Blackhall_, Mr _James Fleeming_, Mr _Robert Ker_, Mr _John Macghie_, Mr _Oliver Colt_, Mr _Hugh Campbell_, Mr _Adam Penman_, Mr _Richard d.i.c.kson_, Mr _Andrew Stevinson_, Mr _John Lauder_, Mr _Robert Blair_, Mr _Samuel Rutherfoord_, Mr _Arthur Morton_, Mr _Robert Traill_, Mr _Frederick Carmich.e.l.l_, Mr _Mungo Law_, Mr _John Smith_, Mr _Patrick Gillespie_, Mr _John Duncan_, Mr _John Hume_, Mr _Robert Knox_, Mr _William Jameson_, Mr _Robert Mura_, Mr _Henry Guthrie_, Mr _James Hamilton_, Mr _Bernard Sanderson_, Mr _John Leviston_, Mr _James b.o.n.e.r_, Mr _Evan Cameron_, Mr _David d.i.c.kson_, Mr _Robert Bailzie_, Mr _James Cunninghame_, Mr _George Youngh_, Mr _Andrew Auchinleck_, Mr _David Lindsay_, Mr _Andrew Cant_, Mr _John Oiswald_, Mr _William Douglas_, Mr _Murdoc Mackenzie_, Mr _Coline Mackenzie_, Mr _John Monroe_, Mr _Walter Stuart_, Ministers: Marquesse of _Argyle_, Earle _Marsh.e.l.l_, Earle of _Sutherland_, Earle of _Eglintoun_, Earle of _Ca.s.sils_, Earle of _Dumsermling_, Earle of _Lawderdail_, Earle of _Lindsay_, Earle of _Queensberrie_, Earle of _Dalhouse_, Lord _Angus_, Vicount of _Dudhope_, Lord _Maitland_, Lord _Elcho_ Lord _Balmarinoch_, Lord _Cowper_, Sir _Patrick Hepburne_ of Wauchtoun, Sir _Archbald Johnstoun_ of Waristoun, Sir _David Hume_ of Wedderborne, Sir _Alexander Areskine_ of Duns, Sir _William c.o.c.kburne_ of Langtoun, Sir _Thomas Ruthven_ of Frieland, Sir _James Arnos_ of Fernie, Sir _Walter Riddell_ of that Ilk., Sir _Lodonick Houstoun_ of that Ilk, Sir _William Carmichael_ Fiar of that Ilk, Laird of _Bonjedburgh_, Laird of _Libbertoun_, Laird of _Brodie_, Sir _John Smith_, _James Dennistoun_, Master _Barclay, John Rutherfoord_, _William Glendinning, John Sempill, John Kennedie_, Master _Alexander Douglas_, To meet at Edinburgh the 21. day of August next, and upon any other day thereafter, and in any other place they shall think good. And gives and grants unto them, or any fifteen of them, there being twelve Ministers present, full power and Commission, to consider and performe what they finde necessary by Praying and Preaching, by supplicating his Majestie and all the Judicatories of this Kingdome, by Declarations and Remonstrances to the Parliament of England, to the Synod of Divines in that Kingdome, by Informations, Directions, Instructions to, and continual correspondence with the Commissioners, now designed by this a.s.sembly to go to the Synod of Divines in England, or by any other lawful Ecclesiastick wayes, for furtherance of this great Work, in the Union of this Island in Religion and Kirk-goverment, and for continuance of our own Peace at home, and of the common Peace betwixt the Nations, and keeping of good correspondence betwixt the Kirks of this Island. With power also to them to concurre with the Lords of Councel, Commissioners of Peace, or with the Honourable Estates a.s.sembled in Convention or Parliament, or with their Committees and Commissioners, in prosecuting this good Work at home or abroad by all Ecclesiastick wayes. And suchlike with power to them to prevent the dangers conteined in the Remonstrance, presented unto the Convention of Estates by the Commissioners of the late a.s.sembly in _June_ last, and to prosecute the remedies of these dangers conteined in another Remonstrance, presented by the _aids_ Commissioners to the Convention the 6. of _July_ last by admonitions, directions, censures, and all other Ecclesiastick wayes. And further in case their Brethren of England shall agree to the Covenant betwixt the Kingdomes, the draught and frame whereof is now so unanimously approven in this a.s.sembly Gives also unto the Persons foresaid, or the _Quorum_ above-written, full Power and Authoritie to command and enjoyn the samine to be subscribed and sworn by all the members of this Kirk: And that in such order and manner, and with such solemnities as they shall think convenient for so great and glorious a Work; And to send their directions to Sessions, Presbyteries and Synods, for execution of their orders thereanent. And with power to proceed against any Person whatsoever, that shall refuse to subscribe and swear the said Covenant, with all the censures of the Kirk, or to refer the tryall and censures of such delinquents to Presbyteries or Synods as they shall think convenient. And such like gives unto the persons foresaids power and libertie, to call a General a.s.sembly _pro re nata_, in case they shall finde the necessity of the Kirk, and this great Work to require the same: With full power also to them to give Answers in name of the a.s.sembly, to all Letters sent to the a.s.sembly from the Kirks of Holland, Zealand, or any other forraigne Reformed Kirks. And further gives power to them to promove the other desires, Overtures and recommendations of this, or of any former a.s.semblies to the Kings Majestie, Parliament or Convention of Estates, to the Lords of Councel, Session, Exchequer, Commissioners of Parliaments, for plantation of Kirks, for the common burdens, and for conserving the Peace. And suchlike gives as full power and Commission to them to treat and decerne in any other matters referred, or to be referred to them by this a.s.sembly, as if the samine were herein particalarly insert. And generally gives unto the Persons foresaids, or the _Quorum_ abovementioned full power and Authoritie, to do and performe all things which may advance, accomplish, and perfect the great Work of Unity of Religion, and Uniformity of Kirk-government in all his Majesties Dominions, and which may be necessary for good order in all the publick affairs of this Kirk, untill the next a.s.sembly, _ne quid detrimenti capiat Ecclesia_. With als ample power in all matters particularly or generally above-mentioned, as any other Commission of General a.s.semblies, has had or been in use of before; They being alwayes countable to, and censurable by the next General a.s.sembly, for their proceedings thereintill.

_The General a.s.sembly appoints the meeting of the next General a.s.sembly, to be at Edinburgh the last Wednesday of May, in the year 1644._

The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland Part 22

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