The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government Volume I Part 24

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Footnote 155: (return) "In the course of this conversation I told Judge Crawford that it was fair to tell him that the opinion at Was.h.i.+ngton was, the secession movements were short-lived; that his Government would wither under suns.h.i.+ne, and that the effect of these measures might be as supposed; that they might have a contrary effect, but that I did not consider the effect. I wanted, above all other things, peace. I was willing to accept whatever peace might bring, whether union or disunion. I did not look beyond peace. He said he was willing to take all the risks of suns.h.i.+ne."-(Letter of Judge Campbell to Colonel Munford, as above.)

Footnote 156: (return) Letter to Colonel Munford, above quoted. The italics are not in the original.

Footnote 157: (return) Message to the Legislature of South Carolina, November, 1861.

Footnote 158: (return) Letter to Colonel Munford, above cited.

Footnote 159: (return) Letter to Munford.

Footnote 160: (return) Judge Campbell, in his letter to Mr. Seward of April 13, 1861 (see Appendix L), written a few days after the transaction, gives this date. In his letter to Colonel Munford, written more than twelve years afterward, he says "Sunday, April 8th."

Footnote 161: (return) For this and other doc.u.ments quoted relative to the transactions of the period, see "The Record of Fort Sumter," compiled by W. A. Harris, Columbia, South Carolina, 1862.

Footnote 162: (return) "Lincoln and Seward," New York, 1874, pp. 57, 58. The italics are not in the original.

Footnote 163: (return) Ibid., pp. 64-69.

Footnote 164: (return) Mr. Crawford, as we have seen, had arrived some days earlier. The statement in the message refers to the arrival of the full commission, or a majority of it.


Protests against the Conduct of the Government of the United States.-Senator Douglas's Proposition to evacuate the Forts, and Extracts from his Speech in Support of it.-General Scott's Advice.-Manly Letter of Major Anderson, protesting against the Action of the Federal Government.-Misstatements of the Count of Paris.-Correspondence relative to Proposed Evacuation of the Fort.-A Crisis.

The course pursued by the Government of the United States with regard to the forts had not pa.s.sed without earnest remonstrance from the most intelligent and patriotic of its own friends during the period of the events which const.i.tute the subject of the preceding chapter. In the Senate of the United States, which continued in executive session for several weeks after the inauguration of Mr. Lincoln, it was the subject of discussion. Mr. Douglas, of Illinois-who was certainly not suspected of sympathy with secession, or lack of devotion to the Union-on the 15th of March offered a resolution recommending the withdrawal of the garrisons from all forts within the limits of the States which had seceded, except those at Key West and the Dry Tortugas. In support of this resolution he said:

"We certainly can not justify the holding of forts there, much less the recapturing of those which have been taken, unless we intend to reduce those States themselves into subjection. I take it [pg 282] for granted, no man will deny the proposition, that whoever permanently holds Charleston and South Carolina is ent.i.tled to the possession of Fort Sumter. Whoever permanently holds Pensacola and Florida is ent.i.tled to the possession of Fort Pickens. Whoever holds the States in whose limits those forts are placed is ent.i.tled to the forts themselves, unless there is something peculiar in the location of some particular fort that makes it important for us to hold it for the general defense of the whole country, its commerce and interests, instead of being useful only for the defense of a particular city or locality. It is true that Forts Taylor and Jefferson, at Key West and Tortugas, are so situated as to be essentially national, and therefore important to us without reference to our relations with the seceded States. Not so with Moultrie, Johnson, Castle Pinckney, and Sumter, in Charleston Harbor; not so with Pulaski, on the Savannah River; not so with Morgan and other forts in Alabama; not so with those other forts that were intended to guard the entrance of a particular harbor for local defense....

"We can not deny that there is a Southern Confederacy, de facto, in existence, with its capital at Montgomery. We may regret it. I regret it most profoundly; but I can not deny the truth of the fact, painful and mortifying as it is.... I proclaim boldly the policy of those with whom I act. We are for peace."

Mr. Douglas, in urging the maintenance of peace as a motive for the evacuation of the forts, was no doubt aware of the full force of his words. He knew that their continued occupation was virtually a declaration of war.

The General-in-Chief of the United States Army, also, it is well known, urgently advised the evacuation of the forts. But the most striking protest against the coercive measures finally adopted was that of Major Anderson himself. The letter in which his views were expressed has been carefully suppressed in the partisan narratives of that period and wellnigh lost sight of, although it does the highest honor to his patriotism and integrity. It was written on the same day on which the announcement was made to Governor Pickens of the purpose of the United States Government to send supplies to the fort, and is worthy of reproduction here:165

[pg 283]

[Letter of Major Anderson, United States Army, protesting against Fox's Plan for relieving Fort Sumter.]

"Fort Sumter, S. C., April 8, 1861.

"To Colonel L. Thomas, Adjutant-General United States Army.

"Colonel: I have the honor to report that the resumption of work yesterday (Sunday) at various points on Morris Island, and the vigorous prosecution of it this morning, apparently strengthening all the batteries which are under the fire of our guns, shows that they either have just received some news from Was.h.i.+ngton which has put them on the qui vive, or that they have received orders from Montgomery to commence operations here. I am preparing, by the side of my barbette guns, protection for our men from the which will be almost continually bursting over or in our work.

"I had the honor to receive, by yesterday's mail, the letter of the Honorable Secretary of War, dated April 4th, and confess that what he there states surprises me very greatly-following, as it does, and contradicting so positively, the a.s.surance Mr. Crawford telegraphed he was 'authorized' to make. I trust that this matter will be at once put in a correct light, as a movement made now, when the South has been erroneously informed that none such would be attempted, would produce most disastrous results throughout our country. It is, of course, now too late for me to give any advice in reference to the proposed scheme of Captain Fox. I fear that its result can not fail to be disastrous to all concerned. Even with his boat at our walls, the loss of life (as I think I mentioned to Mr. Fox) in unloading her will more than pay for the good to be accomplished by the expedition, which keeps us, if I can maintain possession of this work, out of position, surrounded by strong works which must be carried to make this fort of the least value to the United States Government.

"We have not oil enough to keep a light in the lantern for one night. The boats will have to, therefore, rely at night entirely upon other marks. I ought to have been informed that this expedition was to come. Colonel Lamon's remark convinced me that the idea, merely hinted at to me by Captain Fox, would not be carried out.166

[pg 284]

"We shall strive to do our duty, though I frankly say that my heart is not in this war, which I see is to be thus commenced. That G.o.d will still avert it, and cause us to resort to pacific means to maintain our rights, is my ardent prayer!

"I am, Colonel, very respectfully,

"Your obedient servant,

"Robert Anderson,

"Major 1st Artillery, commanding."

This frank and manly letter, although written with the reserve necessarily belonging to a communication from an officer to his military superiors, expressing dissatisfaction with orders, fully vindicates Major Anderson from all suspicion of complicity or sympathy with the bad faith of the Government which he was serving. It accords entirely with the sentiments expressed in his private letter to me, already mentioned as lost or stolen, and exhibits him in the att.i.tude of faithful performance of a duty inconsistent with his domestic ties and repugnant to his patriotism.

The "relief squadron," as with unconscious irony it was termed, was already under way for Charleston, consisting, according to their own statement, of eight vessels, carrying twenty-six guns and about fourteen hundred men, including the troops sent for reenforcement of the garrison.

These facts became known to the Confederate Government, and it was obvious that no time was to be lost in preparing for, and if possible antic.i.p.ating the impending a.s.sault. The character of the instructions given General Beauregard in this emergency may be inferred from the ensuing correspondence, which is here reproduced from contemporary publications:

"Charleston, April 8th.

"L. P. Walker, Secretary of War.

"An authorized messenger from President Lincoln just informed [pg 285] Governor Pickens and myself that provisions will be sent to Fort Sumter peaceably, or otherwise by force.

(Signed) "G. T. Beauregard."

"Montgomery, 10th.

"General G. T. Beauregard, Charleston.

"If you have no doubt of the authorized character of the agent who communicated to you the intention of the Was.h.i.+ngton Government to supply Fort Sumter by force, you will at once demand its evacuation, and, if this is refused, proceed, in such a manner as you may determine, to reduce it. Answer.

(Signed) "L. P. Walker, Secretary of War."

"Charleston, April 10th.

"L. P. Walker, Secretary of War.

"The demand will be made to-morrow at twelve o'clock.

(Signed) "G. T. Beauregard."

"Montgomery, April 10th.

"General Beauregard, Charleston.

"Unless there are especial reasons connected with your own condition, it is considered proper that you should make the demand at an early hour.

(Signed) "L. P. Walker, Secretary of War."

"Charleston, April 10th.

"L. P. Walker, Secretary of War, Montgomery.

The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government Volume I Part 24

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