The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland Part 49
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"3. That the Commission give their Opinion to all Presbyteries and Synods, who shall apply to them for the same, in difficult Cases: and though Presbyteries shall not apply, yet if the Commission shall be informed of any Precipitant, or unwarrantable procedure of Presbyteries, in Processes, which may prove of ill Consequence to the Church, The Commission shall interpose their Advice, to such Presbyteries, to sift such procedure, till either the Synod, or next General a.s.sembly take Cognizance of it; if the said Commission shall not find a present fit Expedient, to direct them, for bringing the matter sooner to a Right Conclusion."
"4. That in discussing References, Appeals and Bills, They take care to purge out all, who upon due Tryal shall be found to be Insufficient, supinely Negligent, Scandalous or Erroneous."
"5. That this Commission shall have Power of Visiting any Ministers within the Bounds of any Presbyteries, on this side of the Water of _Tay_, as they shall find need: And that this Power Reach Presbyterians as well as others."
"6. That they shall be Careful, that none shall be admitted by them to Ministerial Communion, or to a share of the Government; but such as upon due Tryal (for which the Commission is to take a competent time) shall be found to be Orthodox in their Doctrine, of Competent Abilities, having a Pious, G.o.dly, Loyal and Peaceable Conversation, as becometh a Minister of the Gospel, of an Edifying Gift, and whom the Commission shall have ground to believe, will be True and Faithful to G.o.d and the Government, and diligent in their Ministerial Duties. And that all who shall be admitted to the Ministry, or shall be received to a share in the Government, shall be obliged to Own and Subscribe the _Confession of Faith_, and profess their Submission to, and willingness to Joyn and Concur with the Presbyterian Church-Government."
"7. That they be very Cautions of receiving Informations, against the late Conformists, and that they proceed in the matter of Censure, very Deliberatly, so as none may have just cause to complain of their Rigiditie: Yet so as to omit no means of Information. And that they shall not proceed to censure, but upon Relevant Libels and sufficient Probation."
"8. That this Commission do not take on them, to meddle with any thing, not expressed in their Commission: And that it be declared, that this Commission is only given, _Ad hunc effectum & pro praesenti Ecclesiae statu_."
"9. That this commission be in all their actings, Countable to, and Censurable by the next Ensuing General a.s.sembly."
"10. That this commission continue till the first of _November_ next: and in case the General a.s.sembly Interveen; Then this Commission is to Terminate at the meetting of the said a.s.sembly."
The General a.s.sembly approves these Instructions, for the said Commission for Visitations on the South-side of _Tay_: And ordains the same also to serve for the Visitors that are to be appointed for the North.
XVI. _Commission for Visitations on the South side of_ Tay.
The General a.s.sembly Considering, that there are many Important and weighty Affairs, Processes, Appeals, and References, Tabled before this a.s.sembly, which the a.s.sembly could not overtake, for want of time to consider them naturely; Does therefore Nominate and Authorize a Commission of Ministers and Elders, for Visitation of the whole Presbyteries, on the South-side of _Tay_, _viz._ Mr. _Hugh Kennedy_, Mr. _John Vetch_, Mr.
_John Law_, Mr. _Gabriel Semple_, Mr. _Gilbert Rule_, Mr. _James Kirtoun_, Mr. _William Areskyne_, Mr. _William Weir_, Mr. _William Crichtoun_, Mr.
_John Anderson_ of _Perth_, Mr. _Alexander Pitcairn_, Mr. _Richard Howison__, Mr. __George Campbel_, Mr. _John Lawrie_, Mr. _Archibald Hamiltoun_, Mr. _Patrick Peac.o.c.k_, Mr. _John Spalding_, Mr. _Michael Bruce_, Mr. _Gabriel Cuningham_, Mr. _Patrick Warner_, Mr. _Alexander Forbes_, Mr. _John Hutcheson_, Mr. _William Eccles_, Mr. _James Vetch_, Mr. _Patrick Simpson_, Mr. _Matthew Crawford_, Mr. _William Legat_, Mr.
_Neil Gillies_, Mr. _Thomas Forrester_, Mr. _Andrew Mortoun_, Mr. _Robert Duncanson_, Mr. _John Bannatyne_, Mr. _William Ker_, Mr. _William Vilant_, Mr. _Robert Rule_, Mr. _James Frazer_, Mr. _George Meldrum_ at _Kilnining_, Mr. _David Blair_, Mr. _Samuel Nairn_, Mr. _Edward Jamieson_, Mr. _James Rymer_ Ministers: and the Earl of _Crawford_, the Earl of _Sutherland_, the Viscount of _Arburthnet_, the Lord _Halcraig_, the Lord _Aberuchil_, the Laird of _Cimistoun_, Sir _John Hall_ Provest of _Edinburgh_, Sir _John Riddel_, the Laird of _Greenknows_, _Archibald Muir_ late Baylie of _Edinburgh_, _James M__c__lurgh_ Dean of Gild, _George Stirling_ Deacon Conveener, the Laird of _Naughtoun_, the Laird of _Meggans_, the Laird of _Leuquhat_, Sir _Thomas Stewart_, the Laird of _Glanderstoun_, the Laird of _Lamingtoun_, Provest _Muir_ of _Air_, and the Laird of _Grange Hamiltoun_ Ruling Elders: To meet for their first Diet at _Edinburgh_ the fourteenth day of _November_ Instant, Fifteen of them being a _Quorum_, whereof Ten are to be alwayes Ministers: And of their Sub-Committee in the Interval of their Quarterly Meetings, Nine to be a _Quorum_, Six of these being always Ministers, who only are to Rippen and prepare Matters for the Quarterly Meetings. And their next Quarterly Meeting to be at _Edinburgh_ the Third _Wednesday_ of _January_ thereafter. And their next Quarterly Meeting to be on the Third _Wednesday_ of _April_. And if afterwards the said Commission shall think fit, to appoint other Quarterly Meetings, they may do as they see Expedient With full Power to them and their Sub-Commission foresaid, to give Warrand for Citing Parties upon Fifteen free dayes. And the said Commission, being only appointed, _Ad hunc effectum & pro prasentes Ecclesia Statu_, Therefore, The a.s.sembly Recommends particularly to the said Commission, to take Cognizance of, and finally determine in the particulars following, specially Committed and Referred to them, by this a.s.sembly, _viz._ The Purging and Planting of the City and Presbytery of _Edinburgh_: The transportation of Mr. _Robert Wyse_ to _Hamiltoun_: The Proces of the Heretors and People of _Peebles_: The Processes, of Mr.
_Thomas Wood_ at _Dumbar_, of Mr. _Robert Spotswood_ at _Abbotsrule_, Mr.
_John Bowes_ at _Abbotshail_, Mr. _Patrick Lyon_ at _Kinghorm_, Mr. _Symon Compar_ at _Dumfermling_, Mr. _William Crawford_ at _Lady-Kirk_, Mr.
_James Orr_ at _Huttoun_, Mr. _Adam Peac.o.c.k_ at _Morba.s.sie_, Mr. _Daniel Urquhart_ at _Clackmannan_, Mr. _George Monro_ at _Dollar_, Mr. _George Shaw_ at _Logie_, Mr. _Alexander Ireland_ at _Fossoway_ and _Tilliboal_, Mr. _Robert Sharp_ at _Muckart_, Mr. _James Grahame_ at _Dumfermling_, Mr.
_George Gray_ at _Beath_, Mr. _John Monro_ at _Stirling_, and Mr. _John Skinner_ at _Bathkenner_: The Pet.i.tion of the Magistrates of _Perth_, and Reference anent Mr. _John Anderson_ there: The Processes of Mr. _William Alison_ at _Kilboche_, and Mr. _James Cowper_ at _Humbie_: Some Reference of the Synod of _Merse_ and _Teviotdial_ to the a.s.sembly, _viz._ One anent Doctor _Canaries_, and another anent Mr. _Kirktoun_ and Mr. _Jameson's_ returning to their Charges, or else to Dimit; And a third anent Mr.
_William Crawfurd_ Deposed, to procure him some Lively hood, because of his Age and Infirmity, and some others given in to the Clerk therewith from the said Synod: The Affair anent Mr. _Duncan Campbel_ and the Parishes of _Dinnoon_ and _Kilmorn_: The Process of Mr. _Robert Glasford_ at _Auchterderen_: The Reference from the Presbyterie of _Stirling_, for advice anent Mr. _Patrick Cowpar_: The Pet.i.tions of Mr. _William Hamiltoun_ and Mr. _Hugh Nisbet_: The Pet.i.tion of Mr. _Alexander Strang_, anent his Clerks Fies. This Commission is also to Correspond with the State, anent Fasts and Thanksgivings, and their Causes, if the Occasions thereof fall out during the time of their sitting: Also to take the Monitory paper to consideration, and see what use is to be made of it: To consider what Acts of a.s.sembly are fit to be Printed together, and order the same. To consider the form of process, being first Revised by the Lord _Aberuchil_ and the Lord _Halcraig_. And to apply to the Privy Council for their Civil Sanction to the observation of the Fast. And this Commission is to walk in all things, according to the particular Instructions given unto them by this a.s.sembly. And in all their Actings they shall be countable to and Censurable by the next General a.s.sembly. And this Commission to Continue till the first of November next, or the diet, that shall be appointed for the next General a.s.sembly.
XVII. _Commission for Visitations on the North side of_ Tay.
The General a.s.sembly taking to their Consideration the necessity of Purging and Planting of the Churches on the North side of _Tay_, do by their Ecclesiastical Authority, Nominat, Appoint and Authorize their Reverend Brethren Mr. _Hugh Kennedy_, Mr. _John Law_, Mr. _William Crichtoun_, Mr. _Edward Jamieson_, Mr. _Robert Rule_, Mr. _James Rymer_, Mr. _James Frazer_, Mr. _Alexander Forbes_, Mr. _John Anderson_ at Perth, Mr. _George Meldrum_ at _Kitwining_, Mr. _Thomas Ramsay_, Mr. _Andrew Bowie_, Mr. _Robert Young_, Mr. _William Legat_, and Mr. _William Mackie_, Ministers: And the Lord Viscount of _Arbuthnet_, the Laird of _Meggins_, the Laird of _Naughtoun_, the Laird of _Leuquhat_, and the Laird of _Greenknows_, Ruling Elders: To joyn with the Ministers and Elders in the North after-mentioned; _Viz._ Mr. _John Stewart_, Mr. _James Urquhart_, Mr. _Alexander Dumbar_, Mr. _Alexander Frazer_, Mr. _Thomas Hogg_, Mr.
_Hugh Henryson_, Mr. _William Mackay_, Mr. _Walter Dinnoon_, Mr. _George Meldrum_ of _Gla.s.s_, Mr. _Arthur Mitchel_, Mr. _William Ramsay_, Mr.
_Francis Melvil_, and Mr. _John Mculloch_, Ministers: together With the Earle of _Sutherland_, the Laird of _Brodie_, the Laird of _Grant_, the Laird of _Grange Dumbar_, the Laird of _Eight_, the Laird of _Culloden_, the Laird of _Darfolly_, the Laird of _Parkhay_, Sir _John Monro_, Sir.
_George Monro_, Sir _Robert Gordon_ of _Embo_, _David Frazer_ of _Maine_, Mr. _John Campbel_ of _Moy_, _Hector Monro_ of _Drummond_, _Alexander Duff_, and _Robert Martyne_ of _Burnbrae_, Ruling Elders: To be a Commission for Visiting the whole Presbyteries on the North-side of the Water of _Tay_, In Planting Vacant Churches Const.i.tuting Elders.h.i.+ps in Congregations, Trying & Purging out of Insufficient, Negligent, Scandalous and Erroneous Ministers, by due course of Ecclesiastical Process and Censures, according to the Particular Instructions, given them thereanent, and for that effect, to have their first Dyet of meeting, at _Aberdeen_, the Second _Wednesday_ of _March_ next, and thereafter to appoint the own Dyets and Places of meeting, as they see Expedient, with full Power to them, or their _Quorum_ being seven Ministers and three Ruling Elders, to Issue out Warrants for Citing of Parties upon fifteen Free dayes, to Cognosce, Determine and finally decide, in planting of Vacant Churches, Const.i.tuting Elders.h.i.+ps, and Trying and Purging out, all Insufficient, Negligent, Scandalous and Erroneous Ministers, conforme to the particular Instructions given them thereanent. They being alwayes Countable to, and Censurable by the next General a.s.sembly of this Church: And this Commission to continue till the first of _November_ next, or the Dyet that shall be appointed for the next General a.s.sembly.
XVIII. _Commission for_ Mr. Gilbert Rule _and_ Mr. David Blair, _to wait upon His Majesty anent the Affairs of this Church._
The General a.s.sembly judging it Expedient, to send two of their Number to _London_, to attend his Majesty, anent the Affairs of this Church; Does therefore Nominate and Appoint their Reverend Brethren, _Mr. Gilbert Rule_, one of the Ministers of the City of _Edinburgh_, and of the Colledge thereof, and Mr. _David Blair_ another of the Ministers of the said City; with all convenient speed to Repair to _London_, to attend His Majesty for the end foresaid: And Refers the Instructions to be given them, and what other things Concern their Journey, to the Commission for Visitations on the South side of _Tay_ appointed by this a.s.sembly.
This a.s.sembly being Dissolved, and the next General a.s.semly appointed to be held at _Edinburgh_ the first day of _November_ next to come; the Members were dismissed with Prayer, Singing of the 133 Psalm, and p.r.o.nouncing of the Blessing.
_Collected, Visied and Extracted, from the Records of the said a.s.sembly by Me_ JOHN SPALDING _Cls. Syn: National._
Election of Mr. _Hugh Kennedy_ to be Moderator. Sess. 1.
Continuation of Mr. _John Spalding_, Clerk to the late General Meeting, to be Clerk to this a.s.sembly for the time. _Ibid._
Committee for Revising the Commissions of the Members of this a.s.sembly, _Ibid._
Committee for Overture, References, and Appeals, Sess. 2.
Committee For Synod-Books, and for Bills. _Ibid._
Committee for Supplying the Kirks of _Edinburgh_, during this a.s.sembly.
Reference anent the Purging and Planting of the City and Presbytery of _Edinburgh_, to the Commission to be appointed for Visitations, Sess. 5.
Declaration by the Moderator, that this a.s.sembly would Despose no Inc.u.mbents, simply for their Judgment, anent the Government of the Church, nor urge Re-ordination upon them, Sess. 6.
The Opinion of the a.s.sembly, declining to send any Ministers to _Northumberland_, upon a Pet.i.tion of some in that Country, is respect these People do not belong to this Church. Sess. 8.
Act discharging Mr. Andrew _Sliry_ the exercise of the Ministry, at _Falkirk_, and appointing the Presbytery of _Linlithgow_ to declare the said Kirk Vacant: As also discharging him the exercise of the Ministry, within the bounds of that Presbytery, without the said Presbyteries allowances. Sess. 9.
Act anent the call given to Mr. _Robert Anderson_ by the Parish of _Leuquhars. Ibid._
Act declaring Mr. _Arthur Mitch.e.l.l_ Rightful Minister at _Turreff_ Sess.
Act Transporting Mr. _George Campbel_, to the Profession of Divinity in the Colledge of _Edinburgh_, and to the Ministrie in that City. Sess. 11.
Act appointing some Ministers to Repair to _Dundie_, Sess. 12.
Act transporting Mr. _Gabriel Semple_ to _Jedburgh. Ibid._
Act anent Letters to several Ministers and Preachers Now abroad, belonging to this Church, for their Returning Home. Sess. 13.
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