Myths of Greece and Rome Part 28

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A'mor. Same as Eros, Cupid, etc.; G.o.d of love, 13; son of Venus and Mars, 107.

Am-phi'on. Son of Jupiter and Antiope; musician; King of Thebes, 80-82.

Am-phi-tri'te. Same as Salacia, queen of the sea; wife of Neptune, 154, 158; train of, 155; significance, 397.

An-chi'ses. Husband of Venus, 111; father of AEneas, 360-362; prophecy recalled by, 364; death of, 365; death anniversary of, 369; AEneas' visit to, 370-372.

An-ci'le. s.h.i.+eld of Mars, guarded by the Salii in Rome, 143.

An-drae'mon. Husband of Dryope; saw her changed to a tree, 298.

An-drom'a-che. Wife of Hector; parting of Hector and, 321-323; grief of, 328; captivity of, 365.

An-drom'e-da. Daughter of Celeus and Ca.s.siopeia; saved by Perseus, 246-249; significance, 391.

An-tae'us. Giant son of Gaea; defender of the Pygmies; slain by Hercules, 227, 228.

An-te'i-a. Wife of Proetus; accuses Bellerophon falsely, 291; significance, 393.

An'te-ros. G.o.d of pa.s.sion, 107, 108; son of Venus and Mars, 140.

An-tig'o-ne. Daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta; buried alive, 285-288; significance, 393.

An-tin'o-us. One of Penelope's suitors; slain by Ulysses, 358.

An-ti'o-pe. Wife of Jupiter; mother of Amphion and Zethus; persecuted by Dirce, 80.

A-pha're-us. Father of Castor's murderer, 279.

Aph-ro-di'te. Same as Venus, Dione, etc., 103, 105; significance, 399.

A-pol'lo. Same as Phoebus, Sol, and Helios, 61-91; G.o.d of the sun, music, poetry, and medicine, 55; Diana's brother, 93; Niobe's sons slain by, 94; Mars and Venus seen by, 106, 107; Mercury steals cattle of, 132-134; giants slain by, 139; walls built by, 151, 152; Marpessa claimed by, 155; Vesta loved by, 198; Ja.n.u.s, son of, 205; oracles of, 280, 281; steed of, 294; Ca.s.sandra loved by, 310; Chryses appeals to, 318, 319; Ulysses incurs anger of, 354; significance, 386, 390, 393, 396, 398.

Aq'ui-lo. West wind, son of AEolus and Aurora, 213, 215.

A-rach'ne. Minerva's needlework contest with, 58, 59.

Ar-ca'di-a. Province of Peloponnesus, 221, 275; Mercury's birthplace, 131.

Ar'cas. Son of Jupiter and Callisto; constellation of the Little Bear, 52.

A-re-o-pa-gi'tae. Judges of the criminal court of Athens, 140.

A-re-op'a-gus. Hill near Athens; site of the Parthenon, 140.

A'res. Same as Mars, 138; significance, 400.

A-re'te. 1. G.o.ddess of virtue; takes charge of Hercules, 218-220. 2. Wife of Alcinous; mother of Nausicaa, 355.

Ar-e-thu'sa. Nymph of Diana; changed to a fountain, 190-193.

Ar'ges (Sheet-lightning). A Cyclop; son of Ura.n.u.s and Gaea, 18.

Ar'go. Vessel in which Jason set sail in search of the golden fleece, 266-274; significance, 392.

Ar-go-nau'tic Expedition in search of golden fleece, 154; Zetes and Calais in, 215; Hercules in, 230; Meleager in, 275; significance, 391, 392.

Ar'go-nauts. Name given to Jason and crew, 267-271; significance, 392.

Ar'gos. City in Argolis, dedicated to Juno, 52-54; Eurystheus, king of, 218-220; Acrisius, king of, 240, 249; Adrastus, king of, 260, 287; Proetus, king of, 291; Agamemnon's return to, 336; significance, 389, 390.

Ar'gus. 1. Name of myriad-eyed giant who watched Io, 135-137; significance, 385. 2. Name of Ulysses' faithful hound, 357.

A-ri-ad'ne. Daughter of Minos; Theseus aided by, 256, 257; deserted by Theseus, 179, 257; marries Bacchus, 181; significance, 391.

A-ri'on. 1. Winged steed; the offspring of Neptune and Ceres, 153. 2. Musician; thrown into the sea by pirates, saved by a dolphin, 82, 83.

Ar-is-tae'us. Youth who indirectly causes Eurydice's death, 76.

Ar'te-mis. Same as Diana, G.o.ddess of the moon and the chase, 93, 97.

As-cal'a-phus. Spirit in Hades who saw Proserpina eat pomegranate seeds, 195.

A'si-a Mi'nor. West of Asia; Bacchus' visit to, 176; Vesta's shrine in, 198; Thetis' flight from, 326.

As-kle'pi-os. Same as AEsculapius; son of Apollo and Coronis, 63.

As-ty'a-nax. Infant son of Hector and Andromache, 321.

At-a-lan'ta. Maiden who takes part in Calydonian Hunt and races with Milanion or Hippomenes, 275-278; significance, 392.

Ath'a-mas. King of Thebes; father of Phryxus and h.e.l.le, 265; Ino in madness slain by, 174; significance, 391.

A-the'ne. Same as Minerva, 55; tutelary G.o.ddess of Athens, 57; significance, 395.

A-the'ni-ans. Inhabitants of Athens, 215; tribute of, 253, 256; ingrat.i.tude of, 262.

Ath'ens. Minerva's festivals at, 60; tribunal at, 139, 140; contest for, 152; AEgeus, king of, 250; Theseus' arrival at, 252, 253; Ariadne elopes to, 256; Castor and Pollux' visit to, 260; Theseus, king of, 262; Peleus, king of, 305.

At'las. 1. Mountains. 2. One of Iapetus' sons, 25; daughters of, 98; heavens supported by, 227-229; Perseus petrifies, 244-246; significance, 379.

At'ro-pos. One of the Fates; cuts the thread of life, 165.

At'ti-ca. Province of Greece; Cecrops founds city in, 57; oppression of, 255; of, 259.

Au-ge'as. King of Elis; his stables were cleansed by Hercules, 221-223.

Au'lis. Port in Boeotia, the meeting-place of the Greek expedition against Troy, 312, 315.

Au-ro'ra. Same as Eos, G.o.ddess of dawn; attendant of Apollo, 85, 107; jealousy of, 70; t.i.thonus loved by, 90; AEolus' wife, 213.

Aus'ter. Southwest wind, same as Notus; a son of AEolus and Aurora, 215.

Au-tom'e-don. Achilles' charioteer, 328.

Av'en-tine. One of the seven hills on which Rome is built, 226.

A-ver'nus. Lake near Naples; the entrance to Hades in Italy, 160; AEneas' visit to, 370.

Bab'y-lon. The home of Pyramus and Thisbe, 117.

Bac-cha-na'li-a. Festivals in honor of Bacchus, 182.

Bac-chan'tes. Female followers of Bacchus, 176, 182; Orpheus slain by, 79, 80.

Bac'chus. Same as Dionysus, G.o.d of wine and revelry; son of Jupiter and Semele, 171-182; Vulcan visited by, 147; Ariadne rescued by, 257; tutor of, 300; gift from, 306.

Bau'cis. 1. The mortal who showed hospitality to Jupiter and Mercury; wife of Philemon, 43, 44. 2. Father of Dryope (changed to a tree), 298.

Bel-ler'o-phon. DemiG.o.d; mounts Pegasus and slays the dread Chimaera, 291-296; significance, 393, 394.

Bel-lo'na. G.o.ddess of war; attendant of Mars, 138.

Ber-e-ni'ce. Queen whose hair was changed into a comet, 130, 384.

Ber'o-e. Nurse of Semele, whose form Juno a.s.sumes to arouse Semele's jealousy, 171, 172.

Bi'ton. Brother of Cleobis; draws his mother to the temple, 54.

Boe-o'ti-a. Province in Greece, whose city was Thebes, 47, 280.

Bo're-as. North wind; son of AEolus and Aurora; kidnaps Orithyia, 213-215; sons of, 267.

Bos'po-rus. Channel connecting Black Sea and Sea of Marmora, on route of Argonauts, 268.

Bra.s.s Age. Third age of world, 35.

Bri-a're-us. One of the Centimani; son of Ura.n.u.s and Gaea, 18; umpire, 152.

Bri-se'is. Captive of Achilles during Trojan war; claimed by Agamemnon, 318, 319, 324; significance, 394.

Bron'tes (Thunder). A Cyclop; son of Ura.n.u.s and Gaea, 18.

Bru'tus. Unborn soul of Roman hero, seen by Anchises in Hades, 372.

Ca'cus. Son of Vulcan, 148; giant slain by Hercules on Mount Aventine, 226; significance, 386.

Cad'mus. Brother of Europa; founder of Thebes, 45-48; husband of Harmonia, 107; daughter of, 171; dragon-tooth seed of, 268; significance, 386, 390, 393.

Ca-du'ce-us. Wand given to Mercury by Apollo, 134.

Cae'sar. Unborn soul of Roman hero, seen by Anchises in Hades, 372.

Cal'a-is. Son of Boreas and Orithyia, 215.

Cal'chas. Soothsayer of the Greeks during the Trojan war, 315.

Cal-li'o-pe. One of the nine Muses, loved by Apollo, 90; mother of Orpheus, 75.

Cal-lis'to. Maiden loved by Jupiter; changed into a bear by Juno; the Great Bear, 52.

Cal'y-don. Home of Meleager; site of Calydonian Hunt, 275.

Cal-y-do'ni-an Hunt. Organized by Meleager to slay a boar, 275-279.

Ca-lyp'so. Nymph who detained Ulysses on Ogygia seven years, 354; significance, 395.

Ca-mil'la. Volscian maiden; fights, and is slain by, AEneas, 373, 376; dedicated to Diana, 374.

Ca-mil'lus. Unborn soul of Roman hero, seen by Anchises in Hades, 372.

Cam'pus mar'ti-us. Roman exercising grounds sacred to Mars, 143.

Can'cer. Crab which attacked Hercules to defend the Hydra; a constellation, 221.

Cap'i-tol. Temple dedicated to Jupiter in Rome, 48.

Car'thage. A city in Africa, built by Dido, visited by AEneas, 367.

Cas-san'dra. Daughter of Priam; her prophecies, though true, were always disbelieved, 310, 364; captivity of, 361.

Cas-si-o-pe'ia. Mother of Andromeda, 246; a constellation, 249; significance, 391.

Cas'tor. One of the Dioscuri or Gemini, 278, 279; rescue of Helen by, 260; Argonauts joined by, 266; Calydonian Hunt joined by, 275.

Cau-ca'si-an Mountains. Same as Caucasus; Prometheus chained to, 28, 227.

Ce'crops. Founder of Athens, 57; descendants of, 255.

Ce-lae'no. One of the Harpies; frightens AEneas by prophesying harm, 365.

Ce'le-us. 1. King of Eleusis; father of Triptolemus, 188. 2. Father of Andromeda; significance, 391.

Cen'taurs. Children of Ixion, half man, half horse; Chiron, 218, 263, 314; Hercules fights, 221; battle of, 230, 260; Nessus, 234-236; significance, 391, 397.

Cen-tim'a-ni (Hundred-handed). Three sons of Ura.n.u.s and Gaea, 17, 18.

Ceph'a-lus. Hunter loved by Procris and Aurora, 70, 71, 90; significance, 387.

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