Confessions Of Con Cregan Part 5
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"You 're quite a philosopher, Con," said he, smiling.
"So Father Mahon used to say, sir," said I, proudly, and in reality highly flattered at the reiteration of the epithet.
Thus chatting, we journeyed along, lightening the way with talk, and making the hours seem to me the very plea-santest I had ever pa.s.sed. At last we came in sight of the steeple of Kinnegad, which lay in the plain before us, about a mile distant.
The little town of Kinnegad was all astir as we entered it The "up mail" had just come down, in the main street, sending all its pa.s.sengers flying in various directions,--through shop-windows; into cow-houses and piggeries; some being proudly perched on the roof of a cabin, and others most ign.o.bly seated on a dunghill; the most lamentable figure of all being an elderly gentleman, who, having cut a summerset through an apothecary's window, came forth cut by a hundred small vials, and bearing on his person unmistakable evidence of every odor, from tar-water to a.s.safot-ida. The conveyance itself lay, like the Ark after the Deluge, quietly reposing on one side; while animals male and female, "after their kind," issued from within. Limping and disconsolate figures were being a.s.sisted into the inn; and black eyes and smashed faces were as rife as in a country fair.
I was not slow in appropriating the calamity to a good purpose. "See, sir," I whispered to my companion, "you said, a while ago, that n.o.body had such bad luck as yourself; think what might have happened you, now, if you had n't missed the coach."
"True enough, Con," said he, "there is such a thing as being too late for bad as well as for good fortune; and I experience it now. But the next question is, how to get forward; for, of course, with a broken axle, the mail cannot proceed further."
The difficulty was soon got over. The halt and the maimed pa.s.sengers, after loudly inveighing against all coach-proprietors,--the man that made, and the man that horsed, he that drove, and he that greased the wheels of all public conveyances,--demanded loudly to be forwarded to the end of their journey by various chaises and other vehicles of the town; I at the same time making use of my legal knowledge to suggest that while doing so, they acted under protest; that it was "without prejudice" to any future proceedings they might deem fit to adopt for compensatory damages. If some laughed heartily at the source from which the hint came, others said I was a "devilish shrewd chap," and insinuated something about a joint-stock subscription of sixpences for my benefit; but the motion was apparently unseconded, and so, like many benefactors of my species, I had to apply to my conscience for my reward; or, safer still, had to wait till I could pay myself.
My young companion, who now, in a few words, told me that he was a student at Trinity College and a "reader for honors," pulled out his purse to pay me. "Remember, my boy, the name of Henry Lyndsay; I 'm easily found, if you chance to come to Dublin,--not that I can be of much service to any one, but I shall not forget the service you rendered me this day. Here, take this, pay for the mare's feeding, and when she has rested--"
I would not suffer him to proceed further, but broke in:
"I'm not going back, sir! I'll never turn my footsteps that way again!
Leave the mare in the inn; Andy comes every here for the market, and will find her safe. As for me, I must 'seek my fortune;'
and when one has to search for anything, there's nothing like beginning early."
"You 're a strange fellow, Con," said he, looking at me; and I was shrewd enough to see that his features exhibited no small astonishment at my words. "And where do you intend to look for this same fortune you speak of?"
"No one place in particular, sir! I read in an old book once, that good luck is like suns.h.i.+ne, and is not found in all climates at the same time; so I intend to ramble about; and when I breakfast on the sunny side of the apple, never stay to dine off the green one."
"And you are the kind of fellow to succeed!" said he, half to himself, and rather as though reflecting on my words than addressing me.
"So I intend, sir," replied I, confidently.
"Have you ever read 'Gil Bias,' Con?"
"I have it almost by heart, sir."
"That's it!" said he, laughing; "I see whence you've got your taste for adventure. But remember, Con, Gil Bias lived in different times from ours, and in a very different land. He was, besides, a well-educated fellow, with no small share of good looks and good manners."
"As for age and country, sir," said I, boldly, "men and women are pretty much alike at all times, and in all places; in the old book I told you of a while ago, I read that human pa.s.sions, like the features of the face, are only infinite varieties of the same few ingredients. Then, as to education and the rest,--what one man can pick up, so can another.
The will is the great thing, and I feel it very strong in me. And now, to give a proof of it, I am determined to go up to Dublin, and with your honor too, and you'll see if I won't have my way."
"So you shall, Con!" replied he, laughing; "I'll take you on the top of the chaise; and although I cannot afford to keep a servant, you shall stay with me in College until chance, in which you have such implicit faith, shall provide better for you. Come, now, lead the mare into the stable, for I see my companions are packing up to be gone."
I was not slow in obeying the orders, and soon returned to a.s.sist my new master with his luggage. All was quickly settled; and a few minutes after saw me seated on a portmanteau on the roof on my way to Dublin.
It was still dark, on a drizzling morning in January, as we reached the Capital; the lamps shone faintly through the foggy, wet atmosphere; and the gloom was deepened as we entered the narrow streets at the west of the city. A few glimmering lights from five-stories high, showed where some early riser was awaking to his daily toil; while here and there, some rough-coated policeman stood at the corner of a street to be rained on; except these, no sign of living thing appeared; and I own the whole aspect was a sad damper to the ardor of that enthusiasm which had often pictured the great metropolis as some gorgeous fairy-land.
The carriage stopped twice, to set down two of the travellers, in obscure dingy streets, and then I heard Mr. Lynd-say say, "To the College;" and on we went through a long labyrinth of narrow lanes and thoroughfares, which gradually widened out into more s.p.a.cious streets, and at length arrived at a great building, whose ma.s.sive gates slowly opened to receive, and then solemnly closed after us. We now stood in a s.p.a.cious quadrangle, silent and noiseless as a church at midnight.
Mr. Lyndsay hastily descended, and ordering me to carry in some of the baggage, I followed him into a large scantily furnished room, beyond which was a bedchamber, of like accommodation. "This is my home, Con,"
said he, with a melancholy attempt at a smile; "and here," said he, leading me to a small one-windowed room on the opposite side, "here is yours." A bed, of that humble kind called a stretcher, placed against one wall, and a large chest for holding coals against the other, a bottomless chair, and a shoe-brush with very scanty bristles, const.i.tuted the entire furniture.
It was some time after all the luggage was removed before Mr. Lyndsay could get rid of the postilion; like all poor men in a like predicament, he had to bargain and reason and remonstrate, submitting to many a mortification, and enduring many a sore pang, at the pitiless ribaldry which knows nothing so contemptible as poverty; at last, after various reflections on the presumption of people who travel and cannot afford it, on their vanity, self-conceit, And so forth, the fellow departed, with what my ears a.s.sured me was no contemptible share of my poor master's purse.
I was sitting alone in my den during this scene, not wis.h.i.+ng by my presence to add anything to his mortification; and, now all was still and noiseless, I waited for some time expecting to be called,--to be told of some trifling service to execute, or, at least, to be spoken to; but no, not a sound, not a murmur, was to be heard.
My own thoughts were none of the brightest: the ceaseless rain that streamed against the little window, and shut out all prospect of what was without; the cold and cheerless chamber and the death-like silence were like lead upon my heart.
I had often, in my reveries at home, fancied that all who were lifted above the cottier in life must have neither care nor sorrow; that real want was unknown, save in their cla.s.s; and that all afflictions of those more highly placed were of a character too trifling to be deemed serious; and now suddenly there came to me the thought, What if every one had his share of grief? I vow, the very suspicion thrilled through me, and I sat still, dwelling on the sad theme with deep intensity.
As I sat thus, a sigh, low, but distinct, came from the adjoining chamber. I suddenly remembered my young master, and crept noiselessly to the door; it stood ajar, and I could see in, and mark everything well.
He was sitting at a table covered with books and writing materials; a single candle threw its yellow glare over the whole, and lit up with a sickly tint the travel-worn and tired features of the youth.
As I looked, he leaned his forehead down upon his arm, and seemed either overcome by sorrow or fatigue; when suddenly a deep-booming bell sent forth a solemn peal, and made the very chamber vibrate with its din.
Lyndsay started at the sound; a kind of shudder, like a convulsive throe, shook his limbs; and sitting up on his seat, he pushed back the falling hair from his eyes, and again addressed himself to his book.
The heavy tolling sounds seemed now no longer to distract, but rather to nerve him to greater efforts, for he read on with an intense persistence; turning from volume to volume, and repeatedly noting down on the paper as he read.
Of a sudden the bell ceased, and Lyndsay arose from the table and pa.s.sed into the bedroom, from which he almost instantaneously reappeared, dressed in his cap and gown,--a new and curious costume in my eyes, but which at the time was invested with a deep, mysterious interest to me.
I retired silently now to my room, and saw him pa.s.s out into the wide court. I hastened to look out. Already some hundred others in similar costume were a.s.sembled there, and the buzz of voices and the sound of many feet were a pleasant relief to the desert-like silence of the court as I had seen it before. The change was, however, of a very brief duration; in less than a minute the whole a.s.semblage moved off and entered a great building, whose heavy door closed on them with a deep bang, and all was still once more.
I now set myself to think by what small services I could render myself acceptable to my young master. I arranged the scanty furniture into a resemblance, faint enough, certainly, to comfort, and made a cheerful fire with the remnant of the roomy coal-box. This done, I proceeded to put his clothes in order, and actually astonished myself with the skill I seemed to possess in my new walk. An intense curiosity to know what was going on without led me frequently to the door which led into the court; but I profited little by this step. The only figures which met my eye were now and then some elderly personage clad in his academic robes, gravely wending towards the "Hall," and the far less imposing cries of some "college women," as the hags are called who officiate as the University housemaids.
It was at one of these visits that suddenly I heard the great door of the "Hall" burst open with a crash, and immediately down the steps poured the black tide of figures, talking and laughing in one multifarious din that seemed to fill the very air. Cautiously withdrawing, I closed the door, and retired; but scarcely had I reached my room, when young Lyndsay pa.s.sed through to his own chamber: his cheek was flushed, and his eyes sparkled with animation, and his whole air and gesture indicated great excitement.
Having removed his cravat, and bathed his temples with cold water, he once more sat down before his books, and was soon so immersed in study as not to hear my footsteps as I entered.
I stood uncertain, and did not dare to interrupt him for some minutes; the very intensity of his application awed me. Indeed, I believe I should have retired without a word, had he not accidentally looked up and beheld me. "Eh!--what!--how is this?" cried he, endeavoring to recall his mind from the themes before him; "I had forgotten you, my poor boy, and you have had no breakfast."
"And you, sir?" said I, in reality more interested for him than myself.
"Take this, Con," said he, not heeding my remark, and giving me a piece of silver from his purse; "get yourself something to eat: to-morrow, or next day, we shall arrange these things better; for at this moment my head has its load of other cares."
"But will _you_ not eat something?" said I; "_you_ have not tasted food since we met."
"We are expected to breakfast with our tutor on the examination mornings, Con," said he; and then, not seeming to feel the inconsistency of his acts with his words, he again bent his head over the table, and lost all remembrance of either me or our conversation. I stole noiselessly away, and sallied forth to seek my breakfast where I could.
There were few loiterers in the court; a stray student hurrying past, or an old slipshod hag of hideous aspect and squalid misery, were all I beheld; but both' bestowed most unequivocal signs of surprise at my country air and appearance, and to my question, where I could buy some bread and milk, answers the most cynical or evasive were returned.
While I was yet endeavoring to obtain from one of the ancient maidens alluded to some information on the point, two young men, with velvet caps and velvet capes on their gowns, stopped to listen.
"I say, friend," cried one, seemingly the younger of the two, "when did _you_ enter?"
"This morning," said I, taking the question literally.
"Do you hear that, Ward?" continued he to his companion. "What place did you take?"
"I was on the roof," replied I, supposing the quaere bore allusion to the mode of my coming.
Confessions Of Con Cregan Part 5
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