The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland Part 46

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We do in all humility beseech your Majestie to consider & lay to heart what the mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken of all the accompts of People, Nations, Kings, and Rulers against the Kingdom of his Son, that they imagine a vaine thing and that he that sitteth in heaven will have them in dirision and vex them in his sore displeasure. Consider, how he hath blasted and turned upside downe these yeares by past, all the devices and plots of those men that now beare the Swey in your Majesties Counsels: Consider, how the anger of G.o.d has been kindled, even against his dearest Saints, when they have joyned themselves to such men as he hateth and has cursed: Consider, how severely hee hath threatned and punished such Kings as have a.s.sociate with Idolaters, and leaned unto their helps. Surely, great is the wrath of G.o.d, whereof you are in danger; And yet the Lord in the riches of his goodnesse, forbearance and long suffering, is waiting to be gracious to your Majestie; To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your heart, but humble your self under the mighty hand of G.o.d, lamenting after him as, for the iniquities of your Fathers house, especially the opposition against the reformation of Religion and Cause of G.o.d, the permitting and practising Antichristian Idolatry in the Royall Family it self, and the shedding of so much blood of the people of G.o.d, so also, for your owne entering to walke in the like courses in the beginning of your raign. It is high time to fall downe before the Throne of grace, seeking to get your peace made with G.o.d through Jesus Christ whose blood is able to wash away all your sins, To walk no longer in the Councel of the unG.o.dly, nor cleave to such as seeke their own things and not the things of Jesus Christ, nor the welfare of your Subjects and Government, but to set your eyes upon the faithfull in your dominions, that such may dwell with you, & be the men of your Councells, To serve the Lord in feare, and kisse the Sonne of G.o.d, by a sincere and cordiall contributing your Royall allowance and authority, for establis.h.i.+ng in all your dominions the reformation of Religion, in Doctrine, Wors.h.i.+p, and Government as it is now agreed upon according to the cleare & evident warrant of the word of G.o.d, by the a.s.sembly of Divines at _Westminster_, and the Generall a.s.semblies of this Church; And also, laying aside that service book, which is so stuffed with Romish corruptions, And conforming your owne practise and the wors.h.i.+p of G.o.d in your Royall Family, to that Gospell simplicity and purity which is holden forth from the word of G.o.d, in the Directory of wors.h.i.+p, and not only to grant your Royall approbation to the Covenant of these three Kingdomes (without which, your people can never have from you sufficient security, either for Religion, or their just liberties) but also your selfe to joyne with your people therein as the greatest security under Heaven for your person and just greatness, and to cause all of them stand to it by your Royall Command, according to the practise of that gracious King _Josiah_, to whom, wee wish your Majestie in these your younger yeares, and this beginning of your raigne, to look as to an ensample and Kingly portract approven of G.o.d. These things if your Majestie do; As wee are well a.s.sured, that the hearts of all your good Subjects in these Kingdomes will be enlarged with all cheerfulnesse to imbrace your person, and submit unto your Royall Government, so wee darre promise in the Name of our Lord, that you shall finde favour with G.o.d, peace and joy unspeakable and full of glory to your Soule, and deliverance out of your sad afflictions and deep distresses in due time: But if your Majestie shall go on in refusing to hearken to wholesome Councels; We must for the discharge of our Conscience tell your Majestie in the humility and griefe of our hearts, that the Lords anger is not turned away, but his hand stretched out still against you and your Family. But we hope and shall with all earnestnesse and constancy pray for better things from, and to your Majestie: And whatsoever misconstruction (by the malice of those that desire not a right understanding and cordiall conjunction between your Majestie and this Kirk and Kingdome) may be put upon our declaration; Yet wee have the Lord to be our witnesse, that our purpose and intention therein is no other, but to warne and keepe the people of G.o.d committed to our care, that they runne not to any course which would bring upon themselves the guilt of highest perjury and breach of Covenant with G.o.d, and could not but prove most dangerous to your Majestie and your Government, and involve you in shedding the blood of those who are most desirous to preserve your Majesties Person, and just right in all your dominions. And now wee doe with all earnestnes beseech your Majestie, that you will follow the courses of truth and peace; And that when there is a doore opened for your Majestie to enter to your Royall Government over us, in peace, with the favour of G.o.d, and cordiall Love and imbracings of all your good Subjects, You will not suffer your selfe to be so farre abused and misled by the Councels of men, who delight in war, as to take away of violence and blood, which cannot but provoke the most high against your Majestie, and alienat from you the hearts of your best Subjects, who desire nothing more, than that your Majestie may have a long and happy raign over them, And that they may live under you, a peaceable and quiet life, in all G.o.dlinesse and honesty.

_Edinburgh 6 August, 1649._

_Your Majesties most Loyal Subjects and humble servants the Ministers and Elders conveened in this Nationall a.s.sembly of the Kirk of_ Scotland.

The Generall a.s.sembly not having now time to consider the Reference of preceeding a.s.semblies, and the most part of Presbyteries not having sent their opinions in writ; Thefore do yet againe recommend to Presbyteries and Provinciall a.s.semblies to consider all matters referred by this or by any former a.s.semblies, And to send their opinions therein in writ to the next Generall a.s.sembly.

The meeting of the next Generall a.s.sembly is hereby appointed to be at _Edinburgh_, the second wednesday of _July_, 1650.




Edinburgh _16 of October 1690. Post Meridiem._ Sess. 1.

I. _The Meeting of the_ General a.s.sembly, _and the Recording of Their Majesties_ Commission, _to_ John _Lord_ Carmichael, _for Representing Their Majesties therein._

This day, being a day of Solemn Fasting and Humiliation, the General a.s.sembly of the Ministers and Elders of this Church; did after Sermons (in the Forenoon by Mr. _Gabriel Cunningham_ Moderator of the last General Meeting, and in the Afternoon by Mr. _Patrick Sympson_ Moderator of the preceding General Meeting) Conveen in the a.s.sembly-House at _Edinburgh_, according to the Indiction of an Act of the current Parliament, dated the 7 day of _June_ last, and Directions given by the late General Meeting of the Ministers and Elders of this Church: And after Prayer, there was produced to them, by an n.o.ble Lord _John_ Lord _Carmichael_, Their Majesties Commission, for his being Their Majesties High Commissioner and Representative to this General a.s.sembly, Dated at _Kensingtoun_ the 10 day of _October_ 1690. Which was with all due Respect publickly read: And Mr.

_Gabriel Cuningham_, Moderator for the time, did in the a.s.semblies Name, Represent to his Grace, how Great a Mercy it was, to this Church and Kingdom, that Their Majesties had Countenanced this a.s.sembly, with Their Authority, and Honoured it with a Representative of Their Royal Persons: And the a.s.semblies great Satisfaction, with Their Majesties choice of a person so well Qualified, and so Acceptable to this a.s.sembly, to Represent Their Majesties therein. To whom His Grace was pleased to give this return, That it was his firm Resolution, in the Capacity, wherein Their Majesties had now put him, to lay out himself for their Majesties Service, and the good of the Church. The a.s.sembly appointed the said Commission to be Recorded in Their Books, _Ad futuram res Memoriam_: The Tenour whereof follows.

_GULIELMUS & MARIA_, Dei Gratia, Magnae _Britannia, Francia & Hibernia_, Rex & Regina, Fideique Defensores, Omnibus probis Hominibus, ad quos praesentes Literae; Nostrae pervenerint, _Salutem_. Quandoquidem per actum, in secunda Sessione Currentis hujus nostri Parliamenti, Expeditum, De stabiliendo Ecclesiae Regimine, in antiquiori hoc nostro Scotiae Regno; Primum Ecclesiaeillius Generalem Conventum, _Edinburghi_, Tertio die Jovis, Mensis _Octobris_ Instantis, teneri Ordinavimus: Nosautem (Rebus magni Momenti alio vocantibus) In dicto Conventu interesse nequimus: Abunde vero Cupidi, ut Idem Generalis Conventus, ad Religionem veram Reformatam melius firmandam, Pietatem & Sanct.i.tatem Propagandam, Pacem itaque & Unitatem, in dicta Ecclesia, & hoc nostro antiquiore Regno acquirendam; methodo debita & Regulari, Observetur: c.u.mque Testimoniis perplurimis & probatis, n.o.bis abunde satisfactum sit, de Praeclaris animi dotibus, & fide eximia, fidelisslimi & dilectissimi nostri Consiliarii. _Joannis_ Domini _Carmichael_, quibus ad summae fiduciae Munus infra expressum, debite & exacte obeundum & excercendum, usque quaque est adaptatus: Noveritis igitur nos & Const.i.tuisse, sicuti per hasce nostras Patentes Literas, Nominamus & Const.i.tuimus Eundem _Joannem_ Dominum _Carmichael_, Supremum nostrum Commissionarium, quoad effectum intra expressum: Damus pariter & concedimus illi, sacram Nostram Personam & Authoritatem Regiam Repraesentandi, ac pro n.o.bis praesentiam faciendi, loc.u.mque nostrum in subsequenti Generali Conventu, Tanquam Commissionario nostro, in hunc effectum specialiter Const.i.tute, tenendi: Omniaque alia ad Imperium & Munus Commissionarii, pro Generali Ecclesiae conventu peragendi, tam plene, adeoque libere, in quovis Respectu, quam Quilibet alius ejusdem Muneris & Characteris, fecerat, seu quovis tempore retroacto facere potuerat, atque adeo sicuti Nosmet ipsi personaliter praesentes Possemus. Plenissimam & amplissimam Nostram Potestatem & Commissionem. Quaequidem omnia & singula, a dicto _Joanne_ Domino _Carmichael_, In hac nostra Commissione prolequenda, legitime facienda, Nos firmiter approbamus, Rata habemus, & habituri sumus. Omnibus & singulis insuper antedicti Conventus, & Ecclesiae Pastoribus & Presbyteris, ac Caeterii quibusc.u.mque hujus Nostri Regni Subditis, cujuscunque ordinis seu conditionis, ut eundem _Joannem_ Dominum _Carmichael_, tanquam Supremum Nostrum Commissionarium, quoad effectum & modum supra mentionatum, agnoscant, Colant, & dicto ipsius audientes se praebeant, stricte Mandamus & Imperamus. Et denique hanc Nostram Commissionem, a die quo Magnum hujus Regni Nostri Sigillum, Presentibus est appensum, ac durante Prima dicti Generalis Conventus Sessione, aut usque donec haec Nostra Commissio per nos Revocetur, Continuare Declaravimus, ac per Praesentes Declaramus. In cujus rei Testimonium, Praesentibus Magnum Sigillum Nostrum appendi Mandavimus, Apud aulam Nostram de _Kensingtoun_, decimo die mensis _Octobris_, Anno Domini 1690. Regnique nostri, Anno secundo.

Per signaturam manu S.D.N. Regis supra Signatam.

(locus figilli appensi)


_Sealed at_ Edinburgh _the 16th of_ October 1690. _Alex. Inglis._

_Written to the Great Seal, and Registr at the 16 day of_ October 1690.

Dun. Ronald _Dpt._

Edinburgh 17 October 1690. _Ante Meridiem_ Sess. 2.

II. _His_ MAJESTIES _Gracious Letter to the a.s.sembly._

This Session, His Majesties Gracious Letter Direct to this General a.s.sembly, was publickly Read and Heard with great Respect; and appointed to be Recorded in the Books of the a.s.sembly, The Tenour whereof follows.


_Reverend, Trusty and Well Beloved,_

Our Concern for the Good of Our Ancient Kingdom, hath been such, That We have left nothing undone, that might Contribute to the making of it Happy: And therefore having been informed, that Differences as to the Government of the Church have caused greatest Confusions in that Nation; We did willingly concurre with Our Parliament, in In-acting such a Frame of it, as was judged to be most agreeable to the Inclinations of Our Good Subjects: To which as We have had a particular Regard, in Countenanceing this a.s.sembly, With Our Authority, and a Representative of Our Royall Person; So We expect, that Your Managment shall be such, as We shall have no reason, to Repent of what we have done. A Calm and Peaceable Procedure, will be no less pleasing to Us, than it becometh You. We never could be of the Mind, that Violence was suited to the advancing of True Religion; Nor do We intend, that Our Authority shall ever be a Tool, to the irregular Pa.s.sions of any Party. Moderation is what Religion enjoynes, Neighbouring Churches expect from You, and We Recommend to You. And We a.s.sure You of Our constant Favour and Protection, in Your following of these Methods, which shall be for the real advantage of True Piety, and the Peace of Our Kingdoms. Given under our Royal Hand, At our Court at _Kensingtoun_, the 10 day of _October_ 1690.

_By His Majesties Command,_



_For the Reverend, Trusty and Wel-Beloved, Ministers and Elders, met in the General a.s.sembly of the Church of_ Scotland. _At_ Edinburgh.

Edinburgh _18th._ October 1690. _Post Meridiem_ Sess. 4.

III. _The a.s.semblies Answer to His Majesties Gracious Letter._

_May it please your Majesty,_

Your Gracious Letter, Direct to the Ministers and Elders met here, in the General a.s.sembly of the Church of _Scotland_ was Read and Heard among Us, with all Joy and Thankfulness, that the Rising and s.h.i.+ning again of the Royal Favour, upon this long Afflicted and distressed Church, could possibly Inspire: For as Your Majesties Concern for the Good of this Your Ancient Kingdom, hath indeed been such, as nothing can impair the Happy State whereunto You have Restored it, save the want of the due sense and understanding of so great a Mercy; So We doe most heartily acknowledge, that through Your Majesties Care and Kindness, the Church of Christ therein, doth equally partake of the same Blessing. It was the sad Confusions, that differences as to the Government of the Church, had caused in this Nation, that according to Your Majesties first Declaration, for our Relief, moved our Gracious G.o.d, to Raise up and Prosper You, to Be our Glorious Deliverer, for Effectuating the Reestablishment that we now enjoy: So that we are perswaded, that it is not more Agreeable, to the Inclinations and Conscientious Perswasions of all within this Kingdom, who are best Affected to Your Majesties Person and Government, than it is acceptable to G.o.d, and will be Your Majesties perpetual Peace and Satisfaction. Nor are we less Sensible of the particular Regard, Your Majestie professeth towards us, on this occasion, in Countenancing this a.s.sembly, with Your Authority, and a Representative of Your Royal Person; for which we most humbly acknowledge Your Gracious Favour; especially that it hath pleased Your Majesty, to fix Your Choice, upon a Person so well Qualified, and so acceptable to Us. And now, _Great Sir_, after so many and so great Mercies and Favours, Received from G.o.d and Your Majesty; We Hope we may with Confidence a.s.sure You, that our Managment shall be such, as Your Majesty hath so just Reason to expect, and shall never give you cause to Repent of what You have done for Us. The G.o.d of Love, the Prince of Peace, with all the Providences that have gone over Us, and Circ.u.mstances that We are under, as well as Your Majesties most obliging Pleasure, Require of Us a Calme and Peaceable Procedure, And if after the Violence for Conscience sake, that We have Suffered, and so much Detested, and these Grievious Abuses of Authority, in the late Reigns, Whereby through some Mens Irregular Pa.s.sions, We have so sadly Smarted; We our selves, should Lapse into the same Errours, We should certainly prove the most Unjust towards G.o.d, Foolish towards our Selves, and Ungrate towards Your Majesty, of all Men on earth. Great Revolutions of this nature, must be attended, with Occasions of Complaint: And even the worst of Men, are Ready to cry out of Wrong, for their justest Deservings: But as Your Majesty Knows these things too well, to give us the least Apprehension of any impressions evil Report can make; So We a.s.sure Your Majesty, as in the Presence of G.o.d, and in expectation of his dreadfull Appearance, that We shall Study that Moderation, which Your Majesty Recommends, as being convinced, that it is the Duty that Religion enjoyns, and Neighbouring Churches doe most justly expect from Us: Desiring in all things, to Approve our selves unto G.o.d, as the true Disciples of Jesus Christ, who, though most Zealous, against all Corruptions in his Church, was most Gentle towards the Persons of Men: And to maintain as much as in us lyes, Peace and Concord with all the Reformed Churches: As likewise to comply in all obsequious Duty, with all that Your Majesty enjoynes, for the Real Advantage of true Piety, and the Peace or all Your Kingdoms. Heartily wis.h.i.+ng, that G.o.d, who hath Graciously brought back Your Majesties Person, in Safety, from Your Late, no less Generous, than Dangerous Expedition, for his Cause and Truth, with joyfull Success; May still preserve Your Majesty, and Our most Gracious Queen; Granting You long Life, Health, and Prosperity, And may Establish Your Throne, and Bless Your Government, to the Glory of His Great Name, the Good of all his Churches, and the welfare of all Your People. Which shall ever be the earnest Prayer of,

_May it please Your Majesty,_ _ Your Majesties most Faithful,_ _ most Obedient and most Humble Subjects._

Signed in our Presence, in our Name, and at our Appointment, _By_ _ HU. KENNEDIE_ Moderator.

IV. _Appointment of a Diet, to be kept by the a.s.sembly for Prayer._

The General a.s.sembly Appoints _Monday_ next, betwixt Eight and Twelve a Clock in the Forenoon, to be set a part for Prayer, by the Members of this a.s.sembly: And Recommends to all the Members, to meet in the a.s.sembly-House for that end, at Eight a Clock in the Morning.

The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland Part 46

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