The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland Part 38

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_Act and Declaration against the Act of Parliament & Committee of Estates ordained to be subscribed the 10. and 12. of June, and against all new Oathes or Bands in the common Cause imposed without consent of the Church._

The Generall a.s.sembly taking to consideration a Declaration and Act of Parliament, of the date 10. of _June_, 1648. highly concerning Religion, and the consciences of the People of G.o.d in the Land, and one Act of the Committee of Estates, of the date 12. of _June_, 1648. both published in Print, whereby all Subjects are Ordained by subscription to acknowledge as just, and oblige themselves to adhere unto the said Act and Declaration, containing an obligation upon their honours and credits, and as they desire to be, and to be holden, as lovers of their Country, Religion, Laws and Liberties, to joyn and concur with their Persons and Estates in the a.s.sistance of the execution, and observation of the Acts and Const.i.tutions of this Parliament, as the most fit and necessary remedies of the by-gone and present evils and distractions of this Kirk and Kingdom, and for the preservation of Religion, Laws and Liberties and of his Majesties authority, with certification that such as refuse or delay to subscribe the same, shall be holden as Enemies and Opposites to the Common Cause, consisting in the maintenance of the true reformed Religion, of the Laws and Liberties of the Kingdom and of his Majesties authority. Which subscription the a.s.sembly cannot otherwise look upon, then as a snare for the People of G.o.d to involve them in guiltinesse, and to draw them from their former Principles and Vows in the solemn League and Covenant. For that subscription were an approving of some Acts of Parliament, which they have never yet seen nor known, they not being all published, were an agreeing to Acts of Parliament, highly concerning Religion and the Covenant, made not onely without, but expresly against the advise of the Kirk, were an acknowledging of this present Engagement in War, in all the means and ways for promoving the same, to be the most fit and necessary remedies of the by-gone and present evils, whereas so many Pet.i.tions to the Parliament, from Committees of War, Synods, Presbyteries and Paroches have made it appear, that they are no way satisfied therewith in point of conscience; were an ascribing of a power to the Parliament, to declare these to be enemies to the true Religion, whom the Kirk hath not declared to be such but rather friends; were an approving of an Act made for the restraining the liberty of printing from the Kirk, yea and of all the Acts of the Committee of Estates, to be made in time coming, till _March_ 1650.

which by Act of Parliament are ordained to be obeyed; were an allowing of Acts for securing of the persons, and intrometting with the Estates of such as themselves shall not obey, or perswade others not to obey resolutions concerning this Engagement, and for protecting persons under Kirk Censures, and so an infringing and violating of the Liberties and Discipline of the Kirk established by the Laws of the Land, and sworn to in the Nationall Covenant to be defended, under the pains contained in the Law of G.o.d, And in all these, such as do subscribe, do binde themselves not only to active obedience in their own persons, but to the urging of active obedience upon all others, and so draw upon themselves all the guiltinesse and sad consequences of the present engagement; Yea, such as are Members of Parliament, and have in the Oath of Parliament sworn not to Vote or consent to any thing, but what to their best knowledge is most expedient for Religion, Kirk and Kingdom, and accordingly have reasoned against, and dissented from divers Acts of this Parliament, These by the subscription of this Act, cannot eschew the danger of perjury, in obliging themselves to active obedience to these Acts, which according to their Oath, they did judge unlawfull. Neither can the 38. Act of the Parliament 1640. wherein such a kinde of Band was enacted to be subscribed by any precedent or Warrant for subscribing of this Act; For it plainly appears by the narrative of that Act omitted in this Band, how great a difference there is between the condition of affairs then & now. Then the Kings Commissioner had left and discharged the sitting of the Parl. then the Parl. for sitting was declared Traitors, and Armies in _England_ and _Ireland_ prepared against them, then not only the Act, but the very authority of Parliament was called in question, then Kirk and State were united in the Cause against the Malignant party, then nothing was determined in Parliament in matters of Religion without, much lesse against the advice of the Kirk; But beside that, it was not thought expedient by the State, that that Band should be pressed through the Kingdom. The case now not onely differs from what was then, But is in many things just contrary, as is evident to all who will compare the two together. And therefore the Generall a.s.sembly professing in all tender respect to the high and Honourable Court of Parliament and Committee of Estates, but finding a straiter tye of G.o.d lying upon their Consciences, that they be not found unfaithfull watchmen, and betrayers of the souls of these committed to their charge, Do unanimously Declare the foresaid subscription to be unlawfull and sinfull. And do warn, and In the Name of the Lord Charge all the members of this Kirk, to forbear the subscribing of the said Act and Declaration, much more the urging of the subscription thereof, as they would not incur the wrath of G.o.d, and the Censures of the Kirk. And considering how necessary it is that according to the desire of the Commissioners of the a.s.sembly to the Parliament, the Kirk might have the same interest in any new Oathes in this Cause, as they had in the solemn League and Covenant, and what dangers of contradictory Oathes, perjuries and snares to mens consciences may fall out otherwise: Therefore they likewise enjoyn all the members of this Kirk, to forbear the swearing, subscribing or pressing of any new Oathes or Bands in this Cause, without advice and concurrence of the Kirk, especially to in any way limit or restrain them in the duties whereunto they are obliged, by nationall or solemn League and Covenant, and that with certification as aforesaid. And such as have already pressed or subscribed the foresaid Act and Declaration, The Generall a.s.sembly doth hereby exhort them most earnestly in the bowels of Christ, to repent of that their defection. And Ordains that Presbyteries, or in case of their negligence, or being overawed the provinciall Synods or the Commission of the a.s.sembly, which of them shall first occur, and in case of the Synods negligence, that the said Commission be carefull to proceed against, and censure the contraveeners of the Act according to the quality and degree of their offences as they will be answerable to the Generall a.s.sembly; and that therefore this Act be sent to Presbyteries to be republished in the several Kirks of their bounds.

_Eodem die Postmeridiem._ Sess. 19.

_Approbation of the shorter Catechisme._

The Generall a.s.sembly having seriously considered the shorter Catechisme, agreed upon by the a.s.sembly of Divines sitting at _Westminster_, with a.s.sistance of Commissioners from this Kirk. Doe finde upon due examination thereof, That the said Catechisme is agreeable to the Word of G.o.d, and in nothing contrary to the received, Doctrine, Wors.h.i.+p, Discipline and Government of this Kirk, And therefore Approve the said shorter Catechisme as a part of the intended Uniformity, to be a Directory for Catechising such as are of weaker capacitie.

_Act discharging a little Catechisme printed at_ Edinburgh, 1647.

The Generall a.s.sembly having found in a little Catechisme, printed at _Edinburgh_, ent.i.tuled, _The A. B. C. with the Catechisme, That is to say, an instruction to be taught and learned of young children_, very grosse errours in the point of Universall Redemption, and in the number of the Sacraments, Therefore doe discharge the venting or selling of the said Catechisme of the foresaid impression, or of whatsoever other impression the same be of, and all use thereof in Schools or Families, Inhibiting also all Printers to reprint the same, And recommends to Presbyteries to take speciall care that this Act be obeyed.

_Ult._ Iuly 1648. _Postmeridiem,_ Sess. 21.

_A Declaration of the Generall a.s.sembly concerning the present dangers of Religion, and especially the unlawfull engagement in War, against the Kingdom of_ England; _Together, with many necessary exhortations and directions to all the Members of the Kirk of Scotland._

It cannot seem strange to any that considereth the great trust that lyeth on us, comparing the same with the eminent dangers wherewith the Cause of G.o.d is invironed in this Land, if at this time We declare our sense thereof, and warn the people of G.o.d from this watch-tower of the present duties incombent to them; Our witnesse is in heaven, and our record on high, that we doe not this from any disrespect to the Parliament whom we have honoured and will ever honour and also obey in all things which are agreeable to the Word of G.o.d, to our Solemn Covenants: And to the duties of our Callings, Not from any disloyalty or undutifulnesse to the Kings Majestie to whom we heartily wish, and to his posterity after him, a happy Reigne over these Dominions, Nor from any factious disposition or siding with this or that party whatsoever, Nor from any contentious humour about light or small matters, Nor from any favour to or complyance with Sectaries, against whose cursed opinions and unG.o.dly practises, we have heretofore given ample testimony, and are still obliged by Solemn Covenant to endeavour the extirpation of Heresie and Schism; But from the Conscience or our duty when the glory of G.o.d, the Kingdom of his Son, his Word, Ordinances, Government, Covenant, Ministery, Consciences of People, Peace and Liberties of the Kirk are incompa.s.sed and almost overwhelmed with great and growing dangers.

How freely and faithfully the servants of G.o.d of old have rebuked sin in persons of all ranks, not sparing Kings, States nor Kingdoms, the Scripture maketh it most plain to all that looks thereon; Neither want we domestick examples, if we look back a little upon the behaviour of our zealous Ancestours in this Kirk, who not only in their Sermons severally with great gravity and freedom reproved the sins of the time, But more especially in the Kirk Judicatories plain and downright dealing was most frequent and familiar, as appears in the a.s.semblies holden in _June_ and in _October_ 1582. in _October_ 1583. in _May_ 1592. in _May_ 1594. and in _March_ 1595. And not only the Generall a.s.sembly by themselves, but also by their Commissioners faithfully and freely laboured to oppose all the steps of defection; as at other times, so in the yeer 1596. wherein four or five severall times they gave most free admonitions to the King, Parliament and Councell, with a Protestation at the last before G.o.d, that they were free of their blood, and of whatsoever judgement should fall upon the Realm, and that they durst not for fear of committing High Treason against Jesus Christ the onely Monarch of his Kirk, abstain any longer from fighting against their proceedings with the spiritual armour granted to them of G.o.d, and mighty in him for overthrowing all these bulwarks set up against his Kingdom; And in their Declaration then emitted to the Kingdom, they shew that it was a main design to have the freedom of the Spirit of G.o.d in the rebuke of Sin by the mouthe of his Servants restrained and therefore they warne all Pastours of their duty in applying Doctrine and free preaching. Like as the a.s.sembly, 24. _March_ 1596, reckons up amongst the corruptions of the Ministery to be censured with deprivation, if continued in, the not applying their Doctrine against the corruptions of the time, which was renewed in our late a.s.sembly at _Glasgow_ 1638. What hath been done since that a.s.sembly is in recent memory; and the Papers to that purpose have been published in Print, and are in the hands of all, Therefore being warranted by the Word of G.o.d, and encouraged by the forementioned examples, as after exact examination, we have approven the proceedings of the Commissioners of the last Generall a.s.sembly, and specially their Declarations, Desires, Representatations, Remonstrances, Supplications, Vindication and other Papers relating to the present engagment in War, wherein they have given good proof of their fidelity, wisdom and zeal in the cause of G.o.d, So we finde our selves necessitate to make known unto all the People of G.o.d in this Nation our sense concerning the dangers and duties or this present time.

The cry of the insolencies of this present Army from almost all the parts of this Kingdom, hath been so great that it hath gone up to heaven, and if we should be silent, we could not be reputed faithfull in the performance of our duty. We do acknowledge that it is incident unto all Armies to be subject unto some disorders, and the Ministers of the Kingdom have not been deficient in former times to represent the same as they come unto their knowledge, calling for the redresse of them at their hands who had power: But the Commissioners of this present a.s.sembly from the severall Provinces have exhibited great variety or abominable scandals and heinous impieties and insolencies committed by persons imployed in this service, whereof we think fitting here to give you a touch.

As if liberty had been proclaimed to the l.u.s.ts of lewd men, These that have been imployed in very many places of Land have used horrible extortion of Moneys at their pleasure, and beside the taking of victuals as they would for their own use, they have in severall places wilfully destroyed the same, and have plundred many houses, taking all away they could and destroying what they could not carry away; in this great oppression & spoil of goods as the sufferers were many so choise hath been made of those who Pet.i.tioned the High and Honourable Court of Parliament for satisfaction to their Consciences before the Engagement, or who were known to make conscience of the wors.h.i.+p of G.o.d in their families, on whom they might exercise their raging wrath and unsatiable convetousnesse; Nor stayed their rage here, but as though the war had been against G.o.d, publick Fasts have not only been neglected, but profaned by riotous spending and making merry, Divine Wors.h.i.+p have been in many parts disturbed, some Ministers and people impeded from coming together, others scattered when they were met, some taken out of Kirks in time of wors.h.i.+p, others apprehended at their coming out at the Kirk doors and carryed away; Besides these Ministers in performing the wors.h.i.+p of G.o.d have been menaced, contradicted, not without blasphemous Oathes, yea their persons in Pulpit a.s.saulted, not to speak of the spoiling of their goods, taking, beating, carrying away their persons and detaining them for a time. And finally that which excedes all the rest and is more immediately and directly against G.o.d, there hath also been many cruell mockings of his Wors.h.i.+p, and horrid blasphemies; And it is not to be marvelled that such insolencies have been committed, since there hath been admitied upon this service some Papists, some b.l.o.o.d.y Irish Rebels, some non Covenanters, and very many fugitives from Kirk Discipline, Finally, even those who have been upon the late Rebellion, and these not onely common Souldiers but Commanders, beside many voluntiers who have no speciall command & trust.

Besides all these, the Liberties of the Kirk have been grievously encroached upon; 1. By emitting Declarations from the Parliament and Committee of Estates, containing severall things highly concerning Religion without the advice or consent of the Generall a.s.sembly or their Commissioners, which was a ground of protestation to divers Members of Parliament who have been most zealous and active in the Cause. 2. The Article of Religion as expressed in the Declaration of Parliament hath in it many dangerous expressions, which are particularly instanced in the Representation of the Commissioners of the Generall a.s.sembly; And the same Article of Religion in the late Declaration of the Committee of Estates to _England_ is more unsatisfactory then the former: Like as in the said late Declaration there is a totall omission of some most materiall things pretended to in the Declaration of Parliament as satisfactory in point of securing Religion, _viz._ the clause concerning security to be had from his Majesty by his solemn Oath under his hand and Seal, that he shall for himself and his Successors give his Royall a.s.sent, and agree to such Act or Acts of Parliament, and Bills as shall be presented to him by his Parliaments of both and either Kingdoms respectively for enjoyning Presbyteriall Government, Directory of Wors.h.i.+p and Confession of Faith in all his Majesties Dominions, and that his Majestie shall never make opposition to any of those, nor endeavour any change thereof; also the clause against a.s.sociation with any that refuse to take the Covenant is omitted: From all which it may appear in how great danger the liberties of the Kirk and even Religion it self are left. 3. In the close of the Declaration of Parliament, there is a new and unsound glosse put upon the Covenant and Acts of General a.s.sembly, contrary to the sense of the General a.s.sembly itself, as is more fully expressed in the Representation of the late Commission. 4. No redresse by the Parliament of certain injuries complained of to their Lords.h.i.+ps by the Commissioners of the preceeding Generall a.s.sembly. 5. Endeavours to weaken and frustrate Kirk-Censures by making provisions for securing the stipends of such as shall be censured for their concurring in, or preaching for this present Engagement. 6. A misrepresentation of the proceedings of the Commission of the Generall a.s.sembly by the Parliaments Letter of _May_ 11. to the severall Presbyteries, endeavouring to incense them against the Commission of the late a.s.sembly and to pre-ocupie their Commissioners to this a.s.sembly. 7. Whereas there were many Pet.i.tions presented to the High and Honourable Court of Parliament from the Commissioners of the General a.s.sembly, Synods & Presbyteries against the present Engagement as stated in the Parliaments Declaration, yet notwithstanding of the said Pet.i.tions, and notwithstanding of many free & frequent warnings given by faithful Ministers in their Sermons, notwithstanding also that it was not unknown how much the generality of the wel affected in the Kingdom were unsatisfied in their consciences with the grounds and way of the said Engagement, yet good people are not onely left unsatisfied in their and our desires, but compelled and forced either to sin against their consciences or to be under heavy pressures & burdens. 8. Yea in the late Band injoyned to be subscribed by all the Subjects of this Kingdom, men are put to it to joyn and concur with their Persons & Estates, in the advancement, furtherance and a.s.sistance of the execution obedience & observation of the Acts and const.i.tutions of the late Parliament; & consequently, as many as think the Engagement unlawful shall bind themselves not onely for their own part against their consciences, but to inforce the same upon others who refuse, and so not onely be oppressed, but turn oppressours of others. 9. This all the subjects are required by the Act and Declaration of Parliament to subscribe, as they desire to be holden true lovers of Religion; It being further affirmed in the said Act and Declaration, that the Acts and Const.i.tutions of the late Parliament, are the most fit and necessary remedies for preservation of Religion; Where the Parliament a.s.sume to themselves, without the advice and consent of the a.s.semblies of the Kirk, to judge and determine such things wherein, (if in any thing) the ecclesiastical a.s.semblies have undoubtedly a special interest, _viz._ who are to be holden lovers of Religion, and what are the most fit and necessary remedies for preservation of Religion: Yea it is ordained by the fourth Act of Parliament, 1640. that for preservation of Religion, G. a.s.semblies rightly const.i.tute, as the proper & competent judge of all matters Ecclesiastical, be keeped yearly and oftner _pro re nata_. The Coronation Oath doth also suppose the antecedent Judgement of the Kirk, as the proper and competent judge who are enemies to true Religion & who not; for his Majesty obliged himself by that Oath, that he should be carefull to root out all Hereticks and enemies to the true Wors.h.i.+p of G.o.d, who shall be convict by the true Kirk of G.o.d, of the aforesaid crimes. 10. The General a.s.sembly and their Commissioners are now deprived of their liberty of Printing, confirmed and ratified by Act of Parliament, there being an inhibition to the contrary upon the PRINTER, under the pain of Death by the Committee of Estates.

Whereas the desires of the Commissioners of the last a.s.sembly, for the safety and security of Religion, and the right manner of proceeding to war, together with the supplications of Provinciall a.s.semblies and Presbyteries, all tending to the composing of the present unhappy differences, and to the begetting of a right understanding, have not produced the desired and wished-for effect; but on the contrary our just grievances being still more and more heightned, iniquity established by a law; and that law put in execution; We cannot chuse but declare and give warning to all the people of G.o.d in this land, concerning the sinfulnesse and unlawfulnesse of the present Engagement: which may be demonstrate by many reasons, as namely.

1. The Wars of G.o.dS people, are called the Wars of the LORD, _Numb._ 21, 14. 2 _Chron_ 20. 15. and if our eating and drinking, much more our engaging in war must be for G.o.d and for his glory; 1 _Cor._ 10. 31.

whatsoever we do in word or deed, we are commanded to do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, and so for his glory, _Col._ 3. 17. The Kingdom of G.o.d and the righteousnesse thereof is to be sought in the first place and before all other things, _Matth._ 6. 33. It was the best flower and garland in the former expeditions of this Nation, that they were for G.o.d and for Religion and mainly. But if the end of this present Engagement were for the glory of G.o.d, How comes it to that not so much as one of the desires of the Kirk, for the safety and security of Religion in the said Engagement, is to this day satisfied or granted; But on the contrary such courses taken as are destructive to Religion. And if G.o.ds glory be intended what meaneth the employing and protecting in this Army so many blasphemers persecutors of Piety, disturbers of divine wors.h.i.+p, and others guilty of notorious and crying sins. Again, how can it be pretended that the good of Religion is aimed at, when it is proposed and declared that the Kings Majestie shall be brought to some of his houses in or near _London_, with Honour, Freedom and Safety, before ever there be any security had from him, or so much as any application made to him for the good of Religion. What is this but to postpone the honour of G.o.d, the liberties of the Gospel, the safety of G.o.ds people to an humane interest, and to leave Religion in a condition of uncertainty, unsetlednesse and hazard, while it is strongly endeavoured to settle and make sure somewhat else.

2. Suppose the ends of this Engagement to be good (which they are not) yet the meanes and ways of prosecution are unlawfull, because there is no ane equall avoiding of rocks on both hands, but a joyning with malignants to suppresse Sectaries, a joyning hands with a black devill to beat a white devil; They are bad Physicians who would so cure one disease as to breed another as evil; or worse. That there is in the present Engagement a confederacy and a.s.sociation in war with such of the _English_ who according to the solemn League and Covenant and Declarations of both Kingdoms, 1643. can be no otherwise looked upon but as Malignants and enemies of Reformation and the Cause of G.o.d, is now made so manifest before Sun and Moon, that we suppose none will deny it; And tis no lesse undeniable, that not only many known Malignants, but diverse who joyned in the late rebellion within this Kingdom are employed, yea, put into places of trust; All which how contrary tis to the Word of G.o.d, no man can be ignorant who will attentively search the Scriptures, for we finde therein condemned confederacies and a.s.sociations with the enemies of true Religion, whether _Canaanites_, _Exod._ 23. 32. and 24. 12. 15. _Deut._ 7.

2. or other heathens 1 _King_ 11. _v._ 1, 2. such was _Asa_ his Covenant with _Benhadad_, 2 _Chron._ 16. to v. 10. _Ahaz_ his confederacy with the King of _a.s.syria_ 2 _King._ 16. 7. 10. 2 _Chron._ 28. 16. to v. 23. or whither the a.s.sociation was with wicked men of the seed of _Abraham_, as _Jehoshaphats_ with _Achab_ 2 _Chron._ 18. 2. compared with chap. 19. 2.

also his a.s.sociation with _Ahaziah_ 2 _Chron_, 20. 35. and _Amaziachs_ a.s.sociating to himself 100000. of the ten Tribes when G.o.d was not with them, 2 _Chron._ 25. 7, 8, 9, 10. The sin and danger of such a.s.sociations may further appear from _Isaiah_ 8. 12. 15. _Jer._. 2. 18. _Psal._ 106.

35. _Hos._ 5. 13. and 7. 8, 11. _Cor._ 6. 14, 15. and if we should esteem G.o.ds enemies, to be our enemies and hate them with perfect hatred, _Psal._ 139. 21 how can we then joyn with them as confederates and a.s.sociates, especially in a cause where Religion is so highly concerned; and seeing they have been formerly in actuall opposition to the same cause.

3. We are commanded if it be possible and as much as lieth in us to have peace with all men, _Rom._ 12. 18, to seek peace and pursue it, _Psal._ 34. 14. war and bloodshed is the last remedy after all the wayes and means of peace have been used in vain. The intended war of the nine Tribes and a half against the two Tribes and half was prevented by a Message and Treaty of Peace _Josh._ 22; The like means was used by _Jepthah_ (though not with the like success) for the preventing of war with the King of _Ammon_ _Judg._ 11. The very light of nature hath taught Heathens not to make war till first all amicable wayes of preventing bloodshed were tried; yet this war hath been driven on without observing any such method of proceeding except by a message wherein not so much as one breach was represented. Yea though these two Kingdoms are straitly united in Covenant, yet these who have carried on this war did not only neglect to desire a Treaty, but also slight an offer of a Treaty made from the Parliament of _England_ upon the Propositions of both Kingdoms.

4. There are many clear and ful testimonies of Scriptures against the breach and violation of Covenants, although but between man and man, _Psal._ 55. 20. _Rom._ 1, 31. 2 _Tim._ 3. 3, Especially where the name of G.o.d was interposed in Covenants by any of his people, _Jer._ 34. 8, 10, 11, 18. _Ezek._ 17. 18. 19. How much more the violation of a Solemn Covenant between G.o.d and his people. _Lev._ 26. 15. 25. _Deut._ 17. 2. and 29. 21, 14, 25. _Jer._ 22. 8, 9. 1 _King._ 19. 10. _Dan._ 11. 32. _Hos._ 6. 7. If therefore the present Engagement be a breach of our solemn League and Covenant, then they who have before taken the Covenant, and have now joyned in this Engagement, must grant by necessary and infailible consequence, either that the Covenant it self which they took was unlawful, and such as they cannot perform without sin (which yet they cannot professe) or otherwise, that the Engagement is unlawfull and sinfull, as being a breach of Covenant, and so contrary to the Word of G.o.d; that the present Engagement is a breach of Covenant may appear by comparing it with each of the Articles, for it is against all the six Articles of the Covenant.

Against the first, because in stead of the preservation of the Doctrine, Wors.h.i.+p, Discipline and Government of this Kirk; there is not onely a great quarelling by those that do Engage, at the present doctrine, and free preaching, a disturbing of and withdrawing from the Wors.h.i.+p, and namely from the late solemn humiliation: But also a refusall of such things as were desired by the Commission of the late a.s.sembly and Provincial Synods, as necessary to the preservation of the true Reformed Religion: And we have just cause of fear that the Reformation of Religion in Doctrine, Wors.h.i.+p, Discipline and Government is not intended to be sufficiently maintained and preserved, when we finde such a limitation and restriction in the late Declaration of the Committee of Estates to the Parliament and Kingdom of _England, That they will maintain and preserve the Reformation of Religion, Doctrine, Wors.h.i.+p, Discipline and Government, as is by the mercy of G.o.d, and his Majesties goodnesse established by Law among us_; but as there is no such limitation in the Covenant, so we have not had such proof of his Majesties goodnesse as to establish by Law all that hath been by the mercies of G.o.d inacted in Generall a.s.semblies. As to the rest of the first Article, concerning the Reformation of _England_ and _Ireland_, and the Uniformity, as there was some hopefull beginnings thereof, and a good foundation laid, during the late War against the Popish Prelaticall and Malignant party, so the state and ground of the War being now altered, and these chosen for confederates, and a.s.sociates in the War, who are known enemies to that Reformation, and Uniformity, how can the Covenant be keeped in that point as long as such a War is carried on.

The second Article is violated because in stead of indeavouring to extirpate Popery and Superst.i.tion without respect of persons (as is exprest in the Covenant) there is in the late Declaration of the Committee of Estates a desire of the Queens return, without any condition tending to the restraint of her or exercise of Popery; We do also conceive there is a tacit condescending to the toleration of Superst.i.tion and the Book of Common prayer in His Majesties family, because as it was reserved by himself in his concession, brought home by the Commissioners of this Kingdom, So these concessions were never plainly declared by the Parliament to be unsatisfactory to their Lords.h.i.+ps, howbeit it hath been often and earnestly desired: neither can we conceive how the clause concerning the extirpation of Prelacy, can consist with indeavouring to bring His Majesty with Honour, Freedom and Safety to one of his Houses in or about LONDON, without any security had from him, for the abolition of Prelacy; it being his known principle (and publickly declared by himself shortly after he went to the Isle of _Wight_) that he holds himself obliged in conscience, and by his Coronation Oath to maintain Archbishops, Bishops, &c. Can it be said that they are endeavouring to extirpate Prelacy, who after such a Declaration would put in His Majesties hand an opportunity to restore it?

As for the third Article we cannot conceive how the preserving of the Priviledges of Parliament, and a.s.serting the Kings negative voice can consist; And we are sorrowfull that under the colour, of the Priviledges of Parliament, the liberties of the Subjects are overthrown, and the persons and Estates of such as have been best affected to the Cause and Covenant are exposed to most grievous injuries, crying oppressions: And whereas the duty in preserving and defending his Majesties Person and Authority, is by the third Article of the Covenant qualified with, and subordinate unto the preservation and defence of the true Religion and Liberties of the Kingdoms, There is no such qualification, nor subordination observed in the present Engagement, but on the contrary, it is so carried on, as to make duties to G.o.d and Religion conditionall, qualified, limited; and duties to the King absolute and unlimited.

The fourth Article of the Covenant is so foully broken, that they who were by that Article declared Enemies, Incendiaries, Malignants, and therefore to be brought to condigne tryall and punishment, are now looked upon as friends and a.s.sociates, and are the men who get most favour and protection, and sundry of them imployed in places of trust, in the Army and Committees.

For the fifth Article, instead of endeavouring to preserve Peace and Union, a breach is endeavoured between the Kingdoms, not only by taking in and garrisoning their frontire Towns, but also entering the Kingdom of _England_ with an Army, and joyning with the common enemies of both Kingdoms, notwithstanding of an offer of a Treaty upon the Propositions of both Kingdoms made by the Parliament of _England_ to the Parliament of this Kingdom. And whether the way of this Engagement can consist with the large Treaty between the Kingdoms, we shall with the Honourable Committee of Estates may yet take it into their serious second thoughts.

The sixth is also manifestly broken, for we are thereby obliged to a.s.sist and defend all those that entered into this League and Covenant, in maintaining and pursuing thereof: Whereas the Army now entered into _England_, is to a.s.sist and defend many who have not entered into that League and Covenant: And for those who took the Covenant in that Nation.

and continue faithfull in it, what they may expect from this Army, may be collected not onely from their carriage towards their Brethren at home; but also from that clause toward the close of the late Declaration of the Committee of Estates, _And that we will do prejudice or use violence to none (as far as we are able) but to such as oppose us, or such ends above mentioned._ It cannot be unknown that many of the English Nation who are firm and faithfull to the Covenant, and Presbyteriall Government do, and will according to their places and callings oppose some of those ends above mentioned in that Declaration, as namely, the restoring both of King and Queen without any condition or security first had from them; And so by that rule in the Declaration they must expect to be used as enemies, not as friends. That sixth Article is also broken by a departing from the first principles and resolutions: and by dividing, and withdrawing from those that adhere thereunto, which hath been before cleared by the Commission of the late Generall a.s.sembly in their Declaration in _March_, Representation, and other Papers published in Print.

5. We leave it to be seriously pondered by every one who is truely conscientious, whether it be any ways credible or probable, or agreeable to Scripture rules, that the generality of all that have been most faithfull and cordiall to the Covenant and cause of G.o.d should be deceived, deluded and darkened in this businesse, and that they who for the most part were enemies to the work of G.o.d in the beginning, and have never brought forth fruits meet for Repentance, should now finde out the will of G.o.d more than his most faithfull Servants in the Land, and who, that fears G.o.d, will believe that Malignants are for the ends of the Covenant and that they who are most instrumental in the Reformation, are against the ends of the Covenant.

All which considered, as we could not, without involving our selves in the guiltinesse of so unlawfull an Engagement, yeeld to the desire of the Army for Ministers to be sent by us to attend them; So we do earnestly exhort, and in the name and authority of Jesus Christ, charge and require all and every one of the Members of this Reformed Kirk of _Scotland_.

I. That they search narrowly into the sins which have Procured so great judgements and so sad an interruption of the work of G.o.d, that they examine themselves, consider their wayes, be much in humiliation and prayer, study a reall and practicall Reformation, That they also mourn and sigh for the abominations of the Land, and stand in the gap to turn away the wrath, Among all these fearfull sins, the violation of the Solemn League and Covenant, would not be forgotten but seriously laid to heart, as that which eminently provoketh the Lord and procureth his judgements to be powred forth not onely upon persons and families, but also upon States and Kingdoms. Covenant-breakers through in common things, are reckoned by the Apostle in that Catalogue of the abominations of the Gentiles: But among the people of G.o.d, where his great name is interposed, the breach of Covenant even in meaner matters, such as the setting of servants at liberty provoketh the Lord to say, _Behold I proclaim a liberty for you (saith the Lord) to the sword, to the pestilence, and to the famine, and I will give the men that hath transgressed my Covenant,_ and (not excepting, but expressly mentioning Princes) he addes, _I will give them into the hands of their enemies,_ The History of the _Gibeonites_, who surrept.i.tiously procured the Covenant made to spare them, and whom _Saul_ some ages thereafter in his zeal to the children of _Israel_ and _Judah_ sought to slay, as being cursed _Canaanites_, evidenceth with what vengeance, the LORD followeth Covenant-breakers, whereof there wants not in prophane History also both forreign and domestick examples: Therefore let all the inhabytants of the Land of whatsoever rank, seriously ponder how terrible judgements the violation of a Covenant so recently, so advisedly, so solemnly made, and in so weighty matters, may draw on, if not timously prevented by speedy repentance.

II. That they so respect and honour Authority, as that they be not the servants of men, nor give obedience to the will and authority of Rulers in any thing which may not consist with the word of G.o.d, but stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made them free, and obey G.o.d rather then men.

III. That they carefully avoid the dangerous rocks and snares of this time, whereby so many are taken and broken. Upon the one hand the sowre leaven of Malignancy where ever it enters, spoileth and corrupteth the whole lump, postponing Religion, and the Cause of G.o.d to humane interest, what ever be pretended to the contrary, and obstructing the work of Reformation, and propagation of Religion out of false respects and creature interest. As this hath formerly abounded in the land, to the prejudice of the Cause and Work of G.o.d, so of late it is revived, spreading with specious pretences of vindicating wrongs done to his Majesty. We desire not to be mistaken, as if respect and love to his Majesty were branded with the infamous mark of Malignancy; But hereby we warn all who would not come under this soul stain, not onely in their speech and profession, but really & in their whole carriage not to prefer their own, and the interest of any creature whatsoever, before the interest of CHRIST and Religion. The characters of these have been fully given in former Declarations, specially in the Declaration of the Commissioners of the Generall a.s.sembly in _March_ last, which we hold as here repeated; onely adding this, that they ordinarily traduce Kirk Judicatures, as medling with civill affairs, which as it is no new calumny, but such as hath been cast upon the servants of G.o.d in former times; so the whole course of proceedings doth manifestly confute the same.

Upon the other hand Sectarisme hath no lesse hindered the blessed and glorious work of Reformation in our neighbour Kingdom, against the venome whereof, lest it approach and infect this Kirk, we have need to watch diligently to avoid all the beginnings and dangerous appearances thereof.

The many faithfull testimonies from G.o.dly Ministers in severall parts of _England_, against the vile errours, and abominable blasphemies abounding there, as they are to us matter of rejoicing before the Lord; so they ought to be looked on as warnings to all sorts of people, especially that regard Religion, to beware of Sathans snares, craftily set to catch their souls. And because such gangreens creep insensibly, all that love the Honour of G.o.d, and welfare of Religion, would seriously consider the following points, both by way of marks to discern; and meanes to escape the danger of this infection.

1. Whosoever are misprises of the blessed work of Reformation established within this Land, and do not shew themselves grieved for the impediments and obstructions it hath met with in our neighbour Kingdom, these are even on the brink of this precipice, ready to tumble down in this gulf whensoever occasion is offered: All therefore that love the Lord Jesus, would stir up their hearts in the light and strength of the Lord highly to prize, and thankfully to acknowledge what the right hand of the most High hath done among us, as also to thirst fervently after the advancing and perfecting of the LORD's work among our neighbours.

2. Disrespect to the publick Ministery and Ordinances is a symptome of a dangerous inclination to that disease: And therefore as all Christs Ministers ought to stir up themselves, to walk as becometh their high and holy calling lest they be stumbling blocks to the people of G.o.d; so all the people of G.o.d ought most carefully to stir up themselves unto a precious estimation of the Ordinances of G.o.d, & highly to esteem the Stewards thereof for their works sake. A duty at all times needful but now especially, when Sathan by all means endevours the contrary.

3. Indifferency in points of Religien, and pleading for Toleration to themselves or others how far soever different among themselves, is not to be forgotten among the characters of Sectaries, and therefore ought the more carefully to be avoided and opposed by all who desire to hold fast the profession of their faith without wavering.

4. They who are glorying in, and seeking after new lights, or under the pretext of them are self-conceited in singular opinions, or who affect new and strange expressions, are entring into the snare ready to be carried about with every winde of Doctrine. And therefore albeit we ought always as Disciples of the Lord to set ourselves as in his sight to be taught by his Spirit according to his Word, yet in this time so fertil of errours; it becommeth all the lovers of truth to hold fast what they have received, that no man take their Crown.

5. Whosoever brings in any opinion or practise in this Kirk contrary to the confession of Faith, Directory of Wors.h.i.+p or Presbyterian Government may be justly esteemed to be opening the door to Schisme and Sects: And therefore all depravers or misconstructers of the proceedings of Kirk-Judicatories, especially the Generall a.s.sembly would take heed least by making a breach upon the walls of _Jerusalem_ they make a patent way for Sectaries to enter.

6. They who separate the Spirit from the Word, and pretend the Spirit, when they have no ground or warrant from the Word, are already taken in an evill snare, And therefore tis necessary to try the Spirits whither they are of G.o.d, for many false Prophets are gone out into the world, if they speak not according to the word it is because there is no light in them.

The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland Part 38

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