The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland Part 28
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1. That Congregations be still tried and examined before the Communion, according to the bygone practice of this Kirk.
2. That there be no reading in the time of communicating; but the Minister making a short Exhortation at every Table, that thereafter there be silence during the time of the Communicants receiving, except onely when the Minister expresseth some few more sentences, sutable to the present condition of the Communicants in the receiving, that they may be incited and quikned in their Meditations in the Action.
3. That distribution of the Elements among the Communicants be universally used: And for that effect, that the Bread be so prepared, that the Communicants may divide it amongst themselves, after the Minister hath broken, and delivered it to the nearest.
4. That while the Tables are dissolving, and filling, there be alwayes singing of some portion of a Psalme, according to the custome.
5. That the Communicants both before their going to, and after their coming from the Table, shall only joyne themselves to the present publick Excercise then in hand.
6. That when the Communion is to be celebrate in a Paroch, one Minister may be imployed for a.s.sisting the Minister of the Paroch, or at the most two.
7. That there be one Sermon of Preparation delivered in the ordinary Place of publick Wors.h.i.+p, upon the day immediatly preceeding.
8. That before the serving of the Tables, there be onely one Sermon delivered to those who are to communicate, and that in the Kirk where the Service is to be performed. And that in the same Kirk there be one Sermon of Thanksgiving, after the Communion is ended.
9. When the Parochiners are so numerous, that their Paroch Kirk cannot contain them, so that there is a necessity to keep out such of the Paroch as cannot conveniently have place, That in that case the Brother who a.s.sists the Minister of the Paroch, may be ready, if need be, to give a word of Exhortation in some convenient place appointed for that purpose, to those of that Paroch, who that day are not to Communicate; which must not be begun until the Sermon delivered in the Kirk be concluded.
10. That of those who are present in the Kirk where the Communion is celebrate, none be permitted to go forth while the whole Tables be served, and the blessing p.r.o.nounced, unlesse it be for more commodious order, and in other cases of necessity.
11. That the Minister who cometh to a.s.sist, have a special care to provide his own Paroch, lest otherwise while he is about to Minister comfort to others, his own Flock be left dest.i.tute of preaching.
12. That none coming from another Paroch, shall be admitted to the Communion, without a Testimonial from their own Minister: And no Minister shall refuse a Testimonial to any of his Paroch, who communicates ordinarily at their own Paroch Kirk, and are without scandal in their life for the time. And this is no wayes to prejudge any honest Person, who occasionally is in the place where the Communion is celebrate; or such as by death, or absence of their own Minister, could not have a Testimonial.
IV. It is also the judgement of the Committee, That the Ministers bowing in the Pulpit; though a lawful custome in this Kirk, be hereafter laid aside, for satisfaction of the desires of the reverend Divines in the Synod of England, and uniformity with that Kirk so much endeared to us.
_The a.s.sembly having considered seriously the judgement of the Committee above-written, Doeth approve the same in all the Articles thereof, and Ordains them to be observed in all time hereafter._
_10. February, 1645. Postmeridiem_ Sess. 16.
_Act of the Generall a.s.sembly of the Kirk of_ Scotland, _Approving the Propositions concerning Kirk government and Ordination of Ministers._
The General a.s.sembly, being most desirous and solicitous, not onely of the establishment and preservation of the Form of Kirk-government in this Kingdome, according to the Word of G.o.d, Books of Discipline, Acts of Generall a.s.semblies, and Nationall Covenant; But also of an Uniformity in Kirk-government betwixt these Kingdomes now more straitly and strongly united by the late Solemne League and Covenant: And considering, That as in former times there did, so hereafter there may arise through the neernesse of Contagion, manifold mischiefs to this Kirk from a corrupt Form of Government in the Kirk of _England_: Like as the precious opportunity of bringing the Kirks of Christ in all the three Kingdoms, to an Uniformity in Kirk-government, being the happinesse of the present times above the former; which may also by the blessing of G.o.d, prove an effectuall meane, and a good foundation to prepare for a safe and well-grounded Pacification, by removing the cause from which the present Pressures and bloodie Wars did originally proceed: And now the a.s.sembly having thrice read, and diligently examined the Propositions (hereunto annexed) concerning the officers, a.s.semblies, and Government of the Kirk; and concerning the Ordination of Ministers, brought unto us as the results of the long and learned Debates of the a.s.sembly of Divines sitting at _Westminster_, and of the Treaty of Uniformity with the Commissioners of this Kirk there residing; After mature deliberation, and after tymous calling upon and warning of all who have any exceptions against the same, to make them known, that they might receive satisfaction, Doth Agree to, and Approve the Propositions aforementioned touching Kirk-government and Ordination, and doth hereby Authorize the Commissioners of this a.s.sembly who are to meet at _Edinburgh_, to agree to, and conclude in the name of this a.s.sembly, an Uniformitie betwixt the Kirks in both Kingdoms in the aforementioned particulars, so soon as the same shall be ratified, without any substantiall alteration, by an Ordinance of the Honourable Houses of the Parliament of _England_: Which Ratification shall be timely intimate and made known by the Commissioners of this Kirk residing at _London_.
Provided alwayes, That this Act shall be no wayes prejudiciall to the further discussion and examination of that Article, which holds forth, that the Doctor or Teacher, hath power of the administration of the Sacraments as well as the Pastor; As also of the distinct Rights and Interests of Presbyteries and People in the calling of Ministers: But that it shall be free to debate and discusse these points as G.o.d shall be pleased to give further light.
_The Propositions of Government, and Ordination mentioned in the preceding Act, are not to be here Printed: but after the Ratification thereof by the Parliament of_ England, _they are to be Printed by warrant of the Commissioners of this a.s.sembly._
_12. Feb. 1645. Post meridiem_ Sess. 18.
The Generall a.s.sembly, after mature deliberation, having found it most necessary that this whole Nation be timely Warned, and duly Informed of their present Dangers, and the Remedies to be used, and Duties to be done for preventing and removing thereof, Doth ordain this Warning to be forth with Printed and Published, and sent to all the Presbyteries in this Kingdom, as also to the Presbyteries that are with our Armies. And that each Presbyterie immediately after the receipt hereof, take speedy course for the Reading of it in every Congregation within their bounds, upon the Lords day after the forenoons Sermon, and before the blessing: and that they give account of their diligence herein to the Commissioners of the Generall a.s.sembly; Who have hereby Power and Warrand to try and censure such as shall contemne or slight the said Warning, or shall refuse or neglect to obey this Ordinance.
_A Solemne and Seasonable Warning To the n.o.blemen, Barons, Gentlemen, Burrows, Ministers, and Commons of_ Scotland; _As also to our ARMIES without and within this Kingdom._
The Cause of G.o.d in this Kingdom, both in the beginnings and Progresse of it, hath been carried, through much craft and mighty opposition of Enemies, and through other perplexities and dangers; G.o.d so disposing, for the greater glory of his manifold and marvellous Wisedome and his invincible Power, and for our greater tryall.
These dangers both from without and from within, together with the remedies thereof, have been from time to time represented and held forth, in the many publick Supplications of this Kirk and Kingdom to the King, and in their many Declarations, Remonstrances, Letters, Acts, and other publick Intimations: Particularly by a necessary Warning published by the Commissioners of the Generall a.s.sembly in January 1643; And by the Remonstrance of the same Comissioners to the Convention of Estates in July thereafter concerning the Dangers of Religion, and Remedies of these Dangers: which Warning and Remonstrance at that time had, by the blessing of G.o.d, very good and comfortable effects. And now the General a.s.sembly itself, being by a speciall Providence, and upon extraordinary occasions called together, while G.o.d is writing bitter things against this Land in great Letters, which he that runs may read: and knowing that we cannot be answerable to G.o.d, nor our own consciences, nor the expectation of others, if from this chief Watch Tower we should give no Seasonable Warning to the City of G.o.d: While we think of these things, _For Sions sake we will not hold our peace, and for Jerusalems sake we will not rest:_ trusting that G.o.d will give, though nor to all, yet to many, a seeing Eye, a hearing Ear, and an understanding Heart: _For who is wise and he shall understand these things, prudent and he shall know them; For the Waves of the Lord are right, and the just shall walk in them, but the transgressors shall fall therein, and the wicked shall do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand._
That which we intend, is to hold forth (so farre as the Lord gives us light) how this Nation ought to be affected with the present Mercies and Judgements; What use is to be made of the Lords dealings: And, what is required of a people so dealt with.
Had we been timely awaked, and taken warning, either from the exemplary judgement of other Nations; or from G.o.ds threatnings by the mouths of his servants amongst our selves; or from our owne former visitations, and namely, The Sword, threatned and drawn against us, both at home and from abroad, but at that time through the forbearance of G.o.d, put up in the Sheath again, wee might have prevented the miseries under which now we groane. But the Cup of trembling, before taken out of our hands, is again come about to us, that wee may drink deeper of it: And although when these b.l.o.o.d.y Monsters, the Irish Rebels, together with some degenerate, unnaturall, and perfidious Countreymen of our own, did first lift up their heads, and enter this Kingdome in a hostile way, it was looked upon as a light matter, and the great judgement which hath since appeared in it, not apprehended: yet now wee are made more sensible, that they are _The rod of G.o.ds __ wrath, and the staffe in their hand_, which hath stricken us these three times, is _his indignation. He hath shewed his people hard things, and made us to drink the wine of astonishment_. Take we therefore notice of the hand that smiteth us, _for affliction cometh not forth of the dust, neither doth trouble spring out of the ground. There is no evill in the City_ nor Countrey _which the Lord hath not done._ He it is _that formeth the light, and createth darknesse; Who maketh peace, and createth evill_: He it is that hath given a charge to the Sword, _so that it cannot be still_: He it is that hath his other _Arrows ready upon the string to shoot at us_, the Pestilence and Famine.
In the next place let us apply our hearts to know, and to search, and to seek out wisdome, and the reason of things, and to understand the language of this present judgment, and G.o.ds meaning in it, For though _the Almighty giveth not an accompt of any of his matters, and hath his way in the sea, and his path in the deep waters which cannot be traced_; Yet he is pleased by the light of his Word and Spirit, by the voice of our own consciences, and by that which is written and ingraven upon our judgement, as with the point of a Diamond and a Pen of iron, to make known in some measure his meaning unto his servants. _G.o.d hath spoken once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth not_; Therefore now hath he made this rod to speak aloud the third time, that we may _hear the voice of the rod, and who hath appointed it_. That which the rod pointeth at, is not any guilt of Rebellion or disloyaltie in us, as the Sons of _Belial_ do slander and belye the Solemne League and Covenant of the three Kingdoms, which we are so farre from repenting of, that we cannot remember or mention it without great joy and thankfulnesse to G.o.d, as that which hath drawn many blessings after it, and unto which G.o.d hath given manifold and evident testimonies, for no sooner was the Covenant begun to bee taken in England; but sensibly the condition of affairs there was changed to the better; and though a little before the Enemy was coming in like a Flood, yet as soon as the Spirit of the Lord did lift up the Standard against him, from that day forward the Waters of their Deluge did decrease.
And for our part, our Forces sent into that Kingdom, in pursuance of that Covenant, have been so mercifully and manifestly a.s.sisted, and blessed from Heaven (though in the mids of many dangers and distresses, and much want and hards.h.i.+p) and have been so farre instrumentall to the foyling and scattering of two Armies; First, the Marquesse of Newcastle his Army, And afterward, Prince _Ruperts_ and his together; And to the reducing of two strong Cities, York and Newcastle, that we have what to answer the Enemy that reproacheth us concerning that businesse, and that which may make iniquitie it self to stop her mouth. But which is more unto us than all Victories, or whatsomever temporal Blessing, the Reformation of Religion in England, and Uniformity therein between both Kingdoms (a end of that Covenant) is so far advanced, that the English Service-Book, with the Holy-dayes, and many other Ceremonies contained in it, together with the Prelacy, the fountain of all these, are abolished and taken away by Ordinance of Parliament; and a Directory for the Wors.h.i.+p of G.o.d in all the three Kingdoms, agreed upon in the a.s.semblies and in the Parliaments of both Kingdoms, without a contrary voice in either; the Government of the Kirk by Congregational Elders.h.i.+ps, Cla.s.sical Presbyteries, Provincial and National a.s.semblies, is agreed upon by the a.s.sembly of Divines at Westminster, which is also voted and concluded in both Houses of the Parliament of England: And what is yet remaining of the intended Uniformitie is in a good way; So that let our Lot fal in other things, as it may, _the Will of the Lord be done_; In this we rejoyce, and will rejoyce, that our Lord Jesus Christ is no loser, but a Conquerour, that his Ordinances take place, that his Cause prevaileth, and the work of purging and building his Temple goeth forward, and not backward. Neither yet are we so to understand _the voice of the rod_ which lyeth heavy upon us, as if the Lords meining were to pluck up what he hath planted, and to pull down what he hath builded in this Kingdom, to have no more pleasure in us, to _remove our Candlestick, and to take his Kingdom from us_: nay, before that our G.o.d cast us off, and the _glory depart from Israel_, let him rather consume us by the Sword, and the Famine, and the Pestilence, so that he will but keep his own great Name from reproach and blasphemy, and own us as his people in Covenant with him. But _now there is hope in Israel concerning this thing_, we will beleeve _that we shall yet see the goodnesse of the Lord in the Land of the living:_ We will not cast away our confidence of a blessed peace, and of the removing of the scourge and casting it in the Fire, when the Lord, hath by it performed _his whole Work upon mount Sion and Jerusalem_, much more will wee be confident of the continuance of the blessings of the Gospel, _that glory may dwell in our Land. This is the day of Jacobs trouble, but he shall be saved out of it:_ And the time is comming, when a new Song shall be put in our mouths, and we shall say, _This is our G.o.d, we have waited for him, and he hath saved us._ Though the Lord smite us, it is the hand of a Father, not of an Enemy, he is not consuming us, but refining us, that we may come forth as Gold out of the Fire. _We are troubled on every side; yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despaire; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast downe, but not destroyed._ We know a.s.suredly there is more mercy in emptying us from Vessell to Vessell, then in suffering us to settle on our Lees, whereby our taste should remain in us, and our scent not be changed.
These things premised, we come to the true language of this heavy judgement, and to the reall procuring causes thereof. _For the transgression of Jacob is all this, and for the sins of the house of Israel._ G.o.d is hereby shewing to great and smal in this Land their work and their transgression, that they have exceeded. _He openeth also their eare to discipline, and commandeth that they return from iniquity._ We leave every Congregation in the Land, every Family in every Congregation, & every Person in every Family to examine their own hearts and wayes, & to mourn for Congregationall, Domesticall, and Personall sinnes: Cursed shall they be who have added fuell to the fire, and now bring no water to extinguish it, who had a great hand in the provocation, and bear no part in the humiliation.
Let every one commune with his own conscience, and repent of his own wickednesse, and say, _What have I done_? Wee shall here touch onely the Nationall sinnes, or at least more publick ones, then those of a Family or Congregation, which we also intend for chief causes of a publick Fast and Humiliation. If among our n.o.bles, Gentrie and Barons, there have been some studying their own private interests more then the publick, and _Seeking their own things more then the things of Christ, or oppressing and defrauding the poore sort and the needie, because it was in the power of their hand_: and if among our Ministrie there have been divers Time-servers, _Who have not renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, whose hearts have not been right before G.o.d, nor stedfast in his Covenant,_ who have been secretly haters of the _Power of G.o.dlinesse_, and of Mortification; shall not G.o.d search all this out? _who will bring to light the hidden things of darknesse, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts._ In these also leaving all men to a judging and searching of themselves, there are many other provocations which are apparent in all or many of this Nation, from which, _though they wash with nitre, and take much sope_, yet they cannot make themselves clean: Because of these _the Land mourneth_, and at these the Sword striketh.
As first, the contempt, neglect, and dis-esteem of the glorious Gospel; our unbelief, unfruitfulnesse, luke-warmnesse, formality, and hardnesse of heart, under all the means of Grace; our not receiving of Christ in our hearts, nor seeking to know him, and glorifie him in all his Offices. The power of G.o.dlinesse is hated and mocked by many to this day, and by the better sort too much neglected, and many Christian duties are not minded: as, _The not speaking of our own words, nor finding of our own pleasure upon the Lords day_: Holy and edifying conference both on that day, and at other occasions: The instructing, admonis.h.i.+ng, comforting, and rebuking one another, as Divine Providence ministreth occasion. In many Families almost no knowledge nor wors.h.i.+p of G.o.d to be found: yea, there are among the Ministers who have strenghtened the hearts and hands of the profane more then of the G.o.dly, and have not taken _heed to the ministrie which they have received of the Lord to fulfill it._
Next, G.o.d hath sent the Sword to avenge the quarrel of his broken Covenant: For besides the defection of many of this Nation under the Prelats from our first Nationall Covenant, a sinne not forgotten by G.o.d, if not repented by men as well as forsaken, our latter Vows and Covenants have been also foully violated, by not contributing our uttermost a.s.sistance to this Cause, with our Estates and Lives; by not endeavouring with all faithfulnesse, the discovery, triall, and condigne punishment of Malignants, and evil Instruments; yea, by complying too much with those, who have not onely born Armes, and given their personall presence and a.s.sistance, but also drawn and led on others after them in the shedding of our Brethrens blood: Therefore is our sinne made our punishment, and _We are filled with the fruit of our own wayes. These horns now push the sides of Judah and Jerusalem, because the Carpenters when they ought and might, did not cut them off_: And yet so this day the course of Justice is obstructed: The Lord himself will execute justice if men will not. But above all, let it bee deeply and seriously thought of, that our Covenant is broken by the neglect of a reall Reformation of our selves and others under our power: let every one ask his own heart what l.u.s.t is mortified in him, or what change wrought in his life since, more then before the Covenant? Swearing, Cursing, Profanation of the Lords day, Fornication, and other uncleannesse, Drunkennesse, Injustice, Lying, Oppression, Murmuring, Repining, and other sorts of Prophanenesse still abound too much both in the Countrey & in our Armies: yea, there is no Reformation of some Members of publick Judicatories, which is a great dishonour to G.o.d, and foul scandall to the whole Nation.
Thirdly, we have not glorified G.o.d according to the great things which he hath done for us, nor made the right use of former mercies: Since he loved us (_a Nation not worthy to be beloved_) he hath made us precious and honourable, but we have not walked worthy of this love: _We waxed fat and kicked, forsaking G.o.d who made us, and lightly __ esteeming the Rock of our salvation._ And this great unthankfulnesse filleth up our Cup.
Forthly, Notwithstanding of so much guiltinesse, we did send forth our Armies, and undertake great services presumptuously, without repentance, and making our peace with G.o.d, like the Children of Israel, who trusting to the goodnesse of their cause, minded no more, but _Which of us shall goe up first._
It is now high time, under the feeling of so great a burden both of sinne and wrath to humble our uncirc.u.mcised heart, _to put our mouth in the dust, if so be there may be hope, to wallow our selves in ashes, to clothe our selves with our shame as with a garment_, to justifie G.o.ds righteous judgements, to acknowledge our iniquitie, to make our supplication to our Judge, and to _seek his face_, that he may _pardon our sinne, and heal our Land_. The Lord roareth, and shall not his children tremble? The G.o.d of glory thundereth, and _the Highest uttereth his voice, hailstones and coales of fire_, who will not fall down and fear before him? The fire waxeth hot, and burneth round about us, and shall any sit still and be secure? The storm bloweth hard, & shall any sluggard be still asleep? This is a day of trouble, and of rebuke, and of blasphemy; who will not take up a lamentation? Let the Watchmen rouze up themselves and others, and strive to get their own, and their peoples hearts deeply affected, and even melted before the Lord: Let every one turn from his evill way, and cry mightily to G.o.d, and give him no rest till he repent of the evill, and smell a savour of rest, and say, _It is enough._ He hath not said to the seed of Jacob, Seek ye me in vain. _Wee do not mourne as they that have no hope, but we will bear the indignation of the Lord, because wee have sinned against him, untill he plead our cause, and execute judgement for us._ And what though our Candles be put out? So that our Sun s.h.i.+ne: What though our honour be laid in the dust? So that G.o.d work out his own honour, yea, our happinesse out of our shame. In vain have we trusted to the arm of flesh: In the Lord our G.o.d is the _Salvation of Israel._ No flesh must glory before him, _but he that glorieth, must glory in the Lord._
These duties of Humiliation, Repentance, Faith, Amendment of life, and Fervent Prayer, though the, yet are not all which are required at the hands of this Nation, but men of all sorts and degrees, must timely apply themselves to such other Resolutions and Actions as are most suteable and necessary at this time: Which that all may the better understand, and bee excited and encouraged to act accordingly, let it be well observed, that the present state of the Controversie and Cause is no other but what hath been formerly professed before G.o.d and the world, that is, The Reformation and Preservation of Religion, The Defence of the Honour and Happinesse of the King, and of the authority of the Parliament, together with the maintenance of our Lawes, Liberties, Lives, and Estates.
We are not changed from our former principles and intentions, but these who did fall off from us to the contrary party, have now made it manifest, that these were not their ends when they seemed to joyn with us: _Therefore are they gone out from us, because they were not of us._ And as our Cause is the fame, so the danger thereof is not lesse, but greater then before, and that from two sorts of Enemies. First, from open Enemies, we mean those of the Popish, Prelatical, and Malignant Faction, who have displayed a Banner against the Lord, and against his Christ, in all the three Kingdoms, being _set on fire of h.e.l.l_, and by the special inspiration of Satan, who is full of fury; because he knowes he hath but a short time to reigne. The c.o.c.katrice before hatched, is now broken forth into a Viper. The danger was before feared, now it is felt; before imminent, now inc.u.mbent; before our division, now our destruction is endeavoured; before the Sword was fourbished and made ready; now the _Sword is made fat with Flesh, and drunk with Bloud_, and yet it hungreth and thirsteth for more. The Queen is most active abroad, using all means for strengthening the Popish, and suppressing the Protestant party; insomuch that Malignants have insolently expressed their confidence, that her journey to France shall prove a successeful Counsel, and that this Island, and particularly this Kingdome, shall have a greater power to grapple with before the next Summer, then any which yet we have encountred with. The Irish Rebels have offered to the King to fend over a greater number into both the Kingdomes: The hostile intentions of the King of Denmark, if G.o.d be not pleased still to divert and disable him, do plainly enough appear from his own Letters, sent not long since to the Estates of this Kingdome. In the mean time, the h.e.l.lish crue under the conduct of the excommunicate and forefaulted _Earle of Montrose_, and of _Alaster Mac-Donald_, a Papist and an Outlaw, doth exercise such barbarous, unnaturall, horrid, and unheard of cruelty, as is above expression: And (if not repressed) what better usage can others not yet touched expect from them, being now hardened and animated by the successe which G.o.d hath for our humiliation and correction, permitted unto them: and if they shall now get leave to secure the High-Lands for themselves, they will not onely from thence infest the rest of this Countrey, but endeavour a diversion of our Forces in England, from the prosecution of the ends expressed in the Covenant of the three Kingdoms, toward which ends, as their service hath already advantageous, so their continuance is most necessary.
The second sort of Enemies, from which our present dangers arise, are secret Malignants and Dis-covenanters, who may be known by these and the like Characters: Their slighting or censuring of the publick Resolutions of this Kirk and State: Their consulting and labouring to raise Jealousies and Divisions, to r.e.t.a.r.d or hinder the execution of what is ordered by the publick Judicatories: Their slandering of the Covenant of the three Kingdomes and expedition into England, as not necessary for the good of Religion, or safety of this Kingdome, or as tending to the diminution of the Kings just power and greatnesse: Their confounding of the Kings Honour and Authority, with the abuse and pretense thereof, and with Commissions, Warrants, and Letters, procured from the King, by the Enemies of this Cause and Covenant, as if we could not oppose the latter, without encroaching upon the former: Their whetting of their tongues, to censure and slander those whom G.o.d hath honoured as his chief Instruments in this Work: Their commending, justifying, or excusing the proceedings of _James Grahame_, sometime _Earle of Montrose_, and his Complices: Their conversing or intercommuning by word of writ, with him, or other excommunicate Lords, contrary to the nature of that Ordinance of Christ, and to the old Acts of General a.s.semblies: Their making merry, and their insolent carriage, at the News of any prosperous successe of the Popish and Malignant Armies in any of these Kingdomes: Their drawing of Parties and Factions, to the weakning of the common Union: Their spreading of Informations, That Uniformitie in Religion, and the Presbyterial Government, is not intended by the Parliament of England: Their Endeavours, Informations, & Sollicitations, tending to weaken the hearts & hands of others and to make them withold their a.s.sistance from this Work.
Let this sort of bosome Enemies, and dis-affected Persons, be well marked, timely discovered, and carefully avoided, lest they infuse the poison of their seducing counsels into the mindes of others: Wherein let Ministers be faithful, and Presbyteries vigilant and unpartial, as they will answer the contrary to G.o.d, and to the General a.s.sembly, or their Commissioners.
The cause and the dangers thereof being thus evidenced, unlesse men will blot out of their hearts the love of Religion, and the Cause of G.o.d, and cast of all care of their Countrey, Lawes, Liberties, and Estates, yea, all naturall affection to the preservation of themselves, their Wives, Children, and Friends, and whosoever is dearest to them under the Sun (all these being in the visible danger of a present ruine and destruction) they must now or never appear actively, each one stretching himself to, yea beyond his power. It is not time to dally, nor go about the businesse by halfes, nor by _almost_, but _altogether_ zealous: _Cursed be he that doth the Work of the Lord negligently, or dealeth falsly in the Covenant of G.o.d._ If we have been so forward to a.s.sist our Neighbour Kingdomes, shall we neglect to defend our own? Or shall the Enemies of G.o.d be more active against his Cause: than his People for it? G.o.d forbid. If the Work being so far carried on, shall now mis-carry, and fail in our hands, our own consciences shall condemne us, and posterity shall curse us: But if wee stand stoutly and stedfastly to it, the _pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in our hands, and all Generations shall call us blessed._
Let Ministers stir up others by free and faithful preaching, and by admonis.h.i.+ng every one of his duty, as there shall be occasion: And if it shall be the lot of any of them to fall under the power of the Enemy, let them through the strength of Christ, persevere in their integrity, choosing affliction rather then sin, glorifying G.o.d, and not fearing what Flesh can do unto them.
Let our Armies beware of unG.o.dlinesse, and worldly l.u.s.ts, living G.o.dly, soberly, and righteously, avoiding all scandalous carriage, which may give occasion to others to think the worse of their Cause and Covenant, and remembring that the eyes of G.o.d, Angels, and Men are upon them: Finally, renouncing all confidence in their own strength, skill, valour, and number, and trusting only to the _G.o.d of the Armies of Israel_, who hath fought, and will fight for them.
Let all sorts both of high and low degree in this Kingdome, call to minde their Solemne Covenants, and pay their vows to the most High; and namely, that Article of our first Covenant, which obligeth us not to stay nor hinder any such Resolution, as by common consent shall be found to conduce for the ends of the Covenant, but by all lawfull means to further and promove the same; Which lyeth as a Bond upon peoples consciences, readily to obey such orders, and willingly to under go such burdens, as by the publick and common resolution of the Estates of Parliament, are found necessary for the prosecution of the War; considering that the Enemy cannot bee suppressed without a competent number of Forces, and Forces cannot be kept together without maintenance, and maintenance cannot be had without such publick Burdens; Which however for the present, not joyous, but grievous, yet it shall be no grief of heart afterwards, even unto the common fort, that they have given some part of their necessary livelyhood, for a.s.sisting so good a work. It is far from our thoughts, that the pinching of some, should make others superfluously to abound: It is rather to bee expected of the richer sort, that they will spare and defalk, not onely the pride and superfluity, both of apparel and diet, but also a part of their lawful allowance in these things, to contribute the same as a free will offering, beside what they are obliged to, by Law or publick Order, after the example of G.o.dly _Nehemiah_, who for the s.p.a.ce of twelve years, while the walls of Jerusalem were a building, did not eat the bread of the Governour, that hee might ease by so much the Peoples Burthens and Bondage.
In our last Covenant, there is another Article which (without the oblivion or neglect of any of the rest) we wish may be well remembred at this time; namely, That we shall a.s.sist and defend all that enter into this League and Covenant, in the maintaining and pursuing thereof and shall not suffer our selves, directly or indirectly, by whatsoever Combination, Perswasion, or Terror, to be divided and withdrawne from this blessed Union and Conjunction, whether to make defection to the contrary part, or to give our selves to a detestable indifferency or neutrality in this Cause: According to which Article, mens Reality and integrity in the Covenant, will be manifest and demonstrable as well by their omissions, as by their commissions; as well by their not doing good, as by their doing of evil; _He that is not with us, is against us, and he that gathereth not with us, scattereth._ Whoever he be that will not, according to publick order and appointment, adventure his person, or send out these that are under his power, or pay the Contributions imposed for the maintenance of the Forces, must be taken for an Enemie, Malignant, and Covenant-breaker, and so involved both into the displeasure of G.o.d, and Censures of the Kirk, and no doubt into civil punishments also to be inflicted by the State.
And if any shall prove so untoward and perfidious, their iniquitie shall be upon themselves, and they _shall bear their punishment_: Deliverance and good successe shall follow those who with purpose of heart cleave unto the Lord, and whose hearts are upright toward his glory. When wee look back upon the great things which G.o.d hath done for us, and our former deliverances out of several dangers and difficulties which appeared to us insuperable, _experience breeds hope_: And when we consider how in the midst of all our sorrows and pressures, the _Lord our G.o.d hath given us a naile in his holy place_, and hath lightned our eyes with the desireable and beautiful sight of his own glory in his Temple, we take it for an argument that he hath yet _thoughts of peace_, and a purpose of mercy toward us; _Though for a small moment he hath forsaken us, yet with great mercies he will gather us_ as Hee hath lifted up our Enemies, that their fall may be the greater, and that he may cast them downe into desolation for ever. _Arise, and let us be doing; The Lord of Hosts is with us, the G.o.d of Jacob is our Refuge._
The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland Part 28
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